A/N: kimmiesjoy: I have to thank eyrianone for introducing me to the song that inspired the idea for this story. If you're not already reading them, then I recommend you check out her stuff, especially How to build sandcastles.

A/N AlwaysCastle: This fic will be written by the two of us. Each getting a chapter, but both of us have written this first one together :D

"We start with an hour then we find we waste the day..."


Blinking up at the ceiling, she rolled her lip back and forth between her teeth, biting down on it mimicking the drum beat dancing through her head.

She was insanely wide awake.

Feet tapping back and forth as she fought in vain to stay still in bed. He was sleeping and, her eyes darted sideways, she didn't really want to disturb him...

Except she kinda did.

Kate smirked, and looked at the clock again. 3:01am. She bobbed her head back and forth, fingers tapping where they were folded across her stomach. Why was the time going so damn slowly?

She felt fidgety, antsy...energy to burn.

She scrunched her eyes, wiggled her nose and looked at him again.

Castle was facing away from her, laying on his stomach with a sheet low over his back. The broad muscles of his shoulders, defined in shadow by the way he cradled the pillow beneath his head.

She turned towards him, eyes wide and bright, her fingers itching to reach out and touch him. She rolled the tips across her palm trying to keep them occupied, but it wasn't enough, she was too awake, too aware.

And he was just...laying there...doing nothing.

Well sleeping, but ... meh!

She wasn't, and that not only wasn't fair, it was all his fault.

Kate was excited, stupidly eager for the day ahead, the next week, everything, him, all the things in between. Of course she couldn't sleep and every time she looked at the clock...


Really ?

Just two minutes had passed...

But he could help with that, waste some time, burn some energy. Or at the very least suffer with her. She smiled widely, as the plan formed in her mind and she rolled across the bed, stopping when her chest was pressed firmly into his side.

Lifting her hand she stuck out one lone finger, waggled it in the air slowly before using it to trace a long slow steady line down his spine. Letting her nail catch at the vertebrae, feeling the ripple of his skin in response the lower her hand moved.

When she reached the hem of the sheet, she felt him shiver and she threw it away from them both, exposing naked skin to the early morning chill. And he grumbled, stretching his arms down, trying to reach for the sheet, but she bit her lip, holding back a laugh, and pushed it away further with her foot.

He groaned again, skin quivering in the coldness of the room, goose bumps forming on every inch of him. He turned, still making noises of disapproval, eyes closed, face scrunched up until his dishevelled sleepy appearance came into view. His arms drawn up into his chest for warmth.

She smiled at him, watching his whole cranky, yet adorable waking up process and poked him at the corner of his eyes, as if to smooth away those wrinkles. But he surprised her, snatching her at the wrist, and pulling her in, wrapping his arms around her, squeezing her too tight.

Wiggling in his grasp, as he smacked his lips, licking away the dryness and then tugging her in closer, resting his chin over her head and sighing. "Mmm warm now." He said sleepily, voice rough and vibrating in his chest.

She rolled her eyes, wriggling again, trying to get free.

But he held firm, smirking with his eyes still closed. And so she sighed. A long whisper of air against his chest, as if to give up. But then she had another idea, and stilled against him.

Opening her mouth, she blew again on his chest, feeling that chill run through him, and then dipped her head in, licking from his sternum up until she reached his neck, and sucked.

His grip loosened when she blew over the wet trail, his eyes opened and he levelled her with a fixed and focused stare. He made a pathetic noise before he asked, "It's three in the morning, why are you evil?"

Kate slid closer, ignoring him when he opened his mouth again, her eyes fixed on his chin, moving into kiss her way up to his lips.

"No, no no." He said, pushing her away again.

"What?" She asked forced back and staring incredulously as he held her away from his body.

"No diving in and getting what you want until I get what I want." He said, pushing his face into the pillow, and rubbing his eyes on it. Still trying to hold her away with his hands.

Her eyes lit up in the dark, bright sparks of fire and focus and he knew he was in trouble.

"Roll over and I'll give you what you want." She purred, eyes flashing mischievously and forcing him to turn over. Pecking at his lips when she caught him slightly off guard.

He let out a long groan, deep and throaty and vibrating with arousal. "Beckett that is not fair." He stated as her arms wormed around his neck and she rolled him, pulling herself up and over his body until she was staring down at him.

Kate slid lower, lying across his chest and letting her hips rock against the warmth of his pelvis, she sighed contentedly, feeling his hands rise up from beneath her.

