"Blaine? What does the letter say?" Kurt asked eagerly when they entered Blaine's bedroom and he picked the letter up from the middle of his bed where Tina had left it waiting for him.

"Can I open it and then tell you?" He chuckled. He sat down and turned the envelope in his hand. It was thick and seemed expensive, high quality paper. The logo of the orphanage, the place that had served as his home for nearly his entire life was printed on the front at the top left corner, bright and red.

"What are you afraid that it is, babe?" Kurt asked sympathetically and sat down next to Blaine where he put a hand to rest lightly on Blaine's knee. He could clearly sense the nerves simmering from the feel of the paper in his hands.

"I'm not afraid... well, that maybe someone died -" he choked out, only then realizing that it was the reason he hadn't just rushed it open already. The only times he had heard from the orphanage after he moved out was funeral invitations.

"Oh – I'm sorry... I'm sure it's fine. Just open it, honey," Kurt smiled and caressed a hand down Blaine's back.

So he did. He ran a finger through the opening, trashing the thick paper, leaving the envelope gaping open so he could get out the letter.

Dear Mr. Anderson

He read through the words in the black ink and felt his nerves on ends as he continued to read down the paper. It wasn't a funeral, it definitely wasn't what he had expected.

"It's uhm... do you wanna go to a party with me?" Blaine smiled and let the letter drop to his lap.

"What?" Kurt asked confused.

"Apparently it's the 100th anniversary of Silverlake this year, so they're having a party in a month and everyone who lived there got an invitation – everyone still alive, at least," he explained and felt the relief it was that no one had died.

"That will be so much fun! Of course I wanna go with you, but...I didn't get an invitation," Kurt said.

"They don't have your address, Kurt. But you're with me. It's gonna be fun, right? We can go there with Mike and Tina. I bet they're going too – this is where it all started for us," Blaine chimed and moved closer to fold his arms around Kurt with smiley kisses peppered over his cheek and jaw.

This was happening. They where going back to Lima, Ohio. Back to the place they first met, back to the place they fell in love – back to where their story started.


A month later they were in their hotel room and Kurt was finishing up the last details on Tina's outfit before he would finish his own. They had an hour left before their cab would be there and Blaine was strolling around his and Kurt's room to see if he had remembered it all.

"Are you nervous?" Blaine asked when Kurt started fumbling with his own tie. Blaine noticed how he had to re-do it three times before Blaine pushed his hands away so he could do it for him instead.

"No! Maybe a little nervous. Blaine, I haven't seen these people since I was eight. As far as they're concerned I'm the evil kid who abandoned you to eternal loneliness," Kurt sighed and smiled as Blaine stroke his hand down over his tie one last time.

"First of all: no one will remember that. Second of all: now we get to go there and show them that you're the gorgeous kid who saved me from eternal loneliness," Blaine smirked and pressed his lips against Kurt's.

They parted and finished the last details before they locked up their room and met up with Tina and Mike in the hall so they could head to the front where their cab would pick them up.

All the way Blaine and Tina chatted lively about the party; old days and expectations, who they were looking forward to see and memories of activities they had participated in with the orphanage. Kurt and Mike on the other hand kept quiet and sent each other weak smiles filled with nerves and insecurity.

When they were finally at the gates Kurt was clinging to Blaine's hand and right before they reached the point where they had to turn down the little tiled path to the back where the party would be going on in the garden Kurt held him back.

"Blaine can I... did you ever bring Sebastian to any of the events here?" He asked and bit his lower lip.

"No. I – I never really told him much about it..." Blaine shrugged.

For some reason these things had felt like it was something he had to do alone. This was a different part of his life that didn't have anything to do with Sebastian.

"Oh – okay... why?" He asked.

"I just... I just always felt like – I never really told him much about it because – I guess I knew that if I did he would see through me. About you. And I would be alone again. Because he would know that I could never love him when I love you," Blaine said truthfully. He had never given it much thought. It wasn't something he had planned or analyzed, but now that he spoke the words he knew that it was true.

