Disclaimer: I do not own any of the featured media, the rights go to their respected owners.
When Endou, Mamoru fell, he fell hard; he had never been in love before, and in all honesty, had never fully understood those kinds of feelings, when it wasn't based on friendship. If he had ever thought about starting a relationship with a another person, those thoughts had been brief, so much so that he hadn't never taken note of them.
It had been more difficult than most teenaged crushes were. For starters, his interest was a boy; he, himself, didn't see much difference between your partner being a boy or a girl - love was love and he knew enough, that it shouldn't matter what sex they were, but he also realised that it might matter to some people, and Mamoru didn't want to just randomly confess and embarrass the guy.
Said guy was of the name Gouenji, Shuuya, and fortunately, or unfortunately - depending on how you looked at it, they shared their music class in college; it made the brunet nervous; they were good friends after all, and had even started a band together, so although Endou never told him how he felt, he was content enough with how things were.
That is, until one day, when he had been asked by Gouenji if he'd wait after class for him and go to the back of the building. The brunet had raised an eyebrow at that time; questioning it, but did what he was told and waited dumbly for ten minutes before the bassist got there. It had been strange to say the least, the usually calm teen had transformed into a fidgeting mess; so much so, that it had actually worried Endou.
"I-I'm in love with you" chocolate eyes had blinked and then blinked again; it had taken minutes and Shuuya repeating what he had said for Mamoru to snap out of his daze and fling his arms around his long standing crushes neck.
It was a little awkward after that, but they worked through it, and after they both completed their respected courses, had continued to seriously go after a career in music; the little band that they had started was still as strong as ever; going to pubs and concerts, until, finally, they managed to get signed. And it had been great at first. For Endou, it was fulfilling to know that people were enjoying their music, the music that had taken so much to make.
But everything went down hill after a couple of years in the spotlight; the stress and pressure from being famous got to all of them, one way or another, though no one more so then Gouenji, sometimes he wouldn't come home for days on end. And when they managed to go out together, it was always up to Mamoru to get his partner home, after he had gotten himself utterly drunk.
The brunet couldn't admit it, but the boy he had fallen in love with had changed, and however much he denied it - it wasn't in a good way.
Mamoru found himself coming more and more exhausted after losing most of his support; he was the only thing keeping the band going at this point, before he and Gouenji would write songs together, and now he had to come up with new material by himself.
And after a practically trying day of recording their newest single, and spending the entire time inside the booth, he got himself home; throat sore and hoarse, and his fatigue catching up with him as he fumbled their apartment key and jammed it into the lock; afraid that he'd drop it.
He would usually eat, or catch up with the news, but after finding that his eyelids just wouldn't stay open, he continued to walk past the kitchen and on into their bedroom, opening the door only to completely snap himself out of his sleep filled haze; chocolate orbs latching onto the two figures that were on his bed. And the noises he had been just too tired to hear, when he had entered, were now as loud and as deafening as blasting music in the clubs he would love to hate.
Endou was pinned in place, the occupants, who had finally noticed him, stopped, the pants, the moans and the groans hushing and dying in their throats. What was more incriminating then being caught in the act?.
Gouenji had hastily pulled out and the woman had hidden herself under the duvet, to cover her very naked body "M-mamo-"
Looking over the two in a daze, his sight trailed over to the woman who had swollen lips and flushed cheeks, totally embarrassed as she couldn't even meet his eyes and instead hide behind her bangs. Before he looked over to Shuuya, who was also completely naked; drenched in sweat, much like the lady, his glossy skin scattered with love bites while the man also seemed to be in shock as he stared wide-eyed right back, his long hair, that had been dyed earlier in the year, covered his back and shoulders; matted in place.
The brunet blinked, his brain finally processing again, and after what seemed like hours, he found that he could move his body again, so while scratching his neck, he forced himself to laugh "Ha, no wonder you're never home" he commented; he had been so stupid, so stupid that he couldn't even bring himself to be mad at Shuuya, really. He should have noticed this, or maybe he had and just didn't want to admit it?, he really didn't know anymore.
Though he knew, he knew this couldn't go on any longer; it was foolish, the sweet boy he used to know wasn't this man, fame had changed him into something unrecognisable, and Mamoru suddenly realised that he shouldn't have put up with it for as long as he had - this was going to happen eventually.
