Luna pressed her lips to her husband's temple. "Draco, love, please wake up."

There was no response.

"Dimpy! Rinka!" she shouted.

Both elves popped into the room immediately.

"One of you take him to St Mungo's. The other get me some clothes and then call his parents." She ordered as she jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

Dimpy and Draco were gone when she returned. Rinka had laid clothes and the bed and presumably gone to call the Malfoys.

Luna flooed to St Mungo's, where the mediwitch took her to a waiting room and told her the healers were examining Draco and would let her know something as soon as they knew something.

Her in-laws burst into the room a few minutes later.

"What happened to him?" Narcissa wailed.

"I don't know." Luna shook her head. "He was fine last night, but this morning, he wouldn't wake up."

"Was it something to do with the vow?" Lucius asked. "Did the two of you violate it somehow?"

Luna frowned, considering. "No, I don't think so, because he becomes feverish when the vow makes him sick. He felt cold this morning."

They waited for nearly half an hour before a healer came in with Harry and Ron. All three Malfoys jumped to their feet.

"How is he?" Luna and Draco's parents asked almost in unison.

"He's stable." The healer assured.

"Can I see him?" Luna requested.

"In a bit." The healer said. "Let's sit down and talk about this."

The Malfoys and the healer all took seats while the two Aurors remained standing behind the healer.

"He appears to have ingested a substance that is suppressing his central nervous system." The healer told them. "I need to know everything he's had to eat or drink and any potions he's taken in the past 24 hours."

Luna's face scrunched in concentration. "We had the same thing for breakfast and dinner yesterday, and I haven't felt anything unusual. I don't know what he had for lunch yesterday. You could probably ask someone he works with. He did have a glass of wine last night, but I didn't have any."

"Wine?" the healer questioned. "Did he take any sleeping potion or anything like that with it?"

"No, not that I know of." Luna answered. "He woke up in the middle of the night, and had trouble falling back asleep. I found him downstairs, and we talked a few minutes. He just had the one glass of wine, and by the time we got upstairs, he could barely keep his eyes open. We thought it was just because he drank the wine on an empty stomach. I think he would have said something if he had taken anything else."

"Where did the wine come from?" The healer pressed.

"It was the wine you gave Neville ... " she trailed off as she turned to her father in law.

Lucius had gone pale.

"No," he shook his head. "It couldn't be. I measured very carefully, and calculated in the effect of the wine."

"You put something in a bottle of wine you gave Neville?" Harry folded his arms.

"It wouldn't have done this!" Lucius insisted. "I used a long acting sleeping draught. It wouldn't have made him sleepy that quickly. Something else is wrong!"

"You're under arrest." Harry informed him as Ron held out a hand for Lucius' wand.

Lucius obediently surrendered his wand and held his hands together to be bound.

"You too, Mrs. Malfoy." Harry said gently.

"No!" Lucius protested. "She didn't know anything about it. Let her stay here with Draco."

Harry and Ron looked at one another, seeming to communicate without words. Ron shrugged.

"Fine, she can stay." Harry agreed. "We know where to find her if we need her." He turned to Luna. "Where is the bottle of wine now?"

"At my house." She answered. "It was on the table when we went upstairs last night. If it's not still there, one of the elves can tell you where they put it."

"I'll take him in, you go get the wine?" Ron suggested.

Harry nodded. "And I'll send for Neville. I'm sure we'll need his statement to sort all this out."

"I'll need to know exactly what the substance was, so we can counteract it." The healer told them.

"As soon as I have the information." Harry nodded.

The two Aurors left with Lucius.

"What now?" Narcissa asked the healer.

"As soon as we know what we're working with, I can begin measures to remove it from his system." the healer explained. "But his system is so compromised at this point, we're going to have to bring him back slowly. Depending on what potion he was given, if we flood his system with antidote, we could lose him."

Luna wrapped her arms around herself, biting her bottom lip. "Do everything you can for him." She urged.

The healer nodded and rose. "Of course we will."

He left the two women alone in the waiting room.

