Another Lucian story! I've been thinking about writing another one and after this weekend, I decided that it was time. And good news…..depending on you guys's interest, I will make this a ten chapter story; nine regular blocks of the fanfic and then an epilogue. I hope you guys enjoy it because I have been brainstorming this for three days.

Inspiration for Terrified: On Friday, I was told that Ian was seen in Southwest Michigan and though I know now that he wasn't, that didn't stop theories from forming in my head. I knew that Lucy was going to be in Toronto for the MuchMusic awards and in order to get there, she'd have to pass through Detroit. Ian was 'supposedly seen' in a small town just outside of the city. In my mind, it made connections and tricked me into thinking that they were together. Now, you may say that I wasted my time because it just got my hopes for nothing, but hey, I'm an optimistic person!

Reviews will be very much appreciated. Please constructive criticism and no burning!

Disclaimer: I am no way affiliated with Lucy or Ian. This is simply an innocent story about friendship, love, and honesty.

Terrified: Chapter 1

Change in Plans

You hold me without touch.

You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love

And not feel your rain.

~"Gravity" by Sara Bareilles

Lucy angrily slammed the door behind her as she clambered into Ian's Warner Brothers dressing room. He lifted his gaze from the script in his hands and his eyebrows creased as he stared up at his costar and close friend with a concerned expression on his tired face, "You okay over there, Goose?"

She shook her head, her hand going wildly up in the air as she managed to speak through her anger, "You know how I am supposed to present that award in Toronto on Sunday? Well, I thought that Chris could make the trip with me. I mean, his show got cancelled and he's not really up to anything besides his paintings and since I was given tickets for two, it'd be a good opportunity to just spend the weekend together away from LA, but no. He's too 'busy' and now I have to go all by myself to a different country."

Ian remained silent as she released her frustration. During the whole thing, he just sat there staring at her, his heart hammering against the cavity of his chest. Even when she was angry, she was still the most beautiful he'd ever seen. Her brunette hair was growing back into a dark waterfall that gently fell over her shoulders. Her pink lips were glossed and creased into a fury enraged frown, but it looked more like a pouting bottom lip making its way over the top one. She wore only the leftover make up from the day's shoot and was changed into a simple tank shirt and jeans. Her toenails were painted; sky blue with creamy yellow polka dots. Her hazel eyes gleamed in the soft fluorescent light.

When she was done, he took a deep breath and said with a calm voice, "Well, it's not like you're never going to see him again. You'll be gone for less than two days. Besides, I'm sure he has a good reason for ditching you and your plans for the weekend." He cracked a teasing smile, "Right now, you seem like someone anyone would want to spend time with alone for 36 hours."

She tried not to laugh, but was unsuccessful as she rolled her eyes and plopped beside him on the small couch, "Well thanks so much, pal. You really help a person out."

"Anytime, Goose." He chuckled along with her as he went back to reading his lines.

She just continued to gaze at him. Ian never failed to make her mood go from pissed off to incredibly calm and content. That was just the kind of personality that he had. He was sweet, smart, absolutely hilarious, stubborn and reliable. They'd been friends for more than two years and she loved him like a brother. She didn't know what she'd do without him. He was her best friend and the closest thing she had to a human angel; he looked like one too. His dark blue eyes smoldered indigo lava from underneath his blue Red Sox baseball hat, his messy dark brown hair in a wavy mess beneath it. His perfect angular jaw was covered in five o' clock shadow as he forgot to shave that morning since he'd been running late. He wore a dark green t-shirt and blue jeans even though it was eighty degrees in LA. He denied being a heartthrob, but she could see why hundreds of teenage girls were weak kneed over him. She sometimes even got dizzy over him after their lips separated once an Ezra and Aria scene was done. He was a very attractive man.

Suddenly an idea popped in her head, "You know, both halves of Ezria were given the weekend off. If you're not busy, you could always come with me." When her friend was ready to interject, she cut him off, "Ian, you haven't left California in months and I can see that you need a break from all of your Fitzy secrets." She winked at him and then nudged his shoulder.

He sighed, "I don't know, Goose. I need to rehearse to get ready for my scenes with Gregg next week and it's Father's Day and I'd really like to spend it with Sarah and my dad. I don't see him all too often. Plus, what will Chris think if I go off to another country with his girlfriend? I know how he gets, Lucy." The light in her eyes faded and he knew that he hit a sore spot with her. Though things seemed peachy and wonderful for the couple of almost five months, Ian knew her too well to not see that she wasn't as happy as she was with Alex Marshall last summer. She was incredibly unhappy; anyone and everyone could see it. Something inside of him broke when he saw his best friend's face draw into sadness and he reached out to rub her leg comfortingly, "I just don't want him getting mad at you."

