Well, this took forever. I don't particularyly like it because I think it's boring. Tell me what you think or any ideas you may have. They are always appreciated.

Sorry, I know I said it would be longer, but it's not. Sorry.

Oh, and thank you for all the Reviews and Follows:

Ieer, Leviosa0812, luvkooks, klolo8, Darth Sethback, jsilg18, gleechild, and Scarlett

1. I'm not doing the song lyrics anymore. I obsess and it takes more time than it should.

2. I forgot to put a disclaimer at the beginning of the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything you may recognize.

Logan was surprisingly calm on the ten minute drive to the library. The radio was on the whole car ride, letting the obnoxious pop music take his mind off the morning's previous events. The boy sat there in the parking lot of the public building for a few minutes assessing himself just to make sure he was going to be okay.

He still couldn't believe it. Not only, had James left for New York yesterday, but his mother accosted him the following morning.

Surprisingly, he felt better.

Although Logan refused to admit it aloud, he was happy that Brooke relayed the information. It showed that he and James would have never really worked out. The tanned was too caught up in image. He was under too much pressure from his parents to be perfect. They would have broken up eventually just on less devastating circumstances.

A sigh escaped Logan's lips at the thought. With it, whirlwind of emotions in his head calmed. Out of all the people, Logan didn't think that Brooke Diamond would give him closure.

The woman had given Logan an outlet to direct his frustration. Just like that it was gone. Best of all, Logan did not feel that guilty about it because –in all honesty- the woman was a bitch.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't find out what Brooke really wanted during their little chat. He didn't care either. He would never talk to that woman, again if he didn't have to.

At that moment, Logan Mitchell decided that he would try a little harder to get over James Diamond.

So, the pale boy finally got out of the car after he got his cardigan out of the passenger seat, walked toward the swinging doors of the library's, admiring the colorful flowers bordering the sidewalk.

The library had always been one of Logan's favorite places to go. When he was old enough to walk, his mother began taking to "Story Time". Eventually, he learned how to read on his own and started to pick out his own books. In middle school, Logan was teased a lot because of his willingness to read and learn. That was, until he met Camille.

At the age of fourteen, the dark-haired boy began to volunteer at the library during the summer. Three years later, and he was now a year-round volunteer.

Logan knew everything about the Los Angeles City Public Library. He knew which was the fastest way to get to the top floor (employee elevators), and the bottom floor (stairs). He knew which children where good, and which to watch out for. He knew which patrons liked the comics, and always unlocked the "Red Room" whenever he saw one. He knew almost all the computer codes for the catalog, and how to unload, separate, and stock shipping by himself. If it weren't for the purple volunteer name tag he was required to wear, a person could easily think that Logan as an employee.

The pale boy walked through the door to his safe and very cool haven, slightly cautious as he let the scent of books hit his nose. His morning had already been eventful, and it was only nine o'clock. Therefore, he was weary of everyone.

The library had just opened, and -lucky for him- there were no patrons except a few people dropping off returns on the first floor. Logan smiled and greeted them as he walked to the very back of the library.

Instantly, Logan was overwhelmed by a flurry of good mornings from the librarians seated at their desks. There are a lot more people working in a library than people think. There are those that work at the front desk, and the others that work behind the scenes. In the "office", some people are ordering books, doing inventory, budgeting, planning for next year, sending shipments and a bunch of other things. It always amazed him how much work had to put into running the library smoothly.

Then, Logan grabbed his volunteer badge and headed to the nonfiction section on the second floor. Ms. Jeannie was in charge of nonfiction and the volunteers, including Logan. She usually had a list of tasks for volunteers to do. It was usually things that the no one else had time for.

As Logan stepped out of the back employee elevator, he waved to his taskperson. The woman was busy talking to some early patrons, so she gave Logan a brief wave along with a sheet of paper ad a pen. The pale boy, who was used to this kind of early morning greeting, returned with a nod as he grabbed the his daily lists of tasks and a pen.

On the list were three tasks, all in the non-fiction section. They would definitely hold him over until one, when he ate lunch. Like always, Logan began his task with a smile, even when he felt like doing anything but.

Kendall Knight was incredibly hot as he sat on his bed clad in boxers and a wife-beater. He didn't mean that he was attractive, although he would shyly admit he was. No, he was referring to the warmness that caused sweat to pool on his skin, making his bangs stick to his forehead. He was talking about the sweltering fiend of the weather variety that made unpacking moving the moving boxes that surrounded the Knight – wait, it was Anders now- home much more exhausting than usual. It could only be known as the weather of Los Angeles.

