
Chapter 19



"John?" Dave squawked when he saw all the bruises on his brother's face along with the strapped arm. They had just gotten off the plane and Dave, Julia and Patrick were waiting for them at the airport.

"Uncle John, what happened?" Patrick cried as he ran up to the uncle he hadn't seen since his grandfather's funeral over a year ago.

John reached down and ruffle the boy's hair as he answered cryptically, "I had a little accident, Patrick. Don't worry, though, I'm fine."

Julia didn't look appeased though as she gave Teyla a hug and studied her face, noticing the make-up that covered some of Teyla's discoloration. "You'll have to tell us more about this … accident … a little later. For now I'm just glad you're all here. And happy your assignment is over."

Dave grabbed Torren's car seat while John grabbed one of the bags and Julia took another. Teyla held Torren and his diaper bag. The adults made sure to keep the conversation trivial as they drove to the house but once inside with Patrick entertaining TJ on the floor with some of his toys, Dave moved in for more information.

"So did you two duke it out with each other?" Dave quipped gazing at John's split lip and colorful bruises.

John just chuckled but his eyes grew dark as he thought of Tariq hitting Teyla. And doing other things to her.

Dave saw John's mood change and asked, "Did Traynor do that?"

"The face mostly, yeah," John replied then looked at his arm. "But this was compliments of … an associate of his. Teyla's too. The arm was compliments of a bullet."

"You were shot?" Dave gulped and looked around to make sure the kids were occupied across the room. "Forget it. I'm not going to say anything. It's your life. I'm just glad you made it out okay and you came to visit."

"Is there anything you want to do while you're here, John?" Julia asked as she and Teyla joined the men after making sure the boys had appropriate toys for Torren. "I noticed Teyla's new piece of jewelry. So everything went okay there, too. I did a little cheer when David told me you had asked for it to be brought along with the plane."

Teyla lifted her hand and gazed at the gold ring. John took hold of it and smiled at her. "Yeah, everything went just fine. I didn't even have to twist her arm or anything. I don't know if she quite knows what she's getting herself in for."

Teyla grinned at John. "I am well aware of your faults, John Sheppard. And despite them, I still love you. I believe you still love me despite mine."

John slung his arm over Teyla's shoulder and squeezed. "Yeah, but you don't actually have any faults, Teyla. Or at least not nearly as many as I have."

Julia chuckled and said, "Oh, I love a man who's humble. Grab him now."

"Actually," John began, "There is something you could do for me, for us. I haven't really discussed it with Teyla yet but I was hoping maybe we could get married this week while we're here and you two could help set it up. Something small here at the ranch house."

"This week?" Dave queried. "So soon. What'd you knock her up?" He laughed at his little joke but then saw the sheepish grin on John's face and realized what he'd said.

Julia noticed too and leaned in close to tug on Teyla's arm. "Are you? Expecting a baby?"

John held Teyla closer and smirked. "Yeah, wasn't really planned obviously but I have to say I'm pretty excited about it. Course I've had practice with TJ so I'm an old pro now."

Dave stuck his hand out and shook John's. "Congratulations baby brother. And I think we can help you put a little something together. Julia's amazing at that sort of thing."

Julia sent him a look but then beamed as she nodded. "I'll be happy to help you. The first thing we need is to get you a dress. I know this cute little boutique that has these vintage dresses that you would love. We should go there tomorrow."

Julia led Teyla away toward the computer in the corner to bring up some websites and they started talking about flowers and food and decorations.

"Didn't I say something small?" John asked Dave as the women chattered away.

Dave smiled. "Yes, you did but then you also asked Julia to help. I don't think the woman knows how to do small. But to get down to the legal points of this, we'll need a marriage certificate and someone to officiate. I can probably get Father Dumais to marry you, we see him every week at mass. But do you have papers for Teyla? You said she wasn't from this country."

John thought about it for a minute then nodded. "I'll have to make a few phone calls but there are a couple of people who owe me favors. They can probably push things through."

In the end he called Sam Carter and asked for her assistance. He knew she was a bit of a romantic at heart and even knew she'd probably keep it under wraps until they got back to Atlantis. He didn't even want to think what Woolsey would say when he and Teyla showed up again married.

And he knew Rodney and Ronon would probably be pissed but Teyla was expecting his child and he didn't want any more time to pass before they were legally married. Atlantis was a hotbed of gossip as it was and with so much downtime on Earth, the gossip was stronger than ever. They'd just have to forgive them, although he wasn't naming the baby after either one of them.

By the end of the week everything was set and John stood in front of the mirror straightening his tie. They hadn't gone for tuxedos but he was wearing a nicely cut black suit for the occasion. He knew Teyla had gotten a fancy dress and he didn't want her showing him up too much.

"John, a few of your guests are here," Dave informed him as he stuck his head inside the room.

John looked up confused. "My guests? I thought this was just us; you, Julia, Patrick, me and Teyla?"

"Apparently a few other people decided to gate crash," Dave quipped. "Come on out."

John took a few steps out of the room he and Teyla had been staying in for the past week; the room where they had shown each other exactly how they felt over and over again. And he had even been proud that he had thrown out the L word a few times. But last night she had slept in another of the upstairs bedrooms because Julia had insisted he not see the bride before the wedding. John had just rolled his eyes and allowed her to go and been lonely all night without her next to him. He'd gotten far too used to it.

Now he strolled into the family room to find Ronon, Rodney, Lorne, Carter and even O'Neill standing there, all in their Sunday best. Well, Ronon was in good Earth clothes. John didn't imagine he owned any Sunday best.

"What …?" John asked bewildered. He looked accusingly at Carter and babbled, "How …?"

"Sorry, John," Sam apologized. "But I needed to get Jack's signature on some of the papers for Teyla's identification and he thought he'd love to come to a wedding. Then we thought if we were coming, we'd better invite these guys or all hell would break loose."