"Okay. I – just curious. But you will never be alone again," Kurt smiled and tiptoed to kiss his forehead before they walked around to the party at the back.

It was a weird sensation to be back. The party was a wide mix of playing kids, dancing teenagers and adults spread in chatting groups around the garden. At first they stayed a little away, holding each others hands and watching the party before Blaine caught a glimpse of Miss Pillsbury, and he figured that it would only be in order for him to greet her as the first and that way tell her the news about him and Kurt being together.

Kurt followed nervously, clenching Blaine's hand like he was afraid that he they would slip apart. When Miss Pillsbury saw Blaine she lit up and hurried over to hug him, forcing him to let go of Kurt's hand so he could welcome her embrace.

"Hey Blaine. You've become such a handsome young man. How are you, sweetheart?" She asked with a smile, and quickly noticed that he wasn't alone for once.

"And you've brought somebody. That's so good to see. I'm Emma Pillsbury. I practically raised Blaine," she trilled and shook Kurt's hand.

"He knows. Miss Pillsbury this is Kurt – remember?" Blaine explained and felt like the world was put on hold for a moment while he watched the pieces fall into place for Miss Pillsbury.

"Kurt? The Kurt? That is so wonderful! How are you, honey? Look at you! All grown up and so cute!" She chimed eagerly when she realized what it was Blaine was telling her.

She threw her arms around Kurt as well. Kurt was a little stiff and startled at first but eased up and returned the hug.

"Yes. It's been quite a while. But – I'm really good. Blaine and I... are together now," he smiled and Blaine's heart throbbed by hearing Kurt say the words out loud so he grasped Kurt's hand to squeeze it in his.

"You are? That is so great to hear. I am so happy for you boys," Miss Pillsbury chimed and started asking about how they found each other again and they ended in a long conversation explaining everything that had happened since Kurt walked into the pub a few months earlier.

They proceeded around to greet all of Blaine's childhood friends, everyone reacting the same way Miss Pillsbury had. Not for one second did they let go of each others hands and Blaine could feel that Kurt slowly relaxed more and more in time with people expressing their happiness for them being together.

It was surprisingly easy to fall back into conversation with people. Blaine usually only talked to his closest friends from Silverlake when they occasionally met at small reunions once or twice a year since they moved out and spread around the country. Everyone were nice and made conversation with Kurt; asked him about his life and how he had been since he had left – no one were holding a grudge to him over what had happened with him and Blaine when they were kids.

"See? I told you it would be fine," Blaine smiled and leaned in to kiss Kurt's cheek when they had a moment to themselves late in the afternoon after having talked to what felt like everyone at the party.

"Yeah. You were right. That's nice. It's really good to see everyone again. Even though I don't know them anymore," Kurt sighed and sounded like he had just had a great burden lifted off his shoulders.

He turned around and folded his arms around Blaine's waist, so Blaine returned the gesture by putting his arms around him as well. For a while they simply stayed a little away to watch everyone mingling between each other; talking, dancing and laughing. They were enjoying being together, and being back where they had first met each other when Kurt dragged him over to sit on the porch.

"This was where we first met," Kurt said quietly and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Yeah. I was terrified. And sad. And so alone -" Blaine recalled. He couldn't say if it was one of the saddest days in his life because of what he had just lost, or if it was the best day in his life because of what he gained when Kurt came over and sat next to him.

"I remember. I felt so sorry for you. You looked like you could break at any second."

"I felt that way. But then you came – and I didn't feel alone anymore," Blaine smiled and turned his head to kiss Kurt's hair before resting his cheek against it.

"Blaine. There's something I wanna talk to you about... it's really stupid, I know, but I still want to anyway, because... it's important to me," Kurt suddenly said and grasped Blaine's hand.

Blaine didn't know what to expect so he didn't say anything. He held his breath and waited for Kurt to continue. He squeezed his hand back and hoped that nothing scary or bad was about to come, because he wasn't sure he would be able to take it.

