Writer: *creeps back in* um…hey guys, sorry for the wait but I was working over the summer and…well I am back at school so I'm gonna try and continue (I know may sound weird but school is so much less stressful than work). But before that, I have a few little things I want to go over. Firstly, I put up a picture for the story of Atem and Yugi together. I know a lot of you may have seen the picture around the internet but if you look at Yugi, I made some modifications so it looks like I described him back in chapter 3 (you know the whole blonde fringe streak being brushed in to the back of his hair). Secondly I'm gonna make these comments before and after the chapters a little more interesting like I did last chapter.

Kaiba: If you think for one moment that I'm going to stay here and talk to you writer, then you are mistaken.

Writer: No need to be so sour to me Kaiba, look if it makes you feel better then I'll try with other characters ok?

Kaiba: Yeah go bug the dweebs or something. It's not like they have any important reasons to be in this story anyway.

Writer: Already tried some of them Kaiba, but it never went well either. Anyway, Enjoy!

Return to the End

"I'll get it Ishizu."

Marik got up from the sofa and walked across to the phone. Ishizu was tidying the house, while Odion was outside getting some fresh air.

"Hello?" asked Marik as he picked up the phone.

"Hi Marik, its Yugi. I need your help. Me and Kaiba are on our way to Egypt to where the ceremonial duel took place. Would you and your family be our guides there? We can't fly there directly as there is nowhere to land so we are going to land at the airport." Yugi uttered quickly over the phone.

"Whoa, what?! But the place collapsed after the pharaoh returned to the afterlife! Why would you be heading back there?" questioned Marik.

"It's hard to explain, but even I'm not sure why exactly we have to go there. Can you help us Marik?" replied Yugi.

"Very well. We may not be tomb keepers anymore; however it would be an honour to help you considering everything you and the pharaoh did for me and my family. I'll see you later I guess." said Marik.

"Thanks Marik, see you soon." ended Yugi as he hung up. Marik sighed as he to put the phone down. To think all this crazy stuff had ended and he could go back to a normal life. "At least it keeps life exciting." chuckled Marik. As he did Ishizu walked in to the room.

"Who was that my brother?" asked Ishizu as she walked in to the room.

"Sister, go get Odion, it appears our time as tomb keepers may not be fully over..." murmured Marik to his sister as he started gather stuff to take with them.

Back at Kaiba Corp…

Joey, Tristan and Téa were still all sat in the waiting room. It had been an hour now since Kaiba had gone to see Yugi privately, and they were all starting to get anxious.

"That's it, we are going to see you Yugi!" snapped Joey standing up looking to the others. They nodded in agreement and as the all began to rise, Mokuba burst in to the room.

"Guys, have you seen Yugi or my big brother?! They've gone missing!" he cried trying to hold the tears in his eyes from rolling down his face.

"What!?" cried Joey, Tristan and Téa at once. Joey walked over to Mokuba and grabbed him by the shirt. "You better start giving answers to where our pal is or else." said Joey sternly.

"Whoa man, let go of him, that's not gonna help." Tristan said trying to restrain his friend.

"Tristan's right Joey, we should be working together not fighting." Téa continued. Joey grunted as he let go of Mokuba knowing he shouldn't have done it.

"Look Joey, I'm just as upset as you guys, which is why I came here to see if you guys knew anything." Mokuba said my rubbing his neck where hid shirt had been held tightly. He then reached into his back pocket to pull out a walky talky. "Rolland, this is Mokuba, can you please confirm where Kaiba and Yugi might be?" he said talking into the voice. After a short pause, there was a voice that replied.

"Mr Kaiba took off in Blue Eyes jet about an hour ago along with Mr Motou. I believe there destination is Egypt."

"What!" Cried the 4 of them into the talky. Mokuba was the next one to speak after that.

"Rolland, please prepare the next fastest plane that will fit you along with 4 passengers. You are to fly us to Egypt and use the Kaiba locator, in order to pinpoint my brother's exact whereabouts once we arrive."

"Yes Mr Kaiba." replied Rolland before cutting off the communication.

Mokuba then turned to the gang. "Guys, follow me to the top floor, we are going to Egypt to get some answers." said Mokuba as he began to leave the room indicating for them to follow. Joey, Téa and Tristan all did without a word; all in shock still with the fact that Yugi had left without even telling them.

