Sora Higurashi was enjoying a snack with her husband Akira in the kitchen of their brand new home. She slowly ate from a bowl of cherries while Akira absentmindedly rubbed her pregnant belly. Akira bent over and whispered tender words to their unborn child and Sora's heart swelled with happiness. She was reveling in the moment when suddenly, her cell phone rang.
"Sora? This is Izayoi."
"Izayoi? Oh, I'm glad you called! Are you and your family still coming over today?"
"Of course! Taisho told me you have new sonograms of the baby. You know I wouldn't miss those for the world! Actually, this is so crazy because we've been so close since we were kids, and now we're having kids!"
"Yeah, you're right, it is crazy. Friendships as strong as ours are rare. I'm lucky to have you."
"Aww, I feel the same way. Well, I'm getting InuTaisho and the boys ready to head out. I love you very much and I will see you soon."
"Okay, I'm looking forward to seeing you. I love you, too. Bye-bye!"
When Sora hung up the phone, she went right back to eating her cherries. When she lifted another one to her mouth, her doting husband gently put his hand on her arm to stop her. She glanced at him with a questioning look. He just smiled and took the cherry out of her hand to feed it to her. Sora blushed, but she giggled and welcomed her husband's attentions.
"So they're coming, love?" Akira asked.
"Yes, they're on their way! I'm so excited," Sora gushed. "I've missed them."
"The last time we saw them was only three weeks ago, love," Akira reminded her with a smile.
"Oh, I know. But you know how much I love them! They're some of the only family we have."
"Of course, sweetheart," Akira replied as he kissed her on the forehead and placed his hands back on her swollen belly. "I wonder how InuYasha and Sesshoumaru will react to our incoming bundle of joy."
"Oh, I'm sure they'll all get along just fine. But I'm curious, too. InuYasha is one and Sesshy is five. You never know what to expect from children."
When the doorbell rang, Akira got up to answer the door. He planted another kiss on Sora's head before leaving the kitchen. When he opened the door, InuTaisho was the first of their guests to enter. They greeted each other with their personal handshake before Akira turned to greet Izayoi and the kids.
"Izayoi!" Sora cried. The men jumped. Sora had come up behind them without a peep. Only Izayoi and the boys had seen her coming.
"Sora, you look well. Awww, your belly has gotten even bigger!" Izayoi exclaimed in return.
Izayoi adjusted InuYasha on her hip and gestured for Sesshoumaru to walk through the door with her before giving Sora a big hug. She made sure to be gentle, wanting to be cautious around the precious cargo. Akira smiled and shut the door behind them. He then led everyone to the living room to sit down.
"Ohhh, look at these photos," Izayoi cooed while examining the sonograms. "Your little girl looks so sweet all curled up in there."
"Yeah, I am so happy we're having a little girl," Sora sighed. I am so excited."
"Oh, I'm sure you are," Izayoi swooned. "You're so lucky you're having a girl. You'll have someone to dress up, hair to curl, nails to paint, and someone to go on shopping sprees with! Of course I'm happy with my boys, but it would be so nice to have a girl. Don't you think, InuTaisho?"
Her husband gave a weak laugh, dreading even the thought of having another child. Luckily for him, everyone's attention shifted to InuYasha as he got up from the floor to waddle over to where Sora was seated on the couch. He stood between her legs and placed his chubby little hands on her nine month pregnant belly.
"Baby?" he asked with a glimmer in his cute, golden eyes.
"Yes, little Inu. There's a baby in my belly," Sora said while smiling at the adorable little boy.
"Baby! Come out little baby!" InuYasha yelled while smacking Sora's belly.
"Oh no, Inu! Stop!" Izayoi yelled. She darted off the couch to grab her son.
She had begun to apologize and ask if Sora was alright, but she was cut off by Sora's piercing scream. Sora doubled over, groaning from the pain. She began to convulse as what felt like electric jolts shot through her abdomen.
"Sora!" Akira yelled frantically. He carefully gathered her up in his arms and then ran to the car. He secured her in the backseat with Izayoi, who had tears streaming down her face and was apologizing profusely on InuYasha's behalf. Akira didn't couldn't answer her; the anxiety had his head spinning so Izayoi's voice faded to the background. He hopped into the driver's seat and sped off towards the hospital while InuTaisho and the boys trailed closely behind.
Once they reached the hospital and Sora was rolled away, Akira plopped into a chair in the waiting room with his head in his hands. Everything was a blur. It seemed to have happened so fast! He was mumbling anxiously to himself when a tiny person patted him on the knee.
"Uncle Akiyah?" baby InuYasha asked. "Inu sowwy, Inu no mean to hurt Aunty Sowa," the little boy said with tears in his eyes.
Akira lifted the baby into his lap. He hugged him close and whispered, "it's alright and it's not your fault," in his little puppy ear. InuYasha sobbed, wailing "sowwy" over and over. Akira bounced him on his knee in an attempt to comfort him. InuTaisho took over for Akira when a doctor came and told him that Sora was getting ready to give birth. As Akira rushed off to be by his wife's side, fear, joy and excitement swirled within him. The baby would soon be ready to come out, just as InuYasha had demanded.
A few hours later, Izayoi's family filed into the delivery room where Akira and Sora were waiting with a little pink bundle. Izayoi squealed and ran over to them with InuYasha in tow. Sora moved the cloths from around the baby's face so everyone could see.
"Oh! Sora, she's beautiful! Have you named her yet?" Izayoi said tenderly.
"Kagome," Sora and Akira answered in unison.
InuYasha stared at the baby girl with curiosity shining in his big, golden eyes.