Thanks to LOKI IS KING, LookAliveSunshine03, Akera and Fio682 for reviewing! Also a special thanks to those who are now following this, and I finally got added to a community, three cheers!

A special thanks to my co-writer Fuchsia Grasshopper, who helped a great deal in this one! If you guys haven't checked out her stories, you totally should, she's great!

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me except the OC, shame really.

They entered the nightclub, with loud music pumping into their veins. Arabella had been persuasive to the guard, allowing them to pass the long line without trepidation, and once the large bouncer –who was bulging like a boulder- gazed into her dark irises, it was all over. Loki was disgusted at the very idea of being present in such a low level of filth, and it appeared from the look on Arabella's face that she felt the same way. He could barely hear himself think, let alone speak, making this much harder to plan out than he first intended. Arabella's eyes were blazing over the joint, looking for easy prey to lure away from a group. It wouldn't be too difficult he noticed, as many of the patrons were gazing at her with awed disbelief. The men's eyes were filled with carnal desires and lust to which she remained unfazed. They were not worthy of her company as Loki saw it, but he need not defend her honor seeing as she was more than capable of looking after herself. It was something that irked him, being with such an independent female and how her qualities were much like Sif's though more…exotic.

"Have you found someone to your liking?" He questioned in her ear, feeling her cold skin brush lightly on his lips.

She smirked, "I prefer the taste of women's blood, but I'll settle for the blond fellow at the bar."

Loki felt his brows pull together, feeling rather angered and confused by two of her statements, "Why women's blood?"

She gave him a knowing look and her lips had turned into a scowl under the lounge lighting, "Their blood is sweeter, and I find most American women to be healthier than the men. I don't take them to bed if that's what you're asking."

The answer satisfied him, but he didn't bother asking the second question as to why she chose a fair haired male. What was it about golden locks that sent women into a tizzy? Once again Loki found himself hating being different, though considered that black hair was not so rare on Midgard. It must have been her preference, one that he would have to accept; even he was bemused by reason.

"Wait until I have him out in the street, before you create a disaster." She instructed, breaking his focus, "What is your play?"

"You'll have to wait and see." He half teased, though it sounded more as a growl because of his fouled mood. She stalked off, prowling upon the man as he watched her approach. She sat down, crossing her legs ever so slowly as she tapped one foot in a repetitive motion, the pointed heel looking like a dagger. Loki was half distracted, having disgusting women who smelt of drink crawling on his arm. Many were very voluptuous in shape, giving the impression that they could have been daughters to Freyja, Goddess of love. They were all very scantily glad, in tight pants or skirts that left nothing at all to the imagination. Once or twice he shook more than one off gruffly, until finding a quieter spot to observe Arabella, waiting for her signal. She was teasing the man, like a wolf would with its dinner. Her hands would lightly feel his chest, before pulling away, a small gleam shining in her eyes as if she had a secret, which of course she did. The man had eager and clumsy hands, trying to trail up her milky thigh, with some hesitation when his gaze would catch her dark one. Loki could understand a normal male feeling overwhelmed by such a female, though he fancied the idea that he would be more than up to the challenge. Within minutes he could reduce her to subservient, and it would be delicious. What would it be like though? He himself was of a different race, and Arabella hardly qualified as human. She wouldn't pant from such activities; she was after all, one to never lose her breath. His body would heat against her chilled one, her strength causing him to shake and quiver. Then out would come her fangs, sharp and ready to play; would she moan from the taste of him filling her mouth and her veins? No of course not, because his blood was tainted and putrid to her. It was enough to snap him out of his momentary fantasy, to find that she was already dragging the mortal out by hand.

Now came his turn in the plan, and he could think of no better way to usher these people out forcibly than fire. It caused fear and panic, and what's worse destruction. Arabella needed people to see her feed, and so this is what he thought to do. The Avengers, as they said they would, should already be waiting within the area to join them once they got SHIELD down to ground level. He grinned from the shadow of his corner, rubbing his fingertips together as he felt the life of a flame within him, ready to be unleashed. He cast his hand from sight, allowing a spark to travel down his finger until it crawled to life on one of the gossamer curtains of the private booths. He stepped away casually, walking between the people whom were woven so tight together it was a wonder they could function alone. He stepped back into the arid night, leaning up against the wall as the first shrieks were emitted inside.

"Fire!" Some called, while others yelled, "Call the fire department."

The people whom were standing outdoors in the roped off line were already in a frantic run, acting as if their life's were in danger should they stand outside any longer. The drunkards were pouring out of the open doors, knocking over the burly bouncer in the process as he was swept away in the river of people. The heat and fumes were wafting out of the doors as Loki observed his immortal flames that rippled up the walls, looking for their own escape to oxygen. People were still screaming out in the streets, only he heard distinctive words in the dark cry, "Freak, she's killing him! Someone help!"

