This, unfortunately, is the last chapter of Impact. Everyone of you that have reviewed are so beautiful and perfect that I can't even express it in words. Thank you so much!

*There's a link to Holly's last outfit on my profile.

It was a couple weeks later and the Kanima was laying low so we'd all gathered with Stiles at the ice rink that Boyd used to work at. I can skate but apparently Isaac can't because he kept falling and getting back up like it didn't happen.

"Why don't you give me your hands?" I asked, skating up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. I whispered in his ear, "I won't let you fall."

I heard Erica, Scott, and Boyd laughing in the background but that wasn't important. I moved in front of him and placed his hands on my hips as I moved slowly on the ice. He stayed up longer that way but we ended up falling anyway.

"I think we should go get on solid ground for a while, let your pride heal," I said, leading him over to the benches. "On the plus side, Scott's not doing much better than you."

"If we were supposed to be able to walk on water we'd be Jesus!" he shouted, hitting the ground hard enough to make us all wince.

I glanced over and saw Erica and Stiles sitting off to the side talking quietly. Maybe they would work together, he wasn't going to take her shit and he could definitely handle her.

"What're you thinking about, beautiful?" Isaac asked, burrowing his nose into my neck. "You're concentrating on something pretty hard."

"This moment is so perfect, can we just freeze time?" I asked, leaning against him. "Everyone's getting along; look over there, Derek's even smiling. For once we all sort of feel like a pack."

"I know what you're saying. It's weird, I've never really had a family and now I have a huge one," I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "I really like this feeling."

Suddenly the door slammed open and Lydia appeared. "There's something wrong with Jackson! I don't know what it is but he's locked up in his room and he won't come out."

I had my skates off and my flats back on in seconds along with the rest of the wolves. We were out in our cars before Allison and Stiles even had their skates off. Isaac, Derek, Boyd, and I were the first ones at Jackson's house with Lydia.

Derek was talking about what we should do but I pushed past everyone and ran up to his room. I stood outside his door and knocked until I heard him let out a grunt in response.

"Jackson, it's me Holly, do you want to let me in? I really just want to talk to you," I said, trying to keep my voice neutral and not show him how worried I am.

I thought he was just going to ignore me but I heard the lock slid out of place and the door opened. I walked inside before he slammed the door shut behind me. He had scruff on his jaw and he had huge bags under his eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Jackson? I haven't talked to you since that rave," I said, sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Last week I confronted my master and told them that I didn't want him to control me anymore. We had a big fight and I ended up saying that I didn't need a master anymore. I haven't shifted since then," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's a good thing, Jackson! You're not a murderer anymore, shouldn't that make you happy?" I said, jumping up and wrapping my arms around him.

He held me at arms' length and said, "You'd think so but I can't stop thinking about Lydia and all of the shit that I put her through. I want to be with her but I wouldn't blame her if she never talked to me again because she has every right to hate me."

"You're going to have to talk to her about this. Tell her what you're feeling; come completely clean to her about everything. When I say everything I mean everything, tell her about the wolves and the Kanima," I said. When he looked at me with big eyes I said, "You're going to need to turn over a new slate with her."

He let out a huge sigh before pulling me into a hug. We stayed locked together for a while, neither of us saying anything. We sort of just held each other like we were afraid the other would fall apart. When he finally broke apart I saw a tear make its way down his cheek.

"Thank you so much for being here when no one else was. You're the main reason I had the nerve to rebel against the master," he said, kissing the side of my head. "Will you send Lydia up as you all leave?"

I nodded before slipping out of the room and ignoring all of the others staring after me. I walked down into the living room and crouched in front of Lydia. "Jackson wants to talk to you about everything that's been going on. It's going to be insane but you're going to have to listen to him, okay?"

She nodded before getting up and making her way up to his room. I saw the others coming towards me to probably bitch so I took a deep breath and turned to face them.

"You're going to tell me that I had no right to tell him to do that but I disagree. He loves Lydia more than any of you know and she deserves to know why he's treated her like trash. If you don't like that than I guess that sucks for you," I said, storming out of the house and to the porch.

I was leaning against the railing when I heard the door slam shut. I didn't turn around because I figured it was Isaac or someone coming out here to talk to me. I just closed my eyes and took in the peaceful night, the beauty of it taking my breath away.

"Just when I think you can't get more beautiful you go and do something like that and I fall for you all over again," Isaac said from the other side of the porch.

I turned around to face him and crossed my arms over my chest. "What're you talking about? I just did something so stupid that Derek might tear my face of with his bare hands."

He shook his head and said, "You did something for someone that you care about no matter what would've happened to you. You're so selfless all the time, I admire that about you."

I felt my cheeks heating up as I bit my lower lip. "It wasn't selfless, I just didn't want Jackson to be so alone all the time. It's not healthy nor is it healthy for Lydia to be this upset."

Isaac pulled me close to him and said, "However you put it I'm still proud of you. I love you, Holly Hawthorne."

I just rolled my eyes and pulled his mouth down to mine. This boy was going to be the death of me but I was okay with that.

I really hope that you get me up to 100 reviews but if not then oh well.