Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

Seductive Song

Dean looked down at his brother's pleading eyes as his brother gave one last desperate attempt to get air into his body, fighting Dean's vice like grip, and then his puppy dog eyes rolled back...just as Dean let go, Sam's eyes boring into his mind.

A young Sam looking at him pleadingly to let him have the toy from the cereal box, a slightly older Sam asking Dean to take him to see a movie, Sam giving him that look when he wanted Dean to take his side over their father's, Sam giving him that look when he asked if they could avoid the clowns when they went to a circus to relax, his pleading eyes boring into him when he wanted to go after a girl that Dean liked too, the same pleading look when Sam was begging him not to do anything stupid, his brother's puppy dog eyes that usually guaranteed Dean caving and giving Sam whatever it was he wanted.

These memories assaulted him, and his brain and heart rebelled against each other. He had to kill Sam, he had to kill Sam to protect him...but how could killing him protect him? Seemed pretty stupid to him. Sam, his brother, the one who was always there for him, the reason he got up in the morning...he couldn't lose him. Yeah, he wanted to protect him, and that meant him being alive, he couldn't protect him by killing him. Sam was right. He didn't want to kill his little brother. He couldn't kill his little brother.

He wouldn't kill his little brother.

Dean turned away from Sam, his stomach retching, and a burning pain coming from under his mouth as his entire body felt like it had caught fire. He was no siren. He was Sam's big brother, his protector, not his killer. Beside him Sam was gasping for air, and looking to his brother in alarm, trying to regain enough air to sit up and help his brother. Dean's entire body felt like it was being incinerated, and he screamed out in pain as he convulsed.

"No, not now! Not when I'm so close!" Nick bellowed, leaping across towards Dean.

Sam rubbed his neck as he sat up, seized the poker and swung it, connecting with Nick's head and crashing him into the fireplace. As the siren lay there, dazed, Sam got to his knees and rubbed Dean's back, feeling the burning coming from his body. Sweat was running down his brother's skin, as he retched once again, but Sam was heartened as he saw that his skin was returning to its usual colour with each bit of blood that his brother brought up

"Dean..." Sam muttered, patting Dean's back.

Dean screamed again, his entire body alight with pain, and he retched, a horrible feeling beneath his tongue, like it was being disintegrated. His teeth suddenly felt alive with fire, like when he ate something that made them sting and he could feel them contracting. His long fingernails suddenly started to shrink, making him twitch them involuntarily. He spat up yet more blood, and sweat was streaming down his bare chest, running down his face, tears falling from his eyes such was this pain, staining the carpet with the moisture streaming off him, Sam all the while stroking his back and running his hand through his hair, while keeping an eye on the dazed siren. Dean spat up yet more blood and he felt like an ulcer under his tongue was burning with salt, and he spat urgently, retching as he did so, and blood flooded his mouth. The horrible taste filling his mouth, he spat once more, and again, his teeth still shrinking, and finally, a fleshy mass came plunging from his mouth to land on the carpet.

Sam looked at the mass in horror, realising what it was, realising it had to be the siren's saliva gland. He then noticed that Dean's back was beginning to cool, and his usual skin tone was returning. Sam breathed a sigh of exhausted relief as his brother stopped retching, and leaned back on his haunches.

"Sammy?" he asked in a groggy voice, and Sam was about to hug him when the siren slammed the coal scuttle into Sam's head, knocking him for six.

Sam sat up, glowering dangerously, as the siren wrapped his arm around Dean's neck, and Dean looked at his brother imploringly.

"Let him go you sick son of a bitch!" Sam ordered, getting to his feet as the siren dragged Dean upwards.

"I don't think so Sam. You see, last time I thoroughly enjoyed pitting you against each other, but that old man saved your worthless hides. Not this time dear Sam. This time, I am going to get the two of you. And Dean is going to kill you." He gloated, and Dean thrashed violently in the headlock.

"I'll never kill Sam!" he protested, but Nick grinned in malicious delight.

