Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: Talk to me again, Harry! I love your British accent!
Iamthechoosenone: Bella, you can't hear my accent through typing...
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: OH! DO IT AGAIN!
Iamthechoosenone: *face palm*
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: I don't like your friend Harmony, Harry!
Iamthechoosenone: Who, Hermione? I'm sure she'll be devastated.
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: Yes! I used to like her, we were bff's but then she said I did not even know anything about Romeo and Juliet and I only liked it because my life was a cheap version of it! She also said all I knew about it was that there is a love triangle! Can you believe her! Who would love a triangle! It's a shape!
Iamthechoosenone: Bella! How many times! A love triangle is when two people are competing for the affections of another. Kind of like how Cedric and fake Sirius are for you.
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: You are so funny Harry! You know their names are Edward and Jacob! And it's not just them! Lots of boys love me! I can't help it!
Iamthechoosenone: Do the words Mary and Sue, mean anything to you Bella?
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: ummm, I think there were these girls in my old School called Mary and Sue! They both loved me too.
Iamthechoosenone: Of course they did.
Firegirl12 has been added to the conversation
Firegirl12: Harry! I told you not to add me to this.
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: KATNISS! :D
Firegirl12: Hi.
Iamthechoosenone: Has it gotten hot in here or is it just you, Katniss? ;).
Firegirl12: Ugh!
Iamthechoosenone: You know you love it.
Firegirl12: Oh yeah, it was very creative and highly amusing the first 500 times. After that it just gets tiring.
Iamthechoosenone: Don't fight it Katniss. I'm the chosen one, you are the Mockingjay. It's fate.
Firegirl12: What is it with you men always jumping to conclusions! It's bad enough with Peeta and Gale to choose from without adding in a specky little wizard with a nice little scar on his head. And aren't you going out with that Jenny girl anyway?
Iamthechoosenone: Ginny? Yes and what she doesn't know can't hurt her.
Firegirl12: Ugh! I haven't got time for this!
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: Um, guys?
Firegirl12: What Bella?
Iamthechoosenone What!?
Iamthechoosenone: See that Katniss? We both asked what at the same time ;)
Firegirl12: Well done. Have some berries.
Iamthechoosenone: Only if you will too ;)
Firegirl12: ugh
Ilovemysparklingboyfriend: Guys I'm still here too! People aren't supposed to ignore me!
Iamthechoosenone and Firegirl12 have left the conversation
That was just a short little chapter. Next up we will be hearing from the Hunger Games and the Twilight guys. Thanks to everyone who reviews and wants more of this :) that is awesome! I started this for fun and as a joke but I got in to it, especially because of the reviews! Keep them coming! There won't be as much gaps between chapters anymore!