I do not own Victorious.

Beck ran into his tiny bathroom and turned straight to the toilet. It was hazy from the fact Jade was in the shower. Unzipping his pants, he sighed and tilted his head back while he emptied his bladder. Turning toward the shower he saw Jade's feet standing in a puddle of blood that swirled into the drain.

"Jade!" he yelled opening the curtain to a startled Jade. She had both hands in her hair working shampoo into it.

"What!" she yelled back. Beck looked at her from head to toe mainly her wrist. She was moody at times to say the least but she'd never harm herself Beck figured. Jade frowned at him.

"This isn't a fucking peep show close the curtain!" she yelled. Beck continued to stare at her, the water at her feet showing small traces of blood still.

Her pale arms showed no signs of marring besides her tattoo. "Why are you bleeding?" he asked staring her down . She turned redder than he'd ever seen her, dropping her hands and tugging the curtain from him to hide herself behind it.

"Why do you think Einstein?" she said annoyed. Beck looked at her confused." Seriously Beck?"


"Dude seriously!" she said wiping shampoo off her face.

"Jade where are you bleeding from?" Beck asked once again. Jade rolled her eyes

"Oh my god" she muttered "Did you skip sex ed in middle school? They would have told you that every month a girl's body celebrates the fact she's not pregnant by having her uterus die and fall out."

It was Beck's turn to go red. He closed the curtain and backed out. That wasn't awkward at all.

He sat on his bed hoping to erase that incident from memory. A knock on his door found him helping his mom move a box from inside. A few minutes later, he sees the bathroom door slightly open and Jade nowhere to be found.

Did she leave?

He peeked his head into the bathroom and saw Jade squatting over the toilet, her hands positioning something between her legs. Jade's eyes widened seeing him staring at her.

"GET OUT!" Jade yelled at the top of her lungs. Beck slammed the door closed and stood against it fearful. Was she putting in a tamp – he heard the toilet flush and ran to the other side of the RV, hopping on the couch. He heard Jade walk out and come towards him. He braced himself for the awkward argument he knew was coming. Jade on a normal day, he could deal with. She could be moody and dramatic but she was less harsh to him than everyone else. A fact he let comfort him as she came from behind the couch.

He waited for her ranting to start. Instead she surprised him by walking around and lying in front of him on the tiny couch, putting his arm around her. She snuggled into him and grabbed the remote.

She turned to General Hospital and sighed. Beck would normally veto her choice of daytime TV, but at this point he was glad to still have all his hair intact and functioning ears. He knew her favorite soap characters were in a story that annoyed her and wondered why she even bothered to keep watching.

Jason my baby is dead because of you! Sam I'm sorry if there was any way I could go back and change the past I would in a heartbeat!

"Oh my god" Beck said wordlessly rolling his eyes.

"You put your foot in his ass Sam!" Jade said shaking her head. "I hate Jason."

Beck was grateful when it finally went to commercial. He flipped over to Chiller, hoping a cheesy horror flick was on that would save him from brainless soaps. A girl appeared on screen being stabbed to death, her killer pulling her insides out and letting them fall to the ground, gratuitous amounts of blood everywhere. Beck chuckled, making Jade smile and looked up at him.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"I bet that's how you feel right now." he snorted. He watched her smile slowly slip away. Beck stopped laughing as she took a deep breath. "Shit."

"DO YOU THINK THIS SHIT IS FUNNY!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, pulling herself off him.

"No Jade I was only –"

"Oh my fucking uterus is falling out LOL!" she said sarcastically.

They stared at each other.

"I want some fries" Jade said lying back down. Beck ran out the RV, not pondering her weird mood shift, more grateful to be out of there and in his parent's kitchen.

Opening the freezer he grabbed a family sized bag of fries and emptied it onto a pan. His dad walked in behind him.

"Got a big craving for fries huh son?" he asked laughing.

Beck turned to him with a crazed look in his eyes. "Oh god what if this isn't enough?" he said shaking the empty bag.

"Your friends over?" his dad asked.

"No Jade wants fries" Beck said spreading them out on the tray.

"I think that'll be enough for just you two son."

Beck grabbed his dad by the collar "I can't take that chance" he said releasing him and placing the fries on a pan. He ran out to his car, but not before stopping and slowly opening his RV door. Peeking in he saw Jade watching her soaps again, looking calm.

"Babe" he called from the doorway "I'm going to the store, you want anything?"

"Cheetos" she said eyes still on the TV "Leave the door open, Andres dropping Cat off."

He closed the door and hopped in his car.

Beck pulled back up to his RV with two bags of fries and a bag of Cheetos. He quietly opened his door and saw Jade lying on the couch, Cat on the floor in front of her listening to Jade rant.

" I know Cat boys are such idiots, like this morning Beck – "

"Shh there he goes" Cat whispered noticing Beck. Jade looked over and rolled her eyes

"You got my Cheetos?" she asked.

"Yep" Beck walked forward laying them next to her then slowly backed out. Instead of grabbing them Jade reached under her shirt and pulled a balloon looking thing from under it. She handed it to Cat who put it in his microwave.

"Ummm what's that?" Beck asked hesitantly.

"It's a hot water pad, it helps Jade's cramps!" Cat said pulling it out and handing it back to Jade. At the mention of her – girl problems Beck remembered her fries in the oven and speed walked back to his parents kitchen. He pulled the baked fries out and poured the bag he'd just bought on the pan in their place. His dad stared at him. Beck stared back, taking a deep breath as if preparing for a battle.

"I have to take Jade her fries now" he said solemnly.

"Good luck?" his dad said confused. Beck only nodded his head and walked back to his RV.

"He's becoming as weird as her" his dad said.

Beck entered his RV to Cat sitting where Jade was just lying not five minutes ago. He looked at her and she gestured toward the bathroom. Beck shook his head in understanding and sat the fries in front of Cat. "Yaaay fries!" Cat said grabbing one.

"Are they crispy?" Jade called from the bathroom. Beck's eyes went wide.

"No Jadey they're soft like he baked them."

"HE BAKED THEM!" Jade yelled, followed by the sound of the toilet flushing.

Beck wasn't in the RV when she came out. "Where'd he go?" Jade asked Cat annoyed.

"He grabbed a handful of clothes and said something about hiding in his parent's garage till this all blows over" Cat said. Jade stomped out the door and to his garage. Reaching down she lifted the door with one hand to reveal her boyfriend sitting in a corner watching a small TV set.

"So I'm something to get over Beck!" Jade said standing in front of him. Beck looked around her unable to find an exit.

"Jade no…no" Beck said laughing nervously "I think you need a break from me and my dumb comments...and my Canadian-ness…eh" Beck said looking up at her.

Jade thought for a moment before turning on her heel "I want fries fried in twenty minutes or I'm grilling your fish" she said walking out slamming the door shut behind her.

Turning back around he spotted his dad looking at him laughing.

"What?" Beck asked.

"I used to hide out in here when your mom acted the way Jade is."

Beck laughed softly until he thought about what his dad had said. "Wait, you mean you used to hide in grandma's garage when mom acted like that?"

"No son, this garage. Why do you think I put a TV in here? Get used to it –"

His dad's voice was cut off by his mom yelling for him. His dad quickly closed the door and pulled up a seat next to Beck.

"I'm only here to stay out of her way honestly" his dad said watching the door nervously.

"Me too" Beck nodded in agreement with his dad. Turning down the TV, his dad mouthing thanks.