The team was up earlier than usual for a spontaneous training exercise. Canary had them working harder than normal so that by lunch they were all sore and ready to quit. KF hadn't been around all day, but according to Superboy, was still in his room.

The zetatube announced the arrival of Flash, and they were given a short break. They knew something was up by the fact that Flash was wearing Civies and a bare face. Despite him and Wally being freer than some with their secret identity the team had never seen him without his cowl. Robin being the exception since he frequented the Allen household.

Barry and Dinah returned, wearing fake smiles that fooled no one.

"Hey guys is my sidekick around?"

"Right here Uncle B, what's up?" Despite the casual words, Wally looked like hell, bruised knuckles reminder of to his breakdown last night. Flash's eyes flicked to the others listening in the room and placed his arm around Wally ushering him out the door.

"Let's talk somewhere quieter kid."


Wally froze, his blood ran cold in their veins. He watched his uncle's lips move and arms shift in front of him. He suddenly felt light, like the weight that had been on him since his parents crash was gone. He didn't even notice his fall to the ground or his uncle's embrace or his team entering the room.

Superboy's worried expression made him laugh. It bubbled out of him, growing louder and louder until all he could hear was the blood rushing past his ears " I-I have to.." His sentence incomplete, he broke free of his uncle's arms, using all his speed to propel him away.

If anyone knew where KF went, it would be Robin. The Boy Wonder had a few guesses but took his time formulating a plan, waiting until everyone else was busy before making his escape. If Wally would listen to anyone, it would be him. And it would have to be alone. Hacking into the transporter's system, he changed the settings, ending up on a quiet residential street on the outskirts of Gotham.

He knew Bruce would be able to track where he landed, but his mentor didn't know that KF knew their secret identity or that he would dare hide close to the batcave. Running to the manor, he turned off the path, entering the dense forest that surrounded his home. Bruce's property was filled with hundreds of small caves underneath. When Wally first found out who he was, they had explored some of those caves.

Their special hideout was on the edge of the property near a small brook. Reaching the entrance, he stuck his head in looking for signs of life. "KF?"

He edged around a few branches sticking out of the entranced, fumbling in his belt for a flashlight. Further in their was a shuffling sound and he moved in that direction. Wally was sitting on the floor at the back of the cave, his legs drawn close to his chest. Rob fiddled around on the ground, creating a small fire. He moved back, settling down beside Wally who inched slightly closer. They sat in a somewhat companionable silence while Wally slowly stopped shaking. Rob waited for him to speak first.

"I kept telling myself it would be fine. I thought if I believed it hard enough, it would be true. I just can't." he lapsed into silence before starting again " I...I can still see her, calling me down for breakfast and telling me to have a good day. They weren't going to be back till Monday and she wanted to say goodbye." He collapsed into Dick's arms, clinging to his waist. " I want my mommy" he whispered. His voice cracked as he sobbed. Dick gently wove his hand into the ginger hair, understanding exactly how the other boy felt. There was nothing he could say to help the other, but at least his presence would reassure Wally that he wasn't alone.