(Me and my fish talking about writing chapter five. I didn't know how far to take their little petting session.)

"I think there isn't going to be actual consummation in "Cursed", I should probably avoid unnecessary pelvic thrusting.

"That's never true."

"Haha. I just want to avoid as much disappointment as possible. I want to make this chapter the final one. I'll send it to you and you tell me more or less pelvic thrusting. But I don't know if I can trust your judgement."

"More thrusting. Haha."

"Shove off"

"...of a pelvis while thrusting?"


(Я не являюсь владельцем когда-то)

A week had gone by, and Belle was attempting to adjust to how everything around her had changed in just that short amount of time.

She was afraid things would become chaotic after Rumplestiltskin's curse broke. He'd been impersonating the son of the people they were staying with - and considering he'd brought her here in the first place, who knew what else at the mill he'd been involved in manipulating.

However, when she found Alice, the woman simply went on about how the young man they'd hired to help on the farm had decided to leave, unexpectedly, and would the traveler Belle had escorted in like to help fill the gap left by his absence...

Belle was speechless, and Rumplestiltskin just raised his eyebrows, leaving it to her to decide what to tell the older woman.


Despite the change in circumstances, Belle still felt the need to leave the mill. Not to get away from Galen, or the controversy surrounding him and Rumplestiltskin, which was rather a moot point now - but to see the world. She still wanted that, but she also wanted this. She looked over at Rumplestiltskin, and down to their clasped hands that swung slightly as they walked.

Her father was... well, unhappy was a way to put it. Belle tried to explain to him why Rumplestiltskin had done what he had, but it was difficult to put things in a flattering light. Especially since Belle herself was still trying to accept everything that had transpired over the past few months. Over the past few decades. Her father still blamed Rumplestiltskin for her mother's and brother's deaths. These things would take time to get past.

"Why did you look for me to end your curse?" Belle had asked Rumple one evening "You could have ended it the same way your predecessor did." She tried to ignore the pang that statement produced in her.

"I was afraid." He said. "I know a lot, but I don't know what awaits The Dark One in the afterlife. So I lived much longer, looked for another way out - because I'm a coward."

Belle thought he was brave. She didn't tell him, yet. He wouldn't believe her... Yet.

He agreed to travel with her, of course. Their travels would be much slower, now. Rumplestiltskin walked with a limp. It had shocked her at first as he nearly fell when they'd moved towards the house after he transformed. He'd told her the story of how he had given himself the injury in order to escape the ogre war and care for his son. Another tragic memory – but he told it matter of factly. And his demeanor was cheerful as he'd leaned heavily against her while walking.

No instantly transporting over to the other side of the world with magic - but this could be better. They would have to secure horses, or a wagon, though Belle probably would have done that anyway. It would be an adventure in itself, traveling the slow way, learning the secrets of the more mundane areas of the world as well as the amazing ones. Those were the kinds of secrets even Rumplestiltskin wouldn't be familiar with. This was a journey for both of them.

They came to the inn on the outskirts of the town they were approaching. Despite his misgivings, Maurice had opted to stay at the mill, and not travel with the two of them. That was better. Between his age and his feelings towards Rumple right now, well - that was better. They would come back for him, of course, at some point when they were settled. When they found a place to live. Rumplestiltskin was no longer The Dark One, and could no longer magic what they needed from air. They would have to earn their living again, eventually.

Inside the inn, there was a raucous atmosphere. Belle still wasn't used to crowds, and shied away from the loud noise that greeted her when the door opened. Rumple squeezed her hand and slowly made his way to the front to acquire drinks for them, leaving her to find a table in the far corner. She watched, his gait uneven as he moved between two other patrons to rest his weight against the bar. Every time Belle tried to help him, he'd demurred, insisting he could do things himself. It had only been a few days. Belle hoped to convince him that she wanted to help, she liked to help, and would rather do so than stand by idly. He reached into his cloak for coin to pay the innkeeper. He still had some money - perhaps it was on him when he changed. Belle hadn't found it in her yet to ask how much he had left.

She settled herself, and Rumplestiltskin returned with their drinks after a few minutes. He set one down in front of her.

"Thank you." Belle said, pulling the drink over to her.

"You're welcome." He took a sip of his own drink, eying Belle over the rim of it. He then set it down. "You sure you want to do this? Leave your father behind?"

"Yes." Belle's grip tightened around the body of her glass. Rumplestiltskin reached out, his hand covering hers. "I'm glad to be leaving, with you." She smiled weakly at him. "All children eventually grow up. Leave home."

"With the man who hunted for them since before they were born, saved their lives with magic, then tricked them into falling in love with him. That old story."

Belle smiled widely at that, reaching up to run her fingers through the hair at his temple. "You mean fell in love with him despite his trickery." .

"Hmm," he breathed, closing his eyes at the feel of her fingers on his scalp. A few people looked at them askance, and Belle pulled her hand away, blushing self consciously. Rumple caught her hand as she pulled it away, pulling it towards him and pressing his lips against the back of her hand. "Don't worry about them, love."

"I just don't like being stared at."

He continued to press kisses to the side of her hand. "I would think you'd be used to it, being as beautiful as you are." She pulled her hand away, her blush deepening. Rumplestiltskin grinned.

He glanced around at the surrounding patrons, their gazes quickly dropping. "If you're worried about people judging, we could always get married. Then no one would wonder why we behaved as we did." His eyes dropped to her left hand, and Belle self consciously rubbed her empty finger, where a wedding ring would be.


Rumplestiltskin grinned at her again, unconcerned. "Where do you want to go?"

Belle chewed her lip thoughtfully. "I don't know. I just wanted to go," she lowered her eyes momentarily. "You know more about these things, I thought I might leave the details up to you."

"Well, I'm still teaching you to read - have any of the tales you've heard sparked interest?"

She furrowed her brow. "The one about the peasant girl who fell in love with the prince and became Queen. She sounded interesting. I'd like to meet her."

"And do you think she'd agree to meet with a few poor travelers?"

"She was poor, once. Maybe she would."

"Perhaps." Rumplestiltskin's attention focused back on his drink, taking a sip.

Belle sighed, exasperated. "Well what do you suggest, then?"

"I think we should find a place to live, first. Not to stay - but to base ourselves. Maybe a place your father could stay as we travel."

"That sounds lovely." Belle said, her tone exaggerated sarcasm "But we can't exactly make a place to live appear out of nowhere, anymore."

"Hmm." He said thoughtfully, taking a sip.

"So, what do you suggest?" She asked again.

He ran his fingertips over the edge of his mug, as though considering something. He then looked up at her, and grinned.

"Well, I have this castle..."