A/N :It is 12 a.m. in the morning and I need to get up early tomorrow for gymnastics, but I'm here just for you guys so I hope you'll enjoy!

Thank you to everyone who reviewed – I appreciate every single one of them! :)

Alice P.O.V

I tried to gasp but all that came out was a hoarse cry. My gold eyes penetrated his black ones and I knew that everyone in the cafeteria was watching us; but I felt as if we were in our own little world. His cold fingers felt electrifying against my skin and his grip was dangerously tight – as if I were to disappear any second.

We stared at each other in longing and shock for what seemed like decades, but with a strangled sob I broke the silence.

"...I…" I wanted to desperately say something – anything, but my mind was blank.

The curious students waited for one of us to say something, but once a few minutes had passed without a word from either of us, they resumed back to their own conversations; creating much-needed noise to my ears.

"A-Alice?" he whispered in disbelief.

From the corner of my eye I could see that Dominic and his friends had already vanished, much to my delight and horror. I was happy I was freed from them (although I could take on all of them, just not without getting arrested) but I was also somewhat reluctant because the tension between just Jasper and I alone was insufferable.

And it didn't help much the fact that Jasper was projecting a heavy amount of shock into my system – I was nervous enough to begin with.

"…is it really you, Ali?" he asked again - and this time, I swore I could pick up a hint of hope.

All I could do was nod dumbly and let the shock absorb my body. His powers were too strong for me to resist.

Finally he snapped out of his trance and quickly glanced around at his surroundings which he had been unusually ignoring for the past few minutes. Once he made sure that no-one was looking at us he led me over to the end of the hall – and I couldn't help but sense a small dose of anger coming from him. Was he angry at me for becoming one of their kind? It was hardly my choice.

We finally reached a small table and my eyes widened even more – if possible.

He had led me to his siblings; and they were looking as surprised as I was. Rosalie was still as pretty and as blonde as ever, and Emmett was cheeky and strong as I remembered him back then. Edward looked the least surprised out of the three, but that was expected because he knew I was here before anyone else due of his mind-reading powers.

'Alice?' Rosalie's voice was dangerously unstable and her brows were furrowed.

I couldn't even reply back because just the sight of her was overwhelming and my emotions were all messed up - I knew Jasper's emotions were muddled all over the place too.

Emmett quickly lowered his gaze and put his head in his hands in a frustrated manner and Edward looked at Jasper worriedly. I wondered what he was thinking.

"Alice…how…what…when…?" Jasper eventually croaked, releasing his hand from my arm.

I could feel their intense gazes on me as I stood there uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other, the edge of the table digging into my thighs. I honestly didn't know where to begin.

Hesitantly, I took a step backwards. "I need to go for some space. I'll come back."

Just as I took a step further, Jasper instinctively moved for me but was stopped by Rosalie.

"Jasper let her go." Rosalie said. "She'll be back."

I tried to give Rosalie a thankful look but I couldn't find the power to do so. Jasper watched me in despair as I walked pass the oblivious crowds of teenagers, blending in ever so well. I could see that my friends had already packed up and left only my lunch bag on the table – after all, lunch was nearly over.

Pushing open the double doors, I legged it down to the female restrooms.

I ran through the entrance and was relieved to find it empty. There was no way anyone was going to see me like this; panting, dry-sobbing, and gasping for unneeded air.

My pale white hands rested on the porcelain of the sink – almost blending in together. I looked up at the mirror and just stared at my reflection.

I stared, and stared, and stared, and stared….


I jumped up and reactively crouched down low, despite the fact I already knew who it was.

"Alice, can we please talk?"

To be honest I didn't know why I was hiding; I didn't know why I was scared; I didn't know why I was so cautious; I didn't know why I was being like this.

In fact, I felt ashamed and worried over what I had become. I knew that the Cullens wouldn't accept me, despite it not being my fault.

"I...I have t-to...go…" I mumbled and straight away I made a dash for the window.

