Thanks to Tomo Mizuki for the inspiration to write this story. Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or TKC!

Athena/ Thoth.

-Athena Pov-




I was in Tennessee for two weeks; Memphis to be exact. I was here for the purpose of education of course. I was in Memphis to visit the Pyramid Arena; to scrutinize its architecture, but also to admire it. Currently I was in the form of a mortal woman with long blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, much like miniature tornadoes. I was wearing a pair of Denim skinny jeans; they were what were currently in fashion in the mortal world. Normally, I wouldn't care about fashion, but I figured it would be better if I looked like part of the crowd, and didn't stick out, just a regular tourist. I was also wearing an orange v- neck t-shirt with a breast pocket. My feet were clad in a pair of black and white Nike tennis shoes, which I found rather ironic, seeing as I knew Nike on a personal basis.

I was also carrying an over the shoulder satchel, it was orange and tan. I had asked Hecate to enchant it so she could carry anything in it: my laptop, notebooks, writing supplies, mortal money, a few darmachas (not sure on spelling, but you know what I mean!), a change of clothes, a water bottle, and of course my trusty suit of armor and sword. I had also decided to pack a notebook of battle plans to read, as well as the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. So I was a little bit of an over protective mother, I just needed to, well… determine the relationship between the sea spawn and Annebeth!

All of this swam through my mind as I melded with the crowd swarming toward or past the Pyramid Arena***. It was striking, the pyramid I mean; tall, sparkling, and a magnificent blue-ish clear color. It seemed so out place in this modern city. While pyramids are an excellent example of architecture, they still reminded me of Egypt. Egypt reminded me of her gods. Her gods reminded me of how, first Set, then Apophis tried to take over the world. Luckily those two Kane children were able to sort things out… but alas that was as much knowledge as I had gathered on the situation. For a moment, I wondered briefly about Thoth, who was, in a way, my Egyptian double; minus the whole battle strategy part. I walked on, closer to the pyramid.

Needless to say I spent the rest of the day admiring the architecture, taking measurements, and scribbling notes in my own sloppy scrawl I dared to call writing. I have to say I was quite annoyed at the many curious glances thrown my way as I scurried around the perimeter of the pyramid; yet I worked on. Sooner than expected the time for the mortal meal of 'dinner' came around. I found myself slightly hungry as well as thirsty. I had already drained my water bottle so I departed from the Pyramid Arena and went back into town to search for a suitable food shop.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Right, you've got a monkey butler. Why not?"-Sadie Kane The Red Pyramid-~~~~~

I somehow managed to find a quaint little Greek Café, with reasonable prices as far as mortal money goes. I ordered something of the menu that I had only had once about 1,000 years ago called Spanakopita tart with bacon and mushrooms. I was munching on my Spanakopita tart and reviewing my notes from earlier when I heard the bell over the door chime signaling someone had entered the shop. I didn't look up, though I admit I was curious, but I was so engrossed in my notes.

"Yes, I'd like a table for one please. A window seat if you have one," there was a pause as the waiter gestured to an empty table a few away from mine right by the window overlooking the street. "Yes, that's perfect." The stranger answered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a lanky man in his twenties. He had a mop of tornado swept blonde hair on top of his head and he was wearing faded jeans and a blue and black t-shirt that said ACDC on it. His eyes were the strangest thing though, they were like kaleidoscopes, constantly changing and shifting. There were also smears of words and notes all over his bare arms.

He smiled at the waiter and ordered his drink. He produced a black laptop from the backpack he had propped up on the floor next to his chair. He booted it up and opened a word document. To my amazement I could see was titled "A Brief History on Leechcraft and its Relation to Ancient Egypt"!

Needless to say he now had my full attention, as I was now openly gaping at him. If there was one thing Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy did not do, it was gawk! Soon he was turning around to look at me as he must have glimpsed me out of the corner of his eye. He tilted his head and smiled awkwardly. I closed my mouth and looked away, blushing; which was odd because I rarely ever blush.

"Can I help you miss?" he asked in a southern accent. It was soft and subtle and I could tell he had probably recently relocated to Tennessee because I detected a small trace of a foreign accent. Although I couldn't pinpoint it though; which made me angry because I didn't like being clueless!

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "But I couldn't hope but notice that you have an essay titled 'A Brief History of Leechcraft and its Relation to Ancient Egypt'."

"Oh, yes." He muttered embarrassed. "I work for The University of Memphis. I'm also a student there. I'm only an assistant professor, although someday I hope to be a real professor. It's for one of my classes." He explained.

"Sorry, it's just not something most people would be interested in. I-" He cut me off before I could continue.

"Why don't you come sit here," he gestured to the table next to him. "It's quite awkward to talk to each other from opposite sides of the room."

I scrutinized the table as well as him before complying. I scooped up my satchel, notes, drink, and plate of food: the satchel over my shoulder, the notebook under my arm, and the plate and drink in my hands. I plopped down at the table and put my satchel over the shoulder of my chair, my drink and food on the table, and my notebook on the edge of the table. He glanced at my notebook and his hypnotic eyes widened in amazement.

"You took very detailed notes on the Pyramid Arena." He exclaimed.

"Yeah. I'm really into architecture…" needless to say the rest of the night, right up until the Greek shop closed down and we were kicked out, we were discussing everything; history, science, art, architecture, books, music, food, culture, and languages.

And Aphrodite, if you're out there right now listening to my thoughts, you'll be happy to know I got his number and address in a scrawl just as sloppy as mine!

Theodore Maverick—345- 8779

THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS-Turnoff Highway 36 where you see the sign. Highway 36 runs strait through town. If you need assistance call me. ****

~~~~~ "Michel Jackson lived here?" (Sadie) "No dummy, Elvis Presley." (Carter) The Red Pyramid~~~~~

*** I've never been to Memphis, Tennessee so I have no idea where the arena is located or what it's actually like. I don't know if it's even near town so…. Ya.

****I have no idea what phone numbers look like there or what the real address for the University is so I made them up!

Also I don't know what leechcraft is, it was just in the book!

Anyway there will be more chapters later…possibly. Any way you can tell me what you think about this story by clicking that big blue button below that says REVIEW STORY. Click it, you know you wanna! Also if you have anything specific you want to happen next TELL ME IN YOUR REVIEW! ~

_~~ Mustache Lover 3's sealing wax~~_