"Korra, you are still thinking like a fighter! You cannot beat your spiritual side into submission."

Korra groaned inwardly at Tenzin's admonishment. It was two hours into her morning meditation, and she'd had zero luck so far. She knew that she couldn't force her past lives to contact her or imbibe her with supreme knowledge or whatever they were supposed to do. But she really hated the way that she felt meditating, just waiting for the possibility of spiritual awakening. She could barely hear Tenzin s feather-light footsteps as he walked to where she sat, eyes closed, in full lotus position on the ground.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and she could feel his close proximity when he brought his face close to her ear, saying, "You must relax your body and strengthen your mind, Korra."

Mmmm...Tell me more about my body, Korra thought. Just hearing Tenzin talk about her body made her grow warm, and she worried he would be able to feel it through his contact with her bare shoulder. Luckily for her, he straightened up, removing his hand. "Try again, and this time, focus on being totally released from your body."

Korra tried her hardest to do as he asked, but found that she could not concentrate at all. Her mind kept returning to the feel of Tenzin s palm on her shoulder, the way that it seemed to burn the surface of her skin, as well as the tickle of his breath on her jaw as he d spoken into her ear. The memory only served to make her tenser than ever.

Tenzin could, of course, sense this. He sounded disappointed when he dismissed her from their meditation practice.