Loki chose that time to move, becoming invisible as he entered the rushing crowd. A small group on the border was circling around a now ferocious looking vampire, who was sinking her teeth further into the neck of the blood man she had been speaking with minutes ago. Her eyes were glowing red as she growled at the people banding around her while she stood holding up a half-slumped man in her arms. The way she dragged him around by the neck reminded him of a mother cat with her kitten. The people watching her looked on in disbelief and horror, judging if the situation was real or not. A spotlight from the sky suddenly rained down on top of the predator-prey pair, and the violent sound of a chopped blade was circling overhead. Loki turned opaque again, while the crown began to scatter. He recognized the SHIELD insignia of the proud white eagle.

"Arabella Chase, free the human at once!" A threatening voice called over the PA system.

Loki ran through the crowd, her eyes widening as she spotted him. He finally managed to get beside her and she pulled her mouth back from the wounded neck of the mortal, "Now would be an opportune time to drop him." He told her sternly.

She let the man fall to his knees carelessly, and he was able to see she had kept herself clean with the exception of her scarlet stained mouth. Her lips looked flush and plumped, drenched in the dripping liquid. She let her tongue run a circle around her lips, collecting the remainder, all the while rendering him silent with the action, "Do we dare give chase?" She snarled.

Rope ladders were now being dropped down from the helicopter, and many soldiers were bearing down on them, "For as short a distance we can muster. They better hurry." 'They', meaning the Avengers. They had yet to make an appearance in the night, and Loki was not as certain about them as he was the moon that hung over the cloudless sky.

They began to in a short distance to the alley ways, Arabella trying to slow her pace so they weren't separated. This must have been a fast walk for her, but she did not seem so bothered because it was all part of the plan. The sound of thumping boot steps was close behind them, alerting them to the SHIELD agents now on the ground, hot on their heels. The alley was tight and dodgy, making them turn sharply at corners that led to more back tunnels. Seeping through at the end they were running towards, Loki could already see the crisp glow of a streetlight. Arabella pushed through first, with him following as they made it out into an open square which was surrounded by more agents.

"Freeze!" One yelled, as he brandished a large canon gun.

Loki was shoulder to shoulder with her, waiting to see what her reaction was going to be. Her fangs were still bared, and she looked as hostile as a corner dog. The agents all had masks down, covering eyes and the bridge of their noses. The perfect disguise for the Avengers to break into SHIELD…if they ever decided to show up.

"Oh my God, that's Loki of Asgard!" One of them cried. Arabella snorted at the frank deduction while Loki suppressed an eye roll. What a way to get recognized, from a dimwitted idiot who hadn't even been informed by the Director the previous night that he had returned, "Shall we take them Sir?"

"Careful, she's a vampire." The one warned as he turned to her. It was the same fellow who was carrying the large canon, and he aimed in the direction of her. He fired before either of them could react, and all Loki could hear was Arabella's flooded screams of agony. She had collapsed on the ground, entangled in a thin looking net, her limbs struggling while her eyes were screwed shut. Her skin was steaming, as if she'd just been delivered an acid burn, and Loki could see the netting leaving red trails on her alabaster skin.

"Silver netting, comes in handy when you are dealing with vampires boys." The one said confidently.

Loki had knelt down to Arabella, trying to ease the netting off her, but it was tied at the top, and every struggle seemed to cause her more pain. He realized he was running out of time, and he needed to stall for both the Avengers and for Arabella, so all of her pain would be for not. In his hands he clasped his daggers, slowly coming to a stand as he felt more of the guns trained on him. With one last look to the injured female on the ground, he spun on his heel, throwing knifes into the chests of many of the soldiers. He moved in a flash as they fired at him, dodging bullets while having them reflect with magic. He was in a lordly dance, fending off a dozen men in the quiet square that was lit with a lone streetlamp. He was certain three already lay dead, which meant those uniforms had been sullied. As he turned, he was sure his fight had come to an end when one of the agents was upon him, but a shot rang clear in the night, and the man fell to his knee, clutching his leg in pain. Loki turned to find the Widow standing opposed to him along with the Captain.

"Nice work, but we'll take it from here." She said smartly with her pistol out and ready. At first the SHIELD agents seemed stunned at the arrival of the Avengers, and even more so that they were aligned with the 'enemy', "Get Arabella out of that silver!" She called as her and Cap started to take down the agents without seriously injuring them. Still so earnest, he thought with cheek.

He ran back to Arabella, who had stopped in her struggle, but was silently shaking with supressed rage and moans of pain. That was another mystery solved, and now he knew the affects that silver took on her body. He observed her at first, not even making an attempt to help her until her eyes opened, "Are you going to help, or just sit there and watch?" Her voice was weak, barely audible as he knelt closer still.

