Ultimate Schedule

Chapter One, Extracurriculars

Peter sighed tiredly as he put his hand on his chin. His pencil moved across the paper mechanically. Once Peter was done with his assignment, he put his pencil down. He sat there quietly, listening to the sounds of the other pencils on paper. Occasionally, a kid would whisper a question to him but other than that, it was practically silent. The clock on the wall ticked louder than usual. Peter's boredom grew by the minute.

Peter sighed again and one of his best friends, Mary Jane, turned to him. Her long orange hair was in her face. She removed it," You know Peter, not everybody finishes as fast as you do. I know you hate waiting, but you're going to have to." She flashed him a grin, and then her head bent down to look at her paper once more.

At that point, in time, Principal Coulson's voice appeared over the PA system. Peter was thankful for the break from the quiet atmosphere. It gave him something else to think about. Something else to do besides allow the silence to overwhelm him.

Attention students, I would like to announce that we are holding extracurricular sign-ups today after school in the cafeteria at three thirty.

Peter could hear snickering in the front of the classroom, and rolled his eyes. As always, it was Flash Thompson, trying to make a joke. He tried to ignore them, although he did catch some conversation. He listened carefully.

"Hey, do you think Peter's going to sign-up for any extracurriculars?" asked one of Flash's cronies with a smirk.

Flash laughed as he held his pencil up, probably trying to make sure the teacher figured he was working," No way. Besides, he'll probably just nerd his dorky pants, won't you, Parker?" he asked, as he and all of his buddies turned to Peter.

Peter slightly glanced up from what he had been doing before Principal Coulson came over the PA system once more. Peter was once again grateful for the distraction and chance to leave.

I also need Ava, Samuel Alexander, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, and Peter Parker to come down to the office. Ava, Samuel Alexander, Luke Cage, and Peter Parker down to the office please.

The snickering grew louder as Peter picked up his paper and put it on the teacher's desk. He grabbed his things and headed to the office as Thompson and his friends howled even louder. He grit his teeth, trying not to say anything that might get him into trouble. It hurt him not to say anything, but he knew if he did, he would get in trouble.

He heard the teacher reprimand Flash and his friends. Peter stuck his tongue out at him, and then raced to the office. On his way there, he saw Harry at his locker. He tapped him lightly at on the shoulder and waved. Harry waved back at him and then slammed his locker closed.

"Parker, what are you looking at? Some drugged up chick that's dying to go to prom with you?" asked a snobby, male voice.

Peter turned around to see Sam, who was smirking. Peter flipped him the bird, which stunned Sam into silence. He pushed his way into the office as he took into account of the others. Finally, Agent Coulson appeared with a manila folder in his hand.

"Glad you all could make it for detention," he said, pulling a button out of his jacket. He pressed it, and a bright blue light consumed the five of them. As soon as they had all disappeared, Coulson put the button back in his jacket and nodded in approval.

While he was back at the school, the kids reappeared in the S.H.I.E.L.D training room. Nick Fury, the director, appeared on a large screen in front of them. His expression was monotone and he nodded towards the team. All of them were in costume, ready for today's training exercise.

So far, Peter hadn't minded the exercises themselves. It was Principal Coulson calling his name down every day for "detention." The after effects, which included teasing from Flash Thompson. Laughing from Flash Thompson. It always upset Peter, but he was never sure of how to handle it other than attempt to look cool when Thompson teased him. He shook his head, trying to concentrate.

"Greetings, newbies," he said even though they had been working for S.H.I.E.L.D for several months now. However, one got used to it after a while," today's training exercise will include much concentration from all of you," his eyes focused mainly on Nova. It took a lot of energy to stop Peter from laughing although he managed," it will require you to all communicate. You must travel through a field of traps, which are all strategically placed. Good luck."

The screen turned off and red lines appeared under them. The red lines connected at various points. Peter grew nervous as the lines made up a maze. Peter shook his head, and focused on the task ahead of him. The five of them seem were separated into different parts of the maze.

Peter noticed that he was in a corner nearest to a wall. Ava was in the left corner and Luke was in the right corner. Danny was diagonal from him, looking as calm as ever. Nova appeared to be standing in the middle, floating a little off the ground.

"So, does anybody know how we're supposed to exit this thing?" asked Peter. Peter tested his foot to the left, and nothing happened.

"Spider-Man, stop! It could be a trap." Peter sighed in frustration. Part of him was ready to do it anyway, when he heard the sound of thunder in the room. His eyes turned to Nova, who had stepped towards Danny. He stopped in his tracks, his eyes probably going wide in his head.