This was home. Hot, glamorous L.A. Cold, boring Minnesota was gone. Never would Kendall see Joe, his ex-girlfriend and best friend, or snow, unless it was on TV, or any of his other friends. Everything that mattered was in Minnesota.

The only good thing was that he could focus on his dream now. Kendall Knight wanted to be famous. He wanted to be the next Brad Pitt or Justin Timberlake. In Minnesota, it was just a silly unattainable fantasy. Now that he was in California, it was an actual reality.

However, it would all have to wait until the heat was fixed.

"Why do you have that goofy smile on your face, big brother?" asked Katie, his ten-year-old sister. She had walked into the room, a sheen of sweat coating the young girl's face.

Immediately, the smile was knocked off of the lanky boy's face right before he casually said, "Nothing little sister."

"Whatever, big brother. I'm just happy to see you smiling," the little girl sighed.

At that moment, Kendall's smile grew even wider. It was true. Ever since the divorce, the tall teen had seemed down, and the move hadn't helped his mood. Then, he looked up at his little sister.

He noticed that she was fully dressed instead of in the track shorts and t-shirt she usually wore around the house. The girl was still standing in front of her brother, eyes cast down. Finally, she looked up hopefully at Kendall.

"Yesterday, when Mom and I were driving to the grocery store, we passed a library. They should have air conditioning. Maybe, we could hang out there until the ours is fixed," she asked.

The older Knight frowned slightly at his sister's request. Then, he looked down and into the large brown eyes and he decided to go. He wasn't the reading type, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the library's free air conditioning. Plus, he didn't have to read. Kendall grabbed his song book and monologues. It was too hot to write or practice, but he always kept them nearby anyway just in case.

The lanky blonde bolted out of his bedroom and ran down the stairs. His hand was grazing the doorknob of the front door until he was stopped by a feminine shout.

Katie was standing at the top of the stairs, grinning, "Big brother, you may want to take a bath because you reek. Then, you can also put on some clothes."

Kendall looked down at himself and then jumped away from the door blushing before he turned around and ran up the stairs past Katie, who was laughing hysterically. He couldn't believe healmost walked out of the house wearing a wife beater and boxers.

After a quick shower, Kendall changed into some more appropriate clothes. He walked downstairs to see that Katie had changed too. The Knight siblings then made their way out of the house.

As soon as the sun hit them, Kendall envied Katie in her jean skirt. Sweat was already beginning to pool in the tall teen's skinny jeans. He made a note to himself to take him and Katie shopping later for some clothes along with school supplies. He could use Dad's credit card.

Finally, the two Knights got into Kendall's old mustang. As the car began, a collective sigh was released when the cool air rushed through the windows. Katie began to give him the directions.

The drive to the library was only ten minutes, and before Kendall knew it, the air was gone and they were getting out of the car. They approached the big brick building. Then, they stepped inside the doors or tried to.

A very large bald man in uniform stopped them before they got a foot into the door. Kendall cursed under his breath. They were so close to the air conditioning, they could feel the cold wind licking their faces. But, it still wasn't enough.

The security guard cleared his throat before yelling, "Excuse me, but I need to see your library cards. If not then leave!"

"We don't have library cards, but I would be able to get one if you would move," Katie said eying the man that was considerably larger than her with her hands on her hips while Kendall eagerly looked on into the cool heaven known as the Los Angeles City Public Library.

The man huffed and let the two siblings through muttering something about children getting ruder.

Slowly, the Katie and Kendall walked in and were immediately overwhelmed not only by the rush of cold air, but the size of the place. Kendall had only been to the library in Minnesota once, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't anywhere near as big as the one in L.A.

Otherwise, the library was pretty standard. White walls, beige carpet, books everywhere.

An African-American woman walked by pushing a cart of books. She stopped and turned to Katie and Kendall.

"I heard you say to Gustavo-," she started to say.

"That is Officer Rocque, Kelly," the rude police officer yelled.

The African- American woman, Kelly, rolled her eyes and continued.

"I heard you all say to Officer Rocque that you don't have library cards?" she asked, looking at the guard when she said his name..

The two nodded.

"Well, you all can get one at the front desk right over there," she motioned to a desk not too far from the doorway with a graying woman sitting at it. "I'm guessing you all are new in town."

Kendall smiled, happy that someone was nice in the library, "Yes, we're from Minnesota."

