This is the last Chapter… I think just read I don't know what else to say. ENJOY
Alice's POV: We've been walking for hours and Elliot has been complaining like a little child in the back seat when you go on a road trip. Then something hit me. "We forgot the antidote." I said as I went through my book my legends. A page was missing from it. "Great. The page is missing." I said "Now what are we going to do?" Kira asked. She was leaning agents a giant crystal, as she leaned on it her crystal necklace rubbed on it and some powder fell and turned into a liquid. I rubbed my own necklace with my fingernail (Jay: legos don't have fingernails we don't even have fingers! GoldenSunlight: You don't have joints earthier so unless you want to lose your limbs then just be quiet and read! Jay: Point taken carry on.) Sure enough a liquid fell from my necklaces as well. "Hand me your necklaces!" I said to them. They looked confused but they did give me there necklaces. I rubbed them together and put them in an arrow "Let's go" I said.
As we walked onward me approached a door we opened it slightly to see a woman dressed all in white she was facing our way her eyes were and icy blue. "Ok you three distracted her and all shot the antidote from behind" I whispered. They nodded and we went in. The queen started attacking us as if by a habit. She was shooting an icy ray as I hid behind a crystal so she wouldn't see me. Kiara was trying her best to tie her up with vines but she would always break free. Kira was trying her best to knock her off her feet but she would always regain her balance. Elliot would taunt her to get her attention until she wasn't paying attention and got herself frozen but her head her remained unfrozen. "Aw man" she said.
"Ok Alice you got one shot at this don't miss don't miss" I said quietly to myself. I pointed the arrow at her back and shot it made a direct hit on her back. She fell as her body began to get smaller to about are age. She looked up at us her eyes were still an icy blue. "Thank you" she said as she stood up and walked over to Elliot and defrosted her. She taped us each on the forehead and we were sent back to our rooms. We couldn't wait to tell everyone about are adventure. It was a matter of Life or Death.
GoldenSunlight: Ya this is the last Chapter I'm so sad now I'm going to miss writing this. The triplets are doing:
Adam: Adam has stopped slowing keys and is training to become a knight. he later takes a liking to eating icing
Amos: Amos is a cancer survivor and is recovering well in the hospital he wants to become a doctor to help other ppl like him.
Angus: Angus loves sciences and has a junior scientist kit and a hope to one day to become a scientist his right arm is paralyzed because of an accident.
*They still love to pull pranks on ppl and do everything together (there father later dies of a heart attack *
~ Thank you for believing in my weirdness!~