Thank you to our wonderful beta darcysmom who is always there with encouraging words and makes our writing look that much better. You rock!

Thank you to christag_banners for our wonderful banner she made for this. You can check it out on our blog.

This little piece was written fo0r the Fandom4Children compilation back in April.


"A goal and an assist. Nice game, Ed."

"Thanks, Jazz. How's the shoulder?"

"Hurts like a mother fucker. That little shit Jacob Black hit me hard, dislocated it. He better watch his back next time we meet."

Jasper Whitlock was one of the Flyers best defense men. In the last few minutes of the game Black checked him into the boards pretty hard. Jazz had to be helped off the ice. Black's attempts didn't help since we still beat the Rangers 4-3.

In the month since I was traded to Philadelphia from Vancouver, Jasper was the only one that didn't give me shit like the rest of the team. He had once been in my shoes when he was traded two years ago from the Dallas Stars, so he knew how it felt to be an outsider. Some of the other players were just starting to warm up to me but some days it felt like I truly was the odd man out.

"You heading to Franklin's Place tonight?"

"Yeah, how about you?"

"I need to ice the shoulder first but I'll be there."

Franklin's Place was a little bar in the city that all the players liked to go to when they were home. It also happened to be owned by one of my good friend's Emmett McCarty. Emmett bought the bar after a leg injury benched him from the game for good.

"I'm gonna hit the showers. I guess I'll meet you there."

"See, ya."

I grabbed my towel and clothes and headed for the showers. My body felt like shit, and I knew the crappy showers in the arena would do nothing to soothe my muscles. I'd have to soak in the Jacuzzi when I got home later.

Hockey was nowhere near a glamorous life, but I loved playing the game. Your body took a beating every time you hit the ice. A good hit to the boards would give you some bruises, aches and pains. That was nothing compared to black eyes, missing teeth and concussions most players saw on a regular basis. Lucky for me the worst injury I received was a broken nose when I got into a fight.

I turned the water off and grabbed the towel from the hook before drying off and getting my suit back on. It was expected of all players on the Flyers and most other hockey teams in the NHL to wear a suit to and from the arena. It was a show of class and respect off the ice.

On my way out of the locker room I stopped to sign a few autographs before making my way to my car. The ride to Franklin's Place didn't take long at all and before I knew it I was parking my car. On most nights when a home game was played the bar would be filled with players and fans alike, celebrating a victory or drowning their loss. By the way the parking lot was filled it didn't look any different tonight.

After losing the suit jacket and rolling my sleeves up, I walked toward the entrance. A chime over the door announced my arrival. There were players and fans mingled together sitting around at high tables chatting away about the win over the Rangers. Other people sat around watching some game that was on the flat screen TV. I waved to a few team mates before going straight to the bar for a beer.

Emmett was so engrossed in conversation with a customer he didn't see me approach the bar.

"What's it take to get a beer around here?"

"Ed! Good to see ya. Nice game tonight." Emmett shook my hand before going to pour me my usual beer.

"Thanks. So, how's it going?"

Emmett slid a beer in front of me. "Real good. Rose and I got engaged over the weekend."

"Congrats, man. It's been a long time coming."

"No shit. If she turned me down one more time I was giving up. How about you?"

"Same shit, different day."

"You still seeing, Irina?"

"Hell, no! She decided women were more appealing to her than men."

I thought Emmett was gonna pass out he was laughing so hard.

"I'm glad I could amuse you."

I flipped Emmett off before turning on my stool to see a gorgeous, sexy brunette walking through the front door. As she walked closer I got a better look at just how beautiful she was. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, she had beautiful dark brown eyes that looked like melted chocolate and pillowy soft lips that were meant to be kissed. Her tight black t-shirt accentuated ample breasts that would just fill a man's hands. Her small waist led to slender legs clad in denim. Her smile was warm and I couldn't help but return it.

She walked past me assaulting me with an intoxicating smell of fresh lavender. I turned on my stool getting the most perfect view of her slender hips swaying and soft, round curves of her ass as she made her way behind the bar. She kissed Emmett's cheek, saying a hello before placing her stuff under the bar.

I looked up to see Emmett scowling at me. "Dude! You think you could close your mouth and stop drooling over my little sister."

"That's your little sister?"

Emmett turned toward the beautiful little brunette. "Baby Bell, come over here for a minute."

"Ed … this is my little sister, Bella. Bella this is Ed … he's a buddy of mine. He plays for the Flyers."

Bella cocked her eyebrow and held out her hand.

"It's Edward actually but it's nice to meet you, Bella."

"Nice to meet you too, Ed … ward." She grinned.

"So what's the deal Em … you can't afford paid help, so you enlisted your beautiful little sister here to tend bar and lure in the customers? We know it's not your charm that brings them in."

Bella blushed deeply and I winked at her as Emmett guffawed.

"Fuck you, Masen. Because of that comment, you can pay for your own damn beers tonight."

He laughed and walked toward the other end of the bar, leaving me in a mildly awkward silence with Bella.

"So .. you had a game tonight?" Bella asked with a shy smile.

"Yeah, I usually come here after a game. If we win, I have a celebratory beer with the guys. If we lose I have a couple shots and go home."

"So are you having beer or a shot?"

I pointed to my half empty beer bottle.

"Oh, right." Bella blushed again. "Sorry I'm out of the loop. I came straight here from work. Em just texted me and told me he needed me tonight, I should have put two and two together."

Another customer hollered at her and Bella held up a finger to let me know she'd be back with me in a minute. She filled a few orders and came back to stand in front of me.

"Need a refill?"

I smiled crookedly and nodded.

"So … where do you work? You said your shift just ended?"

"I'm a nurse at CHOP. I help Em out whenever he needs me."

"So you're telling me you pulled a twelve hour shift and then came here to help your brother?"

"Pretty much." Bella grinned.

"That's insane!"

"Tonight was quiet at work. If I was too tired, I would have told Em I couldn't come in, but … since tomorrow's my day off, it's cool."