"Well, welcome to Los Angeles. I'm Kelly Wainwright-call me Ms. Kelly- and I work in the children's section over there," she said pointing again to a doorway on the side of the room with 'KID'S CORNER' painted above in big red letters. "It was nice to meet you and come to me if you have any questions."

Kendall and Katie smiled and waved goodbye as Kelly started to walk to the children's section.

Then, they walked to the front desk and got there library cards. Kendall was lucky that Katie had already remembered their new address and home phone number. The lady at the desk told them to wait an hour and there cards would be ready.

The two looked at each other and decided to split up. Katie would go to the children's section on the first floor, and Kendall would go to the second floor where he learned the non-fiction and study carrels were.

He took the elevator up and looked around for a book on hockey or maybe a collection of monologues. He walked up and down the aisles looking for the letter 'H'. Then, he hung his head in frustration when he remembered that everything was listed by number.

One reason why Kendall hated going to the library was the Dewey decimal system. Why couldn't everything be sorted by authors' last names like the fiction section? Nonfiction did not need its own special kind of listing. He didn't understand why a topic had to be put in its own number category. Mostly, Kendall hated this organization method because it made him do something he hated. It made him have to ask for help.

So, that's what he did. He walked around, with a frustrated frown on his face, looking for someone that looked as if they could be of service to him. His frown softened into one of amusement, when he saw a short brunette boy about his age, reaching for a book on a high shelf. The boy had dark hair, pale skin, and pink lips set in a plump pout of determination as he tried to get the book. Kendall couldn't help but think he was cute even if he could only see his profile.

As Kendall got closer to the boy, a feeling of nervousness and something else he didn't quite recognize overcame him. He began to sweat, despite the cool air blowing through the library, and his heart felt as though it would burst out of his chest. Kendall had kissed a few boys from other schools in Minnesota. He even went on a date with a boy once, but never had he actually asked out a guy in public, where everyone could see. This was all new to him.

What if this boy rejected him? Was he even gay? With a quick sigh, he took a deep breath and tried to push all the thoughts out of his mind.

He had to ask a guy out eventually. The nonfiction section was empty. If he was rejected, no one would see. Plus, he was Kendall Knight. Girls swooned over him. This boy could not possibly reject him.

Kendall approached the short brunette, with a new confident air in his step, and stood beside the short brunette who was still reaching for the book. Effortlessly, the taller reached up and picked the book up off the shelf. The pale boy jumped in surprise, and then looked back at him.

"Thanks, I forgot a stool this time, " the boy smiled as he looked up at Kendall. The taller boy took a moment to stare into the brown eyes, getting lost for a moment. The shorter boy cleared his throat, breaking Kendall out of his chance.

The tall teen took a moment to scold him for acting like such a creep, and composed himself as best as he could, willing his cheeks to stop reddening.

"Hi, I'm Kendall and I'm new here. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out and get some lunch or dinner, if you already ate," Kendall said, smiling confidently, despite the bright blush on his cheeks.

The pale boy looked up at him surprised by Kendall's frankness. He didn't beat around the bush or offer some pick up line or make a short joke. He just blatantly asked him out.

The pale boy sighed, "Hi, Kendall. You seem really great, but I just got out of a relationship and I'm not ready to date. Sorry."

The older Knight sibling let out his own deflated sigh. His shoulders slumped as he mumbled, "Its fine, I wasn't sure if you were gay to be honest. I wasn't really expecting a yes."

It was a lie, but other boy didn't know that. To make his lie more believable, Kendall gave the short teen what he thought was one of his most dazzling smiles before he turned on his heel and walked away to search for Katie.

He was more than ready to leave the library.

Logan felt awful when he got home. At the library, a boy asked him out. Before, he could reject a person easily, because he was happy in a relationship with James. Now that he was Jamesless, he felt as if there was no reason for him to reject a guy. Especially a guy that was so cute.

The guy's name was Kendall, he remembered. Apparently, he had just moved here. He had blonde hair and the most beautiful green eyes Logan had ever seen Logan couldn't help but think as he lied on his bed. Plus, he asked out a person he didn't even know in a brand new town. It was so brave.

Logan could never do that, with or without James.

That night the pale boy slept well, again. Only this time, it wasn't due to tiredness. Logan was just thinking too much and fell asleep on his bed. It had been an eventful couple of days. James left, Brooke was rude, again, and a cute guy asked him out just so he could reject him.

The funny thing was that it didn't make Logan feel any particular emotion. He just thought about what he needed to next.

Right now, it was move on so that he could gladly accept the next date a cute guy offered him.

Thank you for reading. Reviews and suggestions are always welcome.