"Don't worry about me and Chris. I told you that before." She snapped at him and then sighed, snuggling closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder. There was nothing romantic going on between them, no matter how many fans and cast members believed there was. That moment was just about two friends spending time together. Though even she had to admit that it felt really good to have him so close to her, "I'm sorry, Ian. Will you at least think about it for me? I really can't imagine going with anybody else right now."

He hesitated before murmuring, "I'll think about it." He didn't really have to think about it. Ian already knew his answer. Just the thought of having her all to himself for the weekend sent his heart on a high speed chase, his stomach clenching in a tightened fist. He knew what he wanted to happen with her.

Ian was so sure that he was in love with Lucy. She brought out the best in him and then even more. He loved her more than what words could express. And it hurt him to think that she didn't feel the same way about him. It hurt him so badly that ten gunshots to the chest would feel better than what he was putting himself through. His love for Lucy Hale was just a bunch of heartbreaks ready to happen. He couldn't love her. He shouldn't love her. But he did. Oh, he did oh so badly.

He ignored the voices inside his head screaming at him as he simply said in a hushed tone, his arm wrapping around her shoulder, "I'll come, Lucy. I'll go with you this weekend."The smile on her face was very much worth the throbbing ache in his heart. This weekend was going to change everything between them.

He knew that much already.

Lucy threw a bunch of blouses onto her bed with Annie and Claire looking on with narrowed eyes from the door way. The two blondes were a couple of her closest girlfriends, but right then she was just getting annoyed as they hammered her with questions:

"Does Chris know that you're taking Ian with you?"

"Will he even be okay with it? Please don't stir the pot. You know how he gets."

"Luce, we know Ian is like your best friend besides us and all of that good stuff, but doesn't the man have better things to do than to go with you to a different country for a whole damn weekend? You and him…you aren't…you would tell us that much wouldn't you?"

She rolled her eyes and faced them with a roll of her hazel eyes, "Girls, really? I need the company and you two didn't want to go. I'm sorry that I needed someone to go with and Ian just happened to be the one who said yes. I've told you before: he and I are only friends and we're not going to ever be anything more than that. I love him, but not like that."

Annie raised one of her eyebrows at her roommate, "So, you've never noticed the way that Ian looks at you when you two are together? He practically drools over you, Lucy! He's head over heels for you. Are you too oblivious to notice that he is completely infatuated with you? Get your head out of your ass and listen to what we're saying."

Claire chipped in before Lucy could even skip a beat, "I like Ian. He's a great guy with a nice head of hair and a really adorable face to look at, but I'm not so sure that I would trust his or your judgment. I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt you, but being alone with you could trigger something."

Before she could say anything, the Los Angeles apartment door opened and a heavy voiced called out, "Lucy! It's just me!" It was Chris. She could tell by the way that Jack was barking. He didn't care for her boyfriend too much. He did like Ian though. He loved Ian.

Chris's head appeared in the doorway of her bedroom with a frown on his face, "Hey, babe. Can we talk for a sec?" He waved to Annie and Claire, "Hi, ladies. Mind if I talk to my girlfriend alone?" They nodded and went out to the living room. He closed the door and crossed his arms across his chest as he leaned against it, eyebrows creased, "So, who's going with you this weekend?" His dirty dish blond hair was a mess; she never knew if he washed it or not. It always looked greasy and it didn't help that he wore a beanie most of the time. His clothes were dirty and she knew that he'd been out late the night before with some of his guy friends and his agent whom she couldn't stand. He smelled like he just got done smoking and it wafted in the room as Lucy suppressed a cough.

She shrugged and folded an outfit into her suitcase, "Well, none of the girls wanted to go because they were too busy and you said you couldn't go-"

He shot back, his hoarse voice rising in an almost whine, "I told you why! I have to stay in the city and set up auditions. In case you've forgotten, I spend my days painting as an unemployed actor while you're on a hit TV show." When she flinched at the sound of his voice, he took a deep breath and shook his head, "It's not like I don't want to spend time with you, darling, but this is something I need to do." He stepped closer to her and gave her a kiss on the top of the head. She almost gagged at the smell of smoked tobacco on his plaid short-sleeved shirt as he wrapped her into a hug, "Who are you going with? At least tell me that much."

