(I Do not own Cats. Or The Book "The BFG")

Weeks were passing and Victoria continued to try and speak. Every now and then when she saw something of interest, she would try and pronounce it. The other day while her and Plato were outside she noticed a patch of beautiful flowers. She crawled over to them. Leaning her nose into the flower, smelling the petals. Smiling, she leaned back and try to say flower. Plato watched her. He knew she wouldn't be able to say anything. But he still enjoyed watching her marvel at the flowers. He walked over to her and kneeled down. Victoria looked up from the flowers at him. Plato gently tugged on one of the flowers. He smiled and offered the flower to Victoria. Victoria looked at him. Smiling she tooked the flower and smelled it.

"Fl-" Victoria tried to say. She crinkled her nose and tried once again. "Fl-" Victoria sighed and looked back down at the flowers.

Plato placed his hands underneith her chin. Then lifted up so she would look at him. She looked into his brown eyes. Which at the moment seemed soft and gently.

Plato held up the flower. "Flower. Try it again Victoria" Plato said.

Victoria sighed. She didn't want to try and pronounce it again. But she did it anyways because Plato instructed her to do so.

"Flo-" She said then being cut off. Surprisingly she had been able to pronounce it more this time around. Plato smiled. Victoria smiled back then tried several more times to say it. But she couldn't pronounce it fully. But at least she halfway there.

"Lets go back inside the den." Plato said gently taking her hand in his. He helped her get up. Victoria followed him inside. A couple of minutes after they ate victoria crawled over to Plato with a book in her hands. Plato was sitting at his desk writing something. He noticed Victoria and turned to her in his seat. Victoria smiled and held out the book to him. Curiously, Plato took the book in one of his hands. He held it up and read it outloud.

"The BFG, By Roald Dahl." Plato read. He looked down at Victoria. She smiled and placed her hand on one of his knees. She wanted him to read to her. Plato sighed. "Victoria, I'm busy." He said handing her back the book. Victoria looked down at the book, then up at him. Plato turned back to whatever he was doing. Victoria's smiled disapeared. She crawled over to the basket and placed the book back. She pulled out a pillow that was in the basket and layed in on the ground. Laying down on it she hugged it closley to her. Victoria was now starting to miss her brother. He always read to her whenever she wanted him too. He was fun to read with. He always gave the characters funny voices, which always made Victoria laugh. Victoria was now starting to fall asleep thinking of her brother. In fact within a couple of minutes she was sound asleep on the floor. Plato finished his task and got up out of his chair. He stretched and looked at the now sleeping Victoria. Plato sighed and walked over to his bed. He pulled the blanket of his bed, then gently layed it on top of Victoria. Since she was asleep Plato decided to go out. He quietly opened the door while looking at Victoria. She didn't wake when the door creaked loudly. Slowly he walked outside and closed the door. Smiling he decided to go hang with his friends were they usually hung out. Outside one of the human bars. When Plato arrived he assumed all his friends would be there. Which he was right. Alonzo, Pouncival, and Tumblebrutus were sitting around the outside of the bar. They all were drinking and laughing hysterically. Plato smirked and walked over to his friends. Alonzo was first to noticed him.

"Hey Plates, Where ya been?" Alozno said nodded his head at Plato.

Pounical had a huge cheesy grin on his face. "Oh, He's been busy with a friend." Pouncival said looked at Alozno, then winking.

Alonzo smiled too. "Oh really? Who's this friend Plato?" Alonzo asked tilting his head back to have another chug of his drink.

Plato groaned. "It's nothing really." Plato said. He noticed Tumblebrutus wasn't saying anything about it. He glaced at Tumble who was now smiling nevously at him. Plato smirked and looked back to Alonzo who was now offering him a drink.

"Thanks" Plato said taking the bottle. He twisted the cap off and took a huge chug. Pleased, he whiped his mouth and carried on talking with his friends.

"So Alonzo. Are you going to mate with Cassandra at the ball?" Pouncvial said nudging Alonzo after taking a sip from his drink.

Alonzo began blushing, which caused all the Toms to burst out laughing. Plato slapped Alonzo on his shoulder.

"Yeah real funny." Alonzo growled taking another sip of his drink.

"Who you guna asked Pouncival?" Plato asked.

Pouncival shrugged. "Well, I was thinking about asking Bombalurina." He said.

"Good Luck." Tumblebrutus said under his breath so Pouncival couldn't hear. He was right. Bombalurina was very picky about toms.

"Pouncival turned to Tumble. "So are you going to ask Jemima or what? All I hear from you is Jemima this and Jemima that. It's getting annoying" Complained Pouncival.

Now it was Tumblebrutus's time to blush. He always had feelings for Jemima. He thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world. But he was horribly shy. Whenever he saw her he would shake. He couldn't speak. If he did he would stutter. Plato smiled. After thinking about that he forgot about the incident between Tumble and Victoria. He took another swig of his drink, then sighed and whiped his mouth again. Alonzo looked over at Plato, He smiled.

"So, Who you going ask at the ball?" Alonzo asked.

Tumble and Pounce eagerly looked at Plato. They too wanted to know who he was going to mate with. Plato's rolled his eyes. He didn't know who he was going to mate with. He didn't even know if he wanted to mate with anyone.

"I don't know. Etcetera?" Plato said finally.