"Ah but you were about to Dean. But your transformation wasn't quite complete. Don't worry, a normal trance will just have to do. You'll still kill him." Nick promised, and Sam was powerless.

He couldn't attack without killing his brother. If he stabbed through Dean, it would kill him too, and with the siren against the wall, there was no way around it.

"Sam, if you love me, you will send this twisted pervert straight back to hell!" Dean growled, and Sam flinched slightly, making Nick purr in delight.

"Ah but he can't kill me without hurting you, and I'm afraid Dean that that acts as a sort of restraint on him. You'd be surprised how much your brother relies on you and depends on you. Now, pucker up." He taunted mercilessly, and malevolent eyes glaring at Sam, he spun Dean around and kissed him on the mouth.

Sam could see his brother protest at first, violently, trying to force the siren off, but as the kiss continued and the siren's saliva spread into his mouth, the struggling relaxed and eventually, Dean seemed to be enjoying the kiss.

"Go get him!" Nick encouraged, shoving a dizzy Dean towards his brother, and Sam backed away from his brother.

"Dean, don't!" Sam pleaded, hoping he could reach his brother again, but he had a feeling last time had been a fluke. This time, there wasn't a shred of humanity, there were just the thoughts of the siren controlling Dean.

"Dean please!"

"Kill him! Kill Sam! Strangle the life out of him, snap his neck, cave his skull in, just kill him!" Nick spat in rage, and Dean lunged at Sam.

Seeing the two boys were occupied, he made for the door...when Becky appeared out of nowhere and slammed the tray she carried Sam's food on into his face, knocking him off his feet. Nick grunted as he fell to the floor, and, hating himself, Sam swung the poker, crashing his brother into the fireplace, where he then dropped to the floor, blood spilling from his head.

"Sorry bro." Sam said softly, soaking the tip of the poker in Dean's blood as his brother stirred, trying to get back to his feet.

"Sam, help me!" Becky wailed as Nick rose, snarling angrily.

Sam cursed his luck. Typical. He could kill the siren, but it would make him Becky's hero again. His life did suck at times. Crap. Regretting it already, but his desire to have his normal brother back overriding his despising of Becky, he whistled.

"Hey, loverboy!" he shouted, and Nick spun furiously to Sam.

Sam threw the poker like a javelin, just as Dean recovered and wrapped Sam in a headlock, forcing him to the ground. Sam knew what Dean would do next, he would use his siren augmented strength to shatter his neck and kill him. Sam took a deep breath, pleading he had enough time, silently begging his brother to remember who he was and not snap his baby brother's neck, when Nick gave a horrified scream.

In the two seconds it had taken for Dean to assume the upper hand on Sam, the poker had travelled through the air, and trapped in the doorway as he was, Nick hadn't been able to avoid it. The heavy poker punctured right through his skull, making him scream as it did so. His hands flew to his head, but it was already too late and he sagged down to his knees, and a whistling sound filled the room. He buckled slightly, the whistling getting stronger as he gave a pained scream, and fire then erupted from his eye sockets and mouth. The poker melted into his skull, and a black smoky tornado whistled through the apartment, and Nick gave a final scream as his body, now covered in flames, was whipped up into the tornado, which whistled through the apartment and disappeared into thin air.

Dean blinked stupidly, and found his arm around his brother's neck.

"Dean? You want to let me go before you snap my neck?" Sam asked hopefully, and Dean let go, allowing Sam to his feet.

And his brother then wrapped him in a relieved hug, holding himself to his big brother, who made hushing noises in his ear and gently stroked his hair.

"Oh Sammy...I'm so, so, so sorry..." Dean whispered, everything coming back in vivid reality.

"It's ok...I got you back." Sam said in relief, holding his brother tightly.

"You know I would never try to kill you right?" Dean asked, pulling apart and looking his brother directly in the eyes, scared.

"Yes Dean. You got turned into a siren, then controlled by one, you couldn't help it." Sam said softly, smiling a little.

Dean shook his head, feeling slightly sickened with himself. He had tried to kill Sam. Again.