She sighed and pushed away from him as she went to the closet, "Ian is going with me." Silence was met with her response and she'd expected it; that was why she'd waited so long to tell him. After all, she left the following morning for the night that they would spend in Detroit.

"What?" Chris finally replied. Lucy turned back to him to see his eyes flaring, "Ian as in 'Ian Harding' that everyone thinks you're in a relationship with?"


"Don't, Lucy! How did you think I was going to react to this? You couldn't find another freaking person to go with?" He plopped on the bed and knotted his fingers into his hair, "Everyone says that this guy loves you, Lucy. Everybody. I get tweets and messages all the time about how 'Lucian lives'. Do you know how that makes me feel knowing that I could lose you to someone that your fans actually like better than me."

"What is with all of you today with thinking this? Ian isn't in love with me!" Lucy exclaimed, "Can't two people of opposite genders just be good friends? Ian and I have been through a lot together. Plus, he needs to get away just as much as I do. We work hard all week on set and a trip out east could be all for the better good. He's my best friend, Chris. Don't make it seem like he's any more than that to me."

He snorted and shook his head again, his eyes rolling, "I went to set those couple of times at the table readings. I saw the way that he was staring at you when he thought I wasn't looking. I didn't even have to say a word to him. He avoided me the entire time that I was there." He continued before Lucy could stop him, "Ian was jealous. He wants you for himself. Isn't making out with you all day on camera for the show enough for him? My god, it's like you're completely clueless to it." He took a deep breath, "I don't want you going with him."

Anger flared inside of her, "Since when can you tell me who I can and can't hang out with when you're not around?"

"Since I became your boyfriend back in the fall. It's my job. Now please promise me that you'll find someone else by tomorrow."

She thought about it for a minute and then turned her nose up at him as she stuffed the last of her belongings into her suitcase, "I'm not doing that. He's going with me and you're not going to stop him." She walked over to the bedroom door and opened it, "Leave. We'll talk later, I guess."

Chris bit his bottom lip as if he regretted what he said, but then after a moment pushed himself to his feet and hustled out of the bedroom and then out of the apartment, the door slamming behind him. Jack yelped at the noise and sprung into Annie's lap. Her friend looked over at her, "So, I take it that he doesn't approve of Ian going with you?"

She didn't reply and shut the bedroom door, leaning against it. She squeezed her eyes shut as a single tear fell gentle from her eyelashes. Ian isn't in love with me. He just can't be. Why does everyone keep saying that when it's obviously not true? I love Ian like a brother and as a best friend. And he feels the same way about me. A relationship between us would just ruin that. He wouldn't want to throw that away now would he?

Lucy quickly gathered all of her utilities for the next day into the corner so then they'd be ready to go in the morning and then plopped on her back on the bed, clutching her iPhone to her chest. A new text alerted her a vibrate as it was on silent and she glanced at the screen. It wasn't Chris calling to apologize for being an ass. It was Ian. Her heart quickened and her cheeks flushed red. What did he want? They'd be spending two days together alone and he wanted to talk to her more than he had to? She shook her head and took the call.

Ian's voice was chip and bright as he rushed out, "Holy crap you actually answered my call for once. I was expecting to get voicemail. You hardly ever answer my calls anymore so this is a nice treat."

She forced a greeting out of herself, "What do you need, Ian?"

Silence met her question and it took a few moments for him to respond, "What's wrong, Goose? I know you too well to not detect that tone of sadness on your voice. So don't try and weasel out of my question."

"I just got into an argument with Chris over something really stupid. I don't even know why I'm upset. Fighting is all we seem to be doing lately."

There was a deep sigh made by Ian on the other end of the call, "Is this about me going with you this weekend? Luce, if you don't want me to go then I can easily cancel my plane ticket to Detroit-"

She managed to laugh at this, "Yeah, well, Chris is going to have to deal with it. I can deal with him when I get back. Just you and me this weekend, okay? Shmian and Goose Take Detroit and Toronto."

He chuckled, a sweet sound that felt like music to her as it rumbled in her right eardrum, "I bet the network would love to dedicate a whole reality show just to us." He laughed again before sighing happily, "So, the plans are still on?"

She nodded even though she knew he couldn't see it, "Like I would ever cancel on you, Shmian." She glanced up at the wall as she stared at it, "The plans are still very much on. This weekend is going to be amazing. It's going to change a lot of things for us, but, hopefully, in the best ways possible."