Part of his suit was charred and he sighed in frustration. He sagged and Ava face palmed. Luke sighed and Danny shook his head. Peter was tempted to laugh, and did. As soon as he could stand, he listened to what Ava had to say. It was hard not to hear her voice, with its nagging quality.

"Nova, don't move anymore until we can get this figured out," she called and Nova stood still. The others all turned to Ava, even Peter. They all attempted to listen, but of course they were boys," by the description Fury gave this is supposed to be a maze of some kind. Which means there are traps all over the place."

"That's great," shouted Luke from his end," how do we get out?" he asked as Danny's eyes searched the training room, ready and alert for anything.

Ava shook her head," I'm not sure. I haven't had time to figure it out or test it yet." Peter moved to his left, and waited for something to happen. He closed his eyes and winced. He opened his eyes slightly, and when nothing happened allowed himself to let out a sigh of relief.

He turned to Ava," Hey, I moved and didn't get charred." He said and all turned to face him. Even inside his mask, Peter thought that Nova looked a little jealous.

"Try moving in another direction, man," Luke said as his foot hovered over the space left to where he was standing. Danny, too, looked ready to move," see if it does anything."

Just as Peter was about to do so, he felt his spider sense kick in. He moved to the right, and waited for something to happen. When nothing he, did he gave out a sigh of relief. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as Ava moved to the left, and was shocked. She moved in the opposite direction, and her body tensed. When nothing happened, she jumped in the air.

"Woo hoo!" She said and everyone turned to look at her. She reclaimed her professional attitude and cleared her throat," Anyway, why don't you guys try to move? You don't know if you don't try."

Spidey nodded. Even though Ava was annoying, she also happened to be right. For once, he decided to give her a break," Guys, White Tiger's right. You have to move to try to escape, not wait for it to come to you. But don't move in the same directions."

Luke moved forward, and wasn't electrified. Danny moved diagonally and was slightly electrified. He moved again and suddenly everyone was moving at once. Just as Peter had begun to move again, the red lines disappeared.

All stood still as footsteps approached. Agent Coulson appeared, with his manila folder against his chest. He let out a sigh and shook his head," You all were supposed to work as a team. You didn't exactly beat the simulation. We'll do it until you get it right. Right now, it's lunch time."

Coulson pulled out the button from his jacket and pressed it. This time, everybody was consumed by blue light. Eventually, the entire room was absent of people. It looked as if nobody had even used it, with the exception of the single charred mark.

Back at Midtown High, the teenagers were enjoying lunch with their friends. Gossip was spread from table to table. Food was swapped, along with words of secret. Adults were scattered around the room to monitor the kids. Peter sat with Harry and Mary Jane, alone with his teammates. He had almost forgotten his things back at the Principal's Office, but thankfully, Mary Jane had reminded him.

"So, what did Principal Coulson call you down to the office for?" asked Harry, who was one of the many people who were suspicious. Even though Peter had given him several random excuses, Harry still hadn't believed him.

Mary Jane sighed and rolled her eyes," Harry, why don't you leave him alone about it? If he wants to tell you, he'll tell you." M.J. lightly punched Harry. He rubbed his arm, even though it probably didn't hurt. Mary Jane normally didn't hit very hard.

At that moment in time, Principal Coulson called attention to all of the kids. Peter and his friends turned around in their seats. Peter listened as Principal Coulson talked, keeping his eyes out for Flash. He figured that he would try to pull something on him, and wanted to be prepared. He was still hearing about Flash's other feats from his teammates, something he tried to ignore.

"Attention students," he said, not needing a bullhorn, or a microphone to aid his voice. He was already loud enough, and Peter knew that much. He kept most of his focus on Coulson, while keeping out for Flash," just a reminder for those of you who are planning to sign up for extracurriculars; they're at three thirty after school today in the cafeteria. We have a variety to choose from including the newspaper, science club, and book club. However, if you don't have grades above a C minus, then you will not be able to participate."

"I'm totally signing up for the newspaper," M.J. said as Principal Coulson finished his speech. Everyone resumed their conversations, which seemed louder than before. Mary Jane turned to Peter with a grin on her face," so Peter, what are you going to sign up for?"

Peter shook his head as he tried to focus on M.J.'s question. He knew that he didn't want to sign-up for anything. In addition, he probably wouldn't have time for it. With finals so close, he didn't want to have something to distract him. Especially not an extracurricular. He was already involved in one, and that was enough. Although the science club did sound interesting enough.

He cleared his throat as Harry and M.J. turned to look at him. Their eyes searched him, waiting for an answer. Peter felt their gaze and Sam's too. Peter shot him a look, and then he turned away," Actually, I wasn't planning on signing up for any extracurriculars."