Hmmm … interesting bit of information. I'd just met Bella, but here I was thankful for the little bit of information she'd given me. I felt drawn to her – the chocolate depths of her eyes and her warm smile pulled me in.

Jasper slid onto the barstool beside me and pulled me into a conversation when Bella excused herself to help other customers. Before I knew it, Emmett was announcing last call and Jazz was asking me if I wanted to share a cab with him.

"No, thanks, man. I'm good to drive."

Jazz slapped my shoulder and took off out the door.

The crowd inside the bar had thinned out considerably – just a few patrons left staring at the flat screen TV's a little bleary eyed.

Emmett went into the back room leaving Bella behind the bar. I was catching up on highlights of other games on the little screen of my iPhone as I finished my beer. I was so lost in the scores that I never saw Jacob Black come in and sit at the bar. Bella came over and asked me if I needed anything else and I asked for a coke which she slid across the bar with a smile.

I watched as she rounded a few of the tables, collecting glasses and empty bottles. I heard a loud crash – breaking glass and a squeal. I looked up to see Jacob Black towering over Bella, her tiny wrist enveloped in his grasp.

"Let go of me!" Bella cried.

I immediately jumped up and made my way over to where Bella and Jacob were.

"Let her go, Black," I growled.

"EM!" Bella screeched.

"Is she your little bitch, Masen?" Jacob asked as he pushed Bella away.

Bella fell into an adjacent table, her hand catching a piece of broken glass. Luckily I reacted quickly enough to catch her so she didn't fall into the glass and liquid mess on the floor.

"JACOB BLACK! Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Bar." Emmett yelled as he stormed in from the back room.

"I got ya," I said softly to Bella as I held her.

I picked Bella up bridal style and quickly carried her around the bar as Emmett jumped in Jacob's face. I placed her gingerly on the counter and turned on the tap in the sink next to us.

"We need to make sure there's not any glass in your hand, Bella."

She held onto my bicep as I gently guided her hand under the cool water.

"Ow, ow, ow … that stings."

"I know it does … just hang in there, okay?"

Bella nodded and squeezed her eyes closed. Once I'd determined there wasn't any glass in her hand, I grabbed a few napkins from the bar top and pressed them to her hand. Bella hissed and opened her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Jesus, Bella … I'm sorry."

"No … you're fine. You're doing the right thing, Edward. I've just never been good with pain or the sight of my own blood," Bella said softly.

"Being a nurse, blood doesn't affect you?"

"In large amounts yes, but it's my own blood that bothers me the most. Weird I know, but that's how it is."

"So you work at the Children's Hospital?"

I had noticed that keeping her focused on the conversation was keeping her mind off her hand. The bleeding was slowing down but I'm sure it was still painful. The cut was pretty deep. It was also keeping her mind off the scuffle that was going on between Jacob Black, a couple of his fellow Rangers and Emmett. At least I thought it was ….

"Uh huh. Umm … Edward … can you help Emmett, please? I really don't want to see him lose his establishment license because of that asshole."

"Are you …" I trailed off, raising my eyebrow in question.

"I'm okay. I'll keep pressure on this and I promise you can put a bandage on it when you come back. Please help Em."

I made my way over to where Emmett was arguing with Jacob and his cronies. They were clearly drunk and belligerent.

"Oh look, McCarty … your girlfriend's here to protect you." Jacob snorted.

Emmett reared back to punch him but I held fast to his arm.

"Em … you don't want that kind of trouble," I reminded him.

I turned to Jacob and glared at him.

"Go on, Black. Get out of here. Put your tail between your legs and go back to your hotel and sleep it off." I growled.

Two of my team mates appeared in the doorway. Demitri and Felix Volturi – they were brothers and they were huge. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of their wrath.

"Black …" Demitri grunted. "Do you need an escort out?"

"Nah … I wouldn't want you girls to break a nail."

Demitri towered over Jacob as he began to back out of the bar – his cronies hot on his tail.

"I'm good, Ed," Emmett said with a grunt.

"You sure?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah. Thanks to Dem here. I don't know what that asshole's problem is."

I watched as Emmett shook hands with Demitri and Felix.

"Hello! Bleeding here!" Bella cried from the bar.

I chuckled and made my way back over to where she was perched behind the bar.

"Oh shit! Baby Bell, I'm sorry!" Emmett hollered.

"It's okay, Em. Edward's taking care of me."

Bella told me where I could find the first aid kit and I pulled it out and removed the napkins on her injured hand.

"Shit, Bella. I think you're going to need stitches."

I carefully wrapped her hand and offered to take her to the emergency room. Emmett felt horrible but he still had the bar to close up.

Man oh man, what a night. First a brutal game that we ended up winning. Then I meet a beautiful girl and instead of asking her out on a date, I'm asking her if I can take her to the ER.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll live. What the hell was his problem anyway?"

"I've had problems with Jacob Black for a while. He's a real asshole. It didn't help that we beat 'em."

"Well, thank you for driving me. I really appreciate it since Emmett was a little tied up."

"It's no problem. I don't mind at all."

There was no way I was gonna tell her I was happy to spend even the littlest amount more time with her.

The ER was surprisingly quiet for a Sunday night. We didn't have to wait very long to be seen. For the most part we were quiet only talking every once and a while when Bella would comment on something. The thing was, it wasn't that awkward silence where you had to think of some meaningless chatter to fill the silence. It seemed natural, comfortable to be next to Bella.

I was with her every part of the way from the doctor cleaning, stitching and bandaging her up. Once we left the ER I held her door open and helped her into the car before climbing behind the wheel to head home.

I had no idea where I would be taking her since we never really had talked about that.

"So … where am I taking you?"

"Oh, you can drop me off at the bar. My car's still there."

"You sure? It's late."

"I don't live that far from the bar. I'll be fine."

The ride back to bar wasn't nearly as long as I wanted it to be. I pulled up next to a black SUV, assuming it was Bella's and put the car in park. I took my seat belt off then turned to the beautiful brunette that had captured my interest and I wanted to get to know more.

