New chapter is up! :) I actually typed this up while a ridiculous thunderstorm was going on though and the lights would flash on and off every once in a while, so fun stuff. This chapter ended up being a long one though and it's a big set up for the rest of the story. So thanks for reading, and I hope you guys like it!

And I actually ended up bringing two of my favorite characters in, so I hope you like them too… ;)

Songs to listen to: I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab For Cutie, Caroline by Alex Clare & Dancing In the Dark-Mat Kearney cover

Caroline heard a knock on the door. She pulled herself up from the bed and went over to open it.

"Were you still asleep?" She actually felt glad to see him. Maybe he was going to stay with her now after all. Sure Caroline wanted to run off and be on her own, but she wasn't completely ready for that yet. It felt good to have some kind of constant in her life, and right now that was Klaus.

"Yeah, I kind of had a long night."

He walked inside past her. "I know. So I decided that I needed to break the rules one more time."

"I don't think that there actually are any rules. It's just you deciding when you're going to do what you want to do."

"Well, when you put it like that." He started walking across the room.

She flashed in front of him. "So what do you want exactly?"

"I want you to go get coffee with me."

"You came all the way up here to ask me to go get coffee?" He nodded. "Why couldn't you have just called me like a normal person?"

"You expected me to behave like a normal person?" He looked at her with mock horror.

"No, I don't know what I was thinking when I said that."

He smiled. "So you'll go then?"

"Sure. Just let me get ready." She stepped around him and pulled a pair of shorts and a tank top out of her bag. She turned to see him watching her. "Are you going to let me change?"

"Absolutely, go ahead."


"Fine, I'll go wait in the hallway."

"Thank you." She watched him as he left, not being able to help it as her eyes trailed down his body. A part of her wishing that she had let him stay, but God knows what that could have led to.

As Caroline started to walk out the door her phone rang in her pocket. She pulled it out.

"Who is it?" Klaus asked as he moved from the wall he had been leaning against on the opposite side of the hall.

"My mom. This is the fifth time she's tried to talk to me this morning."

"So why don't you answer?"

"What would I even say to her? 'Hey Mom. I'm in New York and I'm about to go get coffee with a thousand year old hybrid. How's your day going?'" She quickly shut the door behind her and started off down the hall. She turned around halfway. "Are you coming?"

Klaus had an amused grin on his face. "Of course." He went to catch up with her.

"So," Caroline said as the barista handed her her drink and they started walking down the street. "You like to drink coffee, from little vendors on the side of the street?"

"Absolutely." He watched her. "And you think that's weird?"

"Absolutely." Caroline copied his accent and grinned.

"And now you're mocking me."

"Just a little bit." Caroline watched his face out of the corner of her eye. Why did he have to be so good looking? "It's just so weird seeing you like this." She thought out loud.

"Like what?"

"Just walking and drinking coffee, and not threatening the lives of my friends, and basically being a mass murderer."


"It's the truth." His smile faded. "I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for killing Jenna. Or any of those things really."

Klaus was silent for a while. "I like that about you Caroline."

"That I can't forgive you?"

"No, that you're honest."

"A little too much sometimes apparently."

"I don't think so."

Caroline drank the last of her coffee and tossed it as they passed a trash bin. "Stop being so nice to me."

He held up his hands. "I was just telling the truth. But sorry, I'll try to be much more rude than."

"Good. That will make it a lot easier to not like you."

Klaus smiled. "Is this you admitting that you actually do like me?"

Caroline tried to keep a straight face. "Don't push it."

"Did my brother actually manage to win you over?" Caroline whipped around to face the Original that was behind her. Unfortunately, it wasn't Elijah.

Klaus gritted his teeth and turned around. "Kol."

"Hello Niklaus. Fancy meeting you here."

"Yes, I'm sure it is."

Kol just turned to Caroline and flashed a smile. "I believe I've never properly introduced myself. I'm Kol."

"Yeah, I know. You broke my friend's hand."

"Yes." He didn't take his eyes off of her. "Sorry about that love. I was in a bit of a fight with my sister."

Caroline didn't say anything. Klaus lightly touched her arm. "Well, we really should be going. I'll see you later Kol." They turned away.

"Caroline wait," Kol followed after them. "Where are you staying?"

"In a hotel, somewhere. That I really should be getting back to, so…"

"Fine. How about tonight then? We should do something, all of us."

She looked at him. "Ok."

"Ok?" Klaus raised an eyebrow.

"Sure. Why not."

Kol smiled. "Brilliant. I'll see you later Caroline."


When they were around the corner Klaus stopped walking. "Do you really want to do something with Kol tonight?"

"Honestly, no." She stopped beside him. "But I was afraid that if I didn't he might start stalking me or something."

"I could keep him away. And besides, part of it's only because he knows that I want you."

Caroline was grateful that she could no longer blush, because she probably would have just given herself away. "No it's fine. It probably won't be that bad."

