A/N: Here I am, excited to present to you this brand-new story. Well, it's actually a oneshot collection centering on everyone's favorite cliché: Two people who harbor romantic feelings for each other (and won't admit it) suddenly find themselves stuck together in a hotel room with only one bed to share. So many possibilities could result from this situation. Every chapter will be a different scenario with a different couple. So, without further ado, here's the first scenario!


Scenario nr. 1: I Want It That Way

"I thought you said you were broke," Annika said as she scanned the tall, white building standing before them with a skeptical look.

"I never said that," Aidan replied and strode toward the hotel. He stopped when he was only five feet away from the entrance as he realized she wasn't following anymore. Instead, she stood at a safe distance from the hotel and eyed him for a long moment.

"Well? Are you coming?" He asked, feeling slightly irritated at her stubborn attitude.

"I don't have any money," She replied bluntly, feet still glued to the spot.

Aidan sighed. He should have known this was going to happen. The girl had always brought him nothing but trouble ever since the moment they met.

"Fine. I'll pay," He said after a short pause. Then, seeing her dubious look, he approached her, opened a pouch and shoved it forward so that it was practically in her face.

He couldn't help but smirk in amusement when he saw her eyes widen in shock.

"Where-where did you get all of that?" She hissed quietly.

The only answer she got was the sound of him laughing as he walked away from her and toward the building. It took her a moment before she began catching up with him.

"Hey! Aidan! I asked you a question! How dare you walk off on me! Hey, wait for me!"


Annika watched as Aidan exchanged flirtatious glances with the woman behind the reception counter and felt strangely annoyed. She glared at his back, hoping the idiot would somehow magically burst into flames under her intense gaze so that she wouldn't have to put up with him any longer.

But, she noted, she had never had the chance to carefully observe him ever since they ran into each other a couple of days prior. Now that she did, she couldn't help but admit that there was a cool aura that radiated from him. It almost made her feel confident.

Annika slapped her hand over her forehead. What had gotten into her? She was actually fantasizing about Aidan! Aidan, of all people! Aidan, the man who irritated her to no end. She laughed at that thought. Aidan was, and would always be, her number one nuisance. The nuisance she was trying to get rid of as soon as she could.

"Come on, I'm getting tired," Aidan's voice interrupted her train of thought. Annika looked up to see him holding a key in his hand and drumming his feet impatiently. She slightly nodded and followed him to their room. Room 203.

"201… 202… Oh, there it is!" She exclaimed at the sight of the door with the number 203 on it, and, as if she couldn't wait any longer, snatched the key from Aidan's hands and hastily unlocked the door, all the while ignoring his amused look.

The room was nice with pink wallpaper and a carpet that covered what she assumed was a woooden door. There was a small bathroom right next to the entrance and… oh!

A double bed with colors matching that of the wallpaper. Perfect. Just what she needed after a long day. It just stood there, as if inviting her to sleep on it. And so without a second thought, Annika jumped right on it and buried her face in the soft pillow.

"Finally," She murmured.

The happy moment was cut short as Aidan cleared his throat. The blonde girl raised her head from the pillow to look at him questioningly.

"Get out of my bed, please," He said curtly.

"Your bed? Go find your b-" She complained, but suddenly froze as comprehension dawned on her. No. This must be a mistake. There was no way-

She looked to the left. A nightstand. A window. She looked to the right. Another nightstand. A pink wall with a sunflower painting on it. She scanned the rest of the room. A coffee table and a couch. No sign of a bed.

"Um…" She began, discomfort apparent in her voice. "Aidan? Where is the second bed?"

"There's no second bed." He informed her and collapsed on the bed, grinning widely at her.


"It can't be," She whispered in disbelief. Then, as if realizing something, she began to yell. "It can't be! Why didn't you book a room with two separate beds?"

Aidan frowned and covered his ears with his palms. Women. They can be so troublesome at times, he thought.

"This is all they got," He explained. "The other rooms have all been booked."

Which made sense. It was spring break, the time of the year when everyone wanted to get out and go on vacation, and all the hotels were always full. They should be lucky they even got a room, she thought. But even that fact didn't help ease her discomfort at potentially having to share the bed with him.

"Then why didn't you warn me about this?"

"What difference would it make?" He shrugged. "We'd still have to stay in a room with only one bed."

