EL Digital Saviors 25

Ok loyal readers now that Lucy's mother and brother have been introduced its time to get back to battle against Etemon. Running out of options he enlists his top agents to combat the organic youths who've become a real thorn in his side. However our heroes are slowly but steadily proving they can surpass their limits. Story is still rated the same. Please read and review.

-chapter 25 - Rock 'n Rolled!

It was a quiet period at the Inn for once. As Lucy with her squad of little helpers were able to clean the place with hardly any about everyone was out in town doing whatever they needed or wanted to do. For instance Alex had to pick up his new copy of X-Men. JP had to pick up a few spark plugs for his truck. So who was she to stop them? As lunchtime rolled around she pondered what to make. Patamon had an inkling what she wanted. "Y'know for lunch, why not make some wonton soup? And bake a few fluffy biscuits to go with it? I love myself some wanton soup yes I do.'' He said licking his chops.

That did sound good to Lucy. Simple but tasty... only her peace and quiet was broken by a loud crash! Around the corner was a now broken lamp. ''Oh ya gotta be kidding me... '' Patamon facepalmed.

His pink haired partner knew exactly who did it. A certain rowdy wheelchair bound girl with an extreme lack of manners. "Not again... Mariko!" Lucy hollered knowing the noise was a lamp she'd knocked over around the corner.

No answer. It figured she thought, Mariko was just gonna lie her way out of this. "I didn't do it! Nana did!'' She yelled out denying the whole thing.

''Did not Mariko!'' Nana denied back.

Wonderful now the two were playing the blame game. Pointing the finger at the other hoping neither get in trouble. But Lucy wasn't born yesterday, she knew what they were doing. And frankly she was really getting tired of Mariko's misbehaving. It was going to stop now. "Wheel your butt over there now! I mean it young lady!'' Lucy yelled demanding the girl wheel herself front and center.

Slowly Mariko wheeled herself around and into Lucy's line of sight. The older girl glared daggers at the girl in the chair. Narrowing her eyes Lucy had a very few set of words for Mariko to follow. "Move. Your. Behind. Over. There. Now.''

Still glaring Lucy pointed to the corner for the wheelchair bound youngster to sit in. ''You can come out only when you think about what you've done wrong. Only then and not before.'' Her caretaker instructed.

Turning around Mariko had the most heartbroken look in her eyes, only Lucy simply ignored her. "The sad face won't work on me. Turn back around now.''

With a heavy sigh Mariko resigned herself to her punishment and stared at the corner of the wall. But by now Lucy had a small confession for Patamon. "Oh Patamon I retract my statement about my brother. Conner isn't the devil, Mariko is.''

Just then there was a knock on the door. The Inn wasn't expecting any visitors today and nearly everyone was in the city doing errands. So who dropped by the pinkette wondered? ''Now who the heck could that be? Just about everyone's out and about in town.''

So Lucy opened the door and her jaw dropped. Who of all people was there? None other than Dr. Kurama himself. The parent to Mariko & Nana. His expression wasn't his usual stoic self. Something was up or Lucy would be a monkey's uncle. ''I hope I'm not... intruding?'' He asked.

The tension between them both was so high you could cut it with a knife. Just what did this madman want? "Gimme one reason why I shouldn't pound your face in?'' Lucy said giving him a very sinister death glare. She even cracked her knuckles just waiting for an excuse to sock him one... Her sharp eyes combined with their red hue made the effect all the more creepy.

Even Patamon was bit suspicious of the freak doctor's unannounced visit. If he wanted a fight well he picked the worst time for it. He did not trust this man and snidely asked just why he showed up. "Yeah what's up next on your itinerary Dr. Frankenstein? Hmm? How to turn Diclonii into gold?'' He sassed making a reference to the Philosopher's Stone.

In a foul humor Dr. Kurama wrinkled up his nose hardly wanting to be insulted by these two. He came in peace and tried to keep himself calm and lose his temper. ''No. No. Nothing of that sort. And you data monster you know nothing of me or my work.''

Being an bigger jerk Patamon simply stuck out his tongue. A small vein throbbed on his forehead showing he was really trying to keep his cool. He was mad but he suppressed it. ''Look Lucy I'm not really your biggest supporter and you don't like me. Call it even or fair. Call it whatever you like.''

