Lilly pressed her fist to her mouth and closed her eyes tight, trying and willing sleep to come but her wolf was too excited, making her belly twist and churn because the excitement of Santa Claus sneaking through a house full of werewolf's was too much for her to bear. Santa must be amazing, she thought, to be able to get past her daddy. Lilly sighed, her Daddy was the best Daddy in the world, Lilly knew because he loved her so, he always told her. He was even going to marry her Stiles because if Lilly couldn't have her Daddy, that's who she wanted as a parent, Stiles.
Lilly scrunched her toes up and balled her fists. At her age, her little claws were too short to reach the soft flesh of her hands and feet, her fangs were strong though and Lilly was so proud of them. She willed the butterflies out of her tummy but they wouldn't go, they got stronger. Frustrated she growled and got an answering growl from her daddy. It wasn't a scolding, he was checking she was okay, and she returned with a whine, letting him feel her frustration.
The door opened and daddy walked towards the bed, sitting down and stroking her back. 'When you were just a tiny cub and couldn't sleep I used to carry you around and rub your back.' Daddy said. Lilly pouted up at him. Daddy was her Alpha, no matter how many games they played, and Lilly knew an Alpha took care of their pack.
'I'm too big.' Lilly sighed. Being a big girl was such hard work sometimes.
'My baby's never too big.' Daddy said softly, his stubble tickling her neck as he scented her. He lifted her into his arms, and his hand went to the middle of her back while his other arm curled around her legs. He was wearing a soft black t-shirt that her Stiles had brought over and it smelled like both of them, a perfect blend of love. Lilly buried her face in his shoulder and wrapped her legs around him. Daddy rubbed her back as he walked into the hallway and she could hear everyone's heartbeat as they relaxed into bed waiting for Santa Claus to come. Daddy paced past each room, letting her hear the sounds of the pack as they relaxed together, and it lulled her into a soft doze.
It was a little while later that Lilly felt like yawning when Daddy carried her to his bedroom. Her Stiles was lying in the dim room watching them, his eyes locked on her. Daddy carried her to the bed and lay down letting her curl into them both. Stiles curled a hand around her and let his fingers caress her spine and his thumb tickle her neck. Lilly let the yawn out and wondered what time Santa would get there when...
Someone was in her room. He smelled like cinnamon, like candy and warm, strong like Daddy. He was Alpha, but human. There was something calming about him. He had a big round belly, he was wearing red and white, he had black boots, and a big beard. He held his finger up to his lips and Lilly grinned at him. He set three parcels on her floor, and then sat on the edge of her bed.
'What would you like for Christmas?' He asked.
'Can ask for next year?' Lilly whispered quietly. Santa nodded his head as if he already knew what she wanted, perhaps he did. 'I want a baby brother.'
Santa chuffed, rubbing her head. 'I think you might need to discuss that with Daddy and Stiles, what do you think sweetheart.' He said. Lilly pouted. 'I'll tell you a secret.' Santa winked and Lilly waited eagerly. 'You won't have a baby brother next year, but the year after that looks promising.'
'Will my Daddy and my Stiles be there too?' She bit her lip.
'Of course, but that's a secret for another time.' Santa said. 'I have to go, I still have a lot to do, and I only have a few hours to get to Hawaii.'
Lilly nodded and blew him a kiss, snuggling back into her winter duvet and wondering how she got back into her own bed from Daddy's. She fell asleep as sleigh bells rang out from the roof.
Lilly woke and yawned, and she remembered it was Christmas. Lilly paused and listened but everyone was asleep. Lilly didn't care; she slid out of bed and opened the door, making her way to Daddy's room. The door was closed and Lilly opened it carefully. She walked towards the bed. Daddy was on his back snoring and her Stiles was half on top of him. Lilly crawled onto the bed and bounced on top of them.
'It's Christmas!' She cried as loud as she could. Stiles woke and Daddy just managed to save her from Stiles knocking them both to the floor. That would have been fun.