Silence. He was right. Still, share the bed with him? She couldn't do that. One of them would have to sleep on the couch.

Another moment of silence. Then the sound of the rain tapping on the window. Annika decided that the person sleeping on the couch would be him.

"Fine. You sleep on the couch, then." She motioned toward the pink couch standing near the window. Immediately Aidan shook his head.

"Oh, no no no no no," He objected. "You sleep on the couch."

"Aidan!" She hissed. "I'm a lady! A lady never sleeps on the couch!"

"She will when there is no bed for her to sleep in." He replied curtly, ignoring her culminating anger.

"There's this bed!" She tapped on the sole bed in the room.

"And she's mine." He finished. Then, ignoring her objections, he flung the covers off her and gestured for her to sleep on the couch.

Annika frowned and crossed her hands over her chest, an act that showed she was extremely displeased with him. Annika had always had what she wanted. Everyone had to do everything to please her. This was the first time she'd met someone who wasn't willing to do that. It annoyed her, but it also intrigued her.

"Why, Aidan?"

"Because Aidan pays for this room, and if it weren't for Aidan, Annika would be outside in the rain right now. Aidan wants this bed, because Aidan doesn't want to pay a crap load of money to sleep on a couch." He said in a mocking tone. "Now, Aidan would be very happy if Annika got out of this bed."

Annika eyed him for a long moment, then buried herself in the pillows again. "Nope."

"Annika." His voice was threatening, but Annika opted to stay stubborn.

"Make me."


Just as she thought he finally gave up and decided to leave the bed to her, Aidan took off his shirt and took his place next to her.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" She screeched and recoiled in alarm.

"What does it look like? Neither of us is going to give up on this bed, so we're sharing it." He said with the most stoic expression ever. Annika felt chills running down her spine.

"No, we're not!" She tried to push him away with a pillow to no avail. He was too strong, and no matter how hard he tried, his figure wouldn't budge.

"What? I'm being very generous here, Annika. Now just sleep." He said, making it sound like an order.

"But this is… inappropriate," She panted, as if she had just run a marathon, "My parents would kill me… if they found out."

"Relax," He assured her. "I won't tell anyone, and I'll make sure word doesn't spread around about this. I wouldn't want anyone to know I was here with you, either."

Again, silence befell them. Aidan was the one to break the awkward atmosphere between them.

"But of course, the couch is always available should you change your mind."

With that, all fear and discomfort suddenly vanished. She was determined to stay in the bed. She would not give him the satisfaction of winning. Ever.


Sleeping turned out to be a lot more difficult than she had expected. She had tried every possible method she'd been thought, but was still unable to put her mind to rest. She felt uncomfortable thinking it might have something to do with sharing the bed with that annoying jerk she'd been stuck with for two days.

Defeated, Annika resorted to staring at the ceiling to kill the time. The rain outside soon came to an end, and silence befell her. Good. Maybe now she would be able to sleep.

Unfortunately enough for her, the moment the rain stopped, the sound of Aidan's snores and even breaths became more significant to her ears.

Her breathing quickened and her heart was racing. Fear, confusion, intrigue, could one person feel so many emotions at the same time? She was afraid of being in alarming proximity to him. She was confused that despite irritating her to no end, his presence caused a strange feeling in her stomach, a feeling she could not comprehend. And it intrigued her.

Slowly, Annika turned to her side, facing a slumbering Aidan. And again, she felt that strong and cool aura he radiated. She felt almost… safe, no matter how ridiculous it sounded. She closed her eyes, but quickly opened them as Aidan mumbled something under his breath and shifted closer to her. Just when his arms were about to touch her, Annika took a deep breath and kicked him as hard as she could.

Aidan rolled over and fell off the bed. As she heard a 'thud' and a grunt coming from a very sleepy Aidan, she threw his pillow down to him. Oh, scratch the cool aura.

"What was that for?" He asked as he sat up, rubbing his back.

"Come up again and I swear I won't go easy on you this time," She warned him.

Annika secretly watched with satisfaction as Aidan reluctantly dragged his pillow to the couch, and a smile crept on her face.

The battle has been won.


P/S: Since this will be a oneshot collection, I will be updating whenever an idea comes to my mind. As always, please tell me what you think! Reviews are cherished and loved. They cheer up poor Aidan, who's been kicked out of the bed, haha.