Ok ok I know I killed you guys with that ending! I was really mean. Looking back now I have no idea what the hell I was thinking. I really was planning on writing a happy epilogue to fix it all, but I never got around to it. So after many months I started getting reviews on it again and I decided to finally write this. So here it is!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters

Maria Hill woke up practically sweating. She shot up in bed in a panic. Her hand went to her heart and she took a deep breath. She continued to breathe frantically. Finally Steve, who was sleeping next to her after many days away from her on a mission, woke up. He rubbed his eyes in a sleepy way.

"What wrong?" He touched her shoulder. "Are you ok Maria?"

She sighed loudly, holding back the tears her nightmare almost cost her.

"Maria" He repeated.

Finally she laid back down, "I just had the worst dream"

He tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear, "What was it about?"

She looked at the ceiling, her hands placed on her stomach, "You left me"

Steve tried to say something but she kept talking.

"You-you died" She said softly.

He chuckled softly and she narrowed her eyes at her.

"I'm not going anywhere" He kissed her forehead. "I think you're stuck with me"

He chuckled to himself again but Maria pressed her lips to his. When she pulled away he looked at her with a grin.

"I'm never going to leave you" Steve smiled and Maria's lips curved into a small smile.

That night Maria fell asleep in Steve's arms and didn't leave them until she had to.

And fin! I hope this short but happy epilogue can make up for my idiot mistake! Ha-ha. I've got a series of one shots to be posted so look out for that! Oh and a Steve and Maria wedding fic might be in your future so look out for that. Thanks for reading guys :)