"Sam, I'm sorry, I drugged you, brought you here, he twisted me, he made me think I was protecting you, he only wanted me to kill you, Sammy, I..." Dean babbled, and Sam smiled.



"Shut up. We'll talk later." He promised kindly, then turned to the doorway where Becky was standing timidly, looking at Sam adoringly.

Until she saw the dangerous expression on his face. Sam turned to Dean, looked at Becky, and nodded.

Becky screamed as Dean came at her, but he didn't go for the kill, he just smacked her with the back of his hand, sending her spiralling to the floor. Sam then crouched down beside her, glowering at her hatefully, while she cowered in fear.

"Becky, the only reason you're going to get out of here alive is because you freed me just in time and because you stopped Nick from escaping. That's all. Now, listen to me very carefully. Try and get the two brain cells in that air filled head of yours to concentrate, and if you interrupt me, Dean and I will kill you, because we both want to. We currently want you dead even more than we wanted Zachariah dead, and we've never hated anyone as much as we hated him. Now.

You are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. You're a friendless loser, with no life, who relies on fantasises to make her life mean something. Chuck couldn't stand you, so he left you. Maybe that should have told you something Becky. But it didn't. And then you got all caught up with a crossroads demon and drugged me into marrying you. You have no idea how many screws you shook loose when you tied me up. I don't like being tied up like that, not after the benders and the ghouls that we dealt with. But the saddest part of it is, you were deluded enough to believe that I would actually love you back. I didn't, wouldn't, and never will love you Becky. You might as well just accept that. You can ply me with all the magic in the world and I will still never love you. Not really. Which means your already crappy, useless life is even more worthless as you can't even find someone you want who will love you even with the required magical band aid.

Now listen to me very carefully Becky. I never want to see you again. Because the next time I see you, I will kill you. I don't care if you have a family, or are helping the blind, or looking after cute little cats, whatever you are doing, the next time I see you I will kill you. Even if I just see you crossing the street, I will kill you. So take your pathetic, worthless ass out of this city, out of this state, out of this country, and out of this continent. Go to Europe, go to Asia, go to Africa, throw yourself in the ocean for all I care, just make sure that I never see you again. I nearly lost my big brother because of you today. You took me from him once before, and that was bad enough. But this time, you joined forces with someone you knew full well would be an enemy to us, and had him turn my brother into a monster. He was nearly a full blown siren when he snapped out of it, and he almost killed me. Because of you, I nearly lost my brother. And I won't ever let you do that again. Get out. Leave. And make sure I never see you again. Am I perfectly clear?" Sam asked in a growling, dangerous voice, a small part of him taking a savage pleasure in the tears that were running down her face.

"Yes." She whimpered, looking at the face of the man she loved, the face she could never have and hating her life even more with each passing second.

"Good. Now get out." He bit out, and Becky scuttled to her feet and scarpered for the door, howling with tears.

She gave a dreadful sob, and threw open the door, before taking one last, loving look at her husband. Her Sam. Who hated her, loathed her, and wished her nothing but harm. He would never be hers now. She would never again feast her eyes on his shirtless body as she was doing now, never again stroke his strong jaw, never kiss those wonderful lips, or stroke his gorgeous hair.

Nick had been her last chance. And he was gone. And now she was all alone, friendless, powerless, and on the run. Sam wouldn't ever be hers, despite how much she loved him. No one could help her now. And with a last horrible cry, she slammed the door and ran out into the street, never to be seen in Delaware again.


"Ooh, harsh Sammy." Dean said with a wince, but a small part of him couldn't help but be proud of how scary Sam had been. After all that crazy bitch had caused both of them more than enough trouble recently. The thing with marrying Sam, they might have let go. But this, there was no way they were getting past this.

"She deserved it. Joining forces with a freaking siren! And getting him to turn you into one, and tying me up like a love slave." He said and began rubbing at his wrists feverishly.

Dean saw what he was doing and gently held both hands, giving him a reprimanding look, which he grinned a little in response to. Even all these years after he'd had chicken pox, he still remembered that look: don't scratch.

