When I wake up the next morning, I discover loads of packed bags stacked high on the floor, drawers opened in every part of the room, shirts and pants hanging out of them. The curtains are opened, revealing the morning sun, the light shining over our bed. Peeta was usually asleep when I got up, I guess he is determined to get out of here.

I'm about to get out of bed but a voice stops me, "You can sleep in longer if you'd like," Peeta says, holding a few boxes in his arms. "Portia is coming in an hour, I told her to pack some clothes, you'll let her borrow yours if she doesn't have enough, right?" I nod, not feeling like arguing with him this morning.

"But I'm not sleeping in, I have to tell Thom where we are going," I inform him, letting my feet hit the soft rug that lays underneath the bed. "You don't think Gale told him already, do you?" Gale and Thom used to be close when they worked together at the gas station across the road, they grew apart once Gale quit for some better job.

I rush over to one of the open drawers, pulling out a shirt followed by a pair of sweat pants, that look clean, out of the laundry bin. Peeta quickly turns away when I pull my shirt over my head, throwing it somewhere in the room before sliding on the clean one. "I doubt Gale told him," He finally speaks, his back still turned towards me. "They aren't really friends anymore, remember?"

I slip on my pants, grabbing my phone from the bedside table. "I remember," I throw my hair up in a pony tail, not having enough time to put it in my usual braid. "Call me once you're ready to leave, I will try to get back here as fast as possible." I move in front of him, his eyes growing wide when he first sees me. "I'm dressed, Peeta."

He looks relieved when I say that but doesn't say anything more, instead, he turns from me, picking out more clothes from the drawers. I shout him a quick goodbye, hurrying down the stairs. As I step outside, I see Portia getting out of her car, a suitcase following behind her. She doesn't notice me at first, which explains why she is whispering little things to herself that I can't quite make out.

"Hey Portia," I say as I walk over to my own car, unlocking it. Her head pops up from where it was hanging down, staring at the ground underneath her. She gives me a nervous smile, her suitcase getting caught in one of the cracks of the gravel. She gives it a kick, sending it flying slightly in the air, making me laugh.

"Hello Mrs. Mellark," She says. "Do you know why Mister Mellark wanted me to bring clothes today?" I stare at her for a moment, there was too much to explain, she would have to ask Peeta. So I just shrug my shoulders, leaning down to sit in the black seat of my car, waving her goodbye before driving off.

I set my phone in the empty seat beside me just in case I get a call from anyone important, like Thom. When I get out of our neighborhood, I notice that there are barley any cars on the road. Counting, I only get seven, and that's including mine. Who knows where everyone has gone, its not like Snow told everyone that we were in a zombie apocalypse. He wouldn't do that.

As I am driving towards town I realize something, I'm not allowed to leave the house without Peeta. Shit. While still keeping my eyes locked on the road, I lean over to the passengers side, reaching for my cell phone. Once I get it, I press number 1, knowing that Peeta is on speed dial thanks to Portia. I'm biting on my bottom lip as three rings go by. I'm about to hang up on the fifth, but then his voice comes through the speaker phone, "Hello?"

"Thank God! I thought you weren't going to answer!" I scream into the phone. I can just picture him wincing at my voice like he always does when I scream. "I'm not allowed to be out here alone without you, come get me before I get pulled over." I'm tapping my nails nervously on the steering wheel, constantly looking in my rear view mirror for a police car.

The line is silent and fear washes over me as I remember I sometimes lose connection, but soon he speaks again, "Shit, I forgot," He says, and you can just hear him grab his car keys. "Which road are you on?" Road? I never used any of that, I knew nothing about this town, that was one of the reasons Peeta was helpful.

"Uh," I look out my window to find a car shop called, Homes'. "I'm by Homes' car shop, I don't know the road, Peeta, I only know I've been through it before to go see Thom and Gale." I pull off of the road and park my car, dunking down a small bit in an attempt not to get noticed. "Just please get here fast, I don't want to get pulled over by Officer Coin, she hates me enough already."

I can hear him start up his car, giving me a small bit of relief. "I'll be there in a few minutes," He says. "Stay where you are, Katniss. I know you and you are very bad at getting caught up in something else. If anyone tells you to get out of the car, don't do it, understand?"