"Bella … would you like to go out sometime? Maybe tomorrow since we're both off?"

"Umm … Edward, you seem really nice and all and I do really appreciate you taking me to the ER, but … I don't think that's' a good idea."

"Why's that?"

Bella sighed. "You're a hockey player."


"Edward, I know how you all are. You go from city to city with hockey bunnies hanging on your every whim and then some, ready for your pleasure. No strings attached sex right at your fingertips."

"Is that so? You just put us all in the same category?"

"Edward …"

"Bella, not all hockey players are man-whores. I'm not like that. I bet your brother would vouch for that, but I'd like the opportunity to show you."

"I don't know."

"I do have other qualities besides good looks and charm, you know. Let me prove it to you."

I held my breath as Bella seemed to weigh her options. For a split second I thought she was going to turn me down again but then she surprised me.



Bella giggled. "Yeah."


I walked around the car to open Bella's door and help her out. She unlocked her car door opened it but then turned leaning against it.

"Thank you again, Edward. I really appreciate you taking me to the ER."

"Not a problem. I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna follow you home, make sure you get there safely."

"You don't have to do that, Edward."

"Actually, I do. My mom would be real upset with me if I wasn't a gentleman."

Bella nodded. "Okay."

"Besides, then I'll know where to pick you up tomorrow night. Is seven o'clock good?"

"That's fine."

Bella's apartment wasn't far from the bar. I pulled up out front waiting until she reached her apartment door. She lived in University City and from the outside it looked like a cute little studio. I gave her a wave before pulling away and driving home.

With less than five hours sleep I pulled myself out of bed at nine knowing damn well if I was late to practice I wouldn't be playing the following night and that wasn't about to happen. I pulled on pants and a tee and was out the door in ten minutes flat. The ride to practice was a good forty-five minute drive so I had to bust ass to make it on time. I just made it with enough time to change into my gear before we had to hit the ice.

I had just pulled on my practice jersey when Jasper walked up to me grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"I saw you talking to that cute brunette bartender last night. Anything come of that?"

"Nothing you're thinking of. I drove her to the ER after Black and his cronies showed up right before closing."

"No, shit! What'd the asshole do now?"

"Came in all drunk, grabbing her wrist and when I tried stopping him he pushed her. Her hand hit some broken glass. Dumbass didn't know when to shut his mouth when in walked Demitri and Felix-kicked him and his cronies to the curb."

"Damn! I missed all the action. I would have liked to get a piece of the little shit, but don't worry he'll see the boards next time I see him on the ice."

"She's Emmett's little sister."

"You don't say."

"I've got a date with her tonight."

"Better watch yourself. Emmett will kick your ass if you hurt his little sister."

"I don't plan on it."

Practice was a grueling three hours and on little sleep I was dragging. I tried really hard to concentrate but my thoughts always floated back to a sexy brunette. In the short time we talked she somehow inserted herself in every thought I had.

I hit the showers after practice for a quick wash before dressing in my track pants and tee and headed home for a nap before my date with Bella.

As I showered in preparation for my date, I pondered where I could take Bella that would be fun but at the same time I wanted us to be able to talk. There was something about her and it made me want to get to know her – really know her.

I settled on Dave & Buster's. I figured we could get something to eat and then play for a while. It was a Monday night, so how busy could it be?

I picked Bella up in front of her building at seven o'clock on the dot. She was waiting for me on the sidewalk and she smiled as she saw me pull up.


"Hey, yourself. You look great," I said, looking over her petite form clad in form fitting denim and soft cashmere.

"Thanks. I hope this is okay," she said gesturing to her attire.

"It's perfect."

"You didn't exactly tell me where you'd be taking me and I …"

She was rambling and she was absolutely adorable. The pale pink sweater she wore clung to her shapely figure and accentuated the porcelain skin of her beautiful face.

"Bella … really it's perfect."

Her blush in return was a few shades darker than her sweater and it was breathtaking. As was the shy smile that accompanied it.

"So … where are we off to then?"

"Umm … well, I thought we'd go to Dave & Buster's. We'll grab some food and chat for a while and then we can play."

Bella giggled and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Interesting choice."

"I wanted to take you somewhere we could talk but still have fun. This way we can have some dinner and drinks and let loose a little. I hope that's okay."

"That sounds great actually. First dates can be so awkward – sometimes because of the couple sometimes because of the atmosphere so I'm glad that you chose D&B's."

"So we're aiming for no awkwardness, I'm guessing."

"Yeah, that might be a start."

I parked and led us into the restaurant and bar area. We were seated and ordered drinks and chatted for a while before finally deciding on an appetizer. Bella told me a little bit about where she grew up – she had moved around a lot before her mom met Phil Mc Carty when she was eight. Emmett was his son and Emmett was a few years older than Bella, but he'd taken to her right away.

"He filled the shoes of a big brother with a style and grace that I'll never understand. He never looked at me like I was a bratty, unwanted sister. He's always been there for me. That's why when he needs me at the bar, I don't hesitate."

It was heartwarming to see how deeply Bella cared for Emmett even though he was only her step brother. I learned that she'd gone straight to college after high school and got her nursing degree then she immediately took a position at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

I told her I'd grown up in a small town in the Pacific Northwest and moved to Seattle when I was five. I stayed in Seattle until I'd gotten a contract with the Vancouver Canucks. I'd managed to get my Bachelor's degree in American History and I was taking internet courses in an attempt to get my Master's. I explained to Bella what a long and tedious process it was proving to be. When I wasn't at a game or practicing I was doing homework. I was happy when the trade from Vancouver to Philadelphia came about because in Philadelphia history was everywhere I turned, and it was easy for me to get lost in it.

"I know what you mean," Bella smiled. "When my mom suggested Philly, I thought she was nuts but then I realized that I'd get to see Independence Hall and the Betsy Ross House. It gives me the chills to think that I'm walking in their footsteps."

"Good to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way."

It really did feel good to know that I'd met someone who felt like I did about history. Maybe Bella and I had more in common than I thought. We finished up our meals and headed to the midway where I bought us each a power card and I happily told Bella to lead the way.

