Here's a new story for you all.

Disclaimer: Danny Phantom does not belong to me.


Danny flew around Amity silently, with tears running down his face. This had been his nightly routine every night since his dad had passed away. He remembered coming home that day after school only to find the house empty and his father laying down in a pool of his own blood, a knife in his chest. He had panicked, and called the hospital but it was too late. His father was dead.

What made it worse is that not two weeks after the funeral, Vlad had come and asked his mother out and she accepted. It seemed that Vlad was always around now. Weather it was picking him up from school, over for dinner, or simply seeing him on the couch reading the paper, he was always there.

Danny checked his watch and sighed. 9:55. He had better get home before he missed curfew. His mom had let Vlad be in charge of punishments, and he did NOT want to be grounded for another week.

When he got home his mother, Jazz, and Vlad were sitting on the couch. Jazz had a look of anger on her face, while Vlad looked overjoyed.

"Daniel," he greeted, "how nice to see that you're home early. Your mother and I have something to tell you."

"Yeah Danny," Jazz growled out, glaring dagger at Vlad "they have something very important to tell you."

Maddie gave her daughter a warning look before she picked up where Vlad left off.

"You know that Vlad and I have been dating for a while now and tonight he-…well tonight he proposed." Here she took a deep breath before she continued "…and I accepted."

Danny stayed silent, waiting for someone to suddenly tell him that this was a joke. When they didn't he exploded.

"WHAT?" he yelled

"Danny please understand," his mother began, "marrying Vlad will help us and I-" she was cut off by the tears running down her sons face and the beginning of his ranting.

"I can't believe you. How could you-..why-..How could you just forget dad like that? Don't you care?"

"Of course I do. It's just that-"she tried to explain but was cut off again

"Just what? That you're just going to marry that fruit loop and forget all about dad? I can't believe you." His voice dropped to a whisper.

"I really can't believe you" with that he ran out the door.

"Danny!" she called as he ran out the door, getting up to follow him. By the time she reached the front door he was already in the middle of the street. He was so blinded by anger and sadness that he didn't see the truck coming until it was too late.

"DANNY!"she screamed.

Danny's POV

"I really can't believe you" I whispered before running out the door, tear tracks on my face.

I heard my mom call my name but I was too mad to answer her. My emotions were too jumbled and I couldn't think clearly. I looked up at the sound of a car horn just in time to see the headlights. It was in that moment that I froze, fear taking over me.

I only had a moment to stifle a scream before the truck collided with me.

There was the sound of screeching tires, my mother's desperate scream, and then silence.

TAs usual read and review. Next chapter will be longer. Promise. This was just a filler.