Chapter 1


I stared at the road in front of me with my arms folded. The winter wind blew at my face, and the bruise on my cheek burned, but I didn't care. I glanced up at the human, named Duncan, as he led me through the forest we traveled. I was to be one of them. A vigilant Gray Warden. I had to leave my friends. My family. But I had to. I didn't want to leave them all behind. But I feel empty. Miserable. But no, that word is not enough. Nowhere near. Like there's nothing left in me. I know they would have taken care of me. They would have been there with me, helping me. Comforting me. But here I am, days away from the Alienage. I've gotten no comfort, other than knowing that they would all be okay in my absence. But now I felt distant from everyone. Even the people I've known all my life. I wanted nothing more than to be with my family. I wanted to be with my father and my cousins, Shianni and Soris. But, no. I have to be a Grey Warden and fight… these creatures. I wish I could just go back. Back when nothing seemed wrong to me or scared me, other than what was in my future. . .

"Wake up Cousin." I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to see the blurry figure of a red haired elf standing over me. "Why are you still in bed? It's you big day!" I groaned as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"What… why are you in my room Shianni?"

"Because I begged you father to let me share the good new!" She said happily. "You do remember what today is, don't you?" I swung my legs over the bed and looked up at her, as my eyes narrowed.

"Wait, your breath... it's drunk-till-noon-day?" I threw my fists in the air. "Finally!"

Shianni laughed. "You're getting married today! And Soris too! That's what I came to tell you! Your groom, Nelaros… he's here early!" I looked at her without moving my arms.

"Wait, since when am I getting married on 'drunk-till-noon day?'"

"It's not drunk-till-noon day." My arms fell and I stood up.

"Aw, that would have made my day. Of course, getting drunk while I am to be married doesn't seem like such a bad idea…" I raised an eyebrow at Shianni and she shook her head, a smile playing at her lips. I sighed. "I still don't like the idea of this arranged match business."

"And who else are you going to marry?" Someone other than who I'm about to? "Besides, I already snuck a peek—he's handsome!" She sang. "There's going to be music, decorations, feasting… weddings are so much fun! You're so lucky!"

"Maybe you should be the one getting married, Shianni."

Maker only knows I hate to. Ah, it just sucks being the eldest of my cousins. Only by month for Soris, but a year for Shianni. I think she would be better at getting married.

"All in good time, Morriana. This is your day, not mine. Damn, worth a shot. Alright I'll stop tormenting you. I should go talk to the other bridesmaids and find my dress. Oh, Soris said that he'll be waiting for you outside. So move it!" She demanded and I laughed as she walked out of the room. I walked over to my chest and pulled out my wedding gown and threw it on. The gems on it were fakes, and it was easy to tell, but they were still pretty. Then I went over to my dresser and brushed my long brown hair, putting it up in a ponytail then braided it, letting two strands of hair fall off on the sides. I didn't even bother with make-up, but only added a bit of pink to my lips. If I was to be getting married, my groom would see me for who I am, not what the color powder says with its created mask. I sighed again and walked out of the room and found my father in the next. He gave me a sad smile as I approached.

"Ah, my little girl. It's… the last time I'll be able to call you that. Oh I wish your mother could have been here." He said sadly and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Me too, Father." He began to realize I was stalling and folded his arms.

"I believe it's time for you to go find Soris. The sooner this wedding starts, the less chance you two have to escape, dear daughter." I chuckled, smirking.

"I still have a chance, yet, dear father." I remark.

"Still have your mother's smart mouth, I see. Oh, one last thing before you go, my dear. Your martial training… the swordplay, knives, whatever it is your mother taught you in. Best not to mention it to your betrothed." I folded my arms.

"I take it you didn't say anything?" I said lifting an eye brow.

"Well, it's not exactly something that would have made it easy to find a match for you. We don't want to seem like troublemakers. Adia made that mistake." I frowned and looked at the floor.

"The humans that killed her made a bigger one." My father grabbed my chin between his fingers and pulled my head up, making me look at him.

"Our world is full of injustices." He moved his hand from my chin. "Here, take this," he handed me a pair of leather boots. "Your mother would have wanted you to have them. It's the least I can give you as you start your new life." I smiled at him as I quickly put them on. At least I didn't have to wear those uncomfortable things that Shianni calls "shoes". "Go on, then. And Soris is no doubt looking for you." I smiled again, trying hard for tears not to form as I hugged him. After finally letting go I headed for the door. As I opened it, the light from the high early sun filled the house. I took a deep breath and stepped outside. . .