We played skeeball and pinball until Bella found one of those coin games where you have to knock the coins off the ledge and she got completely addicted. I couldn't believe all the tickets she was racking up. I sat down next to her to try my hand at it and was nowhere near as successful as she was. We played until there was nothing left on our power cards and Bella suggested we go see if we could trade in our tickets for prizes.

The line for prizes wasn't bad at all. Again, I was thankful it was a week day. Bella chose a cuddly teddy bear that wore a D&B sweatshirt. She looked up at me with a warm smile.

"I had a really good time tonight, Edward."

"Me too," I admitted shyly.

I was standing with Bella in the lobby of her building and I hated the thought that I might not get a chance to see her again.

"Edward … I meant what I said. I really did have a good time. I know I was hesitant to say yes to tonight but I'm glad I did."

"Do you think you'd like to go out with me again?" I asked quietly.

"Maybe …" She grinned.

"Can I call you?"

I pulled out my phone and she took it from me typing in her number and hitting the call button so her own phone rang in her pocket. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"If I know who's calling me, I'm more likely to answer." She grinned.

"Good to know. I hate to drop you off and run, but I have practice early in the morning."

"Goodnight, Edward," Bella said softly before standing on her toes and kissing my cheek. "Thanks for the bear."

Bella ghosted her hand down my arm before catching my fingers with hers and gently squeezing. She slipped into the waiting elevator. One shy wave and she was gone.

After our date Monday night I had slept long and peacefully, waking up more relaxed than I had in a very long time. Too bad the team didn't have the same luck. We all played like shit and lost to the New York Islanders 3-1. I went to Franklin's after the game as usual for my shot of tequila then headed home. After knowing Bella's existence, going to the bar without her there wasn't the same.

With both of our schedules going back to normal it was hard for us to find time to talk but we snuck in texts whenever we could, which was a lot, considering it had only been a few days since we saw each other.

When I got her text Thursday before the game that Bella would be at the bar later, I couldn't hide my grin.

"What's with the shit eating grin, Masen?" Jazz asked as we started getting our gear together.


"Yeah, can't fool me. That's not nothing. It wouldn't happen to be Emmett's sister that has you all giddy like a school girl."

"Maybe ..."

"So things are good?"

"As good as they can be after just one date."

"Well, she seems to suit you. Do you think she has a friend for me?"

I laughed. "I don't know. I guess I could ask her."


Not sure if Bella's text was my good luck charm or not but I had two goals helping us beat the Maple Leafs 3-0.

I quickly showered off the dirt and sweat before dressing in my suit. I felt exactly like Jazz said earlier, giddy like a school girl with her first crush. My emotions were all over the place and I wasn't sure why I was so excited and nervous to see Bella again.

When I pulled up to Franklin's and parked I noticed Bella's car and right away the knots were in my stomach again and my palms were sweaty. I was never like this around women before, so why now? Because you like her and she's special, you idiot.

My eyes fell on the beautiful brunette behind the bar as the door chimed overhead. As if sensing my presence Bella's eyes locked on mine and a big smile graced her face, and just like that all my nervousness disappeared.

I waved at some teammates before taking the only empty stool at the end of the bar. I watched as she talked adamantly with a customer about who knows what. A beer slid in front of me and I looked over to see Emmett with a fierce look on his face.

"You better not hurt her, Ed. Don't make me hunt you down and kill you."

Whoa. Emmett was in big brother mode.

"I won't hurt her, Em. Not intentionally anyway. I care about her."

Even as the words left my mouth I knew them to be true. It had had been less than a week that I met her, but there was no denying I had feelings for her. I never wanted to hurt her.

Emmett nodded, not adding any more comments before walking away to help another customer.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing …"

"Really 'cause it looked to me like my brother was sending you death glares."

I laughed. "You could say that."

"Enough about my brother. How are you? I saw you had two goals tonight."

"You watched?"

"Of course … I had to see how well my favorite hockey player did."

"Favorite hockey player, huh?"

Before she could answer, a customer at the other end of the bar flagged her down. I took a long sip from my beer, mesmerized by Bella's movements. Her hips swayed with each step she took and I was captivated, not able to take my eyes off of her.

When she turned to walk back toward me she had a smirk on her face and I knew I was caught. I never blushed but I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Hey ..."


"So … I was hoping you had off tomorrow night and we could do something before I had to leave for my road trip."

"I'm sorry, Edward. One of the other nurses had a death in the family so I'm covering her shift."

"Well, damn."

"Yeah … I would have liked to do something with you."

"Well then … tell me you have off Tuesday. It's Valentine's Day and I'd really like to spend it with you. That's if you want to spend it with me."

"I do have off Tuesday, actually. And … I'd love to spend it with you."

One of the things that Bella and I had talked about on our first date was how much both of us wished that we could cook. We knew how to follow directions on a box or follow a simple recipe, but we both wished that we knew our way around a kitchen without either of those things.

"Sounds good, I have something in mind that I think you'll really like."

I promised to keep in touch while I was gone over the weekend and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I drove home that evening anxious to make plans for Tuesday night.

Saturday morning, I left for my two game road trip. First we were headed to New York to face off with the Rangers and Jacob Black. Our last meeting with him on the ice was ugly and there was no doubt in my mind that this game would be the same. It was our fifth game against the Rangers this season and we wanted the win – badly.

Our desire to win only caused us to make more costly mistakes than we were able to afford. Jacob Black and his cronies brought out the worst in us and they drew it out early in the game. It didn't help at all that we were inconsistent and allowed Black to get under our skin.

I managed to tie the game in the second period when I scored on a breakaway. Lundquist attempted to make a save on my initial shot but I was able to score on a rebound making my twenty-second goal of the season. My joy was short lived when Jacob Black checked me into the boards – apparently pissed because I'd managed to score.

"Fuck you, Masen!"

I gave back everything he gave to me and landed my sorry ass in the penalty box giving the Rangers the advantage of a power play.

