Title: Alice in Zombieland

By: Lcrazemag

Summary: Quinn, Rachel, and Santana flee a chaotic New York in an attempt to find safety. They instead run into Sam, Mike, Jesse and baby Beth. Quinn Fabray protects her own, but how long will it be before she cracks under the pressure?

A/N: So, this is kind of my contribution to Faberry week, but I knew I wouldn't have the time to tackle each day individually. Fortunately, since I'm awesome, ambitious, and ambitiously awesome; I tried to fit the all themes into this one giant mindfuck of a one shot. I've actually been wanting a fic like this to be written for a long while with my favorite characters, so I intentionally left it somewhat open so that I could maybe build on it when I have the time- this would be like a prologue. I'm tired and its 4am so mistakes will be present, but I hope they aren't too bad. Leave me some feedback and tell me what you think. I've always frowned upon the idea of posting a WIP, but I might take a crack at it anyways. :)

Quinn was mostly regretting her decision to let them distract themselves with alcohol almost from the minute Santana popped open the stolen bottle of Grey Goose and smiled that mischievous smile. She watched her fill up the solo cups with way more vodka than was necessary for a quick buzz. They needed to be alert and have their eyes open at all timesQuinn just knew that responsibility would fall solely onto to her if she allowed this mini-drunk-sesh to happenbut she just could not rain on their one piece of normalcy and teenaged rebellion. What the fuck did it matter now anyways? The least of their worries included under-aged drinking and shoplifting these days. She thought about having a shot herself, but upon second glance at the amount of liquid sloshing around in the cups, she figured she shouldn't tempt herself. She had Beth to care for, and she wouldn't ever do anything that would hinder her ability to protect her. She noticed Mike smiling softly at her while she lounged with a sleeping Beth on her chest, and was happy to see he'd forgone drinking as well. She watched amusedly as Santana, Jesse, and Sam drunkenly tried to out nerd each other, arguingquietlyover which super hero was best and why. Rachel had taken to curling up into her side with her cup hanging dangerously from her grip, which Mike reached over and grabbed before it dropped. She debated whether it would be safe to stay at this campsite tonight and let them sleep it off, and she and Mike silently agreed that he would be ready to drive the boys in Jesse's Range Rover should a problem arise. But for now, they'd stay put for a minute and rest.

They were all sitting in a Rav-4 she'd hot wiredhey, look at that! Grand theft autoand stolen from one of the student parking lots at NYADA. She was on a trip to visit Rachel and Santana when all hell broke out as some crazy-ass student started biting and mauling another in the courtyard. As the crowd gathered to somehow help the pour soul he was... eating.. chaos suddenly broke loose and sirens were blaring and Quinn had high tailed it to the diner she had agreed to meet her girls. People were acting..weird, for lack of a better descriptor, but she'd made it there and saw Santana and Rachel sitting there oblivious to the pandemonium brewing just two blocks away. It seemed as if they hadn't even noticed the sirens as they giggled about God knows what and sipped theirno doubt, soylattes. She'd have been somewhat jealous of their increasingly amorous friendship had the moment not called for a certain urgency. She had, afterall, just semi-witnessed cannibalism, and even though she could admit that her time with the Skanks and the pink hair and the wardrobe made her feel pretty bad ass 100% of the time, she SO didn't know how to handle that.

She'd rushed into the diner and tried to calm herself down so she could somehow explain to them what she'd just seen and how they should be going.. somewhere.. so that they would be safe but she'd instead started panicking, which of course caused Rachel to panic and Santana to be left with the trying task of being the level-headed one. People were staring, and for once not because of her glowing pink head. Santana had managed to get her into the booth before she immediately burst into tears and started hyperventilating. That lasted all but a minute before Rachel let out a piercing scream as a bloody body hit the glass window in front of their booth and startled them. Apparently,whatever this was had followed her and they needed to go, now. She could try to wake herself up from this nightmare later but right now Rachel needed her and Santana needed her and she is Quinn fucking Fabray. She protects her own.

The fleeting thought of her WWII paper that was due next Monday crossed her mind as she considered how this scene resembled an all our war. When they dashed outside the diner, they'd immediately been confronted with what looked like the drama department decided to put on a very violent flash mob for shock value. That thought crossed her mind as well, until Rachel screamed again and nearly climbed on top of her as she witnessed a guy get his arm bitten by one of the crazies not 20 ft to their right. Immediately recognizing this as fucking real life, Quinn's mind flipped into Sue-Sylvester-Apocalyptic-Survival mode, as did Santana's, and they shared a split second glance before each grabbing one of Rachel's hands and bolting towards the dorms.