Noting liking him didn't justify that statement at all. It was more like she loathed him actually. But against better judgement she decided to hear the man out. "Don't like you? There's an understatement... But what do you want to tell me? More bad news from foreign supporters of your lab? They asking too many questions and you're running out of excuses? I figured that would happen sooner or later. Mayu made some barley tea I'll get some and we can discuss whatever it is you want.''

With a frown on her face Lucy gestured for Dr. Kurama to follow her to the kitchen and she fetched the tea from the fridge. Sweeping the floor were Bokomon and Neemon. As you'd guess they were more than a little nervous having this man around them. Like Lucy & Patamon they didn't trust him at all. Sitting atop a chair was Patamon himself and issued him a very important warning. "Let's get one thing clear here doc I don't trust you. I got my eyes on you, she's my friend. My best friend no less. My 20/20 vision all on you. Try anything. Hurt Lucy for example. Its the last thing you'll do. Got me scumbag? Good.''

As he sat at the dining table Kurama noted just how well cared for the place was. The duo of Neemon & Bokomon informed her Lucy was far from some mutant savage. She was a talented cook, housekeeper, and loyal friend. The fact a Diclonius was able to perform all this was astounding to him, though his scientific mind proposed if cared for under the right conditions even a Diclonius could become civilized. Seemed Lucy was the example. She might be key to those who opposed the rounding up of her kind and treating them like lab rats. He was so lost in his investigative thoughts he didn't even see Lucy poured his tea in front of him.

Naturally she spooked him back to reality. "Hey! Go on drink it. I didn't poison it. Now what is it you want exactly?'' She inquired very suspicious of his motives.

"Well a few of my foreign contacts have been asking who they should send in the Kakuzawa's place. My staff said I should but my higher ups want someone more experienced in international customs. But this Kaiser Network thing... I haven't been trained for that kind of thing. Evil computer monsters out to kill people? Nope.''

And that was where Kurama misspoke. The Network wasn't out to kill just people. They wanted to wipe out Diclonius kind too. Or any Digimon who opposed them. ''Actually the Viral Kaiser Network wants to wipe out both our kind. Or anyone or anything that gets in their way.'' Patamon clarified.

That fact made his brow go up. That meant he wasn't safe nor were his staff. Or the many people of the city. Or the country. The world even. Kurama was starting to grasp the sheer gravity of the situation. "Someone's out there Mariko.'' The voice of Nana mentioned.

It sounded like... but couldn't be. It was daddy! "Wait that voice... Daddy?"

Wheeling herself around the corner she only got on the bad side of Lucy's wrath. She angrily pointed to go back in the corner. "Hey I said stay in the corner until you thought about what you did wrong! Remember? Back to the corner young lady.''

"Papa? It is you! But why're you here? You're not here to take us away are you? Please I don't want to leave! I like it here.'' Nana said with pleading eyes on the verge of crying.

Truthfully Nana loved living at the Inn and working on the chores. She enjoyed her newfound friendships with everyone and the Digimon. Seeing she was part of something bigger, beyond the feud humans had with Diclonii with the looming threat of the Viral Kaiser Network. They aimed to wipe any or all who opposed the be it human, Digimon, or even Diclonius. That included her, her father and Mariko too.

Blinking at seeing her father there Mariko ignored Lucy, unsure what to do. "Mariko I said get back in the corner. And stare at the wall. You can come out when when you understand what you did wrong.'' Lucy ordered as Mariko rolled back into the corner.

Naturally the man wasn't happy about Mariko being disciplined. "Don't punish my daughter so severely. She can't help herself.''

Oh this was a huge bone Lucy had been wanting to pick with her father for a long, long time now. "Maybe she'd learn if you didn't lock her up like a crazy person at a funny farm. Ever thought of that huh? No ya didn't did ya!''

Joining them at the table was Nana who was given some tea as well. Looking over how kind Nana was Patamon had ideas of his own. ''Or that maybe her kind aren't the bloodthirsty killers ya think they are?'' Patamon deadpanned with a death glare on his face.

As much as he hated to admit such a notion, Kurama couldn't deny the fact Diclonii were sentient beings. Therefore they displayed the same exact emotions humans did, fear, hate, anger, sadness, joy, love among others. Not all humans thought alike therefore it wouldn't be unreasonable to surmise Diclonii would do the same or so Kurama thought. He'd be hard-pressed to deny the tender loving care Lucy displayed with Nana. She acted more like a real mother than most humans did. Evidently to Lucy he never considered such a notion. ''Thought so. Here I thought scientists were more of the open-minded type.''