They stood back in front of Caroline's hotel room door. "So I guess that I'll just be waiting for you to pop back up again?"

"Something like that." Klaus was right in front of her, and she didn't know why, but she felt nervous.

"I think I want to leave soon though, like sometime tomorrow maybe."

"I figured that. Where are you going to go?"

"I'm not telling you."

Klaus smirked. "Alright. I'll see you later then Caroline." He started to lean closer and Caroline closed her eyes. Klaus was actually about to kiss her. But then she felt nothing.

She opened her eyes and he was gone. He'd just brushed her hair back. "Ass." She muttered as she slid her key in and pushed the door open. She clicked the lights on and almost let out a scream when she saw a figure laying on her bed.

But she actually did scream when she saw who it was. "Matt!"

Before she even had time to pull him in for a hug, there was a knock on the door. "Klaus?" He looked irritated. "I thought that you were leaving?"

"Oh I was. But then I heard you yell what sounded like 'Matt', so I came back. And," He leaned around her. "Oh look, it's Matt. Fantastic."


"Caroline…" He stepped inside the room.

"Uh, hey Klaus." Matt said awkwardly.

"I'm surprised to see you mate. Get bored with my sister that quickly?"

Matt stepped a little closer to Caroline. "No. Well, we were never really. It's-"

Caroline placed her hand on his back. "You don't have to explain yourself Matt. I'm just glad that you're here!" She threw her arms around him. "I didn't know when it would be before I'd see you again."

"I needed to know that you were really ok Care. And I can take you back home if you want me too."

She pulled out of the hug. "No. I'm good here Matt." He looked at her questioningly. "Really."

"Ok, that's good. I can leave if you want me to then." He glanced over at Klaus.

"No! Stay for a while, please?" He nodded. "How did you even get in here?"

"Well, I can't use compulsion, so I used some of my, southern charm and-"

Caroline started laughing. "Southern charm?"

"Hey! It worked didn't it?"

"Right." She laughed again. "Sorry. So what did you say with your "southern charm"?"

"Well, I basically said that I'm your fiancé, and that I wanted to come and surprise you."

"And that worked?"

"Very well actually."

Klaus silently fumed as he watched them. He finally had Caroline away from Mystic Falls, she was here wanting to be with him. And then Matt Donovan shows up and she starts looking at him like he's one of the seven wonders. "Caroline, can we go for a quick walk? Please?"

She glanced over at him. "We just walked though."



"Really?" They almost simultaneously rolled their eyes. Caroline had to stifle a laugh at how equally dramatic they both were.

"Yes. I'll meet you, after Matt and I have lunch!" She clapped her hands together and smiled. Matt looked nervous.

And Klaus had to fight back a smile. As much as Caroline wanted to be more grown up, he loved seeing her like this. "Wonderful."

"Ok. I'll call you when we get back then, sarcasm and all."

Klaus moved toward the door. "Bye Caroline. Matt."

Matt glanced at Caroline. "Klaus."

Caroline just shook her head and shut the door behind him. "Now that that's over. You have to tell me-"

"Do you love him Caroline?"

"What? Matt, seriously?" Matt just looked at her. "Did it look like I love him just then?"

He shrugged. "It looked like there was something between you guys."

"Matt, we're just, kind of friends. I don't love Klaus."

"Well you don't just go follow after some guy unless you have feelings for him."

"I was the one that came here. He followed me. And now I'm thinking it's definitely time to leave soon. New York is obviously not working out for me very well right now." Matt didn't say anything. Caroline started fussing with her hair in the mirror. "Do you want to go get lunch?"

Matt sighed inwardly, scared that today might be the last time he would see Caroline for a long time. "Sure."

"I should call Klaus." Caroline said when they came back after lunch.

"Caroline wait." Matt touched her arm. "What if I said that I would go anywhere you want to go with you, would you forget about Klaus and just go with me?"

"You have a life Matt, a real one. I can't just let you follow me around and waste your time. I'm a vampire, and we both know that you never want to be one."

"I don't want to leave you though Care."

"Let's just not think about that right now. You can stay here tonight and then we'll figure things out in the morning, ok?"

He let go of her. "Ok."

Caroline pulled her phone out. "Hey Klaus, before you say anything, can we just skip the second walk? And you can just talk to me before we meet Kol tonight? Because there is no way in hell that I'm bringing Matt tonight. And, I still really need to take a shower."

"Aw, you don't want to see if we can run into Elijah this time?"

"Funny. But with my luck, it'd be Rebekah."

Klaus laughed. "Of course. I'll pick you up tonight then. And yeah, it's probably not a good idea to bring Matt, he's mainly what I wanted to talk to you about."

"I know. Bye." She turned back to see Matt looking at her.

"Kol? Now you're with Kol too?"

"No. We just ran into him. And so you're probably not going to be able to come with me tonight unless you want your hand broken again."