"Sam, it's ok. You saved me." Dean said softly, sitting down in exhaustion on one of the chairs.

Sam smiled a little as he sat down beside his brother, trying hard not to scratch his scabbed wrists.

"While vanquishing a ghost, dealing with my crazy ex wife and killing an enemy we'd already dealt with." He said, and Dean smiled.

"Yeah. Speaking of, what happened to him? That isn't usually how bad guys go poof." He said, giving Sam a stern look when he scratched a little.

"I don't know, maybe its because he was already dead and had to go back to Purgatory. Are you ok?" Sam asked in concern, checking Dean's normal feeling forehead with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, I feel fine. Well, physically fine anyway. Sammy, I am so sorry. It was like I couldn't stop myself, he said kill you, and I had to do it, I couldn't stop. I wanted to, the human part of me, but the siren part wanted to please him, wanted to do what he said, and I'm so sorry, you know I'd never hurt you if I had a choice." He said sadly, and Sam nodded.

"I know it wasn't you Dean. You couldn't help yourself, it was the demonic part of you. You didn't have any control." Sam said, and Dean looked at his feet.

"That's not all I'm sorry for." He said, and Sam looked at him curiously, then shook his head.

"Dean, forget it all right? You couldn't control yourself, the siren was doing it. Getting you to drug me, to kidnap me, to attack me, to kill me, it was all him, you couldn't help it." He said, but Dean shook his head.

"Not what I meant, but I am sorry for spitting on you and getting you tied up by Becky...no, I want to apologise for something else. When you were hooked on the demon blood, I never really got it, I never understood it. I just dismissed it as you being weak, not being able to stop yourself, that part of you wanted to fall. But it wasn't like that was it? I've had demon blood in me now, and now...well I understand how it affects you, how powerful it is, how seductive. You needed help back then, but I was too busy being chummy with Cas to realise, laughing at you behind your back, insulting you, calling you weak and pathetic...him and I never understood. You needed me and I turned my back on you. I called you a monster. I've been a monster myself, twice now, and I realise that it was a crappy thing to do as your brother. And I'm sorry." He said, and Sam looked at him in shock.

He hadn't expected that. But he was slightly hurt, that Dean and Cas had been talking about him behind his back, calling him pathetic. He knew he had deserved it, but it still hurt. But here was his brother, finally getting it. Dean however must have seen the flicker of hurt on his face, and he wrapped his little brother in a one armed hug.

"I'm sorry Sam." He whispered, and Sam closed his eyes as he was held by his brother.

"Thanks Dean. I don't deserve it, but it means a lot." He said, and Dean grinned a little.

"So...what else happened?" he asked, his memory all fuzzy, and Sam grinned.

"Well, I'm expecting you to start moping any minute now. Your boyfriend's dead." He said, and Dean glowered.

"He was not my boyfriend!" he protested, and Sam grinned wickedly.

"Well you were sure enjoying kissing him. And it must have been your second kiss at least, because he must have kissed you to turn you in the first place. And you were humming, getting stroked by him...you were really in love with him. I'm sorry it didn't work out Dean." He said in a mock sad voice, patting his brother on the shoulder tenderly.

"Forbidding you to secrecy isn't going to work is it?" Dean asked bitterly, and Sam grinned widely.

"Not a chance!"

"I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?"

"Nu-huh." Sam said cheerfully, shaking his head, and Dean groaned, wishing he could be immolated on the spot. Sam was going to make his life a living hell, reminding him of his unintentional and unwanted siren boyfriend at any and every opportunity. Dean whined.

"Please Sammy!" he wheedled, but Sam shook his head with a wide grin.

"No way, it's too good." He said and Dean wailed in despair. He was doomed to be reminded of being a siren's fondling toy for the rest of his life. Sam would make sure of that. Daily torture, reminding him of this, and Sam would enjoy every minute of it just like a good baby brother would.

"Bitch." He cursed, and Sam smiled.

"Jerk." He retaliated happily.

