What happened?

Thomas had been down in the basement for over forty-eight hours he hadn't come up with his lunch nor to get a glass of liquid down his throat, there wasn't any work that needed to be done everyone was dead the meat had already been sliced in different sizes for a stew, chilli maybe even something as simple as a roast that was rarely eaten in this house only on special occasions. Thomas stood in the ankle-deep water which sent shivers down his spine his hands hung limply at his sides his shoulders was sagged his head angled so that he could rest his cheek against his shoulder, the mask that he was wearing was decaying the rope was old and stained he needed no he wanted to make a new one, something that he could feel comfortable around wearing his child who was only a few weeks old though it felt to Thomas like she was staring right through him, she certainly was smart much like her mother. Dragging his heavy shoes through the water listening to it sloshing around he rested the palm of his hand against the table, as he twisted his lower body around sitting down on the edge of the stool that would usually be occupied by Susie he rested his elbows against the table something he would never get away with upstairs placing his face in his hand he dragged his fingers through the hair that wasn't his comparing it to his hair.

The boy that he had taken the face off had perfect hair it felt smooth there wasn't any knots in it not like his hair it always felt greasy no matter how many times he would wash it, it seemed to go back to its original state this always made the bullies toy with him more his muscles grew tense out of anger, his childhood a place in his mind that he tried to keep pad locked having this town decaying meant that his daughter wouldn't have to be put through the same petty torment that he went through, at the same time it also meant that she wouldn't have a future what if she wanted to become a nurse or even a teacher she wouldn't have the qualifications...


Pain travelled through his clenched fist seconds after he punched the table dragging his hand from the table it swung by his side, he twitched his fingers checking that he hadn't done something stupid like break anything, his eyes narrowed behind his mask why would his daughter want something better than what his family already had, here she would be safe there would be no chance of her getting hurt he would watch over her protectively no body would harm his little girl.

Another hour had passed Susie was growing more worried about Thomas she began to re think their last conversation questioning herself if she had something that made Thomas hide away, she dragged her fingers through her hair briefly scratching at her scalp looking at the bottle of milk that was floating in the simmering water she picked it up squirting some of the milk on her wrist to check the temperature. Not flinching away from the liquid she set to work to feed Calista; she was seated in a high chair that originally belonged to Thomas and Hoyt when they were younger. Smiling down at her daughter she carefully picked her up placing her in her lap nudging the bottle against the young girls lips, Calista obediently opened her mouth and began to suckle her hands moved to grab hold of the bottle almost like she was feeding herself which made Susie giggle gently she saw so much of Thomas in the girl she knew that Thomas would dis agree with her, making movements on how their daughter was perfect like herself and that he was a monster. As Susie looked out of the kitchen window she failed to notice that Calista pulled away from the bottle and was staring intently at the door way, her mouth opened showing her toothless mouth as she stretched the fine muscles around her mouth in an open mouthed grin.

Her father had filled the door way.

He stood silently watching his daughter who was meant to be feeding his eyes that were narrowed when he thought over simple solutions down stairs remained that way, even when his daughter waved to him he didn't rise his hand in response he turned his head and walked away just meer seconds before Susie turned to stare in the direction that he had placed himself just moments ago, she saw that Calista was frowning it made her arch a brow until the faint sound of humming could be heard as Luda walked into the kitchen she placed her car keys down on the counter next to the fridge setting to work on the meal that they would be having tonight.

"Hello Luda."

Susie spoke in a gentle tone which caused Luda to almost jump two feet in the air she turned placing a hand against her chest, usually Luda was aware of everything that was in her surroundings but it seemed today she had allowed herself to dwell in an area of the mind, that she hadn't visited since she was a girl. Susie had to bite on her lower lip to prevent any giggles to be heard Calista didn't pay Luda any heed she was staring in the direction, that Thomas had gone earlier expecting him to come back.

"Susie dear I didn't see you there."

Susie meerly nodded her head she wanted to make a comment though forced herself not to instead she looked, back down at Calista trying to encourage her to feed only to have her daughter turning her head and frowning as she tried, to push the bottle away from her mouth she was hungry but she was more interested in where her father had gone.

"I noticed that the basement door is open, has Thomas been round here?"

The shocked look on Susie's face answered Luda's question which made her become concerned ever since Thomas and Susie had been together Thomas would always come up to see her, even when he was meant to be working this is the longest that they had been apart and it worried Luda there had been a time when Thomas would spend hours down in the basement but that was when they had people around now that all the meat was ready to be consumed she began to worry on what Thomas was doing.

"Could you look after Calista for me? I want to see if I can find Thomas before he disaperes again."

Luda nodded her head as she took the young child who had started to struggle her frown deepening, Luda gently bounced her up and down against her hip knowing that the child was just as concerned as the rest of them.

Susie walked out of the kitchen she lifted her head glancing towards the stairs thinking that maybe he was up there, but surely she would have heard his heavy foot work shaking her head she lowered it heading into the room which was occupied by Monty who had once again fallen asleep in front of the television the remote barely gripped by his fingers, glancing around she saw no sign of Thomas in the room she walked towards the window and peered outside Hoyt was out there, working on his car there was no orders raining from his mouth so he must be on his own, Hoyt always made Thomas work like a dog and if Thomas was there, there would be shouting and possibly some cursing.

Panic started to sink in.

"No... You haven't looked up stairs yet get a grip."

Susie scolded herself walked towards the stairs she began to climb them only to stop at the sound of the floor board creaking, a large shadow was casted across the wall next to her which made her smile knowing that shadow from anywhere. Susie moved herself off of the stairs leaned against the wall and waited watching as the shadow started to darken which meant that Thomas was coming closer she tilted her head back, watching as Thomas made his way down the stairs, her smile seemed to become larger wanting to wrap Thomas in a hug then bring him into the kitchen so that he could see his daughter who she was sure was missing him as much as she was.

"Hey Thomas."

She spoke gently causing Thomas to stop his foot hovering above the second to last step he lifted his head up as he looked towards the source of the voice, setting his eyes on Susie he nodded his head to acknowledge that he heard her before he started to walk past her only to stop once more when he felt her grab onto his wrist he turned his head, as he looked at her over his shoulder arching a brow under his mask knowing that she wouldn't be able to see that he was doing this it just happened naturally.

"Thomas..? Thomas whats wrong I haven't seen you for so long, do you want to come and see your daughter?"

The answer she got made her blood turn cold.

Thomas shook his head.

Swallowing she allowed her arm to drop by her side when Thomas yanked his wrist out of her grip and head back towards the basement, she wrapped her arms around her body feeling suddenly cold even during the Texas summer heat a lump formed in her throat as she flinched when the door to the basement was slammed Calista was starting to fuss, she didn't even hear the door opening but she heard the cruel voice that seemed to hiss over her shoulder.

"There comes a time in every boys life when he becomes a man."

Susie said nothing as a single tear trailed down her cheek, what sort of man doesn't want to see their daughter...?

What had happened to Thomas?

The End

Well that is the end, look out for the third and final part of this story which will be published in a few days.