"Does it hurt terribly?" He asked while his fingers once again tried to loop around the netting, pulling and tugging to loosen the knot. She gave a meek nod in response, and he figured she was ashamed to being having his help at all. He supposed he should be proud of this predicament, it may be the very last time she would need his assistance, "Tell me what to do." He ordered.

"I…the knot is self-binding, you'll have to cut through."

He frowned, knowing a knife would prove little use against another metal. Magic would have to be the way to go. He started to think of the several severing charms he knew, but needed to make certain that he used the correct one. One mistake and the netting could grow tighter; cutting her deeper than what was already acceptable. Slowly he started to utter a spell while her hazy eyes watched him curiously. The thin white metal started to snap apart, and as soon as she was able, she pulled out of the net with little help from him. Her skin was knitting back together as she sat a small distance from him. Her knees bobbled together while she held herself on shaky palms on the pavement. They stared back and forth to each other; Loki was searching her face which looked on edge but still passive. He cringed slightly when he noticed her eyes were rimmed with red, and a single tear started to flow down the length of her cheek.

"Your eyes bleed." He said, a small sneer of disgust on his narrowed face.

"They're tears." She said hotly, while rubbing them away with her hand, "Vampires are beings living off of blood, thus we have nothing else to expel from our bodies."

"You're making it worse by doing that." Natasha said as she approached with the Captain. Steve was gracious enough to give the female a small cloth to dab the blood from her face. She thanked him in a hollow voice, and she stood once more. Looking at her now, Loki couldn't even tell she had just been through such an ordeal. Maybe it hadn't been as bad as it had appeared from the outside.

"Clint's piloting the helicopter now. Tony flew him up there, which means we need to steal four uniforms. Loki and Arabella don't need because we still have to bring you in looking like prisoners."

"What of Thor and the Doctor?" Loki asked robotically.

"We needed Bruce to stay behind to track the inside of the Helicarrier. Stark had the blueprints of the fortress from before, so now we'll have eyes to tell us if dangers around the corner. This is Maria Hill we are dealing with, and she won't be so courteous to us playing stowaway on her ship. As for Thor, well, he was too big in stature for even the largest size uniform so he had to stay behind. He would not have been much help anyways."

"I'm sure that pleased him." Loki grinned after hearing the best news he'd been granted that day, aside from Arabella's secret letters.

"You have no idea." Steve muttered, "We should get moving. Hide these guys from public since we're taking their clothes."

Romanoff got down to work, stripping the men of their uniforms that looked to be the right size for the four Avengers. Loki and Arabella stood on the side, useless once again since they would be used as the decoy prisoners. The female was silent, an indifferent look on her face as she rubbed her arms that had now healed completely. Her sleek hair was now out of order, and she looked rather wild again with her dress strewn on her body at an odd angle. Her fangs had receded back into her mouth, but she still looked menacing, ready to strike if someone so much as dropped a pin.

The two Avengers re-emerged from around the corner, now dressed in the SHIELD uniforms, with two more in hand for the others, "Stark, tell Clint to get down here, we're ready."

"Coming up." Answered Stark's cheery voice in the earpiece. He spoke so loud that it was audible to all the ears.

The lights of the chopper made them shield their eyes as the wind blew their hair about. There wasn't a large enough space for the machine to make a full land, so they had to use the rope ladders to climb aboard. By the end, Stark was helping them aboard with a hand, much to Loki's dismay, but he accepted nevertheless. Clint and Tony had yet to change, but it would have to wait until they were aboard the Helicarrier again.

"So." Tony began, "Did you two kill anyone?"

Loki smirked, but it was Arabella who answered, "We did what you asked, what's the difference on how we did it. It's done so deal with it." Her tone was icy like a snow queen, and Stark grew wise not to ask anything else of her.

"What waits on the Helicarrier?" Steve asked, easing the tension, "What is normal procedure when bringing in a prisoner?"

"Well, we'll have to go to the detention level. They are previous enemies to SHIELD so they'll be put in cellblock C." Natasha answered.

"I have no plans about being put into a cell." Loki uncouthly stated.

"Nor do I." Arabella agreed, after finally sharing in a conversation again.

"Then no worries. I don't want to be there long either." Barton called over his shoulder, "Let's go in, get what we need and leave." It all sounded so simple, and it was unanimous, everyone was for making a quick stop in, before leaving again. As things usually went about on the Helicarrier though, it was never going to be that simple from the start, and it was a fact everyone knew when they spotted the floating fortress up ahead.

So next chapter will continue into operation, steal SHIELD's secret file on Skrulls…a wordy name, I know! I think this chapter was pretty successful, and now I am starting to move more into the tension that is building between Loki and Ara. It should be good! I was glad to hear that people liked the change of the name and artwork, I thought it suited a vampire tone much better. You guy's all seem to like Arabella, so I promise to get to her POV in less than three chapters! Also, when Loki starts to read her letters, they will be her POV from the past as well! Exciting stuff, so stay tuned!

This is opticon217 signing off!