"Why did Lucius give Neville Longbottom a bottle of wine, and how did Draco end up with it?" Narcissa demanded.

"Neville came to us last night with the wine and a bag of money." Luna told her. "He said Lucius gave them to him, wanting Neville to seduce me so I would cheat on Draco. Neville wanted me to know about it. He wanted to arrest Lucius, but Draco said he would handle things with his father."

"For someone as intelligent as he is, Lucius does some pretty stupid things." Narcissa observed dryly.

"Yeah." Luna agreed.

They fell into a silence that lasted more than 20 minutes. Then Blaise and Theo arrived.

"We just heard." Blaise greeted both women with a kiss on the cheek. "What's going on with him?"

Narcissa explained that Draco apparently accidentally was exposed to some sort of potion that had heavily sedated him.

"You don't think Death Eaters are involved, do you?" Theo asked quietly.

Luna and Narcissa exchanged a look.

"Probably not." Luna shook her head. "From what we've seen, it appears to be an accident."

"What can we do?" Blaise offered.

"Just keep Nimbus running." Luna smiled sadly. "That's what Draco would want."

Both men nodded. "Of course." Theo assured.

"Thank you." Narcissa said sincerely. "Draco will appreciate your concern, as we do."

"We'll head back to the office then, but please let us know if there's any change, or we can do anything further." Blaise said.

The door opened again, and Ginny Potter came in. The two men nodded to her on their way out.

"Are you all right?" The redhead asked, hugging Luna.

"I'm okay." Luna nodded. "What are you doing here? Don't you have practice today?"

"Harry sent me." Ginny told her. "He said you might need a friend. It's the first practice I've missed in two years. The team will get over it." She grinned wickedly. "I'm sure the fact Malfoy owns Nimbus has something to do with it. They probably would not have been nearly as gracious if I was going to visit a cauldron salesman. So what happened?"

Luna again explained, but this time admitted to the fact that Lucius had put something in the wine, as Ginny would probably hear about it from Harry later anyway.

Just as she finished the story, a mediwitch came in.

"Healer Kearney wanted me to ask you exactly what he had to eat and drink yesterday." She handed Luna a parchment and a quill. "As an exact a list as you can make. He says that what Mr. Malfoy stated he put in the wine wouldn't cause this reaction."

Luna wrote everything down. "We'll have to floo or owl his office to ask what he may have had while he was there."

"I've already sent a message there." The mediwitch nodded. "I'll get this right to the healer."

She left with the list, leaving the women alone again.

Ginny began talking about Quidditch practice to fill the silence.

The door opened again, and Astoria Greengrass came in.

"Oh, our poor Draco." she whined, ignoring Luna and Ginny and walking straight over to Narcissa.

"He's not your poor anything, so just save it and go on." Ginny announced, hands on her hips.

Astoria glared at the other two young women. "He and I are going to be married."

"Or not." Ginny snapped. "But at the moment, he has a wife, so your presence is not needed."

"Who do you think you are to speak to me that way?" Astoria demanded.

"The wife of an Auror." Ginny replied smugly.

"I'm sure if Draco were awake, he would ask for me to be here." Astoria insisted.

"Actually, knowing that we were out here fighting would probably upset him." Luna replied. "I think it would be best if you left for now. If he wakes up and wants to see you, I'll let you know."

"I'm not going to stay here and be spoken to this way." Astoria sniffed. "But you can be certain I will be telling Draco how you treated me."

"Oh I'm sure you will." Ginny rolled her eyes.

Astoria stormed out of the room, leaving the three women in silence again.

Luna's stomach rumbled loudly.

"Have you eaten today?" Ginny frowned at her.

"No." Luna answered. "I woke up with Draco unconscious, and I came straight here. I hadn't even thought about it."

"I'm going to get you a sandwich." Ginny announced, standing.

"I don't want anything." Luna shook her head.

"You need to eat." Ginny argued. "You're going to need your strength. As much as Harry turns into a whiny brat when he's sick, I can only imagine what Malfoy's going to be like."

