(A/N: I do not own The Clique or Harry Potter. This is year two for Harry Potter characters, year one for The Clique characters even though they will be with the HP characters, grade-wise. So it's kinda like they're all going into seventh grade. And Claire became part of the Pretty Committee in sixth grade, and is currently dating Cam.)

Massie Block: Is ready to take seventh grade at OCD by storm. But when she gets an acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she has to prepare to make a first impression. And a good one.

Dylan Marvil: When Massie calls everyone in the Pretty Committee and tells them that she got a letter to Hogwarts, she's relieved. She got a letter too, and had started to think she'd be leaving the PC forever.

Alicia Rivera: This Spanish beauty had a frown on her face when she got a mysterious piece of parchment in the mail. But when she learns others in the Pretty Committee got them, too, she feels the opposite of upset.

Kristen Gregory: Her mom is relieved to finally find a school that is 100% FREE. But Kristen isn't too sure about waving a wand around...

Claire Lyons: Finally has something in common with the rest of the PC. But new worries pop into her mind, and one of them is leaving Cam Fisher.

The Clique: The only thing harder than getting in, is staying in.