Link looked around his room till he spotted his sling-shot, he was preparing to go back down to land beneath the clouds. He didn't have a mission as such but he felt the need to check up on things every now and then; especially with the imprisoned making regular un-timely appearances…So he was standing on a loftwing runway when Cawlin called out to him.
"If you see Groose on your travels can you let him no he can have his room back! I can't stand it in their, I swear there's a presence lurking in that placed.." He blushed at sounding so childish but then nodded to link and scuttled of to moan about his mis-fortunes. Link decided that he owed it to him to carry out his request, plus he hadn't seen Groose in quite a while and he didn't want him driving the keeper of the temple mad.
Having become airborne link and his crimson bird set out for the sealed grounds. Having landed and taken the time to chat to Gorko, link headed towards the temple. The doors were already open and there was a chilling silence..there was no-one around but that didn't bother Link as he knew that they would probably be out checking the sealed grounds. So the Skyloftian pushed open the huge stone doors. He half-expected to hear the rumblings as the imprisoned broke his way out of the seal that kept him trapped, but no, again there was silence. Not even the birds were audible..then link heard a familiar *snap* as the demon lord appeared before him.
"Aha skyboy…so good of you to check up on your friends, and please don't look at me like that, frowns aren't very becoming…"
Link looked around then back up into Ghirahim's face, the raised his eyebrows as a casual way of saying, "where have you put them?" He knew they wouldn't be in immediate danger, The diamond apparelled demon liked to play games and challenges and the only real way for Link to comply was if there was something worth doing it for.
"Your friends are fine for now, depending on my challenge. If you conquer whatever beast or riddle I throw at you then you will have them back." Ghirahim stated, admiring his own legs as he spoke. "I will call upon two beasts of which you have previously destroyed and then, depending on the results, you could have your people back," He then snapped his fingers and dissolved in a cluster of diamonds, leaving two ancient arachnids in his wake.