There was a smothered sound from the corner. Both of them turned to look at Narcissa, who was smiling.

"He's dreadful when he's ill." His mother confirmed. "But his father is even worse."

"How about you, Mrs. Malfoy?" Ginny asked. "What kind of sandwich do you want?"

"Oh no, I'm fine." She waved a hand.

"If you don't eat, you could faint, and then you won't be here when the healer comes back with updates." Ginny pointed out.

"All right." Narcissa sighed. "Nothing heavy, please." She reached into her bag for money, but Ginny waved her off.

"It's fine. I've got this one. If we're still here for the next meal, you can buy that one." Ginny headed out the door.

Narcissa spotted lime green robes as the door closed behind Ginny. She quickly crossed the room and addressed the healer in the hall.

"Have they been able to wake my son yet?" She asked.

"No ma'am." The man shook his head. "He's not responding at this time. I'm sorry."

Visibly shaken, she came back and sat down.

Luna reached over and took her mother in law's hand. "He's going to be fine."

"But what if he's not?" Narcissa asked with a touch of hysteria in his voice. "What if they can't wake him up?"

"I'm sure they will. But if not, then we'll bring him home and take care of him until something changes." Luna answered.

"He doesn't have an heir. What would we do if he never has a child?" Narcissa fretted. "The Malfoy family has continued for over 900 years. It can't end with him."

"He and I could still have a child." Luna explained the concept of artificial insemination to her.

"You would do that for him?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes." Luna answered softly. "But I really believe he will be all right. I just feel it."

Narcissa looked at her oddly, but didn't say anything else for several minutes. When she did speak again, she said, "If you had let him die, you would be free of him and the vow."

"Everyone seems to think the two of us being married is the worst thing that could have happened to us. He and I are actually happy together. We've learned a lot from each other." Luna shrugged. "Neither of us is the person the other would have chosen. Maybe that's why fate had to push us together the way it did. To make sure we got the lessons we were supposed to from being together."

Narcissa regarded her strangely again, but didn't answer as Ginny returned then with sandwiches and tea.

The three ate quietly, frequently looking toward the door.

Ginny flagged down a mediwitch again a little while later, who told them there was still no change.

An hour later, Healer Kearney returned. "We've given him an antidote, but he's not responding. We're waiting for the Auror office to get back with us about an analysis of exactly what was in the wine."

"Can I see him now?" Luna asked again.

The healer looked between the patient's wife and mother. "For a few minutes, I suppose. I'm going to warn you, he won't know you're there."

"I'll know I'm there." Luna replied.

He led the two women down to a room, and paused outside the door. "Just for a few minutes. He repeated.

They nodded.

Draco lay in the bed, quiet, still, and pale. The only sound in the room was the box charmed to thump in time with the patient's heartbeat, which was slow and irregular.

Narcissa approached him on one side, taking his hand, and trying not to cry.

"Darling, we love you. Please wake up."

Luna sat on his other side, laying her hand on his arm. "Draco, you've given us a terrible fright, and I must say I don't like this at all. It's rather like Sleeping Beauty, except that the prince is the one asleep and the girl who runs about in the forest is the one supposed to wake him up, but I don't know how. I do hope there's no evil sorceress we have to battle. We've had quite enough of that already. Did you know that muggles think they made up that story? Of course, muggles don't believe in magic, so it would never occur to them that a curse to cause someone to sleep for many years or an animagus dragon could be real. Do animagus dragons breathe fire? I wonder what your animagus would be if you had one. Your name means dragon, but I don't think it would fit your personality. Or maybe it does. You become rather defensive when cornered and sometimes I believe you could breathe fire. When you were younger, I would have chosen a hippogriff for you. You were very proud and vain and you pecked at people a lot. You're not like that so much now. I think a ferret would probably be a better choice. You're intelligent and playful. Maybe that's why you became one when Professor Moody transfigured you. We'll never know now, will we, whether he chose the form or you just assumed it. What is your patronus? I'll have to remember to ask you that when you can answer me. Do you really think Malificent was an animagus dragon, or was that story changed and exaggerated over the years? That happens, you know. Like Cinderella. As if mice would really have helped her collect all those things. But the Ministry can't admit that she had pet nargles, because then they would have to admit they've lied about many things over the years. They would never admit that, would they? They still deny they had aquavirius maggots in the Department of Mysteries, but I saw them. Your father did too. You should ask him. And for the record, you may be good without the wine, but you were definitely not spectacular with it. I didn't even get a proper kiss before you fell asleep on me."