"You were tied to the bed by Becky. You have a bondage kink!" Dean said triumphantly, thinking he had a way of ensuring his brother's silence.

Sam just arched an eyebrow at him, smiling.

"Whatever bro, you kissed a guy. You got fondled by a guy. I think you win in the kinkiness side." He teased, and Dean wailed. Yep, he had lost this round.

"Beginning to regret not killing you now." He muttered, and Sam nudged him with his shoulder.

"You don't mean that." He said, and Dean rolled his eyes in amusement. Of course he didn't.

Then a memory returned sharply, and Dean went pale.

"Uh-oh." He said worriedly, and Sam looked at him curiously.


"Um, after I sprayed you...I sort of shot Bobby with a salt round." He admitted sheepishly, and Sam blinked at him, before bursting into laughter.

When he had contained himself a minute later, he looked at Dean, who was looking quite fearful and pale.

"Oh, he's going to kill you!" he said in delight, and Dean hung his head. Yep. A brother who would tell everyone he met that he was a male siren's sex toy, and a ghost who would never let it rest that he had shot him. He should just kill himself now and spare himself the agony of a slow death by humiliation.

But, seeing Sam start laughing again, especially with such abandon, made him feel so good. If he could make his brother that happy with what had happened, he was all for a little humiliation.

"Dean?" Sam asked after he stopped laughing again.


"I...I was willing to stay with Becky. If it meant saving you. I just...don't want you to find out through someone else like what usually happens with us. I didn't want to go with her, I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want to leave you. Just...don't hate me." He pleaded, and Dean looked at his brother in shock.

Sam had been willing to condemn himself to a life of misery if it meant saving his brother, a life where he would never be happy, a life where he would be forced to be something he wasn't, all for him. He couldn't ask for a better brother.

"Thanks Sammy." He said, squeezing his brother's shoulder, then he stood and turned to face Sam with a grin.

"Hmm, Sammy, I take it you didn't have the good sense to ask your wife where our shirts are before you scared her off?" he asked, and Sam looked at him sheepishly.

"Um, no...and besides, considering I woke up without it on and knowing that crazy bitch, she probably burned it." He said, and Dean sighed, grinning.

"Well, we better find something to cover ourselves with. After the day we've had, the last thing we need is to be done for indecent exposure." Dean said, and Sam laughed.


Bobby, who was rather irate to say the least, once more poked at himself to make sure all of him was there. After all the ghosts he'd hunted, he had never appreciated how much being shot by salt hurt! It hurt like blazes, like an all over burning sensation where it mattered most, and you spent hours pulling yourself back together, a very irritating and time consuming process as you tried to figure out what wisp went where. He was going to kill Dean, he thought grouchily, just as the door opened.

Bobby breathed a sigh of relief as he saw his two boys, both of them half naked, but looking fine, other than the fact that there were wrapped in pink duvets each. After assuring himself that they were alright, Bobby turned angrily to Dean, while Sam flopped down onto his bed to watch.

"You shot me!" he hollered, and Dean gulped.

"In my defence, I was a siren at the time." He said nervously, but Bobby was having none of it.

"I couldn't care less if you were a siren, a fury, a gorgon or any other bloody thing! It hurt like hell! You shot me!" he balled, and Dean rolled his eyes at Sam, who sniggered behind Bobby.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me Dean Winchester! I ought to shoot you where it hurts, see how you like it, because I certainly didn't! I stick around so you don't feel so lonely and abandoned, I get nothing but grief for it, and to top it off, the crowning turd in the water pipe, you freaking shot me!" Bobby yelled, and Dean smiled widely.

"Bobby...firstly, I'm sorry I shot you. It wasn't really me, I wouldn't really shoot you, it was the siren. And secondly, thanks." He said, and Bobby looked at him suspiciously, before exchanging a glance with Sam, who shrugged.

"For what?"

"Sticking around. I know why you did it. And while I'm worried about it, and I wish you hadn't...thanks for doing it. It means a lot." Dean said, and Bobby was brought up short.