Harry scoffed as he picked up his milk. He practically inhaled it all down, and then burped. M.J. sighed as he wiped his mouth on a napkin," Why not?" he asked. Both stared at him intently.

"Because maybe I don't want to," Peter replied defensively," there's too much studying to do and only four weeks until finals." He crossed his arms across his chest and glared at them.

The two turned to share a concerned look. After a while, they both cracked up laughing. Peter rolled his eyes and continued eating. He didn't have time for this. As he went to leave the table, M.J.'s hand caught his. She dragged him to sit back down and he did so. His ass would hurt afterwards, but he would be ok with that.

"Peter," M.J. said with those big green eyes of hers. They were pleading with him and sometimes he couldn't resist it," four weeks isn't going to kill you. You study day and night. I'm sure a little extracurricular activity can't hurt you. Besides, I'm taking you anyway whether you like it or not."

Peter sighed as he put his hand under his chin. Harry nudged him," Sorry about that man. If it makes you feel better, my dad's probably going to make me sign up for at least two." This indeed, did make Peter feel better. Even though he knew Harry would never sign up for one, it still made him feel slightly better. Although, he still felt a string of dread. He shuddered.

The lunch bell rang after about twenty minutes, which meant that lunch was over. Peter trudged back to class with his friends. The rest of the day went by in a blur, which was horrible for Peter. When three thirty came, Peter felt nauseous. He quickly grabbed his things and headed for the nearest exit, when he felt a tap from behind. He sighed, and turned to face M.J., who was standing behind him.

She rolled her eyes," Peter, I know you don't want to do this, but at least try to act like you want to." Peter nodded and trailed behind her. Thankfully, nobody was in the hallway.

As soon as they got to the cafeteria, Peter took it in as M.J. raced ahead. Before she got too far, she grabbed onto Peter's hand and dragged him along. He felt the tug on his hand, and ignored when she stopped at the newspaper booth.

Peter took in the room, filled with booths and tables. Each table had some type of decorative cloth on it. There were about twenty tables, each with some type of sign up sheet. After a while, M.J. turned to Peter with a grin on her face.

"So, what are you going to sign up for?" she asked and Peter's eyebrows shot up. She sighed," Look Peter, I told your Aunt May that I'd sign you up for at least one activity. She's expecting to hear about it as soon as you get home. She texted me during my free hour."

Peter shuddered again. This time, M.J. had hit the last straw. He didn't even want to sign up for something. Let alone be here. He gave out a tired sigh as his eyes searched the room for something interesting to do. Then, he found the science club table. He immediately raced over towards it, with M.J. barely able to keep up.

He saw at least one person over there, sitting all by themselves. The person was clearly female, with thick looking black glasses. She wore a t-shirt that said, "I love science" and a pair of jeans. She wore her brunette hair down.

"Hello are you here to sign up for science club?" she asked with a smile. M.J. then came up behind him, holding her backpack tight.

"Yes, I am," he hesitated, turning back to look at M.J. She nodded and Peter turned back to the girl. Now that he thought about it, he vaguely remembered her from one of his Chemistry classes. He couldn't place her identity right now, but he knew he recognized her," My name's Peter Parker."

She nodded and handed him a clipboard with a sign up sheet. She also handed him a pen," Sign your name right on that list. By the way, meetings are usually Mondays through Thursdays after school. They begin at two thirty and end at three o' clock." As she was telling him this, he was signing his name. Behind him, M.J. wrote down the information. It wasn't just because she was trying to remember it. It was because she would nag him if he didn't do it.

He nodded, handing her back her pen and clipboard," Thank you and I'll see you, whenever it begins." He said with a kind smile.

The girl smiled back," It starts next week on Monday. Hope you can come." She said and Peter left the area adjacent to the table.

Mary Jane was just finishing writing down the information when Harry came up to them. M.J.'s eyes looked up for a brief moment along with Peter's. M.J. waved and gave a warm smile.

"So Harry, what extracurriculars did you sign up for?" she asked kindly.

"Well, so far I'm doing," M.J. gave him a look that made him admit the truth. It worked every time, on both of them," absolutely nothing. But, I have gotten a good look around. Pete, I think you'd really like Quiz Bowl and Physics Club." He said and before he could say anything, Peter raced off like a rocket. Harry and M.J. shook their heads and sighed.

"You know your dad's going to kill you, right?" she asked and Harry nodded in defeat.

Me: So I know this is my first Ultimate Spider-Man story, so please no flames! This is one of my newer projects that happen to keep my inspiration going.

I was really having trouble with the plot for this, until I started talking t my dad. He asked me what I had trouble with most during high school, so here's your answer.

Disclaimer-I own nothing except the plot and my own Oc's so please ask before you use them.