Disclaimer: I do not claim nor own Harry Potter or Inuyasha. I just own this plot.
Kagome sank into Draco's chest in relaxation, watching the Golden Trio's children and hers play mini-Quidditch in their backyard.
Draco had on his pair of glasses at the tip of his nose and in one hand, held a book; the other held a cup of tea. A skill he developed and perfected when his wife used his chest. They all sat on their house's porch, under the shade.
Lily, Akemi, Lucian and Rose were on one team, which makes James, Albus, Hugo and Luka on the other; Lucian and James were seekers.
The parents sat back and watched their legacy.
Authors Note: And that concludes Smitten. I would like to thank everyone who went along the ride and I wish the future readers will enjoy this fanfic and make it popular! Yeah! There won't be any sequels, no continuation of the fic. I'll see you all in my next new-sometime-in-the-future story.
Prompt: Relaxation
Words: 100