He shook his head. "I hate that guy."

"I know. Mind if I take the shower first?"

"Go ahead. I should probably call back home now anyway."

"Right. Who are you going to call?"

"Elena, I think. Or maybe Stefan."

"Stefan? Since when did you two become so close?"

"Everyone kind of bonded more over a mutual concern for you."

"I'm glad I could help then."

Matt shook his head and a smile spread across his face unwillingly. "Do you think maybe you could find a different way to do that next time?"

Caroline grabbed a towel. "Oh you know me, being dramatic is kind of my thing." She stuck out her tongue.

Two hours later Caroline was ready and Klaus was knocking on the door. She pulled it open. "Hey." She smiled.

"Hey. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Hold on just a-"

"Caroline." She heard from behind her. She turned around to see Matt walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, still wet hair. "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah." She let go of the door and walked over to him.

"Be careful." He said lowly.

"I will." She wrapped her arms around him and couldn't help but linger for a second. The desire to not let go at all was there, but she did, because she could feel Klaus watching her. That was why she couldn't be around Matt much longer, he made her want to stay. With him, home, it all felt safe. "Bye Matt. You be careful tonight too, there better not be any girls in here when I get back."

Matt laughed. "Bye Caroline."

She shut the door behind her. They had walked only a few feet when Klaus turned to her. "Do you really have to give him shirtless hugs?"

Caroline started laughing. "What?"

"I'm being serious."

"Klaus, do you need a shirtless hug?"

He smirked. "Are you offering?"

"No, but I can go check with Matt and see if he'd want to-" She acted like she was going to go back.

He nudged into her. "Oh just come on."

"Hey!" She pushed him back. "So, the big bad hybrid is jealous of Matt Donovan?"

"He's your ex-boyfriend."

"You know, you know all of these ridiculous little things about me but I don't know anything about you."

"We'll get to that later. We have my brother to deal with first. I can't wait to see what he really wants."

"Yeah, me either."

"So where are we going?"

"I don't know for sure yet. He told me to go this way and-" His phone buzzed. "And he's on some kind of boat ride apparently."


"Yeah, well at least there will still be drinks. Open bar and all that." Klaus started to take her hand and Caroline surprised herself by not pulling away. "This way."

Klaus led her to a two level boat with tourists piling onto it that was supposed to lead them on a tour throughout the water. Caroline groaned. Because she kind of loved things like this, and instead of being able to actually enjoy it she was going to have to deal with some kind of Originals drama.

They easily spotted Kol with his legs stretched across a long cushioned bench by the side of the boat. Caroline followed Klaus over to him.

When he saw them he moved his legs and looked at Caroline, patting the spot beside him. "Hello Beautiful."

"I'd shut up about Caroline and just get to it if I were you Kol. I know that there's a reason you're here."

Kol stretched his arms out. "What are you going to do brother? Throw me off the boat? In front of all of these lovely people?" He cocked his head to the side.

"We'll see." Klaus had stepped in front of Caroline. "So what is it Kol?"

"Would you mind going and getting us some drinks Caroline?" He said her name slowly.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "You can get it yourself."

"No it's fine." She felt like she needed to get away for a minute anyway. "What do you guys want?"

Kol smiled up at her. "I'll have whatever you're having."

She looked to Klaus. "Don't worry about me love."

"Ok. I'll be back then." Caroline wandered off to the bar, not even bothering to try to listen to what they were saying. She didn't even want to know right now.

The male bartender smiled at her. "What can I get you?" She ordered two different mixed drinks that she thought looked good. "And you're 21 right?"

She smiled. "Of course." She may even get out of having to use compulsion this time.

"Alright." He smiled back at her. She watched as he tossed the drinks together in front of her. "Come back if you need anything else."

"Thanks. I will." Caroline turned back the other way but stopped when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a woman who looked just like Esther, Klaus' mother. When she turned her head fully she was gone. She quickly made her way back to Kol and Klaus.

She offered out one of the drinks to Kol. He took it and smiled. "Thank you sweetheart."

But Klaus noticed the shaken look on her face. "What's wrong Caroline?"

Caroline shook her head. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

She saw Klaus do a quick once over of her body and then he kept glancing over at her still.

"But as I was saying brother," Caroline sat down beside Klaus. "You better start building up your hybrids and the witches that actually adore you."


"Because, according to Elijah, our mother is back."

"What?" Caroline's eyes went to the spot where she thought she had seen Esther before.

Klaus had slid closer to her without her even noticing. "We're going to have to leave tomorrow Caroline, together."

"To go where?" She asked quietly.

"Don't worry, I think you'll like it."

It was Matt! And Kol, of course. :) No Stefan or Damon for those of you that thought it might be one of them, but it won't be too long before we'll see get to see them. ;)

Is Esther coming back to get Klaus? And where is Klaus going to take Caroline? Thanks for reading! And as always reviews are greatly appreciated. :)