a/n: here's a new submission for fic war...i need some ideas...idk how emotion provoking this is...but ya know...(: any ways...this is dedicated to fashionableraid (kelsey)...because of reasons. and because of paget. ok bye.

"Declan," Emily said softly. He ignored her. Emily sighed and sat on the couch next to him. As she sat, he stood and walked into the kitchen.

"Dec," she called after him, standing up, and following him into the kitchen. She watched as he poured himself a glass of juice. He started to brush past her towards his room, but Emily grabbed his arm.

"This can't keep going on," Emily began, but Declan cut her off.

"Look, I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me here. So why don't you just layoff and I'll stay out of your way," he spat at her and stormed up the stairs.

"What?" Emily asked, shocked. She ran up the stairs after him. Just as she reached the door to his room, he slammed the door in her face. She heard the lock click, a second later.

"Fuck," she muttered. She turned to walk down the stairs, but after taking a few steps, she stopped.

'You don't want to walk away and have him think you don't care. You need to let him know what you want. You need to find out what he wants. Don't be Emily Prentiss. Be 'mom'. Don't compartmentalize,' she thought to herself. She walked to his door, and picked his lock with a bobby pin that she had in her hair.

"Get out!" Declan shouted.

"No! We're going to talk," Emily said firmly.

"Just get out! Go!" Declan cried out again.

"No I'm not going anywhere!" Emily responded.

"Why? You left last time!" Declan screamed.

"What?" Emily gasped.

"You left me and Dad last time and I hate you for it. And I know they took him because of you. And then you took him away from me last week. You KILLED MY DAD!" Declan screamed. He was sobbing.

"Declan, you have to understand, your dad was a bad man," Emily tried, but at this moment, words were really failing her.

"Maybe! But he wasn't to me! He took me to the park! He played hide and seek with me! He tucked me in at night!" Declan shouted, "And you, you just faked it! And then you shipped me off because you were done with us!" He yelled.

"I was just trying to protect you," Emily tried reasoning with the hysterical boy, but it was no use.

"I hate you! And," he began but paused as if he was contemplating whether he should say it or not, "And I wish it had been you instead of him that night." With that, he stormed off, down the stairs and out the front door.

Emily jumped when the front door slammed. She picked up her phone and dialed JJ.

"Hello?" JJ asked.

"Jay, could you ask Will to go out and bring Declan home?" Emily asked calmly, "I'm sorry to make him go out but he just stormed off and he won't come home for me and I just don't want him to get hurt…" Emily's voice trailed away.

"Yeah he's going out right now….Em, what happened?" JJ asked.

And then Emily cracked. All the emotion she had been holding in, all the pain and fear was released, "I don't know how to be a mom," she whispered, and then she dropped to the floor as she began to cry