A/N There were two individuals who tied for the box of choccies lol. I'm in a generous mood so I'm awarding virtual Lindt Balls to both lol. And the winners are *drum roll* Guest and Scat210. Many others got most/some of them so well done everyone and Ibinkybella, hope you don't expect me to send you your Hershey bar because we don't have them in Oz :D For the rest of you, the identities are...
Halloween Remembrance
Missing identities from Tony's voicemail messages in Epilogue part 1 (chapter 38)
Sitting in the silent office, he discovered that his voicemail box was full too. He put his phone on speaker to listen to the messages and leaned back in his chair, trying to ignore the protesting pain in his arm that stretching out caused him. Hitting play he closed his eyes to listen, smiling as he listened to the show of support from his friends…
…Hey DiNutso, screw diplomacy! They give you a hard time there and you know ya'll have a place with mine. Think how much fun you'd have playing with Ron everyday. Cancel that probably not a selling point. Think how pissed he'd be though… (deep chuckle)…Seriously though, call me! Bastards don't deserve you…
Tobias Fornell FBI Special Agent.
…Hi Tony, how you doing? Heard you had a rough one! Hope you're good. You know that dog walker we met, the strawberry blonde with the Dalmatians… well she asked me to pass on her phone number to you… and well I took out the brunette that we met at the dog park, a few times…maybe we could double? Call me when you get this…
OC Daniel 'Jackie' Chan FBI Special Agent on Fornell''s team.
… Hey Son… heard you had a run in with a Kidon agent and lived to tell the tale. Imagine you must be hurting though. Why don't you come over soon and I throw some meat on the barbeque. The BDs are fretting 'bout you and want to make sure you're ok… so call really soon…
OC Assistant Chief of Police Darryl Amos, Metro PD.
… Tony I heard what happened even though I wasn't on duty when you came in the other night. Hope you're okay. My lawyer says I have you to thank for avoiding a conviction. Don't know what I did to deserve your support but just wanted you to know I appreciated it and if there's anything I can ever do for you, let me know… talk soon…
OC Marion Whitaker RN
… Hi Tone, tough break but I know it was a righteous shoot. Cass and I wondered if you wanted to get together for dinner and drinks over the weekend?... by the way… thanks for the English language CDs… I sent them over to Iran for her and I forgot to tell you that my brother seemed to liked that compilation of jazz you put together for him… thanks a lot… ring me asap, okay?….
Nicky Jardine NCIS Special Agent (In the Zone.)
…. DiNozzo… nice work… and about your car…um…sorry 'bout that…maybe I could buy you a pint of bitter some time?…
Trent Kort CIA handler for Rene Benoit (Season Five).
…Hey there twinkle toes, how'd you like to go for dinner and dancing one night this week?... Oh can you dance with a broken arm?... never mind… raincheck on the dancing but I'm still buying you dinner so call me and we'll organise a night…
OC Shauna Jameson FBI Special Agent Fornell's team.
Tony suddenly jerked awake, his arm shrieking in agony following his incautious attempt to sit up in his chair. Serve him right for falling asleep. He'd slept through most of the message but the ones he caught filled him with thankfulness that people would offer their support to him. It meant a lot. He listened to the last message, recognising the voice with a start.
…I always said you were one hell of a Baltimore brawler DiNozzo and had more lives than my cat. You ever get tired of Jethro's ugly mug, don't forget my standing invitation to come over to the dark side, Son… We could do with a good man like you… and I know you don't hold it against me for chaining you to a serial killer"…You know my number. Use it.
Tom Morrow Former Director of NCIS currently Assistant Director of Homeland Security. (Season 1& 2.)
Finally conceding defeat, he admitted that there was something seriously wrong with his injury, which could no longer be ignored or brushed off as a pulled muscle. He reached for his phone, pressing the extension for autopsy. Tony knew that Ducky had gone home a while ago.
"Jimmy, can ya spare five to have a look at my arm? I think I might have displaced the fracture."
"How? Umm…I fell… Why…Umm…not used to the heat I guess or low blood sugar… maybe jetlag."
"Thanks Jimmy, you're a prince. See ya soon."
Tony dragged his abused body agonisingly out of the chair. He ached all over and his psyche was mortally wounded as he made his way slowly over to the elevator and headed down to autopsy to see his stalwart friend. Jimmy could hopefully reset it and help soothe his tortured soul at the same time.
A/N Well that really is it for this story apart from marking it as complete. I think its safe to say that while its been a fun ride, it was also not without its challenges too. I had originally intended that the second half of this story would be written as a sequel but in the end it morphed into the form you see it in today. I had been musing for a while about a story idea that encompassed Ziva's attack on Tony in Aliyah and some events that occur in Season 7 (and no I 'm not going to reveal them yet) and as I was re-writing the Epilogue, it become obvious that I could work it into a sequel to HR. So until next time, thanks for all the support.
FYI I plan on uploading another scenario from my Agent Anthony Afloat series later today. *Hint* for those of you wishing that Tony would kick the team to the curb, this one's for you!