After that we succumbed to mistake after mistake. We racked up some serious penalty minutes and a few of my teammates including Felix and myself earned misconducts. I later berated myself for acting that way, but I was so caught up in the moment. I could only imagine what Bella would think of me after finding out how I'd acted. I honestly was a bit afraid to call her after the game. I didn't want her to tell me that she wasn't interested in seeing me again.

Before I could really worry too much about Bella, I had to face my extremely pissed off coach. After the game I listened to him rant for forty-five minutes. We were released to our hotel for a few hours of sleep before we had to be at the airport for the next evening's game in Detroit.

It was late, but I wanted to call Bella anyway. I hoped the sound of her sweet voice would be soothing enough to allow me a few hours of restful sleep. She answered on the third ring.

"Edward …" Bella breathed.

"Hey … did I wake you?"

"Nah … I just got home from work. It's been a long freakin' day. How are you?"

"I'm alright," I answered as honestly as possible

"Just alright? I saw parts of the game. Looks like you took a few rough hits, not to mention you landed yourself a misconduct penalty. What happened?"

I sharply exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. She didn't sound angry at all, she sounded worried.

"Jacob Black happened. From the beginning of the game he just got under our skin. He checked me into the boards and made a crude comment about you and that was it, I was done with him."

"Oh, Edward. I'm sorry you had such a shitty game. You know Black only said that because he knew it would piss you off and get you all worked up. You played right into his greedy hands, handsome."

"I couldn't help it. He had no right to say what he did – even if it was just to get under my skin."

"It's over now though right? Next time you see him we won't have a repeat of tonight's game right?"

"No. How was your day other than long?"

She told me about a mother who had gone in to deliver unexpectedly at only twenty-two weeks into her pregnancy. After delivery, the baby had been airlifted into CHOP and they worked fervently to save him, his lungs weren't developed enough and Bella had been the pediatric nurse on duty.

"It's so heartbreaking. It wasn't the mother's fault at all – she'd just had a checkup the day before and the next thing she knew she was having contractions and her husband took her to the hospital. It was too late to give her something to stop the contractions she was already dilated and ready to push. Poor little thing only lived about an hour. It was completely beyond our control."

I could hear Bella sniffling and I wish I could have been there to comfort her. I changed the subject quickly to our date on Tuesday night and told her that I had made all the arrangements and couldn't wait to surprise her.

"I hate surprises you know," she said softly.

"I promise you'll like this one."

After a few more minutes we wrapped up our phone call and I promised to call her sometime on Monday since the time difference would keep me from calling her after the following night's game.

Sunday night's game wasn't much better than the game against the Rangers with the exception that we managed not to get so many penalties. We fell behind right from the get go, but came back for a 2-1 lead. We ultimately lost 4-3.

"Masen, what do you feel happened out there on the ice tonight?" Some reporter asked as he shoved a mic in my face.

"We failed to capitalize on our opportunities. Had we focused on our special teams we probably could have pulled out a win tonight."

Disappointed, sore and tired I made my way back to the bus that would take us to our hotel.

Monday morning, we flew back to Philly. We arrived just after noon and I was never so glad to be back home. I showered and took a short nap before calling Bella. I had no idea what her schedule was like but I called her cell figuring I could leave her a voicemail.

"Hey, Bella. It's Edward. I was just calling to let you know I'll pick you up around six fifteen tomorrow night. I hope that's okay. Wear something casual that you're not attached to in case things get messy. I'm around if you want to call me back, okay? Bye."

I was just settling down onto my couch with dinner a few hours later when my phone rang and it was Bella's sweet voice on the other end.

"Things might get messy? Exactly where are you taking me, Edward?"

"I promise you'll like it.

"Just tell me we're not doing anything pervy and hopefully something normal."

I chuckled at the thought that Bella could believe I'd plan to do something pervy with her. I could have, I suppose, but I think it was way too early in our relationship for that.

"It's completely normal." I promised.

"Good," She said softly with a yawn.

"Tired?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's been another long day, I got called in six hours early and then I pulled a double. I'm exhausted."

"Get some rest, beautiful and I'll see you tomorrow."

"G'nite Edward."

Bella was waiting for me when I pulled up in front of her building the next day. I had arrived only a few minutes early, but there she was with a wide smile on her lovely face.

"Hey, you."

"You're on time, I'm impressed, Edward."

She was wearing a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a purple plaid shirt that hugged her curves and showed a hint of a white, lacy tank top beneath it. On her feet were a pair of gray Chucks with sparkly shoelaces. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, a cascade of chestnut hair flowing down her back. She looked perfect.

"See something you like, handsome?"

I hadn't realized I'd been ogling her a beat too long, so I just shook my head and smiled at her.

"Yeah …" I breathed.

Bella giggled as she climbed into my car.

"Do I look okay? I know you said casual and to wear something I didn't care about in case things got messy, but it's Valentine's Day … I didn't want to look like a total bum."

I smiled widely at her.

"You look great, Bella."

I drove us toward our destination and the closer we got the more concerned Bella became. As I took the exit for the King of Prussia Mall, she looked at me quizzically.

"You're taking me to the mall?"

I chuckled. Bella was almost adorably offended at the thought that I could possibly be taking her to the mall. One of the things she first told me about herself was that she hated shopping. She appeared to be a bit relieved when I pulled into a parking lot across the street from the mall.

"Sur La Table?"


"Isn't this like a cooking store?"

"Mmmhmm. We are taking a cooking class for Valentine's Day."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope. You mentioned that you wished you knew how to do more than follow the directions on a box so now you have a chance to learn."

"You're too much, Edward. Most guys wouldn't put that much thought into a date mostly because they wouldn't have listened to something like that in the first place."

"I told you I was different, Bella, I just needed the opportunity to prove it."

I led her inside and we checked in for our cooking lesson. We listened intently as we were given instructions and handed our ingredients. We worked side by side in comfortable silence. I enjoyed being next to Bella; cooking with her. It was relaxing and fun. She quietly helped me when I had trouble slicing an onion; not once did she chastise me, she just smiled and let me continue my task.