Walking into the room, his legs felt heavy as he graphed hold of his guitar case and slung it onto the opposite shoulder from the one that held his other bag; that was filled with his work and personal phone, along with a bottle of water, a address book and two other notepads, that always had an orange pen attached to them, just encase a tune or melody would come to him while he was out and about. And turned to leave again.
"I'll get the rest of my things later" he said in an odd monotone. The only thing he didn't trust to leave, or were important enough to take were his these two bags; it'd be better for everyone if he just left quickly and quietly "sorry for interrupting"
Two weeks later, and he was once again settled back into his parents house. And, boy was his mother mad, though that might be an understatement on his part; she was furious, and the only thing keeping her from ridding Gouenji's head off was the worry she had for her son; it wasn't easy being gay in the music industry, and when the press got wind of the break up and the way that it had happened - they haven't had a moment of peace since; they had to close all the curtains and keep everything locked at all times; his father swearing that reporters were some breed of vampire, because they seemed to be camped out their house at all hours, without sleep.
That had cheered Endou up a bit; as best as he tried to hide it, he felt like his heart was split in two, so any and all humour was appreciated and needed. However, as the seventh day rolled around and he stilled hadn't gotten out of the house, the brunet made up his mind, graphed his guitar and went out the back door to a near by club, he knew of.
The smell of alcohol hit his nose as he settled onto the stool that had been on the stage, resizing the microphone, while balancing his instrument, as he controlled his heartbeat, the heat from the spotlight nearly unbearable, but not unfamiliar as he looked out into the crowd of dancing people, relaxing in his own skin as he finally felt a little more human.
Clearing his throat, the man started to strum on the wires; the sound mellow and in tune, and continued those repeating notes for a few moments before he opened his mouth - letters becoming words and words becoming sentences, until he had finished the chorus, and moved on to the next line; his voice rough and full of emotion as he poured his heart out into that one song.
There were obviously some old fans in this run-down club, because he soon heard a echo; people singing along, and for the first time in a week, he smiled. The music, his music resounded in the large room, and he barely noticed as he easily breezed through the album he had written. Waiting until the last few people cleared out until he started to gently put his guitar back into it's carrier, the spotlight still on the back of his head as he strapped it in place, however a shadow appeared over him a moment later and his attention split as he straightened his back and looked up to see the club's owner there.
"Thanks for tonight, kid" he said gruffly, though his tone was that of a tender one "you shouldn't be somewhere like this, not with your talent. How on earth did you end up back here?"
Endou laugh sadly, he and his band used to come and play here when they were still unknown; it had been good pay and better publicity, but what surprised the brunet was the thought that he would have to explain his situation to anyone; this was probably the one person who wasn't reading the paper.
The owner winced slightly at the forced chuckle; it wasn't like the happy-go-lucky brat he had come to grow to love, at all "I…guess I screwed up" he commented, his eyes downcast for a moment before they returned "though no worries, I'd never be able to face Granddad if I gave up other something like this!" he exclaimed.
"So…thank you for letting me use your stage again, you didn't have to do that, Hibiki" said man shook his head, planting his winkled hand on the youngster's hair, before ruffling the spikes that perturbed over the top of the headband.
"Don't thank me for something like this" he sighed "you were part of the reason I'm still open. And besides, people pay to see music like yours, I'd have been a fool to have said no"
Mamuro smiled fondly at his senior "I'm still grateful, I Haven't really gotten out of the house for awhile now: I needed this" he said, before bending down once again and zipping his case up, standing and slinging it over his shoulder, the familiar weight holding some comfort to him.
"Gouenji hasn't been out and about either: a lot of people think the labels trying to get him sorted" Hibiki comment, while Endou's chocolate orbs widened at the statement "I never said I didn't know: I've been keeping an eye on you boys"
"Yeah,…they've been trying to reason with me, the other band members understand, showed me off pretty well under the circumstances. I could tell I let them down, but they didn't fully blame me and…a few of them said that they would have probably reacted the same way, and not to worry about it too much" he murmured, his fingers pulling at his bangs that rested over his headband, out of frustration or habit, neither of them were sure.