"He knows we're here." Narcissa said from across the bed. "His heart rate became stronger and steadier since we've been talking to him."

The healer came back. "That's enough for now. You can come back again in a few hours, as long as he holds stable."

Luna kissed Draco's cheek. "We have to go now but we'll be outside waiting."

Narcissa looked at Luna in surprise before she leaned in to kiss his other cheek.

As they walked back to the waiting room, Narcissa looked at her daughter in law. "You care about him."

"Of course." Luna shrugged.

They waited for over an hour longer, before Harry Potter came back.

"How is he?" Harry immediately asked.

"There's really no change at this point." His wife informed him sadly.

"Hopefully that will change soon." Harry announced. "Now that they know exactly what was in the wine."

"What are they going to do with Lucius?" Narcissa asked.

"He'll be here shortly." Harry shrugged. "As soon as they do the paperwork and get everything sorted. He won't be charged."

"Why is he not being charged with anything?" Ginny demanded. "He nearly killed his own son!"

"It was an accident," Harry replied. "and he wasn't the only one who tampered with the wine. Lucius put a long lasting sleeping draught in it, hoping that Neville and Luna would fall asleep after, you know ... " he trailed off, flushing slightly. "And be caught together. Neville realized that if he gave the bottle to Draco, that Draco and Luna might drink it together, so he put a fast acting sleeping draught in it, so they would fall asleep before anything could happen. Either one of the potions alone wouldn't have caused any real harm, but the two of them together were enough to send Draco into an overdose. Lucius is beside himself. He truly didn't intend for anyone to be hurt, especially not Draco. Neville is even worse, because he realizes that if Luna had drunk any of the wine, it could well have killed her."

Luna and Narcissa both nodded, but Ginny wasn't so accepting.

"So the Aurors are just going to let them go?" She flared.

Harry sighed. "Not exactly. Lucius is being released, because Neville stated that Draco had not wanted to press charges last night. If anything changes later, he could still be arrested again. Neville has been suspended and is facing an inquiry before Internal Affairs."

"Why is Neville in more trouble than Lucius?" Ginny folded her arms.

"Because he's an Auror. He knew better than to do something like this, even as a prank." Harry shook his head. "Robards has made it clear to us that Aurors are to be held to a higher standard than the average wizard. Neville let his personal issues get in the way. Neville is my friend, but I have to back the chief on this one."

"Neville is jealous of my relationship with Draco." Luna said softly. "And Draco is even more jealous of my past with Neville. Draco did somewhat goad him last night. If I spoke with the inquiry officers, would it help?"

"Probably not." Harry answered grimly. "He should be used to being provoked. Criminals will do that. There really was no excuse for what he did and even he knows it."

The healer came back and sat down.

"Well, good news and bad news." He began. "We know exactly what he consumed now. The bad news is, it was a very dangerous combination. We're going to have to bring him round slowly to prevent any further damage to his system."

"Damage?" Luna questioned.

"What kind of damage?" Narcissa asked over her. "Is it going to be permanent? What is wrong?"

Kearney held up a hand. "To put it bluntly, by the time he came here, he was in multiple organ failure. Another hour or so, and he would have been dead. We have to remove the substances from his system slowly to prevent further injury. However, we are hopeful that once we do so, we can reverse the organ damage over a week or two."

"So if everything goes the way it should, he's going to be all right soon?" Luna concluded.

"Yes," the healer nodded. "If it all goes well, he will be all right."