Sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I had some school issues and family and lost inspiration but now i'm back. I hope you like it ;]


Chapter 3

Carlisle POV

It was another busy day at the hospital as any other day but who to complain. Helping people is what I always wanted to do. I was looking over some charts of a patient of mine who got a fractured leg while on a hike in the mountains. He looked like he would be fine, only needing to walk with crutches for a few day. The receptionist tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around.

"Umm... your wife is on the phone. She sound very worried and demands to speak to you," she told me.

My kind smile turned to a frown. "Thank you Sandra," I told her, taking the phone. I put the phone to me ear. "Esmé, what's wrong?"

"Oh thank god Carlisle. Something terrible happen. Alice found this poor girl beaten at the school. She was just left out in the rain and ... oh the poor dear is so badly hurt and she's losing so much blood. You have to come home now."

I instantly became worried and began speaking low and fast. "Did she have identification on her? A wallet? A drivers licences?"

"No, just a bracelet with the name Bella on it. Dear please hurry home. I can hear her heart beating beginning to drop."

"Don't worry love I am on the way." I hung up the phone and turned to Sandra and ran a hand through my hair. " is everything alright?"

"Yes...No...I mean I have a family emergency. I am leaving for the rest of the day can you find a replacement to look after my patients for today?"

She nodded urgently. I gave her a grateful smile and hurried to my office. I closed the door behind me and ran around the room in vampire speed, collecting the items I would need. Who on earth would attack a girl and just leave her out in the rain. I hope whoever did this, god have mercy on their souls.

Esmé POV

I hung up the phone and ran to the living room and saw Alice sitting beside her on the couch. Her eyes were black and she looked in pain. "Alice, sweetheart, go hunt. I know the blood is getting to you." She shook her head no and looked up at me with angry eyes. I know she felt sympathy for the girl. She was always an emotional happy girl but when it came to pain she would be out for revenge.

"Why? Why would anyone do this to her," she yelled. "When I saw her get attacked, she didn't even fight back. She looked so scared and that bastard just smiled at her when he kicked her."

I placed a hand over my dead heart. It felt broken. I felt so sorry for the poor dear as well. Alice was right. She did not deserve.

No one did. I walked up to and sat beside her and held her hand. We watch the poor child in deep pain but she was so quick and her heart was faint but it looks as if Alice had tried to stop the bleeding at least. We were both quick when I suddenly pick up on the sound of Emmet pounding feet come towards the house but they suddenly stopped. I looked at the doorway and saw Emmett just standing there, his mouth open wide as his eyes. He was lost for words, just like I had been.

"Who is this. What happen?" he said worried, coming closer.

If it was for coming back from feeding I would have told him to keep his distance. He sat down beside us and looked at the poor. "So is anyone going to tell me what the hell happen?"

I slapped behind head. "Emmett so swearing. Alice had a vision of her being beaten and bleeding to death outside at the high school. We are just waiting for Carlisle." Emmett looked so confused and angry.

"Esmé, who would beat up this poor child. It barbaric. It's monstrous. It's...okay it's just not right!" He protested. He looked so angry at this moment. I had never seen him look this mad before. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know dear. I know."

I heard Carlisle's car speed down the road and parked right in front of the house. I heard the door slam and now saw him standing in front in the doorway Emmett studded just a moment ago. He had his doctor bag in hand. He got down to his knees and moved her head to the side. When he gasped.

"Dear, what is it?" I asked worried. He turned his head and looked at us. "I know this child. This is Bella Swan. He father was killed in a shot a few day ago. Her mom died when she was very young and she's living with the new Sheriff now I heard." I put a hand over my mouth and gasped. This poor dear has suffered so much in few short days.

"Will she be okay," I asked. I was actually almost afraid of the answer. He looked over quickly and placed a hand over her chest and her side. "Well her ribs are not broken and she had not punctured a lung. If I can get the blood to stop them we should be fine but i don't know if she had received any head trauma from the attack." I reached over and took the Bella's hand.

I placed another hand over it when I felt Bella's' hand squeeze it. I knew Bella felt my cold hard skin but I she felt happy tears fill my eyes but they would not fall. I was just happy she was responding. It made me feel hope that she would be okay. I did a soft dry sob that shook Bella slightly.

Bella's eyes slowly open, revealing her chocolate-brown eyes that were just so beautiful. They just looked at me and welled up in tears and she bit her lip, groaning in pain. I simply shushed her and brushed her back. "Please help me. I don't want to die," she begged causing my heart to cry out in pain. "You will be fine. My husband will help you. I promise."

Her eyes began to close and she passed out from the pain. I turned to Carlisle in panic. He saw it in my eyes so he reached over and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. I looked him deep in his eyes and said, "Please do everything in your power to save her. Just please save her." He nodded. I looked at my children and nodded my head towards the door.

They understood and got up and left but Alice was more reluctant than Emmett was. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come on Alice. She's in good hand." Alice looked very unsure, which is a rare look on her face, so could not see her future. But she nodded and walked out.

Before leaving I looked back once more to see Carlisle give her shot to ease her pain and began to wipe the blood from her body and I saw him smile up at Bella peaceful face.