That was when I was happy. That was when I would love to be sarcastic and laugh. Playing with my cousins and our friends. But I am here. This empty husk. 'Breathing and existing but not truly living' is what we would sometimes call the Tranquil that came into the Alienage. Now, that's what I felt. I looked up as we broke through the trees. A large ruin stood before us.

"Welcome to Ostagar," Duncan said. I stopped and stared at the ruin, dazed. Duncan turned back to me. "Are you alright?" he asked me.

"I…I can't do this, Duncan. I thought I could but…" I buried my face in my hands. "This is too much." I heard crunches of leave as he walked over to me. I removed my hands and looked at him.

"I know this is hard for you. I am not asking you to ignore your pain or your hurting." I sigh and look off to the fortress. "I will have you know that no one knows your name, though I have sent word."

"What did you tell them?"

"I said that you were a skilled elf that didn't talk much, but worthy to join our ranks." Yes. Don't talk much. Not anymore. I bit my lip and looked away. Had anyone else said I didn't talk much I would've burst out laughing. Now I just didn't care. "If you wish I could tell the other recruits to keep a distance."

"No, that… that would make me sound bad. Let's just go." We continued on. Finally we were in and a man in heavy golden armor appeared to be waiting for us.

"Ho there, Duncan!" He said, shaking his hand.

"Your majesty. I wasn't expecting…"

"A royal surprise. I was almost thinking you'd miss all the fun, dear friend." The king said and clapped his shoulder. Duncan laughed.

"Not if I can help it your majesty."

"Then I will have the mighty Duncan at my side in this battle. Glorious! The others had told me you found a new recruit. I believe this is her?" He looked over at me and I turned my eyes to the floor, avoiding eye contact.

"You majesty, this is Morriana."

"I see. The elf from one of my Alienages? How are you, my friend?"

'From one of my Alienages'? Maker, were he not the king… I wonder how much trouble I'd be in for slapping him. Also for saying he "accidentally tripped" on my daggers and fell off a cliff into the water bellow and sank to the very bottom.

I wanted to shout at him. First by telling him that I was not his friend and second by telling him about the abuse other humans put on us in the Alienage. But I didn't I just stared at the ground and shifted where I stood.

"She doesn't talk, your majesty, as I said in the message I had sent a few days ago."

"Of course. You are very welcome here." He and Duncan began talking about the battles and the arl of Redcliff's forces arriving in a few weeks, but I dazed out. I came back when I noticed the king leaving, saying that he should go before Logain sent a search party. I quickly bowed then turned to Duncan.

"I didn't hear what he had said, I dazed out." I admitted.

"He was saying how they've won a few battles against the darkspawn and that tomorrow would be no different."

"I didn't realize it was going so well. But, then again, he does seem a bit too confident." Duncan let out a small chuckle.

"That is true."

"But you really don't sound very reassured." He maneuvered for me to follow him and we began walking towards a long bridge.

"Despite our victory's so far, the horde grows larger with each passing day. By now they look to outnumber us."

"What would you have him do?" I asked once we reached the bridge.

"Wait for reinforcements. But I cannot ask him to act solely on my feeling."

"You could if he weren't such a fool." I said, louder than I intended.

"You mustn't speak of the king that way. He is… over eager." –Way over eager"But for now we should focus on the task ahead."

"Right, what must I do?"

"For now I would like you to get some equipment." He handed me a pouch of coins, though I could feel there was few in it. "When you are done I would like you to go find another Grey Warden here by the name of Alistair."

"Let me guess. . . human." He nods.

"But, I assure you, Alistair is very kind. He wouldn't dare hurt you. But he does love to mess with the recruits." I bit my lip. "I'm sure you'll be back to the way you were when you left the Alienage. Alistair has a habit of bringing out a good attitude from people." I hummed.

"I think I'll just stay here for a moment. I need… I need to think."

"Of course. I will see you soon." I nodded and he began down the bridge and I watched him until he was out of sight. I reached into my armor and pulled out the ring I had put on a chain. The ring that was going to make me start a new life. . .

I walked up to Soris, who was leaning against a tree.

At least he isn't getting his wedding clothes dirty.

