Love Can Be Found Anywhere - Part 2

- A big shout out to all those who followed the prequel of this story. I am so sorry I deleted it. Please continue to read this sequel, I promise I will NEVER delete it again. Thank to you to -

Villians Bad Girl & nightassassin480 for making me see straight.

Enjoy the story and please R & R.

Previsiouly -

Susie looked up towards Thomas, her eyes starring at the face that was half hidden. Thomas gazed down at Susie he wanted to tell her that everything would be alright, that there would be some way that she would not have to worry about all of the blood loss.

But he couldn't.

Instead he starred down at her as his tears that travelled down his face, before to trickle down her hand that was against his own face.

Swallowing Susie managed a small shakey smile to form over her lips, as she gazed at the beauty that was Thomas.

"I love you Tommy..."

She whispered out before her head rolled forward, causing her chin to rest against his knuckles, and her mouth to close.

Now -

The first thing that Susie felt was the warmth of a blanket drapped over her body, her hair was damp; not from the blood or her and Thomas's tears but from warm hot water. The blood and the grain from the earth had been spilled down the drain. Her eyelids began to flutter open, usualy when ever people wake up after fainting they say that the light is the first thing that they see, but in Susie's case all she saw was shadows in the shape of people.

She was lucky that it was almost sunset, the once bright light had long since died down.

Her lips began to quiver as she let out a silent groan, mainly from the pain that was travelling through her head, and the pain from the bullet wound.

One of the shadows twitched and turned, a skeleton looking hand moved towards her faceand lightly pressed against her forehead before moving up and down in a stroking motion. Susie could tell by the smoothness of the hand, that it was infact Luda Mae.


She whispered out.

The shadows were starting to become more clear, which allowed Susie to see the gentle smile of the old women, that she saw as a mother.

Luda smiled in a gentle tone, her moon cut glasses were resting against her crow like noes, as she pulled hand hand away from Susie's forehead and placed it against her cheek bone instead. Luda had been so worried that even after getting the bullet out, that Susie would not wake up. Pushing her lips out to make it look like she was about to kiss someone, she hushed Susie gently.

"Hush now sweetie, you need your rest, you gave us quit a scare."

Her voice was firm yet gentle as she wanted the best for Susie.

Susie could feel her eyes starting to roll and her eyelids flutter as sleep started to concsome her. Her mind began to wonder back, back to when she was laying half dead in Thomas's arms and what she said to him. Shifting herself around to get comfortable, she turned her head to the side so that the back of her skull was facing Luda.

"I love you Tommy."

She whispered in her sleep.

Luda smiled as she heard what Susie said, pushing aside a strand of her grey hair so that it would tickle her ear lobe. Moving herself from Susie's bed she walked out of the room closing the door lightly behind her, knowing that Susie would be fine until morning which would be when she would bring up some food for Susie, and allow the hopefully sleeping Thomas to see her.

Walking down the hall way Luda gripped onto the small apron that was tied around her waist, as she began to dry yer hands making sure that her knuckles were dry, along with her fingers.

Susie was safe and Thomas was asleep everything seemed to be going back to normal, which caused a loving smile to come along Luda's lips.

Thomas was laying on his back starring up at the celiling, he could not remeber the last time he had blinked or the last time that he breathed, he just felt like a lifeless corpse. The girl he loved had almost died in his arms, if it was not for Uncle Hoyt knowing about bullet wounds, and for Luda to know about cleaning, then Susie would be surely be dead. He felt happy and then sad at the same time, he was sad because it had been such along time and he had almost lost Susie but he was happy, because he had the women that he loved sleeping in the room next to his.

Thomas lifted his head up from his pillow as he heard the sound of light footsteps coming towards his door, his heart began to hammer inside of his chest. Was it Luda? Was it Hoyt? As he gripped onto the covers to cover himself up to make it look like he was asleep the door, slowly opened the show Susie.

Thomas did not know what to do.

Susie leaned against the door frame, her left arm was risen as she trailed her fingers through her freshly washed her, her lips were parted in the shape of a small pout. Her eyes were half open as they gazed down at the shocked looking Thomas, she allowed a small smile to show which soon turned back into a pout.

"Hey Tommy.."

She whispered.

Thomas slowly pushed the blankets away from himself as he seated himself up, his hair was covering up most of his face.

Susie slowly moved herself from the door frame, her steps were short and slow, due to her wound she would not be able to walk that fast incase she broke the fresh stitches. She paused once she reached the side of Thomas's bed.

"Ca... Can I sleep with you tonight? I'm scared."

Her eyes looked down at the floor, she felt so foolish saying this to Thomas but after being shot she just wanted to be close to him.

Thomas nodded his head as he moved himself down towards the wall, so that there was plenty of room for Susie to come and lay down next to him, his heart was thudding in his chest. He pulled the blankets aside so that Susie would be able to get in without any trouble.

Susie smiled at how much of a gentleman Thomas was, and how he was not making fun of her that she was afraid. Slowly she climed into the space that Thomas had made for her, the matress was warm thanks to his body heat, she carefully laid herself down being sure not to cause herself any pain. As her head hit the pillow and her eyes began to flutter shut, she felt the light wieght of the duvet being dropped over her, and then the feeling of the matress slightly sinking down as Thomas laid himself down to rest.

As Thomas laid down he watched Susie making sure that she was comfortable and not fearful looking, as he knew after his first night of trying to sleep when he kiled as a teenager who was unable to sleep for days. Smiling gently at Susie's sleeping form, as his eyes began to close he flinched and became tence at something pressing against him. He began to panic as he looked down, his panic soon left him and he became confussed and shocked. Susie had moved herself in her sleep, her face pressed against his chest and her small hand was gripping onto his shirt like a young child, holding onto a blanket.

Slowly he moved his arm and drapped it around her, holding her close against his chest savouring the warmth and the love that seemed to flow from her and to him. His head rested against the top of her own, his breathing was silent and still as he slept beside her.

As he slept he was not able to think about the regret that was flowing through him, the main regret was that Susie would be mad at him for holding her while she slept. But right now all that he cared about was, sleeping and protecting Susie.

Tomorrow could wait.