Life is cruel. There's nothing else to it. It gives you the best kind of hope and happiness only to snatch everything away. Leaving you so unbearably broken that you can barely get up in the morning. So shattered that all you can do is sit and think about what drove you into this madness. Simply because if you don't think about it then you'll be accepting it like everyone else is. You'll be that despicable person that has managed to burry his or her feelings deep inside so that they could move on.
Mako didn't want that. He didn't want to forget about Korra. He didn't want to stop remembering the light in her sapphire blue eyes or how her smile was always wider then it needed to be. He only wanted to forget the blood, and that terrible fear in her eyes as he tried to make her stay. But she didn't stay. She had left him. All alone. And that was the truth.
"Mako?" It's Bolin, he can tell his little brothers worried about him but frankly Mako could care less right now.
"Aw come on bro!" Bolin frowns as he walks into Mako's room, "You need to stop this!"
He stays silent, and shifts his gaze from Bolin to the window. "You need to get ready, Korra's funeral is in an hour" Mako flinches.
"What you don't want me to say it now?" He doesn't answer he just keeps looking out the window "She's dead Mako, nothing is going to change that."
He can see the arena from his room. Well what's left of it anyway, because just like him the arena is battered and broken all because of Amon.
"So that's it you're just going to ignore me? I loved her too you know, so stop acting like you're the only one who's affected by this!"
Except Bolin is choosing to move on. He's choosing to go on with life and not to dwell on the beautiful water tribe. Bolin is choosing to forget, so no Mako thinks his brother could not care as deeply for Korra as he did.
"Whatever," Bolin mutters as he leaves Mako on his own.
It's three hours before Mako makes his way to the Korra's gravestone.
The funeral party is long gone when he arrives at the old oak tree Korra's buried under. It's only him, the gravestone and the stench of newly pact soil. At first all he does is stare, stare at her beautiful name that is engraved on the dull gray stone signifying her death.
"Hey" he says dryly siting on the fresh soil.
"You'd probably make fun of me. For talking to tomb stone and all." He runs his hand over the cold granite. "I miss that you know? You making fun of me. I mean I never liked it at the time but I think I was asking for most of them."
"Asami and I broke up you know, bit late on that though aren't I." He runs his other hand through his hair. "I don't really know why I was ever with her in the first place. Well I mean I do…. but I" He chokes on his new tears that have made their way down his cheeks "I never loved her. You where right, about everything. It was always you, I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner."
"You know I've been thinking about you said to me." He breathes, "about finding the new avatar. I don't want to do it you know. But I'm going to anyway. I won't stop until I do, guess I'll teach the kid fire bending. Might as well right? I wonder if s/he will be anything like you. If s/he'll be just as impulsive and reckless as you are. "
"I have dreams about you. Sometimes they're just memories," He laughs, "like I think the other night I remembered that night we met. I was sort of a douche wasn't I? Yet for some reason you came back again. At first I thought it was because of Bolin, but wonder now if it was because of me. And I don't think you know how much I wish I could change about that first day."
He sighs "And then I have dreams about the conversations we never had. That's all that happens really, we just talk you know. Like how we used to. And for a moment I think that everything's fine and I forgot that you're gone. I just let myself get lost in those little conversations we never had and laugh as you go on about how Meelo managed to lead a turtle duck into the bathtub.
"But then I wake up and I realize you aren't there. And how I'm never going to hear that voice again. How I'll never get to see that ridicules smile on your face or watch you scream about how air is a stupid element only to watch you take it back." He sobs and leans into his forehead against the icy smooth stone "I just miss you so much."
He's still sobbing into her head stone when he feels something nudge him in the back. Naga. And Mako sniffs and smiles a bit as the polar bear dog whimpers and sits down next to him. Mako runs his fingers though her white fur coat. "You too huh girl?"
As if in agreement the polar bear dog barks sadly and lays her head on his lap.
A/N: Thank you everyone who reviewed, subscribed, or favorited my story. It really means a lot to me.