Here is the next chapter of Hardships!

Disclaimer: DP doesn't belong to me.

Deaths and Resurrections

Maddie was choking on her own tears. His skull was cracked? Her poor baby. What the doctor said next made her whole world begin to crash down.

"I'm sorry to say that we couldn't completely save him. Your son has slipped into a coma."

Maddie felt s if her heart stopped for a moment. Danny couldn't be in a coma, he just couldn't. before she, Vlad or Jazz could stutter out a reply to the doctor, Sam and Tucker burst through the front doors of the emergency room. Both of them had tear tracks running down their faces and they were breathing heavily as if they had ran there.

"We-we fast as…we could."Tucker stated, trying to regain his breath. "Is he okay?"

Both of their faces held so much hope that Maddie couldn't bear to look at them. Vlad just shook his head and Jazz burst out crying. The doctor took it upon himself to explain the situation. Tucker paled and Sam looked like she was going to collapse right where she was standing.

"Now I know this looks bad bu-"the doctor was cut off by his walkie-talkie(I know they usually use pagers or beepers but just go with it ok?) There was a bit of static before a nurses voice came through.

"Doctor Anderson, we need you in room 330 right now. We have a code blue!"

"I'm on my way." he replied before running off, not even looking back at the family.

At the mention of a code blue Sams face drastically paled and she began hyperventilating. Tucker , noticing this, made her sit down and asked her what's wrong. She didn't answer bit directed another question towards Maddie.

"Mrs. Fenton..what room was Danny in?"

"Room 330, why?"

Sam didn't respond. Her breathing was getting shallower and her breaths much quicker.

"Sam," Tucker asked "what exactly does code blue mean?"

Sam calmed herself as much as she could. She needed to let them know.

"His heart stopped."

Danny's Room

Danny was in so much pain. Everything hurt and the worst part was that he couldn't move. His senses were dulled meaning he couldn't hear and he couldn't open his eyes. He just wanted this to end! The pain wasn't getting any better. In fact it was getting worse. He was searching for something, anything, to help get rid of the pain when it suddenly began to lessen. He felt so at peace, like everything was going to be okay. He welcomed the darkness like an old friend, wanting to be at peace.

He suddenly heard voices. It sounded like they were shouting but he couldn't be sure he wanted them to go away so he could rest. He wanted to be in peace. Suddenly a shock ran through him. It felt like the portal accident all over again. The shock was trying to pull him away from his safe haven, his painless paradise. He didn't want to leave it. More and more of the shocks came but he held onto the darkness. It seemed like this went on for hours until finally everything stopped. He was able to relax and completely into the comforting black abyss.

Outside of Danny's mind the doctors sighed and put down the defibrillator. It was no use. He wasn't coming back and they couldn't stop it.

"Time of death," Doctor Anderson announced, "2:35a.m."

With the Family

The two Fenton's, Vlad , Sam and Tucker were waiting anxiously for any news. Their heads all snapped up when Doctor Anderson entered, a solemn look on his face.

"I'm sorry," he said "his injuries were too severe, he we couldn't save him."

Sam blanched and Tucker froze to the spot. Jazz and Vlad began crying and Maddie fainted. None of them could believe it. He couldn't be dead he just couldn't.

"You may see him if you like but hurry, the nurse will be there soon to take his body to the morgue." He walked away after that leaving them to mourn, never looking back.

With Danny

He floated through a dark abyss. On one side there was a swirling green vortex. On the other, there was a light. He felt the peace radiating off of it. He started to go near it when a deep voice stopped him.

"Are you sure?"

Danny paused, he wasn't sure what was meant by that question.

"Are you sure you want to leave them? Wouldn't you rather stay. You have one last mission to complete before you pass on, after all. You must show your mother who the man she loves truly is."

"But how can I go back?" Danny asked "If I go back as a ghost I'll be hunted."

"I never said anything about being a ghost, now did I? you will be in your body but with a slightly different appearance. So, my young phantom, do you wish to go back?"

Danny stood up straight. This was his last chance, and he would fail them.

"Take me home."

Danny's Hospital Room

Everyone was crowded around his body. Each eye was full of tears, and Sam was even trying to get him to wake up before she realized he was gone. That is until she felt him move. She sat up straight, and held a breath as Danny groaned. Aware of what was going on now, everyone turned and stared at the two.

"D-Danny." Jazz stuttered.

He didn't move a muscle except putting a hand to his head.

"Danny!" Sam shouted. She tackled him in a hug and felt him shift again. She looked up at his face with a warm smile, tears running down her cheeks…

…only to be met with a pair of glowing gold eyes.