Thank you everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed. I guess you can stop following because the story is finshed but I really appreciate it. I know there are a million other Avenger High stories and I hope you thought mine was the best because I put a lot of work into it.

If you do see anyone stealing my work on any of the other Avenger turn teen stories, please tell me. I hate plaguerism and it pisses me off to think that someone would ever do that. I've had it happen before and it is just a pain in the ass.

Anyway, thank you for all of your support, I didn't get to my goal of 200 reviews but I'm still happy with what I got. And hey, maybe people will review the last chapter and acnowlegdements so I reach 200. You never know!

Again, thank you and goodbye. I'm sad the story is finished but now I have more time to finish my new fanfic, a mission impossible fic. It's about Brandt! (Jeremy Renner AKA Clint AKA Hawkeye) What can I say? The guys a beast!

So I'm just starting to babble now (heh, babble) and I'm going to end this Chapter thingy now. Bye...but still review because even though it's done, I'm aiming for 200!