When we finished cooking, we were allowed to sit and eat the meal we'd prepared. We sat and chatted as we ate. The pasta and chicken dish we'd prepared was delicious and was only enhanced by the fact that we'd made it together.

We spoke quietly as we drove home, Bella telling me how much she enjoyed the evening and how happy she was that I'd surprised her with it.

We pulled up out front of her apartment and I walked around to help her out. I took her hand in mine and starting walking toward her door.

"Umm … so … Thursday I'm playing home and I was wondering if you wanted to go? You could bring a friend if you don't want to come alone. Or if you don't want to go that's okay."

"Edward … I'd love to go. I'm actually off that night so it's perfect. Maybe I'll even ask my friend Alice to go."



We had just made it to her door and I looked into those beautiful brown eyes and was lost. I looked lower and caught sight of those plump lips meant to be kissed as Bella licked them. I looked back up into her eyes and knew I had to kiss her. I had wanted to since I first laid eyes on her.

I leaned down bringing my mouth close but not touching as her eyes fluttered shut. Then my lips were on hers and I felt a fire inside me. A slight pressure as our lips joined together before she added more weight and then our lips were moving —carefully, slowly.

Her lips on mine just weren't enough; I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer and her hands wound around my neck. There was no way to describe the feeling when Bella's lips parted and I slid my tongue in and touched hers. First just the tips touched but then they swirled around the other creating their own erotic dance.

The kiss was so damn intense. Reluctantly, I slowly pulled back and rested my forehead to hers trying to catch my breath.



"I better go."

"Okay …" Bella seemed to squeak out.

I kissed her lips once more before she turned to open her door. As soon as her door shut and I knew Bella was safe I turned to leave. Instantly I felt the emptiness in my heart and knew it was going to be a long two days before I saw her again.

I was up with the birds Wednesday morning so I could get in a workout before practice. Being off for two days has made me a slacker and I need to get back into my normal routine. Practice was grueling but just what we needed to get our asses back in gear. Two losses in a row wasn't good for morale.

After practice I headed to Franklin's so I could drop off the tickets for Bella since she was working a double today.

"Ed, man, it's not game night so what brought you in here?"

"I just came to drop these tickets off for Bella. She's working a double but said she'd pick them up on her way home."

"How'd you get her to go?"

"I asked and she accepted that's it. Why?"

"She hasn't gone to a hockey game since that asshole Garrett cheated on her with some hockey bunny. She must really like you, pretty boy."

"Well, the feeling is mutual then. I really like your sister, Emmett. I hope this isn't a problem for you."

"No problem as long as you treat her right and don't break her heart."

"I don't intend to."

"Then there's no problem at all."

Emmett and I chatted for a little while longer before I left. I needed to soak in the Jacuzzi for a bit to loosen some muscles for our game tomorrow.

There was nothing like the feeling of the ice beneath your skates and the adrenaline in your blood as you hit the ice for a game. Nothing was going to break my concentration not even knowing a sexy brunette was watching in the seats above. We needed this win badly.

After the first period we were down two to zip and had four penalty minutes. Things were looking like they were going down the same road as before. But somewhere from the locker room where we had our asses chewed out to the ice, we seemed to get our head out of our asses.

With the start of the third period we were up four to two and things seemed to be looking up for us. Four minutes in the period, adrenaline pumping, Jasper passed me the puck. I slid the puck through the defenseman and back to Hartnell. Hartnell shot it over to Voracek who lobbed it in for a goal.

The lights behind the goal flashed on and the crowd was on its feet. With that goal we were up five to two. Two more goals by Hartnell and myself wrapped it up and we won the game seven to two.

After a game like that there was only one thing I wanted to do—celebrate. And who better to celebrate with, than Bella?

The media had kept me a while so when I finally was able to I took a quick shower and dressed in my black suit. Before I stepped out of the locker room Jasper stopped me asking if I was going to Franklin's.

"You coming to Franklin's?"


I had just opened the locker room door to go find Bella when I saw her beautiful smiling face standing there waiting for me. Next to her was a petite woman with short hair who I assumed was her friend Alice. Jasper seemed to be hot on my heels as I made my way over to Bella.


"Hey, yourself. That was some game you played."

"Thanks, baby."

My hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. I lowered my head and took her lips in mine for a slow sweet kiss. Her lips opened to mine and I touched my tongue to hers causing her to whimper. A throat cleared behind me and reluctantly pulled back. I turned to see Jasper with a shit eating grin on his face and I glared daggers in him which only made him chuckle.

I pulled Bella into my side and gestured to my friend. "Bella, this is Jasper Whitlock. Jasper this is Bella."

"Nice to meet you, darling, and who do we have here," Jasper said extended his hand to Alice.

"Well hello, Jasper. I'm Alice Brandon. So nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, sugar."

Jesus, Jasper was laying the Texas drawl on a little too thick.

"I think Jasper's taken a liking to your friend Alice," I whispered into Bella's ear.

Bella giggled. "I think so."

"Do you have a problem going to Franklin's?"

"No not at all."

The bar was busy as usual and Bella and I grabbed a beer and then found a table in the back. It seemed it was just the two of us since Alice disappeared somewhere with Jasper. We enjoyed our beer and talked for a while. Around one Bella yawned and I knew it was time to leave.

"You're tired?"

"I'm sorry. It's been busy at work and I've been working long hours."

"Don't apologize, Bella. I'm just glad you came to the game."

"I'm glad I did too."

I kissed her lips softly. "How about I get you home?"

"You don't need to do that. I can find Alice."

"Bella, I want to."


After Bella found Alice and told her I was taking her home, I helped her into my car and headed for her apartment. I took her hand in mine over the console and drew soothing circles on her knuckles with my thumb. There were no words really spoken the short ride to her apartment.

I pulled up out front and helped Bella out before walking her to her apartment door.

"If you're not busy on Sunday would you like to go to the Flyers Carnival? I have to do an autograph session but other than that we'll be free to do what we want."

"I've never been to the carnival but I've always wanted to go."