But before the scientist could offer a retort the front door flung, JP was back from his errands. Buying parts for his truck probably. ''Lucy I'm home. Got my parts, gonna go work on my truck and I... Who the?! What the!? What's this jerk doin' here?! Lucy got some explaining to do!'' His good mood shattered the instant he laid eyes on the creepy scientist at the table.

Close behind him was Hagurumon who looked ready and willing to pummel the man to pieces. ''Yeah, why's mister mad scientist here? We under citizen's arrest or something?''

"No government takeover! Hah! You'll never take us alive.'' JP snarked.

"Shut up. He's here as a courtesy call. Go work on something.'' Lucy grumped to him gesturing for him to shut up and get working.

''Uh thank you.'' The scientist thanked her. To which Patamon simply glared at him.

Still the boy and his gear monster didn't trust the man and muttered a few extra insults around the corner. ''Keep your eyes open, JP! I don't trust this guy as far as I could kick him." Hagurumon suggested.

"Kick 'im!" Was his reply. "Well if you all excuse me I got that sink pipe to fix. Then clean out the gutters. After that I can take a look at the toaster.''

Walking around the corner JP went to his repair work on the toaster only Nana remembered something important. ''He does know that its not on the fritz right?'' Nana asked as Salamon did a mental countdown.

''YAHHHHHH!'' Both JP and Hagurumon yell getting shocked.

''Guess not.'' Nana piped up, while Salamon simply snickered.

Coming back early and taking Lucy by surprise was Mayu, followed along by the ever so loyal Renamon. ''As I said Mayu we must be ready for any threat no matter how small. I don't think your friends realize the danger the city's in.'' The fox started to say but suddenly noticed the mad doctor seated at the table. ''Mayu get behind me. No questions do it!'' Renamon said shoving the girl behind her for safety.

Peeking from behind her partner Mayu recognized the man. The man who attacked Lucy and sent Nana and Mariko after them all. ''Hey... What's he doin' here!?''

Hopping up on a chair top Salamon playfully sassed the pink-haired girl about the repeats of why the man was there. ''Ya shoulda recorded this to invoice Luce. Yer gonna be saying it a lot.''

''Salamon not funny.'' Patamon sassed back to her.

Being the sassy brat Salamon simply stuck her tongue out at him to rile him up. ''Relax he's here as a courtesy call. Again. Last time I'm saying it.'' Lucy said drumming her fingers on the table annoyed.

Taking a seat in the living room Mayu still wasn't convinced, nor was Renamon. She'd heard of the cruelties humans had done to Lucy's kind, Kurama among them. Like Salamon she glared daggers at him, not trusting him one little bit. Snapping her out of the sour mood her Digivice beeped... a rogue monster was slowly approaching the human world. Time to get to work.

Then JP, Lucy's, and Nana's gizmos went off all showing they were tracking the same hostile bogey. Looking at her Patamon expected Lucy to jump at the chance to fight but this time she declined. Oddly enough. ''Uh you guys go ahead I'll hold down the fort, JP, Mayu take the tenderfoot Nana and Dr. Kevorkian with you. Give him a taste of what we're dealing with.''

Being compared to a euthanasia proponent irked the man the wrong way, but again he suppressed his temper. Of course Mayu, Renamon, JP, and Hagurumon weren't happy either with dragging him along for the trip.

Yet again winning the award for dumbest roommate of the year Neemon didn't get the meaning of ''hold down the fort''. In short he was confused, again. ''Hold down the fort? A fort's heavy. Way too heavy to hold. This in an inn not a fort. I'm confused... ''

Smirking Mariko whispered something in her father's ear Dr. Kurama's mouth curled into a sly smirk, it was about time he had some fun today. He snapped the hem of Neemon's pants making him let out a yelp. He actually found it funny.

-city streets

As the group tracked the Digimon wandering around they all wondering if it was Etemon. They hoped it wasn't. He was simply just too strong for them at their current level. And trailing behind them was Dr. Kurama who still wasn't fully in the know about this whole mess. But still first hand field experience was often the best experience if you really wanted it. ''So what sort of beast are we tracking around here?'' The scientist asked getting nervous around the many winding streets.

''You mean we are tracking him you're just following along.'' Mayu corrected him looking over her Digivice.

Their bogey was here but how were they able to hide so well? Still they had them outnumbered if they decided to go on the offensive. But where was the target? And how were they so stealthy? Glancing around JP heard a few garbage cans in a far alley fall over. ''What was that?!''

