Title: Care to explain?

Rating: T for language and suggestive themes (And because I'm still paranoid)

Warning: Birdflash, language, a teeny bit of violence… that's pretty much it. This is mostly humorous.

Summary: "Care to explain why the hell you are making out with Richard Grayson (of all people) the minute Robin's back is turned?" The team finds out Robin's secret I.D. in a rather surprising manner. Slash: Kid Flash/Robin – Wally/Dick. (Pre-Invasion.)

Author's Note: Second fic up! (The "Why Are You…" doesn't really count as a fic, it's only 200 words). Hope you can guess whose point of view this is written in, I hoped to make it obvious. This is set sometime before Season 2, obviously. I did this in first person, because I need the practice. Please tell me how I did, I need feedback on that! This will probably be three chapters.

Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Young Justice, or Season two would be very different…

Please read, review, and enjoy ;)


{Mount Justice,

October 3rd}

Robin and Kid Flash are together. Like, together-together. An item. 'Course, they haven't told us yet, but it's pretty obvious. How do I know? Well, I think I started noticing sometime last year after I joined the team. I know they've been best friends for longer than any of the rest of us have known each other, but sometimes they just are… too intimate to be simply friends.

The way they act around each other. The little inside jokes, the nudges, the winks. I think it's incredibly cute, to tell you the truth. Not that I'd ever admit that but… whatever. Especially when Robin goes on about all his "whelmed" and "asterous" and all that crap that he blabbers about, Wally is always so overly excited about it. Honestly, I just think it's annoying. They always poke fun at each other, but they have this different tone of voice when they do it. It's softer and more playful. I know for a fact that when Wally argues with me his voice sounds nothing like when he argues with Robin. And believe me, I have experience. I woke up early one morning after I had stayed over at the Mountain, and I found Robin in the kitchen making pancakes for Wally. Actually cooking for him, at like six in the morning. I mean, even the best of best friends don't specifically wake up early to cook each other's breakfast. I'm sad to say that Wally continues to flirt with M'gann and me, even Zatanna to an extent. I take special care to watch Robin each time he does it; there's this barely visible frown that appears on his face each time Wally does it. He never says anything, but the smiles turn fake for a little while. Until Wally turns his attention back to him, and then it's like the sun started shining again. Jealous much?

Then, the way they want to always be near each other. They always stand next to each other during mission assignments, so close their shoulders brush. They could be holding hands for all I know. Oh, I've tried to catch them at it, but I haven't quite succeeded yet. One of them is, after all, Robin the Boy Wonder. They're probably pretty careful about keeping it a secret. But hey, I'm a girl, and I live with them half of my life so I notice these things. Aqualad has all but given up trying to separate them when we go on missions, they just don't function right. Plus, Wally throws a hissy-fit, as I like to call it. Even when we're just relaxing at Mount Justice, they inevitably sit next to each other on the couch when we watch movies or play games. Once I even caught Robin lying down on the couch with his head in Wally's lap. Is that best friend behavior? Kinda stretching it, if you ask me.

And the last point on my checklist. The amount of time they spend together, alone. I don't know how many times it has happened that as I'm on my way out the mountain back home, they ask me if there's anyone left in the mountain and if so, where. I've asked M'gann about this too, and she told me they ask her the same thing. Then, when they find out they have the whole mountain to themselves, they get these identical cheshire grins on their faces and then run off somewhere. Suspicious. As if Robin couldn't just hack the security cameras and see for himself… it's as if he wants us to know. Another thing I've noticed is that whenever Robin announces that he's going to go train, Kid's by his side in a flash, (no pun intended). See, if there was a guy I liked I would totally follow him to watch him train. Because what's hotter than seeing your crush shirtless and sweating and doing flips off a bar? I think I'm going to have to follow them one day and see how much actual training happens in there. And of course, the nights that KF mysteriously disappears into Robin's room to "play video games". Yeah right. And in the morning they come out of the same room always in a very suspiciously good mood.

I can't say that I wasn't shocked at first. Wally always came across as so… straight. But I guess that's pretty understandable if he wants to cover it up. I don't have a problem with it, not at all. I mean, I'm pretty much turning into a fangirl by now, as embarrassing as it is to admit that. Anyway. M'gann and I have started a little fan club of our own. Zatanna's kind of caught on too, although she has a thing for Robin so it's not quite going over as well with her as with the rest of us. Now that I think about it, I think we've leaked to pretty much the whole team. I have a bet going with Roy that I'll catch them kissing one day, and M'gann has a similar one with Superboy. Kaldur really doesn't care, but I've tried to make a bet with him too. If only they knew that their secret was so not secret anymore! We're just adding more and more evidence because you can't deny that those two are more than just friends. One day we'll confront them ourselves if they don't own up to it soon.

Here's just one of many instances.


The scent of newly baked cookies wafts through the air. I'm sitting on the couch reading a magazine and listening to Robin and Kid Flash playing Call of Duty, and M'gann is obviously in the kitchen. Wally shoots up, abandoning the game, and is standing at the Martian's side in an instant.

"M'gann… You are the best!" I look over the top of my magazine to watch him snatch up a couple of the cookies and pop them into his mouth. I smirk; they're burnt badly but Wally devours them all the same.

"Oh no… They got burnt again!" M'gann stares dejectedly at her ruined plate of cookies, wringing her hands. I see Robin get up from the couch and pad over quietly.

"Hey, don't worry 'bout it M'gann. You've been getting better!" he reaches forward and pats her shoulder lightly. "You haven't burnt your cookies in quite a while," he elaborates. I snort quietly to myself. Yeah right. No offense to M'gann or anything, but pretty much all her batches have been burnt no matter how careful she is. My attention is regained immediately though when Wally carefully plucks Robin's hand off of M'gann's shoulder. He holds on to it for way longer than it should to take your friend's hand off of a girl's shoulder. Correction: boyfriend's hand. And the important point is that neither of them seem to notice it, as if it's just a normal thing for them. They don't blush or pull away… I see M'gann's gaze drop down to their joined hands, and Wally abruptly lets go. But I saw it! We both saw it. Ha. One more point to go on my list.

"If it makes you feel any better, I still love them no matter what," Wally says to her, winking, and earning himself a jab in the ribcage by the Boy Wonder. He then proceeded to pop another pair of the burnt cookies into his mouth while I shake my head slightly and return to my magazine. M'gann trotted over to me as Robin poked fun at Wally's dietary habits.

"Did you see it?" she whispers to me and I nod quickly.

"How could I miss it?" We grin at each other knowingly. Then the green-skinned girl floated over to clean up the kitchen. I turn the page of my magazine, still smiling to myself.

So definitively together.


Author's Note: This is just the prologue. The real action will start in the next chapter ;) Oh and it's Artemis, though I hope that's obvious. The whole thing will be in her point of view save for one small section that will skip to KF's. Thank you for reading! Please review if you have the time.

Thank you to the awesome theL3monTart for giving me the idea to make Artemis and M'gann fangirls XD