"Yeah, I can't believe you were gonna get married and not invite us or even tell us until after," McKay griped. "Seriously, how long have we been working together?"

Ronon just stood there with a twisted smirk on his face. "Some reason you were in such a hurry, Sheppard?"

John just sighed. The jig was up. These guys knew him too well. "First, we figured if we didn't tell anyone and just did it, no one could tell us we couldn't get married due to regulations. And I was hoping Carter here would keep things private and not say anything until it was over. Obviously that didn't happen. And I didn't want any of you to get in trouble for knowing what we were doing.""

"If you're worried about Landry or Woolsey, don't be," O'Neill piped in. "Teyla's not even from this … country," he looked around like he had almost forgotten Dave Sheppard was in the room. He had obviously been going to say planet or galaxy. "And she's not in our military. It'll be fine."

John looked relieved but then looked sheepish again. "And I thought we should do it now rather than later because … Teyla's pregnant. But we don't need that spread around just yet if you don't mind."

Ronon just laughed and John wondered if he had already known, or at least suspected. The man seemed to always be aware of things going on that John never had a clue about. Maybe it was from so many years on the run having to observe every little sound and sight.

Lorne was the first to step forward and stick out his hand. "Congratulations, Sir. I think we all know you'll be a fantastic Dad. You're great with Torren right now and he's not even yours. I'm happy for you and Teyla, too."

"You're just happy because you're going to win a ton of money in the betting pool when Sheppard shows up married to Teyla," McKay whined. "Don't think I didn't hear Chuck talking about the latest odds."

John's eyebrows knit together. "Chuck's taking odd on my relationship with Teyla? When did this start?"

"Years ago," Ronon grunted with satisfaction. "After the little … problems we had with Phoebus and Thalen. He was one of the ones who saw the tape of you and what you said."

John remembered back to that time though he knew he'd rather forget it. But he also wondered now why he didn't make a move on Teyla back then. It would have been the perfect opportunity to tell her how he felt. But he'd never been known for his finesse with women.

"Great!" John snorted. "So no one will be really surprised when we come back, huh?"

"Oh, I'm sure there will be a few people who haven't noticed the attraction between you two," Lorne supplied. "Like McKay here. He was a little surprised by how eagerly you two did the whole marriage things while undercover."

"It's just because I mind my own business," Rodney defended himself and the others all laughed.

Julia then bustled into the room and announced, "Okay, are we all ready to go? Teyla's all set."

John quickly introduced her to the crew assembled and Ronon offered to take Torren during the ceremony. Julia gladly accepted as she was the Maid of Honor and Dave was the Best Man and knew it would be hard to hold the wiggling child while they did their jobs. They all went outside to the flower draped gazebo behind the pool and John took his place in between the priest and Dave. The others stood a few feet away making sure to create an aisle for Teyla to walk down. Julia had insisted on a photographer and she inconspicuously snapped pictures of the people and surroundings.

Soon music piped from speakers placed outside and Julia began slowly walking down toward the gazebo. Her dress was pale lilac with tiny straps and covered in lace to swirl around her knees. Her matching sandals continued to walk closer and when she was almost on them John looked up and saw Teyla standing near the house.

He hadn't even noticed that O'Neill had not come down with them for now he was standing next to Teyla extending his arm for her to take. John guessed it was fitting that O'Neill give Teyla away to him. It was his fateful flight with the man that had revealed his Ancient gene thrusting him into a strange world of aliens and Stargates. And O'Neill was the one who had convinced him to go on the expedition that had finally brought him to Teyla.

Teyla's face was radiant and John could barely breathe. The love he had inside his heart for this woman had been so strong for so long and he was still having a hard time believing that she would be legally bound to him in just a few minutes. He honestly had never thought he'd get married again. His time with Nancy, while pleasant for him, had been lonely and distant for her. He didn't think he could ever give someone what they needed but with Teyla he knew he'd never stop trying to be everything she needed.

Her silky hair was pulled up in curls on her head while wisps dangled around her face and neck and floated gently in the soft breeze. Her dress was a pale peach and created almost solely of lace. It had small cap sleeves and a sweetheart neckline and it caressed her curves as it slid down to her dainty ankles. John chuckled as he saw that she was barefoot. He knew that was her doing. She hated wearing shoes if she didn't have to. And he knew she loved the feel of the manicured lawn on her feet. She had spent much time this past week just walking through it. God, he loved her!

As she approached his smile grew and they both laughed when Torren yelled out, "Mama, Dada!"

They waved to the little boy then turned to face the priest who began his litany. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…"

John let the words flow over him as he glanced down at his hands clasped with Teyla's. She seemed to sense his gaze and turned her radiant smile up to his. He squeezed her hand and she returned the pressure assuring him of her feelings too.

He knew that they'd face more hard times whether they be in battle with the Wraith, other aliens species or even each other. They were both too stubborn to have life be peaceful between them always. But he knew they also respected each other and cared too deeply to allow disagreements to come between them. It had taken him too long to get to this place with her. He'd do everything in his power to keep her right by his side, always and forever.

John looked up again as the priest declared them husband and wife. He'd been waiting for the next part all morning.

"John, you may now kiss your bride."

"With pleasure," John crowed and lowered his head to Teyla's waiting lips. Teyla's arms reached around him and John tried not to flinch as his arm twinged when he moved it around her. It was worth the pain.

After far too short a time, John lifted his head and pressed one last kiss to her forehead.

The priest stared at the few assembled and announced, "It is my pleasure to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard."



*** I want to thank my son Chris and youngest daughter Emily for helping me out with a few plot points. They managed to solve a few problems for me and make the story better. And for being so supportive of their mother's obsession ***