''Garbage cans. But what knocked them over?'' Mayu said still looking over the scan of their target.

Walking alongside Nana Salamon picked up a scent and started growling, as a louder deeper growling was heard and jumped down to the streets. It looked like a gigantic black wolf with white tips on its fur coat. "What is that thing? Why is looking at us like we're a doggy treat?'' Kurama panicked hiding behind JP. "Uh nice doggy. Cute little pooch. I might have a Milk Bone on me... " He muttered in a panic.

"Really dude? See a therapist.'' JP muttered to him. "Alright let's see what we're dealing with here. Scan mode... Wow that's a Blackgarurumon. Champion level. Virus attributed Animal Digimon. Oh says here the blades extending from its shoulders are so sharp they slice apart anything they touch. Its special technique Howling Blaster is breathing blue, high-temperature flames from its mouth.''

The oversized wolf gave them all a tooth filled smirk. "Good three of you are here makes my job easier. And my job? Obliterating you off the face of the city!''

Glaring daggers at the big black wolf Salamon was more than ready to fight this jerk. Growling she pointed at him having a hunch he'd be here. ''I knew you would be here. I know yer scent. But you will never obliterate Salamon, because Salamon is unoblite- unobli- unobliterary... You can't kill me.'' Salamon sassed paws fully on her hips simply stating she couldn't be beaten after nearly butchering the pronunciation of unobliteratable. The word she couldn't say.

''Take yer best shot doggie.'' JP taunted him readying his Digivice.

"Time we take out the big bad wolf!'' Mayu said joining in on JP's rally.

''Yeah time to toast him!" Salamon called out in agreement.

It was time for a fight, a fight to determine who the real Digimon were. Everyone then called out for their data based partners to get battle ready. "Execute! Champion Level Digivolve!"

''Salamon Digivolve to... GATOMON!" Salamon called out first now Gatomon.

''Renamon Digivolve to... KYUBIMON!" Renamon now Kyubimon yelled second.

"Hagurumon digivolve to... GUARDROMON!'' The likes of Guardromon called out last but not least.

Crackling a like a madman Blackgarurumon admired the brats courage and arrogance. But that was their undoing, he knew it to be true. "Heh. Which of us will be ''toasted''? I brought friends. I hope you'll play with them. Arise my warriors! RISE!''

A large digital portal opened as two large reptilian based Digimon crossed through to the world of humans. The first was a dull yellow with a large spiky shell. And next to it was one who resembled an evil green chameleon. Yawning the black wolf pointed out they introduce themselves. It was only fair. ''Gentlemen, introduce yourselves. Its only fitting the Digidestined know the names of their slaughterers.''

''I am Tortomon! I cower in my shell from no one! With my Strong Carapace technique I crush all enemies!'' The giant turtle roared out taking a battle stance.

"And I am Chamelemon, an Armor-level Reptile Digimon that evolved using the "Digiegg of Kindness". My unique skin can replicate the surrounding environment and re-cover it. I'm best suitable for espionage, as slipping through security and hacking databases is easy for me. My special move Tongue Lashing is a powerful whip of my extensible tongue.'' The lizard explained cooly.

The dark furred wolf slowly approached them all as the trio of heroic monsters readied for a fight... if it came to that. Instead of attacking the virus wolf gestured with his paw for his two associates to stand down, for now. His tone was more like a military general than tyrant. ''I've been waiting for you all. My leader Etemon and the network have been watching your battles closely. Your victories over Devimon and Etemon's troops are most impressive. I need superior Digimon like yourselves! I offer you all the chance to join us. Together we shall build a Utopia where the powerful Digimon rule humans under the watchful eyes of the Viral Kaiser Network, our lords and masters.''

His smug face showed he was serious about his request. While it would stop the fighting and further destruction, those with great justice would see them all as sellouts. And JP actually thought it over until he came to a decision. ''No way, Dog-boy! Your boss's schemes end here and now!''

-begin Biggest Dreamer by Kouji Wada

And the six monster turned the streets into a brawl, each trying to overpower the others. The oversized turtle Tortomon was busy against the fiery kitsune teamed up with Mayu. Hoping to help her partner out she scanned the giant terrapin, maybe find a weak point in his armor. ''According to the scan Tortomon's a Champion Level Vaccine type. What's he working with the Network for?!''

