A/N - Yes, I'm still working on The Prisoner and Dragon's Song. I just have rabid plot bunnies that keep coming up with more and more ideas.

"Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, may I have a word?" the healer asked politely.

"Of course." Lucius murmured, rising to his feet and extending a hand to help his wife up.

"What about me?" a young woman in a wedding dress practically screeched. "I'm his fiancée! It was my wedding he collapsed during!"

"I'm sure the healer will speak with you in a moment." Her father sighed.

The patient's parents followed the healer into a private sitting room, where he gestured for them to be seated on the loveseat, while he took the chair across from them.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Mrs. Malfoy asked, wringing her hands.

"Well, that's going to depend on your definition of bad." The healer shrugged. "Your son is currently being held under a stasis charm to prevent his condition from deteriorating. But we must find the source of the illness before we can reverse the stasis and wake him. You say he had been in excellent health until the past day or two, when he complained of blinding headaches, nausea, and vomiting? Then collapsed during his wedding, and was brought here with an irregular heart rate and terribly high fever?"

"Yes, but we thought he was just nervous about the wedding." His father replied with a frown.

"He has all the textbook symptoms of someone breaking an Unbreakable Vow." The healer informed them. "I had one of the staff mind healers to search his memories to see if we could possibly find one." He waved his wand, and pensieve floated from atop the cabinet in the corner to rest in the middle of the coffee table between them. "We found one, very deeply buried. Apparently it was made so long ago, young Mr. Malfoy has forgotten."

The healer fished a small glass vial from his inside pocket, and opened it to extract a silvery thread of memory, which he added to the pensieve. He nodded and gestured to the parents, who looked at one another in confusion and apprehension before wordlessly placing their faces to the surface of the water.

They found themselves in the magical portion of the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. Draco, looking no more than five or six years old, told his mother he was walking over to the candy section of the store. He was selecting chocolate truffles when someone spoke to him.

"You can't eat all that. You'll get a stomach ache." A red haired boy about the same age informed Draco. The newcomer was flanked by two slightly older identical boys, also with red hair and freckles.

"You're just jealous because you can't afford it." Draco smirked.

"How do you know…"

"we can't afford …"

"chocolate or whatever else we fancy…"

"around here? You don't…"

"even know who we are." The two older boys asked, one stopping in mid-sentence and the other starting exactly where the other left off, as if this were a rehearsed comedy routine.

"I do so!" little Draco protested. "You have red hair and shabby clothes. You're the Weasleys. I've heard my father talk about you."

"You can't just judge people like that." One of the twins informed him.

"Yeah, if you did, we could say you're a Lovegood." The other continued.

"Albino hair…"

"Grey eyes…"

"Pale skin …"

"Crazy ideas … "

"I don't know what you're talking about." Draco scowled, interrupting another round of the twins' back and forth conversation.

"Her. Luna." The smaller ginger boy pointed at a girl sitting crosslegged on the floor, with a picture book upside down in her lap.

She looked up at the sound of her name. "Hello." She smiled.

"See?" one of the twins pointed out. "You kind of look like her."

"No I don't." Draco frowned.

"Do too." The other twin answered. "We could …"

"Judge you based…"

"On what you look like…"

"And we would think you were a Lovegood." The older boy concluded with a smug look and folded his arms across his chest.

"It's different." Draco argued. "You're a family. I don't even know that girl."

"You could be her family one day." One of the twins informed him.

"No I can't." Draco shook his head. "I'm a Malfoy. I'm not a … whatever she is."

"You could marry her." A twin told him.

"Then she would be your family." The other answered.

"She would be a Malfoy." The first one nodded.

Little Draco's brow creased as he looked from the Weasleys to the girl on the floor. "My father will find me someone to marry."

"That's the craziest..."

"Thing I've ever heard." The twins informed him.

"You really should get to pick your own wife." The smaller boy nodded.

"Why should I want to marry her?" Draco asked.

The girl on the floor was now looking up, watching them with her head tilted.

"Because she's cool." The smallest boy told him. "She has two crups, a kneazle, a ferret, a toad, a jobberknoll, and a fire crab as pets. And she lives in a round house."

"Wow." Draco's eyes widened. "A round house?"

The little girl nodded.

"And all those pets?" he asked.

She nodded again, standing gracefully to walk over to the four boys.

"That is cool." Draco agreed. "My dad has two hunting dogs but he won't let me play with them. He says it will make them soft."

"You could come to my house and play with the crups, or any of the other creatures. Even the fire crab is rather tame, as long as he's just been fed." she said.

"I like ferrets." Draco smiled shyly.

"She's a lot of fun." the girl told him. "Her name is Dancy and she does tricks for food."