"Well, you're welcome. You still shot me. I'm going to be over here, pointedly not talking to you." He said grumpily and flounced to a seat by the bathroom, ignoring Sam who was shaking with silent mirth.

"Seems fine to me." Dean said with a grin, and sat down on the bed, watching as a small smile graced Bobby's face, and Sam continued to chuckle silently to himself.

Yeah, his life sucked at times (being fondled by a siren definitely came under the sucking pile), but moments like this made it worth it. Smiling, he reached for the remote, watching happily as Sam continued to laugh.


Becky was bound for South America. She was thinking of heading from there to the Falklands, where at least Sam would never be able to find her, him and his obnoxious husband stealing brother Dean.

Sam hadn't meant what he had said. Not really. She knew he was angry at her, of course she did. But, he hadn't meant that he would kill her when he next saw her, or that he never wanted to see her again. Nor had he meant that she was pathetic. No, all of that, he was just channelling Dean. And most of all, she knew he hadn't meant it when he had said he would never love her. It was just a matter of time, that was all. He would love her eventually.

He had just said hateful things in the heat of the moment. But the sad thing was, she didn't think she would ever get her husband back now. Dean had once more ruined everything. And with both Guy and Nick gone, she was all alone. Her family had heard and thought she was even more of a laughing stock, and had hinted that she shouldn't appear at any family gatherings to spare them the embarrassment. She was all alone.

Sam. Her beautiful Sam. Dean had twisted him against her, turned him away from her, his wife. All those things he said, it was only because he had been angry, not because he meant them. It was all Dean's fault. It was his fault that everyone hated her, that she was once more separate from her husband, that she was all alone.

A small, tiny, rational part of her brain knew she was being stupid. It knew full well that Sam detested her, loathed her and after what had happened, would quite happily kill her. This part knew full well that he adored Dean, and given a choice between her and him, she would always lose. Given a choice between her and Lucifer she would probably lose. But, she had lived a fantasy for so long, put her heart and soul into believing it so much, so much so that it had become real to her, that she had to make the fantasy a reality.

Problem was, she didn't have a way to do it.

The boarding call went out for her flight, a flight that was later going to San Francisco. She had to get off at the next airport and wait for her connecting flight. She looked up at the screen telling her which gate, and as she saw the destination, something clicked in her head, the penny dropped, and she smiled.

Yes, that could work. All she had to do was get off in the next stop, and stay there. Her husband and his toxic brother wouldn't be anywhere near there. She could set herself up there, lose weight, develop her skills, all for her ultimate aim.

Getting her gorgeous Sam back to her...and removing Dean from her life forever, so she and Sam could happily ever after.

Becky smiled and headed for her flight.


Dean, having taken a disgruntled Bobby with him, who had punctuated the trip with either a warning 'don't get kidnapped', or a grumpy 'you shot me', entered the room to find Sam packing up.

"Breakfast Sammy." He said cheerfully, setting down the McDonalds bag.

Sam grinned at him.

"Ah, the master of not getting kidnapped when they go to the shops. Oh wait, you did." He teased, and Dean threw a scrunched up napkin at him.

"You've been kidnapped plenty of times before too smart ass." He retorted, passing Sam his chocolate milkshake.

"Least he hasn't shot me." Bobby grumbled, switching on Jerry Springer and immediately investing himself in the show.

"Oh give it a rest! I kidnapped Sam and tried to kill him and he isn't griping!" Dean said good naturedly.

"He aint dead. I'm dead, I've got an excuse to gripe." Bobby said stubbornly, and the boys smiled as Sam started on his muffin.

"Mm, pancakes with maple syrup." Dean said happily, and Sam smiled.

"I had maple syrup yesterday." He commented, and Dean looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Your spray stuff. It tasted of maple syrup." He explained, and Dean grinned.

"Yep, that's me, sweet in all things." He said, flicking his spiky hair vainly, a smile on his face.

"Oh brother." Sam and Bobby groaned.

They sat eating their breakfast, when Sam narrowed his eyes.