"Well if it isn't my lucky cousin." He said when I came up to him. He pushed himself off the tree and walked over to me. "Care to celebrate the end of our independence together?" I laughed.

"Is running away still an option?" I asked giving him a hopeful look.

"Are you insane? And where would you go? Into the woods to live with the Danlish elves?" I shrugged.

"It could happen. . ."

"Live with the savages, far from the humans? Sounds like a dream. Hmm, not that we'd know where to find them? Besides, why would you want to run? Apparently your groom is a dream come true. My bride sounds like a dying mouse." I pressed my lips together to stop my laughter.

"Maybe you'll get a cage for a wedding present and then have her kneel before you while you bask in your glory?" Soris laughed then stopped, clearing his throat, but I could tell he was trying to not keep laughing.

"You're terrible. Let's go introduce you to your dreamy betrothed before you say 'I do'." We walked make to the center of the Alienage and around the tree of people. I saw Shianni waving at us in her bridesmaid dress. I smiled as we walked over to her. Then I saw three humans behind her and two other elves standing next to her. My face fell. The human in front grabbed the girl elf next to her and she struggled to get free.

"Let go of me, Please!" she pleaded. Finally she got free and ran passed me and Soris.

"It's a party, isn't it? Grab a whore and have a good time." He said to the two men behind him then laughed. "Savor the hunt, boys take this little elven wench here," Referring to Shianni, "so young and vulnerable."

"Touch me and I'll you, you pig!" Shianni shouted.

Ah, yes. Ever-so vulnerable. I wonder if he knows she'll actually do that…

"Please, my lord. We're celebrating weddings here!" A male elf begged, standing next to Shianni. The human walked over to him.

"Silence, worm!" he shouted before backhanding him so hard he fell to the ground. I began to walk over, anger filling me, when I felt Soris grabbing my arm, tightly.

"Morriana, I know what you're thinking, but maybe we shouldn't get involved." He whispered to me. I pulled my arm away and looked at him.

"You must be out of your dam mind if you think I will let these humans abuse us." I loudly whispered back.

"Fine. But let's try to be diplomatic, shall we?" I nodded, even though I had no idea what "diplomatic" meant. I can't believe he sometimes forgot that I don't have as much of an expended vocabulary as he did.

"What's this," the human said walking over to me. "Another lovely one come to keep me company?" I scoffed.

"Dream on, human!" He scoffed back to me.

"Do you have any idea who I am?"

"I don't give a sod who you are, scum!" I shouted.

"Morri-" Soris began but the human glared at him. I immediately jumped in front of him and my eyes narrowed at the human. He turned around and that's when he was hit with a bottle in the head, falling to the ground and Shianni stood over him. I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing. One of the other humans can over and looked down at him.

"Are you insane? This is Vaughan Urien, the arl of Denerim's son!"

"And that's. . . Bad, right?" I said with a smiled. The human glared at me.

"Oh Maker…" Shianni covered her face. The human began walking over to Shianni but I got in front of her with my hands up.

"Stop! Maybe his father should teach him better manners." The other human behind me gave me the "death glared". "Okay, look, things got out of hand." I said.

"You've got a lot of nerve, knife ears. This'll go badly for you!" he said, I shrugged as if I didn't care while picking up Vaughan and carried him away. I turned to Shianni.

"Oh, I really messed up this time." She said. I put my hands on her shoulders and shook my head.

"He deserved it."

"It'll be alright." Soris assured us, putting his hands on my shoulder and on top of my hand on Shianni's shoulder. "He won't tell anyone and elven woman took him down." Shianni smiled.

"I hope so. I should got get cleaned up," referring the bits of dirt that got on her arm and hands. Soris and I nodded and she walked away.

"Is everyone else alright?" Soris asked as two other elves came up to us.

"I think we're just shaken. What was that about?" the girl elf asked. Soris nervously chuckled.

"Looks like the arl's son started drinking too early. Um, well let's not let this ruin our day. Uh, this is Valora, my betrothed." I looked at the man next to her. He wasn't ugly, thank the Maker, but he wasn't completely as handsome as Shianni made him out to be. He didn't even look like a fighter.

Great, I'm going to be left with this softy!

"And this must be my betrothed. Nelaros, was it?"

"Yes, and pleasure. Soris said much about you. Some of it was even…positive." I looked at Soris, smiling, and slightly hit his arm.

"Nice to know you give me credit, Sorris." I shouted at him. He laughed.