'Six twenty two.' Stiles muttered sticking his head up from the floor.
'Santa Claus was in my room last night.' Lilly said.
Stiles cocked his head and Daddy's eyes went wide. 'You're not lying.'
'Course I'm not. He left gifts.' Lilly said. In a flash Daddy had handed her to Stiles and was out the door. 'He smelled like candy.' Lilly said. Stiles nodded at her, and gaped when a shocked looking Daddy came back into the room.
'I have no idea.' Derek shrugged helplessly, the gifts in his hands.
On Stiles's instruction Lilly woke everyone in similar fashions, although she conceded to her grandpa's request and snuggled into his arms for a cuddle.
'You make me very happy Lilly.' He said kissing her head. Lilly frowned up at him, not understanding why he sounded so sad but cuddled him tighter.
They all went downstairs, where lots of gifts for everyone waited. Lilly wanted to open them right away but Daddy made her eat first. And then in her Stiles words, chaos erupted.
While everyone was opening their presents Daddy arched his neck in the air and sniffed, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to taste the air. 'It's snowing.' He announced, a big smile on his face. Lilly grabbed her new snow boots and the coat Lydia had got her and insisted Allison help her choose an outfit because they all needed to outside an play for a little while.
'I want to make a snow werewolf.' Lilly announced once they were outside, so they set to work. Everybody rolled the body and the head and Stiles and Scott disappeared looking for buttons, eyes nose and a hat. 'Don't forget fangs!' Lilly called after them. Daddy grabbed her and threw her high into the air. Lilly squealed in delight when he caught her again.
'You're a bossy little woman aren't you.' Daddy said sounding happier than he'd ever been.
'I'm a princess.' Lilly said biting her lip. Daddy kissed her on the cheek and hugged her.
'Your aunty Laura would be so proud of you right now.' Daddy said and Lilly rested her head on Daddy's shoulder, kissing his cheek.
'Let's make snow angels to say Hi to her.' Lilly suggested happily. Daddy hugged her harder then joined her on the ground, making angels in the snow.
Like the rest of the pack, Lilly helped make dinner. There were lots of people, and her job was to count everyone. No one was allowed to move while she completed her task, but they all did, chopping around and trying to tease her until her Grandpa warned anyone that moved again would be arrested. He wasn't lying, and that made Lilly giggle. So she counted sixteen people, including herself. Job done, she was free to play. She hung around Allison, convincing her to help her with her hair, and then Jackson had to read her storybooks with her. Just the titles, she would read with him later.
Mr Argent and Grandpa talked about boring things but they both joined her with the train set she got while Erica helped dress her new dolls.
Then they all sat down to dinner. They pulled crackers and laughed at jokes Lilly didn't understand, played grown up games where they had to guess things she didn't know, but her Daddy, her Stiles, Grandpa and even Allison helped her, whispering the answers. It was loud and there was lots of singing and laughing. Lilly made sure to cuddle everyone, even the stern Mr Argent, who told her she was precious and made a promise to her Daddy that he'd protect her at all costs. Lilly didn't understand what he meant but Daddy's gratitude soaked into her and she hugged Mr Argent that little bit harder.
After dinner Lilly and Stiles played on the floor by Grandpa's seat while he snored, and Daddy joined them, laughing and joking quietly as almost everyone slept. They played a game of Pictionary and Allison and Isaac joined them when they finally finished washing dishes and tidying the big kitchen. After a while Daddy put his arm around Stiles and Lilly crawled onto their laps. 'Daddy?' She whispered.
'Yeah?' Daddy answered tucking a curl behind her ear, his thump grazing over her cheek.
'Is this our family?' Lilly asked. Everyone seemed to still, even Grandpa who had just woken up and smacked his lips together, but Daddy smiled his best one and reached a hand out to mess her curls.
'Yeah baby girl, this our family.' Daddy smiled. Lilly snuggled closer with Geezer and soon fell into a deep sleep.