Firm and attentive as he held her tight.

She let her chin tip forward, dragging her eyes back over the length of his body, her fingers holding his shoulders firmly so he's pinned to the bed, trapped underneath her.

"It's 3am." She repeated, looking over at the clock, "3:06am," she corrected herself, waiting for him to acknowledge the significance. "Not the time to play fair." She squeezed him with her fingers and thighs, licking at her lips.

His hand slid up, tracing her hip before he pressed at the curve of her back bringing her body lower over his. "Just the time to play?" He asked finally catching on.

"Mmm hmm." She hummed rocking into him once more, and he groaned, eyes closing briefly before he pressed his thumbs into her hip bones.

"You're excited aren't you?" He asked, smoothing his hands up and down her back.

She nods, eyes shining. "You are too." She replied, with a quirk of her eyebrow.

He laughed, hooking his arms around her shoulders and pulling her down to him, lips hovering, "You don't have to hide it...I know you're looking forward to it. Have been. I know your tells."

"Oh you do, do you?" She asked eyes darting to his lips, one finger playing with the stubble of his chin.

'I do." He said, moving in for a kiss.

She met him gladly, opening her mouth and letting out a soft moan, giving in when he pulled her tighter.

"Hey!" She yelled when he rolled her over, pulling away from her quickly to gather up the sheets, "no fair." She pouted, sitting up and crossing her arms as he laughed, yanking all the covers back up the bed, throwing it up and over her.

"Now sleep." He said, watching her still form under the sheet, waiting...

She turned her head, the fabric swishing, and then she pulled it down. "I don't want to." She leaned into him.

"No, Kate. We have an early morning, you'll be too tired for the journey." And before she could say anything else, he turned onto his side, trying to coax her into his arms.

She glared at him, throwing the sheets off her and getting out of bed. "No. I am awake now ." She said, starting to gather up some clothes. She heard him laugh, and swung around, taking her pillow from her side of the bed and flinging it at his face.

He caught it, not quite able to stop it smacking him in the face, pulling it down to watch her as she barked out a laugh and stopped dead to stare at him.

She grinned widely. "Are you awake now ?"

His eyes darkened and he sat up in the bed throwing both the sheet and the pillow aside. "Kate." He said threateningly, watching as her smile grew wider and she backed away towards the door.

"Mmm?" She paused, tilted her head to one side and took a slow steady step backwards.

"Woman, get back over here and get into bed." He growled as he raised himself to his knees.

"Not tired...remember." She teased, taking another step, one more and she would be in his study, naked and too far away.

"Kate." His feet hit the floor with a deadly thud and she froze again. His voice was thick and tinged with longing. Everything he felt for her floating through the syllable of her name, biting the T with a snap, the same way his teeth would find that spot on the back of her neck and she shivered.

"Kate." He said again, striding towards her, six steps across the room until he was crowding her body. He forced her arms down the clothes falling to the floor and when she opened her mouth to protest, Castle stepped in further, gripped her forearms and spun her on the spot.

"Castle..." She tried to warn him, even as she stepped backwards, chased towards the bed by the forceful press of his body, the hard line of his eyes as they burnt into her.

"Kate." He returned, no need for more conversation. Everything he thought and felt resounding around them, his hand moving along her shoulder to slip into her hair.

"Castle..." She tried again, but her knees hit the edge of the bed. "I..."

"Into bed..." He moved again, his fingers lifting the hair from her neck so he could lay his lips across her shoulder. "Or no trip..." Skimming over her arched neck, lowering her backwards.

"Awww." She pouted, unable to resist his tone and he laughed when she reached for him. "You're impossible." She continued, trying to get at his lips with a sly grin.

But he was already moving on, across the bed, and tugging her after him until he got to the pillows. "You mean improbable." He smirked, wrapping both arms around her and settling in.

Kate Ignored him, trying to get a look at the clock, and realized it had only been about twelve minutes since she woke him up. She sagged against the bed with a sigh, and pouted.

He chuckled at her anxiousness, hand sliding up the length of her thigh, squeezing her waist and turning her to face him in the bed. He let his fingers trail in devious patterns, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

"You're pushing your luck Castle." Kate grumbled even as she snuggled into his embrace, a little exasperated sigh catching against his lips as he moved forwards and pressed his mouth to hers.

"Shh, Castle is sleeping."