"See?" one of the twins began. "You could..."

"Marry Luna and..."

"Live in the round house with all the creatures..."

"and not be stuck with whoever your father picks."

Draco made a face. "My father would probably pick Pansy or Daphne. Pansy is mean and Daphne is such a baby."

"So Luna would be a much better choice." one of the twins encouraged.

Draco nodded. "But I don't get to pick. My father gets to pick."

"That's not fair." the little ginger boy shook his head.

"You could pick if you really wanted to." one of the twins suggested.

"How?" Draco's face scrunched up curiously.

"Make an Unbreakable Vow to marry Luna." the twin suggested. "Then your father has to let you marry her, because you already promised."

"Ooooooh, George, remember what Dad said?" the little ginger piped up. "He said you're not allowed to have people make Unbreakable Vows."

"No, he said we're not allowed to have you make Unbreakable Vows." the twin smirked.

"He's not related, so he doesn't count." the other twin agreed.

"Luna, would you want to marry him?" the first twin asked her.

"Can we have pudding every night?" Luna asked.

Draco nodded. "I like pudding."

"And maybe a winged horse one day." she suggested.

"Winged horses are cool." he nodded again.

"Okay, I'll marry you." she agreed.

"Oh, good. You ... what's your name?" a twin asked.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." Draco answered proudly.

"Give me your arm." the twin extended Draco's arm, while the other twin took Luna's arm and clasped it to Draco.

"Now, repeat after me." one twin pulled out a wand.

"Where did you get that?" the little ginger asked, his eyes widening.

"From the cupboard in Mum's room. She has it put up for Percy when he goes to Hogwarts." the twin shrugged.

"I'm not going to Hogwarts. I'm going to Durmstrang." Draco informed them.

"That's nice." the girl answered. "They have dragons there. Are you related to any dragons, or are you just named after them?"

"I'm named after a constellation." he answered proudly.

"What's that?" the little gignger asked.

"A bunch of stars that someone thought looked like a dragon. I think it looks more like a snake." Draco told him.

"Let's get on with this." the twin without the wand rolled his eyes.

"Do you, Draco Malfoy, promise to marry Luna Lovegood when you get old enough?" the twin with the wand pointed it at their joined hands.

"Yes." Draco answered, yelping and trying to pull back when a flame circled their wrists.

"It won't hurt you." the twin told him. "As long as you keep your promise. Now, do you vow to consummate the marriage?"

"What's con-stum-mate?" the little ginger asked.

"I don't know." the other twin shrugged. "But Aunt Muriel said when Cousin Barney married that Matilda lady that it wasn't a proper marriage because it was never consummated because Barney is a flamer."

"What's a flamer?" the little brother asked.

"I think it's like a phoenix." the girl answered.

"We're related to birds? Wicked." the youngest brother grinned.

"We'll worry about that later." the twin without the wand rolled his eyes again.

"Do you promise to consummate the marriage so it will be a proper marriage?" the twin with the wand asked Draco again.

Draco nodded, still watching in fascination as the flames circled their arms.

"Luna, do you promise to marry Draco and consummate him and be a proper wife?" the twin continued.

"Yes, as long as we have pudding every night." she replied solemnly.

Draco nodded again, still watching the flames.

"I now bind you in an Unbreakable Vow." the twin flicked the wand, causing the flames to shoot out toward their shoulders, across toward their hearts, and then disappear.

With The Vow made, the five children then turned their attention to debating the best candy the store carried, as if nothing had ever happened.

"There you are." a petite lady with light brown hair walked over and took Luna by the hand. "I've told you not to wander off. Nargles could steal you."

"I'm too big, Mummy." Luna giggled. "Bye Draco. Bye Fred and George and Ron." she called as she was led away.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Narcissa stepped into the picture, snatching up her son. "What on earth are you doing? Haven't I told you to stay away from strange children? You could end up with Dragon Pox or Hoof and Mouth Disease!"

Draco waved to the red haired boys as he was carried away. "Mother, I met this girl. She has blonde hair and grey eyes like me and lives in a round house and has a pet ferret and one day I'm going to marry her."

"Draco, no one has a round house." his mother informed him.

"Come on, let's find Mum." one of the twins suggested.

The memory ended, and the Malfoys found themselves sitting wide eyed across from the healer.

"Now we believe the reason he has survived so far is due to the fact that a child was the bonder. The Vow wasn't bonded sufficiently to kill him, but strongly enough that he must honour his commitment." the healer explained.

"So he has to marry this girl and consummate the marriage?" Lucius asked, what little colour he had draining from his face.

"Yes, and have pudding every night." the healer agreed.

"Oh dear Merlin, it's the mad girl from the cellar." Narcissa moaned.