"Well then you have to go. It's a lot of fun."


"I have to help set up a few things in the morning but if you want you can help."

"I'd love to."

"Okay then. I'll pick you up at nine AM."

"I can't wait."

Sunday morning, I picked Bella up bright and early. She held out a cup of coffee to me as I opened the car door for her.

"Thanks. How did you know that would have been our next stop?"

"Just a hunch." She smiled.

We chatted about our cooking lesson again on our way to the arena. Bella couldn't express how much she'd enjoyed it and hoped that she'd get a chance to do something like that again.

"Maybe we could get together one evening and use one of the recipes they sent us home with," Bella suggested.

I looked over to see her biting her lip. She had no idea how sexy she was in that moment.

"My kitchen or yours?" I asked with a smile.

"Doesn't matter to me."

We pulled into the arena parking lot and I led her inside. I met my agent, Alec in the hallway – we were setting up the booth where I'd be signing autographs. I was one of the few players who didn't mind coming in to help. I was the newbie on the team so I figured I'd try to earn brownie points with the wives who were planning the event by helping out.

"What can I do to help?" Bella asked after I introduced her to Alec.

Bella decorated the table while Alec went to pick up the signs and I opened the boxes of photos I was supposed to autograph.

"How long do you have to sign for?" Bella asked quietly.

"About an hour. You can walk around and check out the carnival or I can take you back and you can hang out in the hospitality suite while I'm doing my thing. It's up to you, whatever you want to do."

"I think I'll walk around if you don't mind. Maybe I can get Giroux to sign something for me."

Bella smirked and turned to walk away from me. I moved toward her and grabbed her arm lightly.

"Hey …" I grinned. "You just can't say something like that and walk away."

Bella rose up on her toes and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry, big boy. Your stick is the only one I want to play with."

I looked at Bella with wide eyes. I couldn't believe that actually came out of her sweet little mouth. She bit her lip and looked up at me from under her thick lashes.

"Bella …" I breathed.

I cupped her cheek in my hand and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

"We'll talk more about this later," I growled.

"'Kay," she whispered before walking away.

I felt like my signing took forever instead of just an hour. It couldn't be over quickly enough. I wanted to be out in the crowd, walking around with Bella.

I signed the last autograph with a flourish and thanked Alec for cleaning up and I took off to find Bella. I found her standing next to Jasper's booth, chatting animatedly with Alice.

"Hey, you." Bella smiled as I approached them and I took her hand in mine.

"Hey, handsome."

"Did you walk around?"

"No, I knew Alice would be here, so I talked to her while I waited for you," she said shyly.

All her bravado from an hour ago completely gone.

We walked around for a while and checked out a couple of the interactive games. Bella challenged me to a round of Mario Kart and she wiped the floor with my ass. She was still giving me shit about it long after we'd walked away.

"Aww … you've been such a good loser, Edward." Bella teased.

"I'll show you a good loser." I grinned.

"I bet you will, big boy, but first you can buy me a funnel cake.

Bella was adorable as she sat and ate her funnel cake. Her fingers were covered in powdered sugar and she continually licked her lips to keep the powder from lingering on them. I wanted it to be my tongue.

"Edward …" Bella said softly, her tone warning me.

"God, Bella, I'm sorry," I apologized profusely, a raging blush drawing the blood back up my body.

"It's okay." Bella smiled sweetly.

"Ready to go?"

Bella's face fell and it was like I could read her mind. The day was still young and she wasn't ready for it to end. I wasn't either if I was being honest. I wanted to be with Bella. I missed her when I wasn't with her. I almost craved her sometimes.

"Bella, I don't have to take you straight home. If you want – maybe we could try that recipe. We can go grab what we need at the store – get a bottle of wine and make dinner?"

"Are you suggesting we spend a normal evening together, Masen?"

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting, Swan. No noisy restaurants, no skeeball, no cooking instructors. Just you and me."

Her eyes danced with amusement and her smile was radiant.

"Dinner and a movie?"

"If you like. Whatever you want, beautiful."

I drove Bella back to her apartment to get the recipe and she worked out a shopping list as I navigated the traffic.

"Porcini mushrooms? Where the hell am I supposed to find those?" I asked, flustered.

"Edward … they're dried; not fresh. They should be in the produce section."

I struggled for a few more minutes before I whined again.

"Bella …"

"I'll get them," she huffed. "You go pick a wine. We're having pasta so maybe a Chianti or Syrah."

She smiled and kissed me quickly before smacking my ass and sending me on my way. She'd been cheeky and flirty all day and I hoped it carried on into the evening. I was beginning to love this playful side of her.

When we got to my apartment, I gave her the nickel tour after depositing our groceries on the counter. We cooked together, side by side and it felt so comfortable and so … normal. Bella fit perfectly in my kitchen. She moved around with ease; like she'd been cooking there for years.

I popped the cork on our wine and opened it to let it breathe while Bella made up a salad.

Dinner was delicious and again, I wasn't sure if it was because of my cooking partner or the recipe. We easily drank the first bottle of wine. Bella asked me to open the second bottle and I did; reluctantly. Two glasses was my limit if I had to drive Bella home later. We moved into the living room – leaving our mess in the kitchen for later. I settled into my corner of the couch – stretching out on the chaise.

"Come here," I urged Bella after she'd sat her wine glass on the coffee table.

She snuggled up next to me and I wrapped an arm around her. We channel surfed until we found a movie Bella insisted we watch. It was a sappy chick flick, but I couldn't scoff because it was what Bella wanted. I had to admit that it wasn't horrible. It brought Bella to tears a couple times – I felt her tears though the thin cotton of my t-shirt.

At the end of the movie, Bella looked up at me with watery eyes.

"Sorry," she softly apologized. "I didn't mean to sob all over you."

I wiped her tears from her cheeks and brushed my lips gently against hers. They were soft and salty from her tears. She looked up at me with her deep brown eyes and I was immediately lost in them. Her lips met mine, hers capturing my bottom lip – nipping it gently. Unconsciously, I darted my tongue out to taste her. Bella caught on quickly and met her tongue with mine. She laid her hand on my chest while the other tangled in my hair; never breaking our kiss.