"I don't know Mayu. They've corrupted him somehow. We've no choice but to destroy him.'' Kyubimon relented, as she had a point. Sometimes there wasn't any choice but to terminate an enemy Digimon. Negotiating was futile.

The giant turtle withdrew into his shell and spun around at high speed trying to tackle Kyubimon. This was his ''Spinning Attack'' and he spun around the streets demolishing all in his pat! The fiery fox jumped from street lamp to street lamp each getting sent flying. Her retreating tactics weren't working, it was time to go on an offensive. This terrapin had to have some kind of weakness. Every Digimon. Even herself. Then she had an epiphany. But it would take some planning, first lure out the oversized lummox.

''Tonight I dine on Tortomon soup.'' The fox called out to him.

"Why you!? You'll pay for that! Strong Carapace!'' The tortoise yelled shooting off a barrage of rocks from his shell.

The many rock missiles were something Kyubimon easily dodged and swerved out of the way of. As the attack stopped Tortomon again tried his Spinning Attack slamming around the streets... until Kyubimon saw he was about to hit a speed bump which sent him upwards by a few feet. It was just the opening the fox was hoping for.

"Fox Attack!" She yelled charging into his plastron (his bottom shell) with a flaming headbutt.

The blow sent him flying and landing on his shell helpless. Like a real turtle he couldn't right himself. "Eh!? Oh no! NO! NOOO!''

"Tortomon this is the end for you! Wish it wasn't to be this way but Mayu is my friend and I will defend her to the ends of the earth! Dragon Wheel!'' Kyubimon roared out as her body enveloped in flames in a dragon shape and rushed Tortomon.

The powerful attacked slammed into the turtle exposed chest plating engulfing him in searing flames. "NAGH!" Tortomon screamed as his body began reverting back into data.

Meanwhile the battle of Guardromon VS Blackgarurumon was raging just as brutally. Roaring the evil wolf bit his enemy's arm with icy fangs. ''Freeze Fang!''

The cold was making his systems malfunction so the metallic Digimon slugged Blackgarurumon right in his jaws breaking his bite. That only made the big bad black wolf laugh maniacally. "Oh was that an attack? Here's mine, Howling Wolf!'' The viral beast howled a powerful shockwave.

''Homing Laser!'' The machine Digimon called out firing homing beams from the cylinders on his shoulders.

The two super powered techniques were locked. Each Digimon put more power into their respective ability. If Guardromon faltered the whole human race, Diclonii and his digital world would be conquered by the Kaiser Viral Network. He couldn't let it happen. If defeating Blackgarurumon was yet another step in his heroic journey, so be it! And so he shot twin laser beams from his eyes. "Power Laser!"

The twin lasers hit dead center on his wolf enemy. That had him wincing from its impact. "Why you fool! Ignorant fool! I will vaporize you! Howling Blaster!'' He howled out breathing searing hot flames.

The barrage of heat engulfed Guardromon who frankly couldn't take the heat. His opponent Blackgarurumon cackled as his enemy was suffering. "What's the matter Guardromon?! Too hot for you to handle? You know what they say if you can't take the heat... GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN! AHAHAHAHAH!''

"Argh... I was going to ask you the same question. Here Warning Beam!'' Guardromon collected himself blasting his enemy with a laser from his eyes.

The beam hit Blackgarurumon's back leaving a potent & painful burn in its place. Again the evil wolf was beyond angry, he was going to make this bucket of bolts suffer! One way or another! "OHHH! Ooh that hurts! It burns! You... hurt me? I am going to enjoy ripping your processor out! Then eating it! C'mere Howling Blaster!''

As the wolf lunged for him Guardromon knew it was now or never. This was it. Time to separate the Mon from the boys! "This is it! Time I finish this... Guardian Barrage! Guardian Barrage! Guardian Barrage! Guardian Barrage! Guardian Barrage! Guardian Barrage!'' He yelled out shooting a gigantic barrage of flying missiles from his wrists.

The barrage hit Blackgarurumon dead-on engulfing him in a huge fiery explosion! As the smoke started to dissipate the remains of Blackgarurumon were half way done reverting to data.

And then there was one, Chamelemon. He was pitted up against Gatomon. ''Alright lizard-boy ya want some of me? Come get it!'' The feline hollered charging headlong into battle.

"RAGHH!'' The lizard roared charging as fast as his four legs could carry him.