"I…did reconsider afterwards,…if I should just leave them hanging like that,…but I've…probably wanted to leave for awhile now, and have just now been smart enough to notice"
Seigou's lips frowned, though he had expected this, or something like it when he had heard, so clearing his throat, the older man put his arm around the brunet's back and start to guide the boy off of the stage "There's someone who wanted to meet you at the bar, I said that I'd have to talk to you first, but I think this is also something that you need" he said, as they walked down the three steps, and onto the empty dance floor, that was now filthy with the nights advents.
Endou raised an eyebrow, but didn't have the energy to question it as he was thrust into yet another bar stroll, just catching himself before he fell and hit the floor below; he really was far too tried for this, and prayed to whatever deity was up there that this wouldn't be some fan girl.
"Endou, Mamoru." a voice addressed from his side, turning to the left, said man reeled back a bit as his eyes caught hold of their counterparts; bold glasses pushed up and resting on the other's head while leaving crimson orbs visible. Most of the ash coloured hair was pushed back into a ponytail and in thick braids while the rest hung to his shoulders. His form completely open to the brunet as his whole body was turned to face him, his arm propped up on the bar's counter.
K-Kidou, Yuuto?" he stuttered, recognising the keyboard sensation immediately "Why are you here?"
Said man grinned slightly "You know of me?"
Mamoru blinked, flustered as he forced himself not to stammer anymore then he already had "Well I like a lot of different kinds of music, so…" his words faded as his hands gestured circles, nothing else coming to him. Vaguely catching Hibiki in the corner of his eye, cleaning beer glasses a few feet away, but also paying attention to what was going on; he'd have to tell the owner not to introduce him to random celebrities without notice before hand, after this.
Kidou nodded his understanding "…do you know me?"
The pianist nodded again "Yes, I'm sorry to hear about the hard time you've been having recently" the brunet's cheeks burned before he sighed; running a hand through his hair, his expression rueful.
"So everyone knows, huh?" he said, feeling completely downtrodden.
Kidou looked sympathetic for a moment "It's hard to miss a story: two very popular stars gay, one cheating on the other, inserts of drugs and alcohol" he drawled, about to continue when he was cut off.
"I've never used drugs" Endou snapped "I really don't mind if your against men being together, because it's true, Sh-Gouenji and I were a couple for years, but I've never done anything that I couldn't write home about, and won't listen to it"
Yuuto waved his hands in defence as he watched as the other were about to get up and leave; he understood the outburst, he had heard that Mamoru was having a lot of difficulty with the press and various others, the fault was with him for not wording his sentence properly "no, no. Hold on, I didn't mean that."
"Then what did you mean?" Endou questioned, settling back on his stroll as his face became lax.
Kidou lowered his hands, relaxing slightly; he had been told before, that he was too blunt, and had often gotten into trouble for it "I was simply stating the facts, I never said you were using drugs" he said in his defences, and proceeded to answer the brunet's other question once Endou looked like he had accepted his words for what they were.
"I actually came here to get away for the day" Yuuta informed; his manager had been suggesting a break for a while now; a lot of people had been saying he running himself dry with his work load, and when he finally conceded, he was sent here "I stayed because I wanted to ask something of you"
The brunet raised an eyebrow, before sighing through his nose "What do you need?" he asked once he had acknowledged Kidou's explanation, though his tone was still a bit frosty.
"I'm putting a band together with my label and I wanted to know if you were interested in being the vocalist."
A/N -
Okay, so humour me, Endou and co are older in this fic (in their GO forms, so to speak), so understand that when your reading, their going to be more mature then their younger-seleves.
*Sigh* Sorry if I couldn't do this story much justice, I was writing in the past tence in the beginning, so I got myself a little lost when I tried to break out of that format, I hope it was enjoyable though. I've only written one one-shot for Inazuma before, so I'm still not completely used to this, I'll try to get better though!.
again, sorry I don't have much to write in this note; it's been a long day.
Update/ Alright, hopefully I've fixed some of those pesky mistakes, thank 'Zonex Krypton' for getting on my case about it; I need a push every now and then - 26.06.12
I Apologise if there are any mistakes in my spelling/ grammar, or if you find anything I have written offensive.
Thank you to everyone who added 'Melody' to their favorites/ alerts or who took the time to review, you also have my gratitude for reading.