It can't end like this...


The cry of Luda's scream echoed over the sound of the gun shot. Everything seemed to slow down, Thomas could hear his own heart beating in his ears deathening the sound of his chainsaw that was, shaking in his hands as he held onto it tightly. His eyes were wide as tears began to dribble down his face. He could hear the sound of Uncle Monty shouting for someone to help Susie, but no one was moving it was almost like their feet were nailed to the ground preventing them from taking, any steps towards the heart breaking scene.

Blood was travelling down Susie's upper chest and her jumper, her once mousey brown hair turned a dark blood red as clamps of it started to stick together like, glue to paper. Her eyes were looking at Thomas, watching him pleading mentally that he would come and take her into his arms, instead of this biker who held onto her arm like, it was nothing more than a stubborn jar of pickles. Her blood was not trapped within his grip, it was flowing out of her like rain falling from the clouds.


As Susie choked out Thomas's name everything seemed to swing back into reality again. Everything was starting to move at its regular pace. Hoyt had managed to find his barings and was barking orders at Thomas and Luda, while he shouted bloody murder at the biker who had let go of Susie's arm before pushing her forward, causing her tear stained face to fall into the dirt. The small fragments of dirt and and her own blood started to cover her face, and block up the air ways within her mouth.

She was losing air and blood fast.

Thomas without thinking tossed aside his chainsaw like it was nothing more than a over used toy, and raced towards the limp body that was Susie. Hoyt had started to rain down bullet after bullet at Satans Apprientace, aiming for the kneecaps, shoulder and head. Satan had his back to the family as he raced down the drive, of course he was not that fast concidering the wounds he had gotten thanks to the accident, but he was not going to give up now that he had come so far.

Falling heavily to his knees Thomas began to pick up Susie, her body was lighter than normal. It was almost like picking up air...

Hoyt had run past the heart broken Thomas and dying Susie as he started to get closer to Satan's Apprientace.

"You son of a bitch!"

He screamed loudly causing his throat to burn, his arms were stretched out infront of him as he shot again. This time when the bullet soared through the hair it cut through Satan's leather jacket, tearing through musucle tissue and lodging it's self in his collar bone. Satan cried out in confussion and pain as he staggered to the side, his hand swung towards the wounded area as he clasped onto it tightly before, he pushed himself forward and continued to run, his feet stumbling and his body starting to fully register the pain that was being caused by the burning hot bullet.

Again Hoyt shot. If it was done to chance or luck it was unknown, but the bullet managed to lodge its self directly in the back of Satan's head.

Satan seemed to freeze in time, as the bullet broke apart tough bone before lodging directly in his brain, at first all he could feel was pain like some sort of headache, then his eyes began to roll as his vision started to get blurry. The effort of standing on his own two feet was to much effort, balance was not something that he had. Letting out a low choke, that almost sounded like a sickening chuckle he fell onto his knees, the sound of bone cracking before he fell flat on his face. His noes pushed into the first, snapping in two causing it to point at an angle, his blonde hair obsoring the blood that was pumping out of the small wound in the back of his head.

Satan's rain of terror was over. But with a hefty price.

Hoyt stood over the body of the dead biker, his blood was boiling and the grey hairs along the back of his head stood up, as he sneered. If this was any other time he would have laughed and humliated the dead corpse, but right now all he did was stand there. His hand was burning from where the gun had heated from the amount of bullets that had been forced out, his shoulders were slumped and his hat tilted forward slightly.

Thomas remained on the floor holding Susie close to his bloody apron, his large clumsy hands were brushing against her cheek bones, touching her lips and bumping against her button noes. His lower jaw was quivering as his tears, were trailing down his face, over the leather mask that Susie had complimented on so many times and onto her own face. Susie lay in Thomas's arms to weak to move or struggle away from the heat that was, being produced from the Texas sun and Thomas's own body. Her blood soaked hand rose up, her fingers were long and shaking as she placed the tip of her fingers against his forehead, half chewed nails collecting sweat and tears. Her hand slowly dragged down his face, her thumb brushing against his noes, her little finger disapering into a bushy eyebrow that was pulled down, the palm of her hand pressed against his mask, feeling the heat of his flesh through the sticky subtance. She left her hand on his face, her fingers had travelled down just far enough that she could feel the outline of his chin. His hand was against her neck of the bullet wound, trying to prevent the blood from flowing, his dark eyes looking down at her lips, at her face, at her eyes anywhere but her blood soaked neck and top.

Luda was standing behind Thomas, her hand was covering her mouth. Her eyes were narrowed and her eyebrows pulled together, as small tiny beads of tears began to dribble down her aging face. Monty was watching from the porch, his mouth agape ready to catch some flies, his hands on the wheels. Closing his mouth he bowed his head down before he shook it slowly, as he twisted the wheels he rolled back into the house not wanting to be apart of the scene.

Hoyt had turned himself around as he looked at his nephew holding the only gril, who had dared to show him some emotion other than hate. He knew enough about bullet wounds to know, that Susie surviving was slim. His head turned as he looked at Thomas's chainsaw that was laying upon its side roaring loudly as it seemed to be jumping around. Hoyt crouched down, his eyes scanning over the large piece of equipment, never before had he really concidered how Thomas was able to run around with this before, but seeing how large it was, it really made him impressed. Gripping onto the wire like handle, he gave it once harsh tug, causing the Texas countryside to fall into silence.

Susie looked up towards Thomas, her eyes starring at the face that was half hidden. Thomas gazed down at Susie he wanted to tell her that everything would be alright, that there would be some way that she would not have to worry about all of the blood loss.

But he couldn't.

Instead he starred down at her as his tears that travelled down his face, before to trickle down her hand that was against his own face.

Swallowing Susie managed a small shakey smile to form over her lips, as she gazed at the beauty that was Thomas.

"I love you Tommy..."

She whispered out before her head rolled forward, causing her chin to rest against his knuckles, and her mouth to close.