Quickly Gatomon jumped as did Chamelemon, and both slammed into each other. The resulting collision sent both falling hard onto a parked semi trailer, flattening it. The agile feline leaped off her reptilian foe and rushed him. He fired off numerous Tongue Lashings which Gatomon countered each and every time by way of Lightning Paw!

Annoyed the chameleon based monster whirled around whipping the kitty with his long tail sending her flying. She was headed for a tall high rise apartment. Luckily she had just the technique for just such an occasion. ''Cat Claw Fury!'' She hollered using her claws to dig through hard surfaces. Or in this case into them!

Her claws held her weight high in the air, embedded in the concrete. She glared at the lizard who was threatening her friends and city. His rounded eyes glared back at her demanding she fight like she meant it and get down. ''What're ya doin' up there? Get down here!"

''Staying away from you! What do ya think? Workin' on my suntan!?'' Gatomon sassed him.

''Get over here! Tongue Lashing!'' The oversized reptile roared shooting out his tongue at her sky high refuge.

But this was what she'd planned for too. Swerving away from his Tongue Lashing attack Gatomon readied herself, sending a downward kick from the air. "Megakick!'' She yelled out hitting right square in the face!

"I'll crush you!'' Chamelemon hollered out getting to do a haymaker on her.

But ever the quick feline Gatomon caught both his fists, it 'bout time she finished off this jerk! "Not... Today! Lightning PAW!"

With one last power-packed Lightning Paw Gatomon impaled Chamelemon right in the torso. "Oogh... Gatomon I was just following orders... Please don't kill me.'' He pleaded growing weaker every passing second.

Scowling Gatomon wouldn't have any of it though. "Is it just me or you begging for your life? You threaten my friend Nana, her sister Mariko, their father! You scum, who don't have mercy, now beg for it? I thought you guys from the Network were made of sterner stuff."

"But Gatomon spare me. We can be... A team. We can defeat The Network together... Please.'' He begged again.

The feline gestured for her allies to just finish him off. Guardromon launched off several Guardian Barrages as Kyubimon sent off a volley of Foxtail Inferno. Both barrages engulfed the lizard in a fiery explosion leaving nothing but burnt dust. "Well that's that. That's done it we beat 'em all. Such a waste.'' The feline said reverting back to her Salamon form. The other Champions did the same.

All this fighting in the name of keeping peace struck a bad cord with the trio of Rookies. Something about it didn't seem right. But Hagurumon was in good spirits at the victory. "Once again we've put evil in its place!''

"Yeah they got cat scratch fever!'' Salamon joked.

Facepalming JP could never figure out why Salamon loved her one-liners so much. ''What is it with you all and the one-liners? Grow up a bit. Dr. Kurama I presume you've seen enough to form an opinion of all this?''

''Uh um... Ahh yes I have. Unfortunately this only means I have to double down on my excuses before the Japanese government gets wind of it. Then there's the issue with UN. I'll try to stall them as best I can. In the mean time Nana stay safe. Salamon watch over her and Mariko.'' The scientist suggested looking for an alley to sneak into and get away.

''Well tell her to mind her mind your P's and Q's then we'll talk.'' Salamon retorted glaring at him.

''Well let's head back home. I'm getting hungry and so is Renamon.'' Mayu said with her stomach growling.

"I am not hungry Mayu.'' Renamon objected. Only her stomach growled betraying her.

"Tell yer stomach that Renamon.'' Salamon said getting snarky.

-to be continued

Well how was this new update? I needed to update something of mine or I'd go crazy. Not to mention my loyal readers think Power Rangers Dimension Legends is dead. Its not. Writer's block and life issues have hampered my writing. But I figured I'd get off my lazy behind and finish this chapter up. Plus spring is in full swing is winding up so I hope I can post more story updates. To all those who work under Hasbro I make no money off this fanfiction story so its counterproductive to try suing me. I don't have any money to shell out. I write this only because I loved Digimon back in its heyday. Also a challenge to all readers, I'll give 50 points to whoever can correctly guess all the references the characters make. Be it anime, manga, comics, books, live-action, animation, or games it doesn't matter. Guess them.

Please read and review this and my other stories which range from: Yokohama Night Monsters, Diclonius Goddess of Steel, Power Rangers Dimension Legends, ELG The Series, EL Digital Saviors, Cybertronian Invasion, and Maverick Hunter KLN to satisfy your craving for bizarre crossovers. This has been TURP "The Crossover Writer" and now slightly less insane phasing out peopleā€¦ later.