"I know that we haven't been together for that long time. Not really, anyway. But I have something for you -" He said and moved to sit up and pulled something out of his pocket.

Blaine looked down and when Kurt opened his hand a silver ring was lying in his palm, perfect contrast to his pale skin. It wasn't as clean-cut and expensive looking as the one Sebastian had given him, but it still looked like something Blaine would never be able to afford.

"Kurt, what is -" he started to ask, but Kurt rushed to cut him off.

"This is... this is not a proposal. Not really. It's just – it's a promise ring. I wanna marry you some day, and I wanna be with your forever, and... this is my promise that I will never leave you ever again. Leaving you back then is the only thing I have regretted in my entire life, and I will not let that happen again. So – this is a promise that I will stay with you for as long as you want me. I just felt it appropriate to promise you my eternity here where it started," Kurt blurted out, clearly afraid that he would stumble over himself halfway through if he didn't hurry it out before he could get too scared to finish.

"Kurt! You didn't have to... of course I will always want you. You didn't have to get me a ring," Blaine smiled and felt his voice crack all the way down from his lungs.

"I know. But I wanted to. Because then you can always look at it on your finger and remember 'Oh yeah, he's still there'," Kurt said and shrugged, as if it wasn't just the most precious thing in the entire world.

Blaine turned to cup his hands around Kurt's cheeks, to look him in the eyes and let the widest grin in the world take over his entire face.

"Kurt – you're so dumb sometimes. Of course I don't need a ring to remind me of that. But it will be an honor to wear your ring. And yes, I will marry you some day. Tomorrow or in 50 years, I don't care. I'm yours. Silly..." He chuckled and pressed his mouth onto Kurt's with a passionate force that had Kurt gasping for air, but he didn't pull away, he simply pulled Blaine closer.

"I love you. Always have, always will -" he smiled against Blaine's lips before they both looked down on the ring in Kurt's hand.

"Is this where you put it on me?" Blaine asked with a crooked smile.

"I think it is."

Unfortunately they never got to it because they were interrupted, ripped out of their blissful moment as Miss Pillsbury was suddenly standing in front of them.

"I was wondering if I could have a word with you two," she requested.

They agreed and Blaine smiled apologetically at Kurt before he put on the ring himself. It was a perfect match and he wondered a bit how Kurt had managed that, but they had to get up and follow Miss Pillsbury to her office so he made a mental note to ask Kurt the next time he had the chance.

It almost felt like they were kids again as they were sitting in the chairs in front of her desk, the petite woman smiling at them with her big bright eyes and soft, yellow cardigan just the way it had been years ago.

"I had actually promised myself that I would never drag this up again. But since you are reunited I figured that... it's time for you to hear the truth," she said and chewed on her lower lip like she was expecting the desk to explode between them.

"I found out what happened to your letters. But not until years after you gave up, Blaine, and I didn't wanna say anything to rip up in all the feelings. You were so crushed and I didn't want to drag you back into that sadness you had back then," she said, her big doe-eyes flickering between them surely waiting for a reaction.

"What? But... what happened?" Blaine asked, not sure he had heard correct.

It wasn't because it mattered anymore, but if he had a chance to find out how his relationship to his childhood love had been shattered he felt that he deserved to know. He was sure Kurt felt the same way, but he was stiff in anticipation in the chair next to Blaine.

"Well... I'm sure you remember Jimmy, the boy who was very fond of... teasing you. He was a few years older than you and he often had chores of helping around the house when he had stepped out of line – I found all of your letters in one of his boxes one night. All the letters from Kurt asking why you didn't write anymore, and all the letters I helped you writing him asking if he had received your letters. All of them were there along with all the pictures and all of it. I am so sorry, boys," Miss Pillsbury explained.

She looked like she feared that she had just crushed their world all over again, and Blaine had a sudden urge to run around the desk to hug her. It wasn't her fault. Not that he understood why this boy had taken a liking to bully him the way he had always done, but he would never had suspected him of stealing their letters.