I snaked my hand up under her shirt and caressed the soft skin hidden there. My other hand tangled in Bella's hair – holding her to me.

Bella's hand that was on my chest slowly moved down to my abs – her fingers dancing across the waistband of my jeans. She was the one to break our kiss.

"So … about that conversation we had earlier …"

"Mmmhmm … what about it?" I murmured into her ear as I gently nipped at her earlobe, working my way down to kiss the soft spot behind her ear.

Bella moaned as I worked my hands up her sides, my thumbs brushing against the sides of her breasts. She straddled my legs and settled herself onto my lap.

"Take it off," Bella breathed.

I pulled her shirt up over her head leaving her in a gorgeous ivory and black lace bra.

"Fuck, Bella," I breathed as I took in her beautiful form.

She played with the hem of my shirt as I took in every inch of her body that was now bared to me. Her creamy skin blushed the palest pink and it was so incredibly soft – it was no wonder I was so lost in her.

I lifted my arms and helped Bella pull off my shirt. She lightly traced over my chest with her fingers before bringing her mouth back to mine. Our tongues danced as our fingers wandered over each other's bodies. I glided my hands up and down the silky skin of Bella's back before unfastening her bra and slowly pulling it from her body. Her breasts were full and heavy – my daydreams of what they'd look like were nowhere close to the reality.

"So beautiful," I whispered as I took them in my hands. My fingers brushed across her rosy nipples; bringing them to hardened peaks.

Bella arched into my touch and I broke our kisses to lavish them on her breasts, taking one nipple into my mouth to taste the sweetness of her.

"Fuck, Edward. That feels so good." She whimpered.

She reached her hand down between us and stroked my erection from the outside of my jeans. I turned my attention to her other breast as she popped the button on my jeans and lowered the zipper before I had even realized it. She palmed my cock through the soft cotton of my boxer briefs and I bucked my hips into her touch.

"Jesus, Bella." I panted. "I think we should move this conversation into the bedroom."

"Mmm, good idea."

She smiled before kissing me quickly and hopping up off my lap. She offered me her hand and pulled me up from the couch to lead me into my bedroom.

"Those jeans need to go, handsome."

"I could say the same about yours, beautiful."

We made quick work of shedding our jeans, leaving us only in our underwear. Bella's delicate panties matched the bra she'd been wearing moments earlier. I watched as Bella pulled back the covers and crawled into the middle of my bed. She wiggled her curvy little ass and smiled at me over her shoulder.

"Coming, big boy?"

"Not yet, but I will be soon," I growled as I followed her onto the bed and hovered over her.

She tangled her fingers into my hair as she brushed her lips against mine. I caressed her silky thigh as she hitched her leg up resting it on my hip. I cupped her sex with my hand and grinned at the wetness I'd found there.

"You're so wet, baby."

"I want you, Edward."

"I'm here, Bella. Tell me what you want."

"Touch me …"

I pulled the lacy panties down her slender legs and threw them on the floor behind me. Bella was bare and panting beneath me. I slowly kissed my way up her thighs to her apex. I ran my fingers through her folds, circling her clit before pushing two of my fingers into her center. I licked at her clit before sucking it into my mouth and circling it with my tongue. The beautiful moans coming from Bella's mouth spurred me on as she tangled her fingers in my hair lightly scratching my scalp. She was enjoying having my mouth on her as much as I was. I lapped at her sensitive bud as I worked my fingers in and out of her – curling them to graze just the right spot. I quickly removed them and plunged my tongue into her just as I felt her walls begin to quake. I worked her clit with my fingers until I felt the rush of her essence on my tongue.

"Edward …" Bella whimpered. "Please, I need you inside me."

I gazed into her eyes –finding them hooded and a little darker. I kissed her stomach and nodded before pulling off my boxers and reaching for a condom from the bedside table. I rolled the latex down my length and moved to hover over Bella again. She was beautiful and delightfully flushed from her orgasm.

"Are you sure?"

"God, yes, Edward."

"I don't want this to be a one-time thing, Bella."

"Me either. I don't want to be a puck bunny, Edward. I want to be with you, please?"

"I don't want you to be a puck bunny either, baby. I only want to be with you, and I desperately want to prove it. Can I make love to you, Bella?"

"Yes," she whispered as her hips bucked trying to find the friction I'd failed to provide.

The tip of my cock swept through her folds, sliding through her wetness. We both gasped at the contact. Even with a condom I was sensitive. I leaned down and took her lips in mine as I slowly pushed into her. She was heaven and hell all wrapped into one. She was so tight, but felt so fucking good.

"Ung … God, Edward. You feel so good.

"If you only knew, my Bella." I panted.

I moved in and out of her languidly, my lips never leaving her skin. Bella held on to my shoulders – her nails digging into my skin as she whimpered beneath me. The sounds coming from her lips spurring me on as I ground my hips against hers, I could feel her walls fluttering around me and I knew she was close.

"Fuck, Bella … I'm gonna … come," I whimpered as I came.

I could feel her warmth all around me as she clenched down on my cock. God, what I would have given to have felt her with no barriers between us. Without breaking our connection, I rolled us to our sides, so that I could hold her and catch my breath without squishing her.

"Edward … that was …"


"Mmm … yeah that works." She smiled.

"Stay here with me tonight," I plead. "I'm not ready to let you go yet."

"I'm not ready to let you go either. If you want me to stay, of course I will, Edward."

This was a start. Making love to Bella was so much more than I thought it would be. She had no idea the extent of my feelings but I hoped I showed her with my body and soul.

I wasn't lying when I told Bella I wanted more than just one night. This was so much more, she was so much more than that. She wasn't ready to hear the words yet, but soon I would clear all her doubts and make sure she knew exactly what my feelings were.

Not all hockey players were man-whores and I, Edward Masen, was in love with Bella Swan.

As always let us know what you think. Thoughts?

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