"You reckon your boyfriend was right, when he said that other things we've killed got set loose from Purgatory when Cas went nuts?" he asked worriedly, and Dean frowned, while pointedly ignoring the reference to the siren as his boyfriend.

"Yeah, probably." He admitted grimly.

"Great. Bad enough we have to kill them once, now we have to kill them twice?" Sam moaned, and Dean grinned.

"Aww, lighten up Sammy! We're the best hunters in the world! If anyone can kill bad guys twice, its us." He said cheerfully, and Sam smiled a little.

"I suppose so. I'm just worried about what else might have been set loose." He said, and Dean waved his hand impatiently.

"Whatever it is Sammy, we'll deal with it, together, ok?" he asked, and Sam gave him a smile and nodded.

They packed up the car, Dean calling Garth to spread the word that old nasties could come back, fingering his amulet as he did so. He watched his brother proudly. He knew Sam could do everything he'd been forced to do over the last few days, but, actually seeing him do it made him very proud. He'd trained his brother well. His eyes lingered over the bruises on Sam's neck and he squirmed guiltily. He might have trained him well in other things, but either avoiding getting strangled or getting out of such a predicament wasn't one of the things he had taught him.

As soon as they got to the next motel, he would teach him that too.

He clambered into the car, Sam already in the passenger seat.

"You ok Bobby?" Dean asked, as the flask was in the back seat.

"You shot me." Came the predictable response, and Dean grinned.

"Where now?" Sam asked, and Dean rolled his eyes.

"I've been kidnapped, drugged, turned into a siren and fondled the last few days, and you still expect me to know where we're going?" he asked in mock outrage, and Sam made a rude hand gesture.

"Well yes, as I've had more work to do, looking for you, getting to you, ganking your ghost bodyguard, dragging you home, getting kidnapped by you, getting tied to a bed by my crazy ex wife, nearly getting killed by you twice, scaring my ex wife off, and killing the damn siren." Sam said triumphantly, and Dean had to admit, it was an impressive list of accomplishments.

"Alright fine, you win. How about we drive to the next town, settle in, have a night watching movies, and look for a hunt in the morning?" Dean asked with a smile as he started the car.

"Fine. But I get to choose." Sam added.

Dean looked at him sceptically, and then Sam cocked his head curiously.

"I meant to ask, what made you stop?" he asked, pointing to his neck, and Dean smiled slightly.

"Those damn puppy dog eyes of yours. I could see you looking at me like that, and I don't know, it sort of reminded me of all the times you've looked at me like that, and I figured that I didn't want the last time you did that to be when I was murdering you. It sort of woke up human me, reminded me who I was, who you were. Your protecting big brother, who never shows any balls as soon as you look at him like that." Dean lamented, not meaning it, knowing he wouldn't trade his brother for the world.

"Oh. Cool. And thanks, you know, for stopping." Sam said as Dean drove them away from Palomino Creek.

"You're welcome."

"I can choose the film tonight right?" Sam asked Dean in a pleading voice.

"No-" Dean began, until he saw the pleading look Sam was giving him, and he felt his resistance crumble as usual.

"Sure you can." He said, and Sam grinned before looking out the window.

"Bitch." Dean muttered, smiling.

"Jerk." Sam retaliated as usual.

And as always, in the back of the car of the week, Bobby shook his head in mild amusement and exasperation.


The end of another tale!

So, Dean is back to normal, Sam is safe, Bobby is grumpy and everything is alright again. Nick is gone, and the boys are free.

But, it looks as though Becky isnt quite through yet. The idea for the next story came to me last night when I was finishing a Charmed book, we havent seen the last of her I'm afraid...

Anyway, before we see her we have one or two still to do! Tomorrow I'll hopefully start my newest story, and you will be pleased to know Dean will be back batting for his usual team, but you never can tell with the boys if thats a good thing or a bad thing can you?

I suspect the next story will be called Stone Cold, so watch this space!

Anyway, as always thank you for reading and reviewing, its been lovely, i hope you enjoyed reading it, I did writing it!

So as always, please read and review, leave lots of reviews and thanks for your support once again!