His reaction was instantaneous.


Before I could jump up, I felt someone's arm around my waist. I had been prevented from escaping.

"I'm not losing you again."

Jasper P.O.V

My head felt as if it was on fire and my eyes turned dangerously dark. There she was; right in front of me. Her bright red lips were parted in disbelief and her pupils were as large like a deer's. For some reason, I felt proud as I saw that her eyes were a lush shade of gold and with one look from her I could feel myself lose control of my power. It felt as if I were dreaming because I'd never guessed anything this miraculous could happen; I was trembling inside.

The girl that I had left behind like a cruel monster all those years ago was still here – and in my arms. It felt as if a large chunk of happiness had been returned to my dead body and I now felt as close to living as I've ever had.

"A-Alice?" I managed to choke out from my shocked expression. I could tell that she was as equally surprised because she didn't reply and continued to stare at me. It was at this point where I could sense her bullies retreating – probably due to the fact I was unknowingly projecting heavy amounts of shock and pain towards them.

"…is it really you, Ali?" I urged again – but I didn't need an answer because I knew all too well that this was the girl I wanted. There was no mistaking it.

This time she seemed to compose herself a bit more since she nodded her head to my question, although somewhat bewilderedly

It only then occurred to me that she was one of us now, and it wasn't me who changed her. Nor was I there when she had to go through all that unbearable pain. I tried to wash off my anger as I quickly pulled her away from the crowds and towards my table at the back of the hall, but I knew it was hopeless. I was in such a state I couldn't even think properly.

We stopped right in front of the table so close that Alice's thighs were touching the edge.

"Alice?" Rosalie's voice was shocked as expected, and her bright red mouth was agape. Alice just stared straight ahead and bit her equally as bright lips. All Emmett did was put his head in his hands – he didn't know what to say or do – it was just a massive blow for all of us. I needed to know who did this to her; who changed her? Who dared even touch her? I needed to know. I knew that Edward was looking at me in worry but I couldn't care less. I took this chance as an opportunity to get all the answers to my unanswered questions from her.


She shook her head and I looked pleadingly at her, but she wasn't even looking at me.

She started walking backwards. "I need to go for some space. I'll come back."

I made a grad at her arm before she could get away even further, but Rose just held me back.

"Jasper let her go." Rosalie said. "She'll be back."

Never in my life had I been more gutted than that moment there, but I knew my sister was right and I did need to give her some space. I tore my gaze away from her slender figure for the first time after she glided past the double doors, leaving a trail of her amazing scent behind.

"…I'm sorry man, but I just can't believe it.' Emmett finally said as I sat down. 'It's just a big surprise for me, you know?"

Edward nodded sympathetically in agreement. 'I thought it was a shock too, but in a way, I'm glad."

They both turned to look at me and nudged me to say something but I was absolutely speechless.


I felt Rosalie's hand touch upon my shoulder delicately.

"Yes, Rosalie?" I replied back.

"Go talk to her."


As soon as the words left her lips, she was off to class with Emmett and Edward following behind her. I knew that she was right that I had to confront Alice for this to work so I quickly walked through the cafeteria, which was practically empty now, and followed her scent.

And that was how I found myself outside the female restrooms.

I knew that there was no-one else apart from her in there, but my Southern manners told me that I should know better. Waiting for the odd student and two to walk past, I called out for her when I knew that the hallways were clear. "Alice?"

My ears picked up the tiniest sound of her jumping in fright and a tiny gasp.

"Alice, can we please talk?"

The silence was ringing in my ears as I waited, and waited, and waited for an answer…

"I...I have t-to...go…"


I would not let her get away again.

I silently dashed through the door and grabbed her waist just was she was about to jump up out the window above the mirrors. Her tiny legs barely touched the ground with the amount of force I was holding her back with and her head was poised forward, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm not losing you again."

Hope you enjoyed it, please review! :D