
A month after the baby was born, they arranged to have their wedding. Anything resembling a honeymoon would have to wait until the baby was just a little bit older, but both Loki and Phoenix wanted to do the ceremony as soon as possible. Both of them wanted something simple, though. There would be no over the top royal ceremony. They mainly just wanted to have something that celebrated their union with their...ugh, they were friends, weren't they?

She had never thought that she'd ever have people that she could call friends (even if she claimed them to usually be either pets, minions, or even drones when she was mad), but here she was with a small group of people watching her as she walked down an aisle. They had decided to have an outdoor beach wedding, and Tony decided to provide by allowing them to use his private beach in Malibu.

Phoenix had also picked out a dress only a few days before. She had rapidly dropped the weight from her pregnancy, so she had been reluctant to pick out anything, only for it to not fit a week later. Plus, with Tony's connections, she could easily get something very quick, as long as she was willing to pay. Her dress only went to her knees, as she still had no real love for anything being around her lower legs. The strapless white gown was made of some gauzy material, but it breathed well and she loved it. She had worn her hair loose, free flowing down her shoulders.

She walked up the little aisle that they had drawn in the sand, her bare feet squishing into the warm ground. She looked up at Loki at the end of the aisle, seeing him as more relaxed than she had ever seen. He was wearing a pair of loose khakis and a white button down shirt. His hair, for once, wasn't slicked back, instead hanging loosely about his face. Thor was standing beside him, functioning as the best man, and Pepper was standing in as the maid of honor. The other Avengers were also in attendance, along with, after some negotiations on both sides, Odin and Frigga. Jane Foster had even come, although she was here more as Thor's date rather than for Loki and Phoenix. She had even brought Socks along, although Tony was holding the cat right now, which seemed to have attached himself to Tony's shirt for fear of getting any of the water that might be on the beach on him.

Phoenix wasn't focused on the fact that Tony was all but flailing with her cat, or that she was really meeting her father-in-law for the first time. The only thing that she was focused on right now was the man waiting for her at the end of the aisle. She smiled up at him as she walked, reaching for him and holding his hand when she arrived.

The ceremony itself was rather brief, as, although they had brought in the efficient from Asgard (he had traveled along with Frigga and Odin), they had only wanted the more bare bones parts of the ceremony. They weren't performing for a crowd, after all, and Loki was only the second in line for the throne. They had less to worry about. Still, even by the end of it, Phoenix was starting to fidget on her feet.

Finally, the efficient said, "You may now kiss the bride," and Phoenix practically pounced on Loki, kissing him amid the cheers from the crowd.

"Alright, too much more of that and you guys are going to need to get a room!" Clint protested, and she pulled back from Loki with a laugh. It had taken a very long time, but Phoenix was finally feeling...happy.

(Author's Note: And that's the end! Not of their tale, but just this part. Figured I'd give a list of my future projects for you guys.

Wedding One-Shot - A much expanded one shot that will cover the wedding after part of Phoenix and Loki, which will include official introductions between Odin and Phoenix, part shenanigans, and one big surprise for everyone.

Untitled Loki/Darcy Fic - Post-Avengers. Thor comes back to Earth to start visiting Jane like he promised way back when, but he has a tag along. Apparently he has to keep Loki on a REALLY short leash. Darcy shares an apartment with Jane, and guess who gets to watch over Loki while Jane and Thor are spending 'quality time'? Darcy also gets to show off her smarts in political science and other humanities. This will LIKELY be the next fic to go up, unless I finish the wedding one shot first.

Untitled 'Redemption' Sequel - Will be set 2-3 years after Redemption. I don't have too much plotted out yet, which is why other stories will go up first, but I have decided on the basic plot. I just need to get down with my outlines and work it out. Loki and Phoenix's story was originally supposed to be a three story arc, but I came up with something good for a fourth one. A better summary will likely be attached to one of the two above stories as well.

There may be some other one-shots from the 'Second in Command' universe as well, filling in some blanks and whatnot. I was originally going to just write some things, but figured this would be a bit easier, plus I'll label where each one-shot should fit in the stories. I have also decided that my NaNoWriMo project this year will be Phoenix's backstory. I've dropped some hints about her past along the way in the stories, but I have so much more in my head and want to share it. It will go from her original waking up to her working with SHIELD.

I'm SO in love with you guys who have reviewed, favorited, and alerted on my stories. I hope you return in the future!)