"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Kagome screamed this was a mess! She was tired but her power was keeping her wide awake! If these people didn't get a clue and fast she was going to show them what being a goddess meant damn it.

"I'm sorry, I came to see you and Inuyasha went off about his brother, and you and then I saw this baby and it smelt like Sesshomaru and I just lost it!" His tail was between his legs, not that it would save his manhood from her foot should she so chose to kick him.

"Who the hell told you I was dead?"

"I just thought you were ok, I freaked out, a little"

"A little?" Her hands on her hips,

"Ok, a lot"

"Kouga, I appreciate the love but you cant come here and act like, act like-

You're my woman?"

"Yes, that!"

Hey the guy could dream all the hell he wanted, but it didn't make it so. Kagome placed her hands on her temples and rubbed "You all are going to be the death of me"

"You cant die"

She narrowed her eyes "No, but you all sure can"

She could kill them, and it had for a spilled-second crossed her mind, just for a second thought.

"If you ever pull something like this again, you won't have to worry about finding a woman Kouga, because so help-

He backed up, waving his hands "I got it, no more threatening the vampire, or village, or babies"

"I don't care if Sesshomaru ties me upside down on a tree, stay out of the village!" She snapped "And you better be glad he didn't kill you, though, he still might?"

"You uh, you won't let him, right?"

"I'm not his keeper!" She threw her hands up,

"Well, you are kinda the keep of us all, aren't you?"

She groaned "Why don't we NOT test that theory Kouga"

He laughed uneasily,

"Now go fix what you broke, now!"

He bolted with speed she had never seen before. She took a deep breath, now she had to go check on a baby and talk with a Vampire Lord, one she wished would just go away, this was not going to be as easy as Kouga. Sesshomaru didn't see her as the keeper of life or peace, he did not fear her in the least, just as she didn't fear him.

"This is going to end badly I just know it"

They were going to kill each other, she knew it.

As she walked back through the village the wolves kept their heads down and were hard at work, they had been spared only by her grace "Oh, and when you are done you will hunt and offer a meal to these people!" She snapped, they whimpered their agreement.

She made her way up to the castle she hated so much, the sun was going down, the sky behind it orange. Like always the stray vampires eyed her, but she kept her head high and entered with no problems.

"Kagome" Inuyasha greeted,

"How is the baby"

"Unhurt, Sesshomaru is pissed thought"

"Not as pissed as I am" She challenged,

"There is gunna be a fight isn't there?"

"Yep" She walked past him in search of the damn prince of darkness.

"Some is gunna die aren't they"

"Possibly both of us"

He Stopped walking and watched her go up the steps, she was headed to his room, she meant business.

"Scary" He stated "I better go tell father"