Alonzo smirked. "Her? Really? Tugger's biggest fan. I don't know Plato, She's kind of a spaz." He joked. Pouncival growled at Alonzo. He didn't apreciate him talking about his sister like that. "My bad." Alonzo said finally. Obviously not caring.

Plato growled. "Fine then, How about Electra?" He said.

Pouncival shook his head. "She never talks to anyone and keeps to herself. I heard she had issues. Face it Plato your out of luck." Pouncival said.

Plato rolled his eyes.

"What about Victoria." Tumblebrutus uttered just as he began to take a swig from his drink. Plato growled at Tumble. Tumble now relizing what he had said looked at Plato nevously. Pouncival chuckled.

"Yeah! She's hot! You should mate with her!" Pouncival exclaimed.

Alonzo gave Plato a flirty smile. "I wouldn't mind mating with her." He said sensually.

Plato crinkled his nose. Then changed the topic. Hours pass and they drank some more. Talking about queens and other pointless things. Plato was now starting to feel a little dizzy decided he had enough.

"I'm done for the night. Later guys." He said turned away from his friends and leaving. While he walked home he cussed under his breath. "How dare they?" He scowled. "Saying stuff like that about Victoria. Saying I should mate with her!" His anger was building up. "Well I wont!" He finally said. When he got to his den he slammed open the door in anger. Victoria jumped. She had been waiting for Plato for hours. She was afraid to be alone. When she saw Plato she smiled. She crawled over to him, wrapping her arms around his leg and hugging him. Plato was still angry and shoved her off his leg.

"Get off." He growled. Victoria was shocked by his anger. She backed away from him as he stomped around the den. He flipped things over and threw things. Victoria nervously tried to pick up the things he threw. Finally Plato walked over to Victoria's basket and kicked it. Sending all her things inside to scatter onto the floor. Victoria covered her mouth when he did that. She couldn't believe how angry he was. He had never seen him so angry. She rushed over to him and grabbed his arm trying to get him to stop. Plato growled and spun around. His eyes filled his anger. He lifted his hand and punched Victoria on the side of her face. Victoria fell onto her back crying out in pain. She placed her hand on the side where Plato had hit her and began to cry. Plato now relizing what he done had calmed down. He looked at her, shocked with what he had done. Plato quickly got down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and got her onto her knees.

Plato began trying comforting her. "Victoria! I am so sorry! Please Im sorry! Don't cry it's ok! Please forgive me! I didn't mean I Just-" Plato broke down crying. He buried his head into her shoulder letting his emotions consume him. How could he do that to her. She was only a kitten. She only wanted him to calm down. Plato's crying increased. His tears soaked into her snow white fur. He held her close, nuzzling his face in her shoulder. He noticed she wasn't crying anymore. But that didn't make him feel any better about what he had done. But then he felt Victoria gently rubbing his back, while her other hand gently stroked his headfur. What happened next, Plato will always remember.

"Plato." Victoria said softly in his ear. Her voice, Was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. His name being said in such a beautiful way made him feel warm. Her voice reminded him of little bells. Plato lifted his head from her shoulder to look at her. Victoria smiled. She lifted her hands up and wiped away Plato's tears. "Plato." She said again stroking his cheeks with her hands. Her soft hands brushed away Plato's sorrow tears. Plato smiled and brought one of his hands up to place on one of her hands. Victoria stood up. Holding his hands she pulled him up. Plato looked down at her unaware of what her intentions were. She wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him closley to her. Plato stood there, looking down at the white queen. Relaxing a bit he rested his hands on her waist. A couple of seconds later Victoria pulled back, then looked up at Plato smiling.

"Better?" She asked Plato. Plato chuckled and nodded his head. Victoria gently laughed. Her laugh gave him a weird warmth feeling in his chest. Victoria turned from him and began to pick things up. Plato looked around the den. He was surprised at how much of a mess he made. He began to help Victoria pick things up. He picked up Victoria's basket. It was completely destroyed. Plato felt guilty looking at it. It could have been wrose. He looked over at Victoria. He noticed the side of her face had a mark where he had hit her. Plato's guilt grew. He picked up her things and gently laid them on his desk. He noticed the book that she wanted him to read to her earlier. He picked it up and looked back at Victoria. She was almost done cleaning. He could hear her softly humming to herself. She was happy to have her voice back. So happy she didn't even care that Plato had hit her. Nothing mattered to her now that she had her voice back. Plato walked over to Victoria. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at him. Plato rubbed the back of his neck.

"You, You want me to read this to you?" He asked nervously. Victoria smiled and nodded happily. Plato smiled back and walked over to his bed and sat down. Victoria climbed onto the bed to join him. She layed next to him while he sat. Victoria rested her head on his hands while she looked up at Plato. Plato smiled at her and began reading the book. Victoria listen closley. She liked how softly Plato spoke. Now that he was calm he seemed more relaxing to be around. Usually Plato wouldn't speak that much. So hearing so much of his voice now was amazing to her. halfway through the book Victoria felt her eyes droop. Plato didn't noticed, he continued reading the book. Within a couple of minutes later Victoria fell asleep. Plato didn't notice until he looked down at her. Her white angelic face was beautiful in her sleep. A warm smile spread across Plato's face. Hesitantly, he leaned down to her face. Looking at the mark he made. Closing his eyes, he gently pressed his lips onto the mark on her face. He looked up smiling while his face was burning from blushing.

"Victoria, Your Beautiful." He whispered.