When they got there it really wasn't much better. There didn't seem to be any crazies running around attacking people but the students all seemed to have heard of or witnessed the incidents were running around like they were on fire, yelling out insane words like "zombies" and "infected" and Quinn really didn't have the wherewithal to scoff at how dramatic they were. At that thought, she chanced a glance at Rachel, who was completely pale and wide-eyed and clearly out of her element and scared. Her grip on Quinn's hand was probably cutting off circulation but Quinn was already numb to her surroundings so she could come up with a plan to get them out of this nightmare. After ascertaining that Rachel was probably too shocked at all of insanity to be of any help, she relied on Santanawho was lucky enough to be able to visit Rachel daily without the need for a $300 Metro passto lead them to Rachel's room and away from all the noise of the common area.

Inside Rachel's room was almost like a safe haven. The rooms were apparently sound proofedwhich should have amused Quinn if she'd had a moment to consider that these kids all probably practiced their scales at ridiculous hours and annoyed each other just like her own little Divaand offered her a chance to get through to Rachel and get her packing some things they could take with them. She had already decided that they needed to get out of there, all she needed now was the how. Santana informed her that the subway would be complete suicide if they get trapped by a stampede of people or a group of crazies, and Quinn agreed. Rachel then informed them that her room mate was out of town visiting family, and had left behind her Rav-4, but she had taken the keys with her. Quinn, once again, was enlightened with the thought that God must have certainly had a path for her to follow, because if it were not for her time with the Skanks, she'd never have been able to acquire this car that they so desperately needed at the moment, and she'd probably hesitate to steal it. Ha, those things were now non-issues. Street skills for the win.

Getting through the lot was surprisingly less hard since the human traffic seemed to be mostly headed that way. Fortunately, most of the students seemed to be just trying to leave, and not really attacking anyone, so they were able to make it to the car quickly and safely. Getting inside the car, however, was difficult as hell because Rachel clung to her back like a baby chimpanzee while she was trying to get the locked cracked. She again had to call upon Santana's assistance. Santana had been vigilantly watching their surroundings while Quinn worked on the door so they wouldn't get sucker punched.. or bitten.. and hadn't noticed Rachel practically re-compressing Quinn's spine as she clung to her in absolute fear. Santana reached over and grabbed the terrified girl, and hissed that Quinn should hurry the fuck up. Quinn finally got the door unlocked and hit the switch for the passenger doors, and got to work on starting the car while they sat in the locked vehicle as the the world they knew became a memory. Santana held onto Rachel in the back seat while the girl seemed to be humming "Dont Rain on My Parade" to herself. Santana didn't know what to do but hold her tightly as she watched silent tears fall from Rachel's eyes as she continued to hum. Rachel seemingly blocked out everything with that mantra until Quinn got the car started and asked Santana where they should go. Santana faltered before Rachel whispered "My Dads" which seemed to stun the other two women. They hadn't considered that the madness could extend beyond the NYADA campus, let alone New York. With a new fear, the three girls immediately set to action as Rachel buckled herself in, Santana crawled across the center console to the front passenger seat to set the G.P.S., and Quinn burned rubber out of the parking lot towards Beth.

They were smart enough to grab food items out of Rachel and her room mate's mini fridges, and were lucky enough that her room mate had fully immersed herself in New York life and took the subway like everyone else, so they had enough snacks and gas to get them to Ohio. Quinn had even convinced Rachel to change out of her cute little plaid skirt and into something more practical, causing them once again to raid her room mate's property for survival. Rachel's room mate's style rivaled that of Tina Cohen-Chang; but luckily she owned combat boots, a dark band tee, a black jacket decorated in pink skulls, and dark jeans in Rachel's size. Quinn argued that the denim and boots would be more movable than Rachel's own skirt, peacoat, and Mary Janes. She'd be a liar, though, if she didn't admit that she also thought that the idea of Rachel matching her own dark Skankified clothing was kind of hot and territorial. She didn't have to worry about Tana though, her best friend was already prone to leather jackets and boots and happened to be wearing just that.