"Hey I just wanted to give to give you a sporting chance to run. I'm sure you two have a lot to discuss." Soris maneuvered to lead Valora a few feet away from us.

"Well, here we are… Are you nervous?"

"Not really," I lied, "you?" He gave me a lovey smile.

"I thought I'd stay calm, but finally seeing you has made me… well, let's just say I'm not calm."

Hm, a softy, and a flirt. I'm so screwed. At least he has good manners. We'll see how this leads.

"How was your trip from Highever?" I asked, changing the subject, trying to make him last thing I needed was a groom who was nervous and ends up dropping the ring. I know I wouldn't be able to help, should that happen. I wouldn't be able to breathe from laughing so hard.

"Uneventful, thankfully. The trade caravan we accompanied had little of value. I think that kept the bandits away."

"Come on, Mori, we should let them get ready." Soris muttered urgently.

"We'll see you two in a bit. Don't disappear on us." Valora said.

"No promises," I mumbled.

"Or we'll come find you." Nelaros said then they both walked away.

"Don't look now, but we have another problem." I moved over to Soris's side to see what he was talking about.

"Anything to put off this wedding for a while." A sigh escaping my lips. "What? Vaughn? I'll kick his ass. . ."

"No, another human just walked in. Could be one of Vaughan's men or just a random troublemaker. Either way we need to move him along before someone does something stupid." I looked off to see a man with black hair and beard, two weapons at his back. He was looking around and had his hands behind him.

"Right," I agreed. "Let's go talk to him."

"Let's do this quickly. And let's be careful. He seems armed." I nodded and made my way to him.

I shut my eyes, trying to force the memories away but they refused to leave. Opening them I stared off at the bridge. I tried hard for a yawn not to break through. I haven't slept since we left the Alienage, almost a week ago. I tried but the memories were too fresh and the nightmares were too real. So I stayed awake against Duncan's protests. Fatigue often tried over me but I pushed it off. I didn't sleep and barely ate. My stomach often yelled at me to eat and my feet ached. I just ignored them both. There were worse things. Finally feeling ready, I just began down the bridge.

I passed many humans in armor, no doubt soldiers and they all smiled at me as I passed and said things like "Good day," and "Well met." This confused me. No human was ever nice to me but Duncan. But, at times, I had my doubts. I don't know whether he recruited me to help me or to help himself. He did keep his hands away from me and only talked only when I wished to talk.

I had asked Duncan about the Grey Wardens and their history, considering I didn't know much about them. Just the stuff I had heard around the Alienage. Finally I made it to the other side of the bridge where there was another soldier. He said something to me, but I didn't hear it. Or didn't want to. Walking past him I entered the camp.

Tents were everywhere and people rushed around doing errands and such. I could hear a priest praying to some soldiers. I didn't want to hear it. If the Maker was truly on my side, he wouldn't have let any of this happen to me. I looked up at the ruins and they seemed to glisten in the sunlight. I decided to head to the quarter master to get some gear.

"You, elf, where's my armor?" He shouted at me as I came to him. I was taken aback but then looked at him angrily.

"I am not one of your bloody servants!" I spat at him.

I mean, it's not like we all look so much alike, right?

"Oh… my apologies. I take it you're here to see what I have." I didn't reply. I simply came over to see what he had. I sold a few items I had picked up on the road here. I guess even in this state I'm still a hoarder. I also bought a sword and put my other dagger in my boot, though keeping my mother's dagger. I avoided looking at the Quarter Master as we traded then headed off to find Alistair. I looked up at the ruin near the quarter master and thought that it might be a nice quiet place. Perhaps Alistair could wait for a while.

I headed that way. I just wanted to be away from everyone for a while. To think. This shouldn't have happened to me. If that human hadn't done what he did wouldn't have to be here fighting these creatures. These monsters.

Soris followed close behind me as we walked over to the human.

"Good day." He greeted as I stood in front of him. "I understand congratulations are in order for your impending wedding."

"Thank you, and do you have business here, human?" I ask, not trying to be rude. If I did we would only get more trouble.

"I do. I believe, however, that I may have already found what I am seeking."

"Then you'll be leaving, I assume?"

"I'm sorry, but I have no intention of leaving."

"Fine. Maybe we could… uh… work something out." Great, just what I need. Showing a human I'm as dumb as a sack of rock. That I can't even come up with a word for this.