I sigh, "Fine. I'll stay in the damn car, now hurry up and get here before I actually do get out of the car," I snap at him, seeing that employes are already starting to notice me. I hang up then, nervous when I see a man walking up to my car, motioning for me to roll down my window. I do as he says and lift an eyebrow when I notice the huge smile on his face.

"Hello, can I help you with something?" The way he says this to me is flirty, making me feel all gross inside. He has a toothpick hanging out of the side of his mouth, a baseball hat on his head with brown hair slightly sticking out on the sides. "I'm Marvel." He winks. I purposely bring my left hand up to scratch my neck, my engagement ring getting hit by the light of the sun, reflecting on his face.

He stares at it with his mouth hanging open, "You're married?" The man asks.

Just as I'm about to speak, the sound of a car door slamming interrupts me. I look over my shoulder to see Peeta, he is wearing a sweat shirt that is way to big for him and some black ray bans that his friend, Delly, had gotten him for Christmas a few years back. Marvel stares up at him as he walks towards my opened window. Peeta was almost a head bigger than him, it made me smile.

"Come on, Katniss, we need to get a move on," After saying that, Peeta turns to Marvel, holding out a hand to him. "Peeta Mellark, you work here?" Marvel doesn't hesitate before taking my husbands hand. I watch him tell Peeta his own name, stating that he was the manager here with a smile that reached his ears.

They talk for a few minutes before Peeta says that we really need to get going. "Where are you guys headed?" Marvel asks, his hands being dropped in his pockets. His gaze travels between Peeta and I, as if one of us was going to answer at any second. I move past the two of them, jumping into Peeta's car. Portia was seated in the back drawing something in her notebook that she refused to let any human being see, but Peeta was an exception because she has shown him the book about three times as I recall, it could be more.

Peeta and Portia were close, they had been every since we hired her for a 'maid' as Mayor Snow called her. She wasn't just that though, yes she helped out around the house, but she also was someone Peeta and I could talk to about the arranged marriage, when we fought, she split it up. When we disagreed she would choose the side that made the most since, it was mostly Peeta of course, it always is.

Through the window I can see Peeta waving bye to Marvel before he gets inside the car, handing me my keys. "Forgot these," He holds them up before setting them down in my extended hand. "Not like you need them but if we ever come back here, you might want that car back."

I get out of the car, my eyes locked on the shut down gas station. Paper was flying throughout the abandoned street, a sigh is taped to the door, saying that they had gotten shut down due to lack of customers. My stomach is tight. One of my closest friends was, from what I know of, gone. I fight the tears that try and take over. I had been living here since I was four, how could I miss this place being closed down?

I shake my head at what is left of my childhood. I turn back towards Peeta to see a piece of paper in his hands, he is holding it up to try to get my attention. "Hey, I forgot to tell you, the letter from Gale came in today." He shouts out to me and smiles when I start to jog over. I rip the paper from his hands, quickly tearing through it with my finger nail.

Portia is peering over my shoulder as I slowly unfold the letter, the big messy hand writing of my best friend coming into view.


I'm sure you know by now what's going on by now. We have set up camp in Alabama, Madge's mother is here and we can't find her, she refuses to leave until she shows up. I have threated to leave her here many times but everyone begs for us to stay, saying that I would regret leaving her. I know you and Peeta are probably on your way now, just try to find us. We have a radio signal going out every three hours, when you're half way here you'll probably be able to hear it. We'll be waiting.

Yours truely,

Gale Hawthorne.

The paper had somehow gotten crumbled in my hands. I guess I was holding way to tightly to it, now I was angry at myself for ruining the only thing I had of my best friend at the moment. I was so into the letter that I didn't even notice that the car was moving, how Peeta's eyes were glued to the road when I thought they were on the paper along with mine.

"What's it say?" He asks, sending me a quick glace. My eyes fall back on the oh so familiar handwriting. I read it once more in my mind, then out load to him, trying to put happiness in my voice. I know he can tell its fake; that I'm actually sad. But he doesn't say anything about it, just focus's on the road.

I stare out the window through most of the car ride. My mind is on Gale most of the time, thinking about what it will be like living through this, if I maybe couldn't survive this.

If Snow was right.

Thanks for all of the Reviews, Alerts and Favorites! Sorry that I have kept you waiting! And I'm also really sorry that this chapter is shorter than the others! Review?