What they hadn't accounted for, unfortunately, was the fact that their very human bladders would be full of soy milk and need to be emptied. The sun had set three hours ago and they'd been on the road for four, and Rachel had always needed frequent trips to the ladies room. She claimed it was because she'd always been sure to drink the required eight glasses of water daily, so her body was simply regulating its flow every three hours. They simply had to stop soon or things were going to get super kinky. Quinn had been building her list of sexual goals with Rachel since they'd first kissed during the summer but she wasn't sure she'd ever want to delve into watersports, so she reluctantly pulled off the highway and into a gas station that looked relatively calm so Rachel could do her business in private. She decided that it might be a good idea to top the tank up just in case while they were there. She took a through glance around the area for safety, then tended the pump while Santana and Rachel went inside.

Quinn was listening to her voice mail as Rachel and Santana made their way back to the SUV. She noticed Santana had a bag of something with her, while Rachel seemed a bit less freaked out. She figured that maybe the certainty of a safe destination had managed to calm Rachel down a bit. She noticed Rachel's mood was still somewhat darkwhich ironically matched her outfit and made it seem like she was simply getting into a gothic rolebut who could blame her? Quinn still hadn't had a chance to let all of this sink in. Judy's chipper voice rang out into her ear, pleasantly informing her that she and Shelby were off on a single's cruise this weekend. Quinn cursed herself for missing the call earlier but what would it have really changed? She still had no idea if that meant her mother would be safe and what the fuck did it mean for Beth's whereabouts? Did they take Beth with them? What the hell was she supposed to do until they returned? Hopefully she'd find out once they got to Lima.

She'd encouraged Rachel and Santana to try and reach their parents again, but both girls had encountered calm voicemails stating that Dr. Lopez and Dr. Berry, with the company of Mrs. Lopez and Mr. Berry, had been summoned to Washington, D.C. for a medical conference. Dr. Lopez and Dr. Berry were both needed for their medical expertise, and were welcome to bring their spouses along for the trip. The messages must have been left when they were in a no service area along the road, when they'd frantically tried to contact their families only to be faced with no bars. Quinn sighed and continued on the path to Shelby's since they had no other ideas, which is where they found themselves seven hours later.

Rachel was astonished to identify Jesse's Range Roverwhich easily stood out with its "BWBDBY" tag that he'd insisted clearly meant "Broadway Bad Boy"and immediately got out to ring the door bell. Quinn called after her, jumping out to make sure she wasn't running head first into dark danger, followed by Santana. Rachel banged on the door and frantically rang the bell and called out Jesse's name. She wasn't sure what he was doing at Shelby's place, but he'd spent a few dinners there with Shelby, Quinn, Beth, and Rachel over the summer. He'd even built a tentative yet volatile friendship with Quinn, and a ridiculous comradeship with Santana. That he still visited while she was away in school was still surprising, however, and especially since Shelby was on vacation. What the hell was he even doing there?

That question was answered when an irritated Jesse yanked open the door and started raving about how he'd just gotten Beth to sleep, until he realized who he was yelling at. Quinn pushed past him with what seemed like superhero strength and agility to locate her baby girl and found her resting peacefully, but that didn't stop her from gently yet swiftly scooping up her love and holding her to her chest, sighing in relief. She was somewhat indignant that Shelby had deemed Jesse St. Jackass a suitable baby sitter for Beth, but immediately admitted that Shelby trusted Jesse, and she kind of trusted him too when he wasn't being a giant douche or flirtingalbeit jokinglywith Rachel. He'd even once made her mother blush with a wildly inappropriate comment Judy seemed to enjoy and Quinn wanted introduce her boot to his face, but Jesse was internally a good guy. He seemed to be completely oblivious to any sort of threat or danger, so Quinn assumed that meant that everything would be okay for the time being. Maybe whatever that was they were running from would be contained in New York and the government and the CDC would handle it.

She was wrong.

Two days later they were still at Shelby's and whatever that was had made the news in Ohio and was causing wide spread panic. The Berry's and the Lopez's were still in D.C., and Shelby and Judy were still on their cruise-possibly sheltered from any news from the States. She couldn't get into contact with anyone but Sam Evans, who was a senior at McKinley this year, and Mike Chang, who had happened to be visiting him from college. Both their families no longer lived in Lima, but Sam was able to get an apartment and finish out his senior year at McKinley. Mike had planned to fly back out to his college on Sunday, but the airports were completely down. Both boys were now trapped in Lima away from their families, just like the girls and Jesse, and the insanity seemed to have reached the city.

To Sam: Pack some necessities, bring Mike with you, and meet us at mine. We can't stay here anymore. -Q

Quinn fucking Fabray protects her own.