This story takes place after Edward leaves Bella. Does Bella choose Jacob or Edward. You have to keep reading to find out ;). Hope you like it. In no way do I own Twilight or the Characters.

Bella was crushed. She couldn't imagine her life without Edward and his family. She wanted so much to be a vampire with him, and spend the rest of her life with him. He didn't want to ruin her chance at the afterlife. Screw the after life, she thought. The afterlife wouldn't be the same without Edward. She wasn't even sure if she believed in a higher power. She couldn't believe Edward would just leave her like this. She knew he loved her, but it wasn't enough for him to stay. She sighed, nothing would bring him back. Bella stood up, she wasn't going to cry, and she was going to move on like he wanted her too. She would always Edward, but he obviously didn't love her if he left her.

Six Months Later

Bella was happy. She was watching Jacob wrestle with his wolf brothers. He was having fun, and he was happy. As long as he was happy, Bella was happy. The pain of Edward leaving was almost gone. It still hurt, and she still loved Edward, but she loved Jacob too. Jacob promised he would never leave her, and she believed him. He had a reason to stay with Bella. Bella patted her growing belly. She was 5 and ½ months pregnant with their son, Bryant Jace Black. She was happy, Charlie wasn't so happy, but he finally came around. He was happy that she was with Jacob.

Flashback 5 and ½ months ago.

"Jacob, I am not sure I can move on. I love Edward, and I know you hate him and you can't understand that. He was my life for two years, ever since I was a freshman in high school. I fell hard for him even before I found out he was a vampire." Bella stated. Jacob sighed. He loved Bella so much, but she was naïve sometimes. He sighed again; talking to her would do no good. So instead he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. It shocked him; she didn't even resist his kiss, like she had so many times before. She grabbed him by the back of his hair and was kissing him back. They were alone at her house, so he scooped her up and took her to her bedroom.

Two and a half weeks after that night with Jacob. Bella was feeling nauseated and she couldn't eat much. She had even thrown up a couple of times. She counted back in her head to her last period. She was 3 days late. There was no way she could be pregnant. But she was going to get a test just to be on the safe side. It was the first time she had her had sex, there was no way she could be pregnant.

Bella was in shock. All three of the pregnancy test was positive. She couldn't believe it. She must be a fertile myrtle, getting pregnant the first time she had sex with anyone. She was nervous; she didn't know how to tell Jacob. She knew he would be there for her, but she was scared, and she knew he would be too. But there was no use hiding it. She needed to go see Jacob and tell him in person. She grabbed her car keys, and told Charlie she was heading to see Jacob and that she would be back by 10 pm. He nodded at her as she headed out. Before she went to Jacobs, she went to the store and bought some more pregnancy tests just in case he didn't believe her.

Bella was getting nervous as she pulled up in Jacob's drive way. She had texted him beforehand and told him she was coming over. He greeted her at the truck. "What's up Bella?" Jacob said happily. She looked at him. "Umm, we need to talk, and we need to go somewhere very private. Away from your family and your friends." Bella said. Jacob frowned. This could not be good news for him. What if Edward was back? Though technically, Jacob and Bella weren't dating, he was afraid Bella would rush back to him. Jacob grabbed her hand, "I have the perfect place for some privacy". He said as he led her away. He brought her to a little meadow. "Now, what do you need to talk to me about?" Jacob asked. Bella sighed. Butterflies were fluttering in both their stomachs. "I am pregnant Jacob. I am about 2 weeks pregnant with your child." Bella blurted out. Jacob froze.