"It's okay. I'm just... happy to know. I mean – when I was little I thought Blaine had stopped answering my letters. Even though my dad kept making excuses. But when we met again and talked about it... ever since then I haven't doubted for a second that Blaine didn't stop writing until long after he didn't receive my letters," Kurt assured them, seeming as confused as Blaine did.

"I wish I could give you the letters, but I threw them out because I never thought I would be able to explain you what happened. But... I kept the pictures. From both of you. I meant to discretely slip them into one of the Home's photo albums from when you were both living here, but I never got around to it because I was afraid how you would react if you saw them, so they stayed here," she explained, mostly addressed to Blaine.

She turned around and opened a drawer to find out an envelope that she handed them with nervous eyes.

"Thank you, Miss Pillsbury. That's... wow. I don't know what to say. I mean, if we hadn't been together now I'm not sure I would have been able to take it but... it's nice to have a closure about that. It's comforting to know what happened," Blaine said, not really sure how to express his gratitude – both to her for telling them but also to the universe for letting them know what happened back then that caused them to lose each other.

They accepted the envelope but didn't look in it. Instead they returned to the party and found back to Tina and Mike who were talking to Blaine's old friends Jeff and Luke. It was getting late and they knew that the party would close down soon because it was getting time for the youngest kids to get to bed, so Blaine wanted to spend the last hour with his old friends.

However, he was very pleased to find out that Tina had planned for them all to go out for a drink after the party and Blaine was thrilled that Kurt wanted to join them as well.

"Oh look, Blaine – come here," Kurt suddenly exclaimed and dragged him to the other end of the garden.

Before Blaine could say anything Kurt was on his knees and crawling into the bushes. After weighing whether to follow or not he was on his own knees and in to sit down next to Kurt on the soft grass inside the cave of branches.

"I can't believe it's still here," Kurt beamed at him and pulled him closer. He wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and mushed their lips together.

"It's where we had our first kiss. It's amazing. All the nostalgia of this place is crazy," he grinned, and it was like his playful child-spirit was filling up his eyes with stars.

"I know. It's weird. All those happy memories, and sad memories, and... you," he sighed and looked around the bushes where they had spent so many hours as kids. The place where they sought a refuge from all the other kids that just weren't what they wanted because they only wanted each other.

"We're getting sappy here," Kurt chuckled and nudged Blaine's cheek with his nose before pressing a wet kiss to it, his lips burning on Blaine's chill skin.

"We are. Let's get back to the others and find somewhere to get a drink," Blaine suggested and got back to his knees to leave the cave.

Kurt teasingly swatted his ass before following him out so they could cross the lawn and take a round to say goodbye to everyone. It was the same at every event; they would hug and talk about how sad it was to never speak, then they would promise to stay in touch, but they rarely did, and to be honest Blaine didn't mind that much. There weren't many from Silverlake that he really would like to have as a part of his new life. All he wanted he already had.


It was nice to be back in the cafe where they used to hang out as teenagers. They got to talk about old times and what was going on in people's lives. They sang and had drinks, and Blaine was happy to notice that it seemed like Mike had completely let his grudge against Kurt behind – they were chatting and laughing together, something that made Blaine's insides bubble up.

By the end of the night it felt like Kurt had never left their midst and had grown up with them all, and it struck Blaine that he didn't really care much about anything that had happened before, because all he needed in his life he had now.

They took the cab back to the hotel a little earlier than Tina and Mike so they shared hugs and kisses with everyone before they left. In the cab they didn't talk, instead Blaine rested his head sleepily on Kurt's shoulder and enjoyed the warmth of Kurt's hand resting on his thigh.

Back at the hotel they got ready for bed in silence, but Blaine could sense that Kurt was observing him with a smile. When they crawled into bed it was in t-shirts and underwear, curling directly into each others arms.

