I am the most popular girl in school, but I don't like it. All the superficiality, it's terrible. The fake people, it's even worse. I don't like being popular. I don't know why I still hang out with the people I do.


I'm unpopular. I'm bullied everyday, and some people would think that someone as big as I am would beat the bullies senseless, but I don't believe in fighting. I've dealt with the harassment and the physical beatings for years, and have done nothing about it.


"Hey, Rosie." It was lunch, and I was approaching my usual lunch table. It was Avery Lazar that called my name, the definition of whore. I've been considered Avery's 'friend' since the 8th grade, though we have absolutely nothing in common. All of Avery's friends are just as fake as she is, and I'm bored shitless over everything they do.

"Hi, Avery," I sighed.

Avery gave me a look of fake concern. "What's wrong, little Rose?"

I shook my head, I was about to sit down when I heard an eruption of laughter behind me, along with the sound of something falling. I turned and saw a group of guys surrounding a very tall guy. Dimitri. For years I've secretly admired Dimitri, though he isn't the school's most 'popular' guy, but that doesn't bother me. But because everyone looks at him as being unpopular, he gets bullied alot.

Dimitri's head was down, his oh, so soft looking shoulder-length brown hair covering his face. The guys had knocked his things out of his hands. I heard laughter beside me, Avery was laughing her ass off. I put my lunch down and rushed over to help Dimitri.

"Hey," I snapped at the guys. "Will you guys fuck off?"

One of the guys stepped forward. "Why should we, hot ass?" I felt disgust rise in me.

"Has he ever done anything to you?" I pointed at Dimitri while glaring at the guys.

They didn't answer.

"Why're you picking on him? He hasn't done a single thing to you guys," I exclaimed. "Why don't you guys grow a pair and pick on someone your own size."

The group mumbled something under their breath and stalked off. It was quiet in the cafeteria. I turned and saw Dimitri looking at me in shock. His beautiful brown eyes looking like melted dark chocolate.

I knelt down and began picking up Dimitri's stuff. He knelt down too.

"Y-you don't need to help me," he said softly. "I don't mind picking it up myself."

I looked at him and smiled. "No, I don't mind helping." I picked up the last of Dimitri's things and handed it to him. I leaned towards him, his breath catching in his throat. "Don't take what those guys do seriously," I whispered. "They're jackasses. Everyone in this school is." I smiled wider. "Just be yourself."

And with that, I stood up and walked away.


I couldn't believe Rose Hathaway spoke to me. For so many years I've had feelings for her, I wanted to go and say something to her - anything - but I'm too cowardly to do so. And also I'm afraid of what her friends would do. I quietly left the cafeteria, the normal chatter returning.

Just be yourself.

Rose's words repeated themselves repeatedly in my head. I sighed. Having her so close to me made butterflies go in my stomach. I wish I could've told her how I felt, but the whole school was watching. What if she didn't feel the same? I would've been embarrassed. I leaned against a wall, sliding down.

Hopefully I'll be able to talk to Rose Hathaway again.