Damn, why couldn't I have been taught to have a better vocabulary?

But he didn't seem to notice and hummed thoughtfully.

"She keeps her composure, even when facing an unknown and armed human. A true gift, wouldn't you say, Valendrien?" Our elder, Valendrien, walks up to the human and stands next to him like a friend. I raised my eyebrows at this.

"I would say the world had far more use of those who know how to stay their blades. It is good to see you, my old friend. It has been far too long."

"A friend of the elder is welcome here." I say, bowing my head in respect.

"Oh? Changing your tone so quickly?" The human asks, then chuckles.

"May I present Duncan, head of the Grey Wardens in Ferelden."

"Well met, Duncan." I greet. "I apologize for my rudeness I may have caused." Soris just stays quiet behind me. "A friend of the elder is a friend to us. Human or not."

"And you, dear girl."

"But my question still remains," Valendrian interrupts. "Why are you here, Duncan?" Duncan tells us about there being a Blight beginning and that the Grey Wardens are at Ostagar. Valendrian says that he has heard the news and that this is an awkward time to because of the wedding. Then he tells us to go on and get ready for the wedding then walks away.

"Of course, please do not let me interrupt to any further." He bows his head to us then Soris and I head to the stage. It didn't take long for the people to start surrounding.

"Oh, Soris," Valora says as we step up. "There you are. I was afraid you'd run off."

"Not yet," I mumble.

"No I'm here. With Nelaros's blushing bride in tow." Nelaros looks at me but I try to avoid his gaze.

"I'm not blushing!" I say defensively. I look over at Shianni and I see her holding back a smile.

"You look beautiful," Nelaros compliments.

"Looks like everyone's ready." I ignore him. The preacher begins up the step and over to us.

"I can't do this." I say quietly but Soris hears me.

"You had your chance to run, coward!"

"Friends and family, today we celebrate not only this joining, but also bounded kin and kind." Valendrian announces to everyone. "We are of free people, but that was not always so. Andraste, the Maker's prophet, freed from the bond of slavery. As our community grows, remember that our strength lies in commitment to tradition and to each other." The priest starts speaking. Soris grabs my arm with a concerned and worried look on his face. At first I think he's just worried about getting married but then I see what he's looking at.


He's walking towards us with his 'friends' and a few guards following. The priest turns to him as he begins up the steps.

"Milord? This is… an unexpected surprise."

"Sorry to interrupt, Mother, but I'm having a party and we're dreadfully short on female guests." He says, evilly.

"Milord, this is a wedding!" She spats.

"Ha! If you want to dress up your pets and have tea parties, that's your business. But don't pretend this is a proper wedding. Now we're here to have a good time, aren't we boys?" One of them laughs.

"Just a good time with the ladies." Another follows his laughing. Vaughn begins picking some of the elves. Including Shianni. She struggles to get free from one of the other humans but is unsuccessful.

"And see the pretty bride." He says looking over at me.

"Don't worry," Nelaros whispers. "I'll protect you."

"I can handle myself! We have to fight!" I persuade.

"Ah, yes… such a well formed little thing." Vaughn says, his eyes lingering at my body. I scowl at him.

"You villains!" Nelaros cries. Wow, because that will do so much.

"That's quite enough." He says laughing. "I'm sure we all want to avoid further… unpleasantness." I push Nelaros away and look at Vaughn.

"Take me," I beg. Andraste's ass, I'm not going to let him take all of us! "Please, but let the others go. You can even keep me for as long as you like. I'll agree to anything if you just let them go…" his smile turns into a wicked smirk and chills my blood.

"That wouldn't be much of a party, would it? Oh, we're going to have so much fun." Then next thing I know I am back-handed and as everything goes dark, I hear his evil laughter ringing in my head.

I stopped when I heard two men talking. I could hear them at the top of the steps.

"What is it now?" One of them asks. "Haven't the Grey Wardens asked more than enough from the circle?" Grey Wardens? Then the other one must be the one I'm looking for. Biting the inside of my mouth I head up and see one man in armor and another in robes.

"I simply came to deliver a message from the revered mother, ser mage. She desires your presents." The man in armor says. His hair is a dirty blond color and is stuck up in the front. The mages skin is dark, as is his hair, annoyance covers his face.

"What her reverence 'desires' is of no concern to me. I am busy helping the Grey Warden, by the kings orders in might add."

"Should I have asked her to write a note?"