The moment the lights were out Blaine snuck his hand under Kurt's shirt and kissed him deeply while pressing his hips against Kurt's, responded by Kurt humming and smiling into the kiss with his fingers running into Blaine's curls.

With a grin Blaine sucked Kurt's lower lip into his mouth before put a peck to his nose and disappeared under the comforter. He kissed Kurt's belly right above the waistband of his lime green boxer briefs and hooked his fingers in the elastic so he could start dragging them down.

"What are you doing?" Kurt laughed as he lifted the comforter to look as Blaine dropped the fabric to the mattress next to him.

"If I remember correctly – someone asked me to marry him today – and I figured that should be celebrated," Blaine smirked before licking a wet stripe up the underside of Kurt's semi-hard cock.

"Oh god. Yes. Yes please!" Kurt gasped with a giggle and entangled his fingers in Blaine's dark locks.

Blaine swirled his tongue around Kurt's shaft, finding his way back to the top so he could lap at the head and let his lips wet in the pre-come starting to gather at the slit before he slowly sunk his mouth down around the slick glans, staring up at Kurt and enjoying the way he was watching his every move.

It didn't take long for the dry skin to go wet and slicked up with the spit from Blaine's tongue that he kept running down the underside vein, making sure to keep his tongue hard and curled around Kurt's erection best possible.

"Fuck! Blaine – shit, you're so pretty like this," Kurt breathed out with a sound that probably should have been a laugh but turned into more of a sigh as he tugged a little harder on Blaine's hair from the way Blaine relaxed his throat to make Kurt's cock hit a little deeper.

"You've gotten so good at this, baby -" Kurt smiled and whined, his eyes locked with his boyfriend's as he started bobbing his head up and down with a steady rhythm, his hands resting on Kurt's thighs with his thumb stroking the soft skin.

It was getting hard to breathe through his nose, but Blaine was determined to not let go so soon. He let his lips slide agonizingly slowly up to keep his mouth open around Kurt's head so he could let his tongue twirl around the head and lick up the slit to lap up the pre-come waiting for him.

He moved down to nip lightly at Kurt's sac, making him moan pitchy before Blaine sucked one ball into his mouth followed by the next, letting his tongue lightly massage the skin before returning to licking his way up.

He took back up his quest of locking his lips around the cock and immediately starting to move his mouth up-down up-down around him, Kurt now unable to hold back. He was shallowly bucking his hips upwards, thrusting into Blaine's mouth.

Blaine closed his hand around Kurt's root and started swiping him with the same pace as his head was moving before he hollowed his cheeks and sucked for all he was worth, Kurt's breathing out of control.

Within a minute Kurt's thighs tensed and his knees bent as he pressed his cock nearly all the way down Blaine's throat with a breathy scream of "Shit Blaine!" and pulsed all he had into his mouth and Blaine continued to suck and swallow until he couldn't breathe anymore and pulled off with a popping sound.

Kurt grasped around his shoulders to drag him up his body so he could pull his face down for a kiss, pushing his tongue into Blaine's mouth. With a grin Blaine let the remains of Kurt's come into Kurt's mouth where he willingly tasted and swallowed it all down as he grabbed Blaine's ass to press him closer with a squeeze.

"That was – sudden. But so damn good," Kurt grinned and let his thumbs caress over Blaine's ass, his index fingers hooked in the hem of his underwear at the back of his thighs.

"Glad I could pleasure you, sir -" Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt's upper lip before falling down next to him.

"Will you hold me as we sleep?" Blaine asked and pouted as he strolled the tip of his finger down Kurt's chest.

"I always wanna hold you, silly," Kurt sighed and kissed him, putting his arms around Blaine so he could drag him closer and let Blaine rest his head on Kurt's collarbone.

"Tomorrow is payback time," Kurt whispered into Blaine's hair, nuzzling his nose into his hair and caressing his fingers over the exposed skin of his hipbone where his t-shirt had crawled up.

"Oh what a shame," Blaine teased and tried moving a little closer – but it really was impossible for him to get any closer than he already was.