*A few hours later*

At the Egypt airport…

"I still think it we should have pre warned the airport that we were going to turn up Kaiba." said Yugi as he tried to keep up with Kaiba's fast pace as they moved through the terminal.

"Yugi, I'm Seto Kaiba, one of the richest people on earth, I don't have time to deal with little details like that." snapped Kaiba.

Yugi just rolled his eyes at Kaiba's statement. "Some things will never change," muttered Yugi. He then looked around to see Marik, Odion and Ishizu standing to the side. "Hey Kaiba, look they are over there!" said Yugi as pointed over to them. Yugi and Kaiba walked over them, with Kaiba growing more and more annoyed as he did.

"Yugi it's good to see you again!" said Marik looking at Yugi. He then looked over to Kaiba who appeared to be sulking. "And why is Kaiba here?"

"That's none of your business Marik. Now let's get on with this." stated Kaiba.

"Could you be here as you finally realise your destiny and ties to the past Kaiba?" enquired Ishizu.

"I told you I don't believe in all that crazy mumbo jumbo. Now can we PLEASE get on with this." moaned Kaiba.

"Very Well Kaiba, follow us." replied Ishizu. Marik, Ishizu and Odion began to walk out of the building, as Yugi and Kaiba began to follow.

Marik lead them over to an open roofed car, that Yugi knew archaeologists used when they went to get around in the desert (A/N I have no clue what they are called XD). Odion and Ishizu were sat in the front while Marik, Yugi and Kaiba were in the back. The journey to the Nile was long and quiet, mainly due to the awkwardness between Marik and Kaiba. Yugi assumed that Kaiba was still slightly angry after everything that happened at Battle City, but thought it was best not to ask. Instead he let his mind wander to Atem and the Tablet of History. Yugi was beginning to understand its meaning but was still unsure on parts. "I'll just have to wait until I meet up with Atem." He thought to himself.

After what seemed to be a long travel they finally arrived at the Nile. Ishizu lead the gang to a small speed boat that she had hired in order to cross the Nile to the Temple of the Realm of the Dead. It was at this point, Kaiba spoke up.

"Why didn't we just use my Jet to fly there straight away?" he questioned sounding disgruntled.

"Because Kaiba not only would there be no place to land plus, as you will remember from the last visit here, it was believed that ships were the way for the Pharaoh to transcend from the living world to Realm of the Dead. Now I know we aren't going there however travelling via boat may still hold some meaning." Ishizu replied.

"Either that or you just wanted to waste our time…" Kaiba grumbled.

"Or maybe we didn't want to ride in your lame Blue Eyes Jet Kaiba." retorted Marik with a grin on his face.

Kaiba growled and looked like he was about to make a comment back, but obviously thought better of it. Ishizu and Odion just sighed whereas Yugi tried to form the smirk that was forming on his face. They all got in to the boat and Odion started it up. As they quickly skimmed across the water Yugi was thinking of only one thing now, and that was to help his friend Atem no matter what.

Back at the Airport...

"Man that flight felt like it took forever!" yawned Joey with a stretch.

"Yeah man, I know what ya mean. Now do you think they have any good snack bars at this airport?" questioned Tristan.

"You two are unbelievable, all you ever do is eat and sleep. You both had like 5 bags of peanuts on the flight here!" moaned Téa.

"Actually it was 7." said Joey and Tristan with a grin. Téa looked like she was about to say something else but Mokuba beat her to it.

"Um, guys can we get back to locating Yugi and my brother?" he asked. The rest of them turned to Mokuba indicating they were ready for him to continue speaking. Reaching in to his pocket of his yellow jacket, he pulled out a small electronic device that looked like a phone. "My indicator shows that bro is currently...crossing the Nile..." he said with a little disbelief.

"Oh great, did anyone pack there their swimsuits?" asked Tristan with a smirk.

As the 4 of them began talking they didn't notice that someone else was walking towards them, covered in a sandy cloak.

Writer: So that is chapter 7 guys! Sorry if it seems a bit off or short, it's been a while and I want to keep the next part together in one chapter, instead of separated. Also you have Names Of The Forgotten to thank for this chapter, I saw the review and made me suddenly jump in to writing straight away for some reason. So tell me what you think and hopefully I will update more regularly now! And Kaiba, I'll try and put someone else in the beginning of these chapters…

Kaiba: Good. Now excuse me, I'm getting out of this place, I have business to attend to.