"Your glibness does you no credit."

"And here I thought we were getting along so well. I was even going to name one of my children after you… the grumpy one." I almost smile at his comment, but I remind myself he is human.

"Tell her I will not be harassed in this manner."

"Yes, I was harassing you, by delivering a message?"

"Fine. I will speak to this woman if I must." The mage turns to me and walks over. "Out of my way, elf." He says as he passes me. His shoulder hits mine and I flinch, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"You know one good thing about the Blight is how it brings people to together." Someone says. I turn to see the one in armor but I quickly look down before I can take in his eyes. "Um, right. Well is there something you need?" I nodded, avoiding eye contact. "Wait, are you Duncan's new recruit?" I nodded again.

"I'm sorry I should have recognized you right away. Though, I don't know your name. Duncan never mentioned it. Might I know it?" I glanced up at him and took a step back, hoping he wouldn't follow. "Um, never mind. Why don't we be getting to Duncan?" Without looking at him I begin to walk to the fire where he is and Alistair follows. I take it he got the hint I don't want to talk.

We finally got to Duncan. He was gazing at the fire but turned to us when we came up to him.

"There you are," Duncan started. "I assume we should be starting, of course, as long as you are done riling up mages, Alistair?"

"What can I say? The revered mother ambushed me. The way she wields they should stick her in the army." The corners of my lips twitch at his remark, but I stop them.

"She forced you to sass the mage, did she? We cannot afford to anticipate anyone, Alistair."

"Of course. I'm sorry Duncan."

"Good, now, please, go collect the others."

"I will." And with that Alistair walked away. Once he was out of sight I turned to Duncan.

"How are you holding up?" he asked me. I sighed.

"I've never been around so many humans. Even in the Alienage. . .it feels so strange. Though, so far not too many people have given me trouble."

"I see. Well, for now you are away from the bad ones and there are some nice ones here." I wonder if he is trying not to use big words around me. "I know you may not trust him, but Alistair is a nice fellow. You may grow to like him. Just give it time."

"Time? Because time heals all wounds, right? It doesn't really seem to work well with people. I didn't even get time to recover. It was just… it happened and I'm on to one thing to the next." I looked at the ground, almost ashamed. What kind of Grey Warden would complain like this?

"Do not be so hard on yourself. In time you will heal."

"So for now I must push my grief and complaining away for now?" he sighed.

"The battle is tomorrow night. Perhaps, if you wish, we could talk?" I looked at him, though not meeting his eye, and shrugged. "I would also like you to rest and some sleep tonight. You haven't in days."

"I don't need sleep," I reply. He chuckled.

"You may say that now, but trust me when I say you will need it." There was a small pause then I spoke.

"I don't trust anyone here but you, Duncan."

"I understand. Would it be because I am friends with your elder?"

"Yes." I reply. "If our elder trusted you, then so do I. You have not given me any reason as to not trust you." He nodes in understanding. I shifted closer to the fire to get warmer.

Damn this cold weather.

I was about to say something else when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Alistair with two others following him.

"This is ser Jory, a knight from Redcliff." Alistair introduced as he walked up and stood next to Duncan. Jory had little hair and his skin was pale. He was in chainmail armor and had a great sword at his back. Alistair moved next to Duncan as Joy made his greeting. "And this is Davath, a fellow from Denerim." Davath had pure black hair and that went complimented his tanned skin. Dressed in leather armor with had a bow at his back and two daggers at his belt, I could tell he was of the stealthy sort. Davath looked at me from my head to my feet then back up. His smile was flirtatious. And his voice was smooth as he said his greeting. I bit my lip and looked passed him, not meeting his eyes. "And this is the new recruit." I looked back then nodded once before looking to the ground.

"She doesn't talk much," Duncan quickly added in. I looked back up at his and gave him a thankful look. "And now we may begin. The four of you will be sent into the wilds to complete two tasks. The first is to retrieve three vials of darkspawn blood. The second task, I would like you to find some old treaties in an archive in the wilds. Alistair, it is important you get these.

"We will, Duncan." Alistair replied.

"Good. Be back as soon as you can." We followed Alistair to the gate that led to the wilds. I kept a small distance in the back away from them. When the gates opened for us and I glanced back at Duncan. He gave me a reassuring smile and gave a nod. I took a deep breath and followed the others into the Marker forsaken wilds.

This should be fun.